Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 1068: Disobedience needs punishment

Qin Shu abruptly opened his sleepy eyes, before he realized what had happened, he slammed into a pair of eyes that were as cold as the twelfth lunar winter, and unconsciously hit a wit.

The man was on her, he might be afraid that she would resist, so he pressed very tightly, and his hands were also pressed tightly on the sides of the head by his two big hands, making her unable to move.

Her wrist was slender, and when she was strongly suppressed, she pinched her bones, and some unbearable pain came.

She frowned her delicate eyebrows slightly: "What are you trying to do? Let go of me."

The man didn't let her go, but grabbed her harder and asked coldly, "I want to ask what you want to do to me?"

Qin Shu looked at the man's unfamiliar eyes, her face was reflected in her dark pupils, but there was no temperature at all, just like her at this time, not a warm body but a cold wood.

"Of course to take you home, you are my husband."

She curled her mouth, her smile was the same as before, but she didn't move a bit in the eyes of the man.

"I'm leaving here." The man's voice was still cold.

"I won't let you leave." Qin Shu glanced sideways at the window, the sky was still dark, and he slept very late last night, and he was still a little sleepy at this time.

She retracted her gaze to look at the man, and coaxed softly: "It's still early, what's the matter, let's talk about it after dawn, shall we sleep for a while?"

The man ignored the woman's soft words and repeated it coldly: "I want to leave here."

Qin Shuyuan wanted to be soft, and men would be behaved. As a result, men were not only behaved, but even harder.

She raised her chin and looked at him: "If you dare to leave, I will break your leg, believe it or not?"

The man paused and sneered: "Are you sure you can beat me?"

Qin Shu raised his eyebrows: "If you don't believe me, let me go and try?"

"Okay." The man didn't believe that he couldn't handle even a woman, so he let go of her.

Qin Shu rubbed his wrist and looked at his wrist. At the place that was originally white as jade, at this moment, it was a little red, and he felt that it would become bruised with more effort.

Actually start so cruel?

When he was in Dongyi Village before, he had never really made a heavy hand.

She stretched her red wrist to the man, and said dissatisfiedly: "A man who bullies a woman is not a man. This is what you said before."

The man looked at the wrist stretched out by the woman. Her wrist was white and slender, as smooth as jade, without any flaws, except for the place where he had just clamped it tightly.

He paused.

Qin Shu's clear eyes narrowed, and when he was not paying attention, he touched his hand into the pillow and lowered it, squeezed the dagger and quickly pressed it against the man's white neck, raising his delicate eyebrows, "The blade has no eyes, you move it. , I don’t guarantee that it will leave a deep hole in your neck."

The icy blade touched his neck, and the man dared not move. The blade had no eyes on the owner of the blade.

Dark eyes looked at the woman in front of him, "What do you want?"

Qin Shu said harshly again: "I just let you know, I didn't just say it casually."

Seeing the woman's fierce look, the man frowned: "Crazy woman!"

Crazy woman?

When she was in Dongyi Village, men called her that way. At that time, she just attacked men's weaknesses with softness, not crazy.

right now?

Rou is no longer useful to men.

"It's just started, I'm afraid you will only say three words for crazy woman later." Qin Shu blinked nice eyes at the man, looked at the man's **** lips, suddenly propped up his body and kissed the man's lips.

The man was stunned for two seconds. In just two seconds, Qin Shu didn’t know where to get out a pair of handcuffs and handcuffed the man’s hands accurately. The headboard of the bed was made of solid wood with two gaps in the middle. The handcuffs were handcuffed to it. The hotel was originally for the pleasure of lovers, but the quality is still very good, not so easy to tear off.

Qin Shu stood up and pressed back on the man, throwing the dagger in his hand casually. It was just an ordinary dagger, and it was the back of the knife instead of the blade that was against the man's neck just now.

She didn't use breaking moon, because breaking moon was too sharp and would get hurt if he was not careful. He was not very afraid of pain, but she would feel distressed.

Afterwards, she took out the rope from the drawer on the side, neatly tied his legs, tied them to the head of the bed, and separated his legs slightly.

After doing this, she clapped her hands with satisfaction.

Thinking of the phone, she bent over and supported the bed with one hand, picked up the phone on the bedside table, and turned on the camera function. She wanted to record all the man's appearance in the queen, and when the Gu was solved, she returned to Jiangcheng, and she settled the account with him.

After turning on the camera function, she put it back on the bedside table and placed the lens, then nodded in satisfaction.

The man struggled and shouted angrily: "Hurry up and let me go, have you heard?"

"Don't let go, I will make you disobedient." Qin Shu pressed on the man again, looked down at him, and gritted her teeth when she thought of the scene she saw in the surveillance that day: "I told you not to go with Long Xiao. You won’t listen to it too close."

While talking, with a finger hook, he pulled the waistband of the nightgown, and the nightgown was also unraveled.

"I said you can't believe what Long Xiao said, and you don't listen. You still followed her stupidly. She was deceived by her and didn't even want your own wife and children. You are really capable."

"You lunatic, I don't understand what you are talking about, please let go of me, or I will treat you..." The three words you are welcome have not been said yet, and my waist is soft, and I just stood up because of anger. Go back to bed.

"Otherwise, what would you do to me? Where did your ingenuity go? Where did your brain go? You don’t have the ability to discern a bitch, and you have to do it to me? Huh?" Qin Shu just like the last time he was in the bar, All means greeted him, making him feel weak without any strength.

"You stop, madman." The man felt that he was going mad, he was driven mad by the woman in front of him. No, the woman in front of him was a madman.

Qin Shu laughed lightly, neither anger nor annoyance: "It's really a feng shui turn. Thirty years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi. I used to say that you are a lunatic, but after many years, you would say that to me. "

Qin Shu's white jade fingers touched the man's handsome cheeks, and pressed his ears, "Who makes you so stupid? You believe what Long Xiao says? When she pretends to be wronged, you will feel softened? Actually, she said no need. Wife?"

Qin Shu's slender fingers provoked the man's chin, his voice was provocative, "You don't need a wife, do you?"

She raised her mouth, raised her eyebrows and looked at the man with red eyes, staring at herself viciously.

She kissed the man's lips, "This is just the beginning. Later, I promise to let you deeply understand it. I don't need a wife, you can't just say it."

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