Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 1079: Why did you go?

Run out at a speed that has never been before.

"Small thing, I don't allow you to have anything. If you hear it, I don't allow you to have anything."

Xiaojiu saw Han Xiao hugged his mother and ran out. He stood up and wanted to run out, but he saw Fu Tingyu who was also in a coma. He looked up at his mother's direction, then looked at Fu Tingyu, stood up and ran to him, not big The little hand grabbed his arm and cried out crying: "Dad, you wake up, father, you wake up, my mother shed a lot of blood, you wake up soon."

Haoze has been stuck in the corner, but when he saw Qin Shu's accident, he ran over regardless.

Only after running over did I find that Qin Shu had been carried and taken to the hospital, only to see Xiao Jiu squatting on the ground calling his father.

He squatted down beside Xiao Jiu, looked at Fu Tingyu, and looked at his forehead, and found that the insect print on his forehead had disappeared, and his chest was covered with blood from the corner of his eye.

He now understands that Fu Tingyu’s is Unfeeling Gu. The reason for the sudden release of the Gu is because of the blood spilled on his chest and the heart-wrenching pain, allowing him to automatically release the Gu without the help of a Gu master. of.

Seeing Xiaojiu crying all the time, he comforted: "Your dad is a sudden release of Gu. He is already in a coma and can't wake up temporarily."

Xiaojiu finally stopped crying, "Then is he all right in a coma?"

Seeing Xiaojiu's tears, Haoze took out the silk scarf he carried with him, wiped the tears on his cheeks, and replied: "It's okay, I'll wake up in a while."

Xiaojiu looked down at Fu Tingyu who was still unconscious, then raised his head and asked, "Then does he remember his mother?"

Hao Ze explained, "If you understand Gu, you will remember it."

"But... But, mother..." Xiao Jiu was terrified when he thought of his mother's blood.

Haoze watched Xiaojiu crying, and couldn't help but feel a little heartbroken at him, "Let's first help your dad up and send it into the room, and then go to the hospital."

"Hmm." Xiaojiu nodded vigorously, helping to lift Fu Tingyu up.

Here, after Hua Wuyan and Long Muyan knocked everyone down, they were already covered in wounds, their faces were covered in color, and the corners of their mouths were blood.

There are still many invisible injuries on the body, but they don't feel any pain.

Yan Shuang would not be much better, if it weren't for Yang Jin's protection, he would have been beaten and disabled.

Yan Shuang didn't expect that the person who protected her in the end would be the person she hated and hated the most.

Yang Jin's handsome face had already been beaten, and he couldn't even recognize him, let alone the injuries on his body, his mouth was full of blood, and he had already vomited blood.

Yan Shuang sneered, "Do you think that [无名故事] can forgive you? What you do to me, I will never forgive you in this life, but hate you."

Yang Jingang wanted to open his mouth, but he vomited a mouthful of blood. He raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, smiled and looked at Yan Shuang, "You are more pitiful than me. He doesn't have you in his eyes, and you haven't even had a body. Yes. It doesn’t matter if you hate me, at least, your body is mine, the first time it’s mine, you forgot to cry under me and beg for mercy?"

Yan Shuang glared at him fiercely: "You are so disgusting."

"I'm sick?" Yang Jin suddenly kissed Yan Shuang's lips, **** lips against her clean lips, Yan Shuang desperately tried to struggle, but her body suddenly refused to listen, and instead of struggling, she catered to him and responded to him. Kiss.

It's like a demon, uncontrollable.

Yang Jin felt that he couldn't kiss enough, until he left, he said to her ear: "Remember what I said? I would rather ruin it than others would get it."

Yan Shuang hadn't realized what was going on. Suddenly, her eyes widened and widened, and the blood continuously overflowed from the corners of her mouth, soaking her clothes and dripping into her hair.

The smile in Yang Jin's eyes became more and more morbid, as if seeing what he liked finally belonged to him.

He grinned, and blood spilled from his mouth again, unable to stop it.

Hua silently looked at a pair of dog men and women on the ground with red eyes, and the words sounded disgusting.

Long Muyan didn't understand the relationship between men and women, but felt that the scene before him was a little unsightly, so he turned his head directly.

Hua Wuyan's anger at this time did not disappear. He looked at the gun that fell aside. He raised his foot and walked over, bent over to pick up the gun on the ground, walked back again, aimed at Yan Shuang, and found that she was vomiting blood. I ignored him, but said: "You shot Ling Bao, and I also gave you a bullet."

After speaking, the finger pulled the trigger, and the gunfire sounded, ending two lives.

After firing the gun, Hua Wuyan threw the gun out, staring at Yan Shuang and said with wide eyes: "When I was in Qishan, I said that I would never let anyone dare to touch Ling Bao's hair. "

An hour later, the hospital

Qin Shu pushed out from the operating room and was pushed to the VIP ward by the nurse.

VIP ward

Han Xiao, Hua Wuyan, Long Muyan, Xiaojiu, and Haoze gathered in front of the hospital bed, looking at Qin Shu, because the anesthesia hadn't passed and the people hadn't woken up.

Fortunately, the distance between the bullet and the heart is still 0.1 centimeters. If there is no fruit, the gods can't save it.

Xiao Jiu was lying on the bed, holding his mother's hand tightly with two small hands. His beautiful eyes were a little swollen when he cried. He said, "Mom, Dad's gu is solved. He remembers you. He will wake up later. , I'll come to see you, then, I will help you beat him."

Xiaojiu didn't dare to speak too loudly, for fear that it would disturb his mother to rest.

Others did not dare to say more, but they were already very happy when they saw Qin Shu okay.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Fu Tingyu suddenly opened his eyes and quickly recalled what happened in this short period of time in his mind. Especially not long ago, he saw with his own eyes the scene of Bao'er blocking the bullet for him in order to save him, and his heart began to ache again. .

He sat up abruptly, put on his shoes, and ran out frantically.

Because of the cherished Gu, he quickly found the hospital and the specific ward number.

During the period, countless images flashed in his mind, the more he thought about it, the more his heart hurt.

When I pushed open the door of the ward, the inside suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked at Fu Tingyu at the door of the ward. Everyone's eyes were very unfriendly.

Han Xiao and Hua walked over without words, and stopped Fu Tingyu who was trying to walk in, and prevented him from approaching the bed for half a step.

Hua Wuyan picked up Fu Tingyu's collar, and asked coldly, "What are you doing here? Isn't it enough that Ling Bao was killed by you?"

Han Xiao's voice is cold: "You don't want to stay away from the little one."

Fu Tingyu was anxious to see his wife, but was stopped by them, and couldn't help but feel a little anxious, "You get out of the way, I am Baoer's husband."

Hua Wuyan had a bad tone: "Do you think of Ling Bao's husband now? Why did you go?"

"I, I..." Fu Tingyu clenched his fists, looked up across Hua Wuyan and Han Xiao's shoulders, and landed on the person on the hospital bed, "Bo'er, I hurt you, I **** it."

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