Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 1028: It turned out that it was a man who played the rogue that day,

Until she ran at the fastest speed, Long Muyan could actually keep up.

This is the hidden master?

It didn't take long before I came to the northwest corner.

The four-meter-high fence is very high, and it has caught up with the city wall.

Thinking of Long Muyan's ability just now, he turned his head and asked him: "How is it, did you have any problems in the past?"

Long Muyan answered simply: "No problem."

"Then go on." As soon as Qin Shu's voice fell, he quickly climbed to the top of the wall, and then jumped neatly.

Long Muyan watched Qin Shu had jumped over, and only then began to move. It may have been a long time since he hadn't used force, and was a little uncomfortable for a while. When climbing, he was not as stable as Qin Shukuai or when he landed.

Fortunately, landing safely.

Ye Luo stood under the corner, holding President Ba in his arms, watching Qin Shu jump down, and then he saw a man jump down...? ? ?

Because Qin Shu didn't tell him in advance that he was stealing a man.

Qin Shuxian explained: "Long Muyan, he called Ye Luo my person, you can safely follow him, you go to the hotel first, and I will see you tomorrow."

Ye Luo: "..." The young lady? Why does it sound weird?

Long Muyan glanced at the man named Ye Luo, his face was cold, and he felt like he couldn't communicate. He hesitated.

Ye Luo sensed Long Muyan's hesitation and said blankly: "I don't eat people."

Long Muyan is a bit embarrassed.

Qin Shu held back a smile, "Get in the car, I will see you tomorrow morning."

"Yeah." Long Muyan replied, then stepped into the car.

Qin Shu looked towards Ye Luo, and said, "I have found him, he is in Longzhuang. Long Muyan is not good at communicating, so you have to be patient."

"Understood, Madam." Ye Luo heard that the Fourth Master had found him, he sighed with relief, and sat in the driving seat, placing President Ba in the position of the co-pilot, and drove to the hotel.

Qin Shu watched the car go far, and glanced down at the time on his watch. It was already past eleven, and the man didn't know if he was asleep at this time?

Let's take a look first.

She stepped over the wall and went in because the man didn't say where she lived, so she called the housekeeper specially.

The housekeeper is too busy to sleep yet, he asked politely: "It's so late, is there anything wrong with Miss Qin?"

Qin Shu asked, "Butler, I want to ask you one thing, where does Ah Yu live?"

The butler replied, "In the yard near the lotus garden, that's the one with no plaque on it."

Qin Shu was stunned. Near the lotus garden, the one with no plaque?

She seemed to know something terrible. The man lived in the courtyard without a plaque.

So last night, she peeped at the man's upper body, and was looking at her own man?

Is it his own man who is chasing her?

Even the man taking advantage of it is his own?

The most important thing is that she slapped her, and it was her man who shouted the rogue?

She used all her strength in that slap, and it hurt even thinking about it.

No wonder she found that the man's face was a little swollen at the banquet just now, and thought he had gained weight, but she did not expect to be beaten to fat by herself.

Suddenly she remembered the handful of hat nails that she had left in the morning. If the man went to bed... it was over, it was over!

Seeing that Qin Shu didn't say a word, the steward said: "If Miss Qin doesn't know to go, I will show you the way."

"No need for the butler, I'll hang up first."

After Qin Shu turned around and walked out, after he went out, he ran towards the man's yard.

I hope the man will go to bed later tonight, she can't hope that there are blood holes behind the man.

It hurts to think about it.

In the living room, the lights are a bit dim.

The slender figure of the man sits at the dining table. On the dining table, there are three dishes, one soup, and a bottle of wine.

After he returned from the banquet hall, he sat at the table drinking, because he felt unhappy.

I have been thinking in my heart, he is in a woman's heart, is it important?

Left him twice because of other men.

What time is it now?

She didn't even come to find herself, she must be with the man named Long Muyan.

The more I think about it, the more irritable I feel.

He poured himself another glass of wine, then lifted it up and drank it in one breath, but still felt that his chest was tight.

When Long Xiao came in, he saw the man sitting at the table drinking alone, and walked over and sat down opposite him.

"Why are you drinking alone?" Because half of your face is swollen and your mouth is so open it hurts, so you speak very quietly.

"There is no one to accompany, isn't it just drinking alone." The man looked up at Long Xiao, and at a glance saw her swollen half of her face. The five finger prints are still clearly visible.

"What's wrong with your face? Who hit it?"

Long Xiao lowered his head when he heard the words: "I just tried to persuade my brother not to make grandpa angry, but he slapped him in the face. I don't know why my brother doesn't like me."

Long Xiao's voice was low and choked with grievance, which made people feel very distressed.

Speaking of Long Muyan, the man remembered the picture of the woman pulling him away, and his voice was angry: "Your brother is not a human at all. Does he have any ointment? I'll apply the ointment for you."

Long Xiao looked up at the man, smiled and shook his head: "I have already applied the ointment, no one will drink with you, let me drink with you, I especially want to drink too."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the man to speak, he picked up the wine on the table, took out a wine glass, poured himself a full glass of wine, put down the wine bottle, raised the wine glass, and looked at the opposite man. "drink."

After speaking, he handed the glass to his mouth and drank it in one gulp.

Long Xiao's behavior seemed to the man, because he had suffered a lot of grievance, but he couldn't talk about it, so he thought about drinking.

The man would not comfort people, so he had to drink with her.

In addition, I was very depressed, so I lowered my head and just focused on drinking.

After a while, there was not a single drop left in a bottle of high-level liquor.

Long Xiao was already drunk, stood up on the table, staggered and walked into the room.

The man was almost drunk, and saw Long Xiao walking into his room, he also stood up and shouted: "Long Xiao, that is my room, you went wrong."

There is more than one room in the yard. Generally, there will be one main room, two secondary rooms, and four to five small rooms.

The man's idea is that Long Xiao can go to another room to sleep if he drinks too much.

Long Xiao laughed twice, as if he hadn't heard it, he walked in with the door frame, and saw the pear wood bed, and walked towards the bed.

The man also walked in and saw Long Xiao walking towards the bed, he instinctively resisted: "Long Xiao, I will take you to sleep next door."

As soon as he finished speaking, Long Xiao had already walked to the bed and sat down, and smiled again when he looked at the man, "This is my room, why should I go to sleep next door?"

"This is not your room, it's mine." The man walked over, afraid of being misunderstood by others, and reached out to pull her up before sending him to the next door.

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