Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 1048: Long Xiao asked a man to complain

He raised the corners of his mouth and chuckled softly: "What I want is not unavailable."

It made him want to completely conquer this woman, not only the body, but also the heart, he wanted to conquer.

Walking out of the villa, Long Xiao breathed a sigh of relief until after getting in the car. When she walked out all the way, she felt that she was being peeped by a beast, as if she would rush over in the next second and eat her with the flesh of her belt into her belly.

Just like yesterday afternoon, after being brought into the room by him, she has fallen into the food on the beast's table, let him slaughter and demand it wantonly.

From yesterday afternoon until morning, she only slept for a few hours in the middle. She didn't remember or know, only that Yang Jin was not only nauseous, but also very tortured.

She closed her eyes, and the tears slid down to her eyes, falling on the white coat.

She didn't dare to recall what happened last night, tried to calm herself down, and stepped on the gas to leave.

She did not return to Longzhuang, but went to Hengtai Company.

After driving for half an hour, the car steadily stopped at the door of Hengtai Company. She looked up at the door of the company. This is a listed company and the top three major companies in China.

At this time, seeing the man coming out of the company door, she pushed the car door and walked towards him. She fell on the way, then got up again with difficulty and staggered to the man.

The man had just handed in his resignation letter, and the manager tried his best to keep him, but he declined it, because working so hard to make money is also to give women a good life.

Now, when a woman is faced with so many things, how can he think about going to work?

It’s just that he didn’t expect to see Long Xiao at the door, the fake daughter of Long’s family, he couldn’t help but stop. He still remembers that when he opened his eyes, he saw her crying and swollen eyes, shouting in surprise: "You finally woke up. Scared me."

Seeing her suddenly fell, he subconsciously wanted to help, thinking that he lied to himself, the action of helping was followed. During the time he hesitated, he watched her get up from the ground and staggered to him.

When I got closer, I found that her hairstyle was a bit messy, her clothes were still damaged in a few places, and she saw her wide open neckline and some dark red marks.

Before the change, he might think it was pinched out by hand.

But now, he has done it himself, so he understands what caused it.

Before he could speak, he heard Long Xiao crying and saying: "A Yu, you take me away. I don't want to stay here anymore. Yang Jin threatens me."

The man frowned, "What is he threatening you?"

"I, I..." Long Xiao lowered his head, closed his clothes, choked up and said: "I don't listen to him, I want to leave, I don't want to be the daughter of the Long family, he didn't let me go home last night, it was right. I……"

She wanted to speak and stopped, and said with a trembling voice: "He also said, and said, if I dare not listen, he will punish me severely."

After she finished speaking, she raised her head to look at the man, tears streaming down her face, her face was horrified, and her thin shoulders were shaking constantly because of fear.

The man suddenly grabbed her arm, dark eyes with faint anger, and asked: "You mean, you came to Long's family as a daughter, but Yang Jin asked you to come? Did he force you last night?"

Long Xiao looked at him blankly, "I don't know. He said that I am the daughter of the Long family and asked me to come. He also said that if I follow him, he will save you, so I agreed. Yesterday I told him that I want to go back to Chuanyi Village, he just, he just treats me..."

She was talking and crying aggrieved.

The man knew that the reason why Long Xiao would pretend to be the daughter of the Long family was threatened by Yang Jin.

He also found that there was blood on Long Xiao's clothes, and he couldn't help but be a little worried: "Don't be afraid, we won't let Yang Jin go. I will take you to the hospital first."

Long Xiao froze for a moment, then shook his head and refused: "I, I can't go to the hospital, I go to the hospital, and others will know."

When the man heard the words, his eyes dazzled. Long Xiao is still an unmarried woman. It is indeed wrong to go to the hospital. He pondered for a while and said, "Then you come back to the hotel with me."

Long Xiao shook his head in fear, "Send me back to Long's house, let Ms. Qin see it, it's not good, and if I don't return to Long's house, Yang Jin, he will definitely treat me again..."

The man said: "Since you know that Yang Jin is not a good person, of course you can't go back. What if he does something to you? I will re-arrange a guest room for you, and wait for the affairs of the Long family to be handled. If Kim catches it, he can't threaten you."

Long Xiao froze again, and shook his head: "You should send me there. I'm afraid Yang Jin will retaliate against me. Moreover, if he knows that you are also involved, it will definitely be against you. I will wait for your rescue. I."

"Then you have to protect yourself, don't go to his villa, just call me if you have something to do."

The man also felt that if he took Long Xiao away suddenly, he would definitely be horrified, so he could only send him back temporarily.

When things are settled, take her away.

Long Xiao nodded.

Imperial Capital

Qi Zhuang

Ye Luo was the imperial capital that brought it back overnight. Su Ying personally drove to the airport to pick him up. It could be said that he rushed to the airport with the fastest speed, and rushed back to Qizhuang with the fastest speed.

If it weren't for Ye Luo's own driving too fiercely, he would be scared to death if he changed to another person, and if he didn't scared to death, he would vomit in the dark.

After getting out of the car, Ye Luo got out of the car and saw a small figure running over, hugging his legs, "Uncle Ye Luo, why didn't my parents come back?"

Ye Luo looked down at Xiaojiu with a small face looking up at him expectantly. He bent over, picked him up, and said, "The Fourth Master and Young Lady will have to wait a few days before coming back. There is still something to be done."

I didn't see Mom and Dad feeling a little lost, Xiao Jiu bowed his head, "How many days will they come back? I miss them."

Ye Luo was a little bit sad, and said: "I want to go back and take you with me."

Xiao Jiu suddenly raised his head, his black and white eyes gleaming: "Really? Uncle Ye Luo can't speak without counting."

"Speaking counts." Ye Luo walked in with a small wine in her arms.

Su Ying brought Ye Luo straight to the young master's room.

Gu Yan was sitting in front of the bed, giving Jun Li pulse.

Ye Luo walked in and saw Junli on the bed. He had only left for more than half a month. Junli has lost a lot of weight. His handsome cheeks have lost their original beauty, just like a sick patient, as if the next second. It will eliminate the fragrant jade.

"Uncle Jun, it has been five days since I woke up last time." Xiao Jiu stared at Jun Li on the bed and whispered.

"Gu Shao, Ni I brought it back." Ye Luo put down the small wine, took out the utensil from the backpack on her body and handed it to Gu Yan.

Gu Yan retracted his hand and looked at the vessel Ye Luo handed over, a dark brown vessel. This was the first time he saw him.

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