Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 1070: Can't ask for it

The man looked at the clothes on the bed, hesitated for a while, took off his nightgown and put it aside, then picked up the shirt on the bed and put it on him. Before he buttoned it, he felt just right, he told the woman almost.

Qin Shu put on his clothes and looked at the man. He happened to see him buttoning up, and he said, "Get dressed and come out to eat."

After speaking, he walked to the door, opened the door and went out.

The man buttoned, and looked sideways at the woman walking out, until her back disappeared at the door, then he retracted his gaze and looked in the direction of the balcony.

This room has its own balcony. He saw it in the early morning. It is not difficult to get out from the balcony.

He wore his clothes while thinking about leaving here.

"If you run away, you will be a bastard."

What the woman said suddenly sounded in his ears, if he left like this, wouldn't he be a bastard?

He promised not to run...

The man frowned, why did he promise not to run?

He squeezed his eyebrows because of three urgency.

After Qin Shu came out, he went straight to the restaurant. His son, Han Xiao, Hua Wuyan, and Long Muyan were already seated and waiting for them.

She stepped over and sat down opposite Hua Wuyan.

As soon as I sat down, I heard Hua Wuyan ask: "You leave him in the room alone, are you afraid that he will run away [Pencil Novel]?"

Qin Shu raised his head and looked at Hua Wuyan. Several other people were curious and leaned forward. Even his son looked curiously, waiting for her answer.

She smiled: "No, he can't afford to lose this person."

Xiaojiu couldn't help asking: "What do you mean, mom?"

Qin Shu glanced at a group of curious men, and sold a pass: "It can only be understood by words."

It's okay if you don't say it. When you say it, Hua is more curious, "So mysterious?"

"Of course." Because she knows men too well, he would rather not run than carry his reputation as a bastard.

Just when everyone was wondering, the man walked out of the inside neatly, walked evenly to the table, and sat across from the cold, that is, sitting next to Qin Shu, because there was only one place left.

Except for Qin Shu on the table, several other people looked at Fu Tingyu together, all wondering what method Qin Shu used to get him out for dinner.

Qin Shu picked up his chopsticks, picked up a piece of pork floss roll and put it into the bowl in front of the man, "Jiangcheng's delicacies are only available after a lot of nights away."

As soon as the man picked up the chopsticks, the pork floss rolls in the bowl in front of him frowned, "I don't eat what others have pinched." Hold the chopsticks and put it in the woman's bowl. Just about to put it in, a bowl appeared. The pork floss roll also happened to fall into that bowl.

The man raised his eyes and looked at the person holding the bowl. He was a stern man with an extraordinary appearance, but he inexplicably hated him. It may be that he was the first person to act on him last night.

With cold, ink-colored eyes, he looked at Fu Tingyu coldly, and said, "If you don't eat, I can't ask for it."

After finishing speaking, he has retracted the bowl, squeezed the chopsticks in his hand, picked up the pork floss roll and brought it to his mouth, and ate it gracefully.

Qin Shu's hand was still in the air, and she was stunned when she saw this scene.

When Hua Wuyan saw this scene, she was surprised at first, then tapped the bowl with chopsticks, glanced at Fu Tingyu, and finally looked at Qin Shu, "I can't ask for it."

The implication is, should I also have a piece?

Xiaojiu glared at Fu Tingyu. He had known that he wouldn't help him last night and let his mother dislike you.

He looked at Qin Shu, and said in a behaving manner: "Mom, Dad won't eat it, I will eat it. If you pick some, I will eat a few."

Long Muyan bit his chopsticks and looked at Qin Shu, and said, "I want to taste it too."

Qin Shu glanced at the plate. There were five pieces of pork floss rolls left. There were four people, and two of her son were just right. She picked up the plate in one hand and chopsticks in the other. She picked up the pork floss rolls and put them into the small wine. Hua was speechless. In Long Muyan's bowl, she put the last piece in her bowl, and she hasn't eaten pork floss rolls for a long time.

The man looked at the empty plate, frowning deeper, and he didn't say he didn't like eating.

Hua Silently picked up the meat floss rolls in the bowl and took a bite, then smiled and said, "I used to eat meat floss rolls in the Imperial Capital. It was delicious. Now, even though the mood is different, the taste will be different. However, Ling Bao personally picked it up this time, and it tastes better."

After speaking, he turned his head to Han Xiao and asked, "Brother Han, am I right?"

Han Xiao nodded: "Yeah."

The little wine did not show weakness. The small little hand held the chopsticks and picked up the pork floss rolls that his mother had put him, and took a big bite in his mouth. He deliberately chirped and chirped: "The vegetables that my mother picked are the best. "

Long Muyan took two bites of pork floss rolls. This was the first time he ate them. They were indeed delicious. He also said two words: "Yummy."

Qin Shu also took a bite. The taste was still authentic. She raised her eyes and glanced at everyone, "Since they all think it is delicious, let Ye Luo buy some more tomorrow morning. Grandpa can't eat it, so buy it for five people."

Xiaojiu raised his hands in agreement, "Okay, mom, anyway, dad doesn't eat it, and buying too much is a waste."

The man drank the porridge, then raised his eyes and glanced at the kid on the opposite side. He called out his father one by one, but the tone of his speech was not at all the tone he should have with his father.

After Qin Shu finished eating the pork floss rolls, he looked at the puff pastry in front of him, picking up a piece and putting it in the empty bowl in front of the man, "This is also Jiangcheng's specialty snack."

The man glanced at the puff pastry in the empty bowl in front of him. It was crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, with sesame seeds on the top, but it smelled special.

Han Xiao raised his eyes and looked at Fu Tingyu. Seeing him hesitate, he said: "Don't eat, give it to me."

As he spoke, he stretched his hand over, took the bowl, and the goal was the lasagna inside.

When his slender fingers clasped the mouth of the bowl and took it back, the man moved quickly, holding the chopsticks and putting the piece of cake into his bowl, raising his eyebrows and looking at the depression: "I eat."

He would rather eat for himself than for the man opposite.

Han Xiao: "..."

Qin Shudong glanced at the man: "..." I count you as acquaintance.

Flower speechless: "..."

The small bar chirped: "I thought my father would not eat anymore, but I didn't expect that my father would still like to eat the meals my mother had picked."

After breakfast, Qin Shu took out a tissue to wipe the oil stains on the corners of his mouth: "Cold Xiao, Hua is speechless, you will stay in the hotel."

After speaking, he turned his head to look at Fu Tingyu, "Also you, if you dare to run, you try!"

The threatening look in the threatening tone surprised the other three people at the table. You still have such a fierce side?

The man also finished his breakfast at this time, and just took out a tissue to wipe the corners of his mouth. Hearing this, he turned his head and looked over. The woman's face had changed last night. This is not the point, the point is.

"When will you let me go?"

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