Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 1037: Man guarding her

"I know, your back injury, is it better?" Mentioned the back injury, the few hat nails were put on by women. The original purpose was to avenge him for being a hooligan. Of course he could not say.

Qin Shu looked as usual and looked at Long Xiao pretending to be worried. She pretended to be worried: "Miss Long does not drink well. For the sake of safety, she will drink less in the future. You accidentally used Ayu’s room as your own. He will send you back to his room safely. If you change to another man, he still doesn't know what will happen."

The man glanced sideways at her. Although there was doubt in his eyes, he did not speak.

Long Xiao's complexion was a little ugly, but he couldn't come out because a woman and a man were drunk, and the man sitting on the bed did not respond at all. What does this mean?

She could only agree with a smile: "Miss Qin is right. Fortunately, it is A Yu. It's really hard to say if it's someone else."

"Miss Long is beautiful, it's a good thing to pay attention." Qin Shu suddenly asked, as if thinking of something, "By the way, is there anything wrong with Miss Long?"

Long Xiao was stunned for two seconds, then shook his head: "It's nothing, just want to talk to Ah Yu about last night. I rarely drink so much alcohol. Last night was really an exception."

The man also said at this moment: "I didn't think much about what happened last night, so don't think too much about it. It's better to drink less wine."

"Well, I know, then I won't bother you."

Long Xiao smiled at them, turned around gracefully and walked away, but his fingers clung to the hem of his clothes.

Qin Shu looked at the back of Long Xiao leaving, how could he give her in one fell swoop?

Without sufficient evidence, he would be like Hao Ze, instead of taking her away, he would put himself in.

Thinking of Haoze, she would go to see him and ask her something by the way.

Seeing the woman silently, the man held her small hand with his big hand, and squeezed: "What are you thinking?"

Qin Shu returned to his senses, turned his head to look at the man, and then said while pulling him into the courtyard: "I'm going to the confinement room tonight."

Speaking of the confinement room, the man thought of Senior Gu Master Hao Ze, "Look at Hao Ze?"

Qin Shu didn't intend to hide it from him, "Well, I have something to ask him."

The man felt a little unhappy when he thought of Haoze's handsome face.

Qin Shu took the man into the yard and sat down at the table. She took out two drinking glasses from the tray, and then picked up the kettle and poured a glass of water for each.

She picked up one of them and put it in front of him, "Drink some water first."

The man picked up the water glass, held it to his lips and took a sip, suddenly raised his eyes to look at her, with doubts: "You rescued Long Muyan, why didn't you rescue Haoze?"

Qin Shu just picked up the water glass and handed it to her mouth. Before she had time to drink, she looked up at the man, with doubts: "How did you know that I rescued Long Muyan?"

The man said: "I saw the men's clothing in the bathroom. I went out today and heard the nursing home talk about Long Muyan being rescued by a silver-haired man last night."

Qin Shu couldn't help boasting: "I can't hide anything from you. I originally planned to rescue Haoze together. He said that he won't use it for the time being, and he is a high-level Gu Master, but he is a national first-level protection object. It is not easy to cause trouble."

In fact, Long Muyan was also a senior Gu Master, and his strength might not be lower than Haoze, but the Long Family didn't know it.

The man stared at the woman for a long time. He didn't understand this distinct family matter. Why must she be involved?

"Why must it be proved that Long Xiao is not the daughter of the Long Family?" He looked at her suspiciously.

When I heard this, Qin Shu always felt that the man was still facing Long Xiao. She said: "I am not suitable for other people's housework, but my friend can't help but save. I told you that I came here for Gu worms. That Gu worm cannot become a Gu without the blood of the Dragon Family's daughter."

"I would rather use my own blood than other people's blood. In this way, I don't have to worry about not being able to find the real daughter of the Long Family. Jun Li, he, can't wait a few days, I'm afraid..."

She was afraid that it would be too late to go back, and Jun Li could not wait for her.

In the end, Qin Shu couldn't say it in the end. She pinned her hopes on Gu Yan, just hoping that he could delay more time.

Now there is no news about the real daughter of the Long Family, and even Long Ziling has no news.

When a man sees a woman in a low mood, 80% of it is because the man named Junli, listened to her, the man named Junli lived soon?

Want to use the blood of the dragon family daughter?

Therefore, they said that Long Xiao was not the real daughter of the Long Family, and could not make Gu.

He also remembered that on the day of the banquet, Long Muyan suggested that Long Xiao's blood be used to make Gu to make it true and false.

Because of these words, Long Size became angry with illness.

He suddenly asked, "Have you tried Long Xiao's blood to make Gu?"

"She's a fake, Hao Ze..." Qin Shu thought of his request, but didn't say, "Long Muyan said that she was a fake, so the Gu maker didn't use her blood, and it was difficult to get it. Her blood is already there in the early stage of the rebellion, so I'm waiting for it."

The man said: "How do you know that it must be fake if you don't try it?"

Qin Shu knew that men didn't believe that Long Xiao was fake, and she didn't dispute it. Only the truth before his eyes was the most convincing.

"Long Xiao's blood is too difficult to take, and the Long Family clearly stipulates that it is not allowed to suppress rebellion."

The man was silent for a while after hearing this, and wanted to take her blood in two ways, one was she voluntarily, the other was to take blood by abnormal means.

Either way is difficult to handle.


Qin Shu went to the confinement room alone.

Since Long Muyan was rescued, the nursing home in the confinement room has looked tighter, almost seamlessly connected, and it feels that even flies can't get in.

But for Qin Shu, it was not difficult.

The master taught her to teleport at the fastest speed, with a sigh of relief, to reach the destination in the shortest time, not too far away, otherwise the expected effect will not be achieved.

Qin Shu came to the corner of the wall lightly, and quickly came to the corner of the opposite wall at the moment when the nursery turned around, bringing up a gust of wind, blending with the cold night wind, making it difficult to notice.

Last time I found out the confinement room that Haoze was locked in, so this time I came to the confinement room where Haoze was closed.

The confinement room is just an ordinary confinement room, not a special place of detention, so the locks are also very ordinary locks, not fingerprint locks, password locks and the like.

It will be easier to open, even if it is a fingerprint lock or a password lock, she can easily open it.

She took out Poyue and gently opened the lock, then slipped in, closing the door.

Haoze, who had been locked in the confinement room, hadn't slept well for two consecutive nights, so Haoze, who had been lying down and didn't fall asleep, heard a small sound, he slammed his eyes open, "Who?"

Qin Shu looked at Haoze on the wooden bed and couldn't help but joking: "I, who else can come to see you in the middle of the night?"

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