Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 1062: Is this to coax the child? Forget Worry Gu! ! !

Qin Shu spoke slowly, speaking very slowly. She was not in a hurry to convince Long Size if she said it, nor was she in a hurry to make Long Size react immediately, she just wanted to state a fact.

As for whether to believe or not, she believes that the truth will be revealed soon.

Long Size was in poor health, and she didn't plan to let him appear in person.

Long Size was stunned and raised his head to look at Qin Shu in front of him. At a young age, he spoke slowly, relaxed, not irritable or impatient, and had a calm and restrained attitude that was not suitable for his age.

It was like telling him a very common thing, not eager to prove it, and not aggressive.

All things aside, Long Size still likes to act like this.

"Although what you said is very reasonable, I can't listen to your one-sided words. It's about Miao Xin. You can also prove that you are not doing this for power."

Qin Shu curled his mouth, not eager to refute, but said: "I understand what grandpa means, and I will prove it to grandpa. By then, grandpa should know what is right and wrong."

At this moment, Ye Luo came over with a bowl of medicine, "Madam, the medicine is ready."

Qin Shu glanced at the medicine that was hiding the heat, and said to Long Si: "Grandpa, drink the medicine first. I have given you this medicine twice, but I secretly gave you to drink it at night, my friend. The effect of the medicine Gu Yan personally dispensed will be known by your look over the past two days."

Gu Yan's reputation in the medical field has already become famous at home and abroad, and no one does not know it yet.

Rumor has it that Professor Gu is proficient in Western medicine and Chinese medicine, and he is best at Chinese medicine treatment. He often robs people with Yan Wang.

Naturally, Long Size had also heard of Professor Gu Yangu, but he was a little surprised because he had never seen a real person.

"Do you know Professor Gu?"

Qin Shu nodded: "Well, I have known each other for many years. He is now busy in the Imperial Capital, otherwise he will definitely let him come over and treat you personally."

Long Size nodded, not knowing whether he believed it or not.

Qin Shu emphasized without asking or explaining.

Long Size asked suspiciously: "You fed me some medicine, why I don't remember at all?"

"When you were asleep, I sneaked into your room and fed you something. The medicine was too bitter. I gave you a toffee."

Qin Shu smiled and took out a toffee from his pocket. With the other hand, he picked up on the quilt. Long Size's hand. Because of the years, his skin has become too loose and the color has become much darker. Protruding, losing the beauty of the youth.

She put the toffee into his palm, raised her eyes to look at Long Size, and slightly bent her eyebrows: "After drinking the medicine and then taking it, it can relieve the bitterness."

Long Size glanced at Qin Shu, her eyebrows raised and she smiled, and her eyes were as bright as stars, which was very comfortable. He looked down at the candy in the palm of his hand. It was the first time someone gave him candy after drinking Chinese medicine. Yes, like coaxing a child.

Qin Shu took the medicine bowl that he had left for the night and handed it to Long Size, reminding him: "Grandpa, drink the medicine while it is hot, otherwise the effect will not be great."

Hearing the words, Long Size raised his head and looked at the bowl in front of him. He thought for a moment, then held the medicine bowl and passed it to his mouth to drink. Qin Shu didn't lie to him either. The medicine is extremely bitter. The so-called good medicine is bitter, probably like this.

After drinking the medicine, Qin Shu took the bowl and handed it to Ye Luo, who took it away.

Long Size looked down at the candy in the palm of his hand, a little hesitant. He really wants to take medicine and then candy like a child?

But the bitterness in the mouth has been hovering, after hesitating, and no matter what else, peel off the sugar paper and put the toffee into the mouth to eat. The toffee is milky and sweet, but it is not that sweet. Just to remove the bitterness.

The sweetness slowly dissipated in the mouth, the bitterness disappeared, and the frowning eyebrows gradually unfolded.

Seeing that he was almost eating, Qin Shu picked up the prepared Wen Bai and passed it over, "Drink some more water to rinse his mouth."

Just after Long Size had eaten the candy, the sweetness in his mouth gradually dissipated, and he felt a little thirsty, so he did not refuse the water that Qin Shu handed over. He held it up and took a few sips to his mouth to moisturize his throat. , Was not drinking.

Qin Shu took the initiative to take the cup, and said, "Grandpa takes a break first, and he will call you at dinner."

Long Size sat for a while, indeed a little tired, and lay down with Qin Shu's help, set the quilt for his armpit, and then turned and walked out.

Before leaving, she closed the room door.

Long Muyan had been waiting at the door, not daring to go in, fearing to upset his grandpa. Seeing Qin Shu coming out, he asked, "Sister, how is grandpa?"

Qin Shu gave him a reassuring smile, "Grandpa, he is fine, he is much better, he has just drunk the medicine and has fallen asleep."

Long Mu, he was relieved after hearing this.

Qin Shu took out his cell phone and dialed Ye Qing's cell phone number. After the call was connected, she ordered: "Take a few people to this villa to stare at. Fu Tingyu and Xiao Jiu are inside, and the address is sent to the mailbox."

After hanging up the phone, she sent the location of the small wine to Ye Qing.

"Yes, Mrs. Young." Ye Qing opened the mailbox excitedly when he heard the news that there were four masters and young masters. After a while, he saw a new email. After reading the specific address, he put away the phone and brought a few brothers. , Hurried over to the address in the mailbox.

Qin Shu called, Ye Luo stood by her side and asked, "Won't Mrs. Young go there in person?"

"It's definitely going to pass, but it's not now." She lowered her eyebrows in thought. Long Xiao knew Xiao Jiu. If she let Long Xiao see Xiao Jiu, I wonder what would happen?

What did Long Xiao do to Fu Tingyu to become like this?

She suddenly raised her head to look at Long Muyan, staring at him for a long time.

Suddenly staring at Qin Shu, Long Muyan was a little nervous, and lowered his eyes subconsciously.

Qin Shu stared at it for a long time, and ignored the movement of Long Muyan's eyes, but suddenly asked, "Is there a kind of Gu that can make people amnesia again?"

Long Muyan nodded: "Yes, forget the worry Gu."

Qin Shu understood that Fu Tingyu must have been poisoned by Long Xiao, causing him to lose his memory again, so he can't remember the bits and pieces of the two getting along these days?

So Xiaojiu asked him what he meant, and he said that he has no wife, no need?

She couldn't help clenching her fist, finally making the man like her again, so she was wiped by Long Xiao?

Long Xiao and Yang Jin walked very close, and the relationship was also ambiguous. Yang Jin was originally a greedy person. For the sake of sex, it is normal to ask Long Xiao to forget about worry.

She really did nothing to get Fu Tingyu.

She suddenly remembered what Junli had said, and suddenly let Fu Tingyu go, probably because she was afraid that he would be poisoned.

Unfortunately, one step too late.

At this time, a series of knocks suddenly sounded outside the door.

Ye Luo walked over, opened the door, and saw two men standing outside the door, both of whom he knew, but they suddenly appeared suddenly, making him a little... caught off guard.

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