Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 1019: Strongly beaten by a man

Long Xiao understands a man's temperament, independence, and self-improvement. He hates money given by others and related households, and does not like to rely on women for everything.

Therefore, he said that she did not intervene in the matter of finding a job, and she gave him enough space so that he would not feel that everything depends on her.

The man also felt that he was too sensitive, "There is still half a month before the salary is paid. Then, I will invite you to dinner."

"Okay, then I'll wait." Long Xiao finished speaking, staring at the man for a long time, and said: "Tonight, you will help me, be my male companion, and dance. Today is a very important day. ."

The man tactfully refused: "Male companion, I am not suitable."

"It's just a male companion. Are you afraid that your treasure will see jealous?" Long Xiao couldn't help but joked.

The man remembered the scene of meeting her last night, wondering if she will come tonight?

"Don't think so much, let's go."

Long Xiao took the man out of the yard.

Banquet hall,

Qin Shu stood behind the crowd. She still didn't find Hao Ze among the guests. Would he give up to expose Long Xiao tonight as a fake?

Even if he gave up, as a senior Gu Master of the Long Family, with a high status, he should come to the banquet.

If Haoze doesn't disclose it, it doesn't make much sense for her to come to the party.

Long Size, who was originally ill in bed, came to the stage in the middle of the banquet with the help of his second son Long Qingyue, with a cane in one hand.

This is the first time Qin Shu saw Long Size. He was in his seventies. He didn't plan to abdicate. He just wanted to wait for Long Ziling to come back. His married daughter didn't wait for her to return, but she waited for her granddaughter to return. Granddaughter inherited.

She saw Yang Jin and his son standing just below the stage. They are all here, Hao Ze hasn't come yet?

She subconsciously looked at the entrance of the banquet hall. At this time, the guests had already arrived, so the entrance seemed a bit deserted.

Because she was afraid that Haoze would have an accident because of this incident, as for what Long Size and Long Qing said, she didn't pay attention.

Suddenly, there was a warm applause, and she recovered her senses. Looking at the stage again, she saw that Long Xiao had walked up to Long Size, holding Long Size's arm with one hand. She was wearing a red tube top dress with her shoulders on her shoulders. Surrounded by the snow-white fox fur shawl, the skin that was originally white now looks even fairer.

Long Size's complexion seemed to be much better than before, and the corners of his mouth, which had been traced by the years, had an obvious smile.

She probably can understand Long Size's mood at this time.

It's like, she always thought that her mother had died, and suddenly saw her in Qishan. The feeling of ecstasy was something no one could understand.

Long Size is the same. The daughter who has been missing for more than 20 years suddenly finds her granddaughter. Although she has regrets in her heart, she should be very happy.

Although this Long Xiao is most likely fake.

At this moment, she suddenly saw a figure in the corner. The man was wearing a high-end customized suit, pure black.

That broad back is very familiar.

It's Fu Tingyu.

Qin Shu hardly had time to think about it, and walked across the crowd towards the figure.

For the banquet held by the Dragon Head, too many guests came to participate, and it was not an easy task to pass through the crowd.

"Trouble, please."

She said as she walked, but the attention of the guests was on Long Xiao on the stage.

After all, she is the daughter of Long Ziling who has been missing for more than 20 years, and she is the heir, so she will have a lot of attention.

Qin Shu kept staring at the figure in the corner, afraid that he would disappear in the blink of an eye.

It took a long time for her to squeeze past the crowded guests.

When I came to the corner, I found that the man was missing.

She saw him standing here just now, why did she disappear?

Qin Shu glanced at the banquet hall. He would not go to places with too many guests, so she was looking for places with fewer people.

She took a few steps to the side, and if it weren't for the wrong location, she would shout out loud.

When she was approaching the column, her arm was suddenly grabbed and her mouth was covered by a big hand. The chance was that she was not given a chance to resist, so she was taken behind the column.

Afterwards, the whole person was pressed against the cylinder, and before he could see who the other party was, the other party kissed his lips severely, with a punitive kiss.

She opened her eyes wide to the people in front of her, and after blinking twice, the face of all sentient beings was reflected in her clear eyes, and then she was sure that the person kissing her was Fu Tingyu.

It's just that this kiss is completely different from the cautious kiss before leaving. It's very domineering and very similar to the kiss before the amnesia.

If it wasn't for knowing that he hadn't recovered his memory, he almost thought he had recovered his memory because of the kiss.

Don't be too familiar with a man's domineering kiss.

The man also suddenly saw the figure of a woman in the crowd coming over here.

In order to test whether she came here because she saw him, she hid behind the column.

Seeing that she was standing where she was just standing, she confirmed that she squeezed from the crowd when she saw herself.

He panted slightly, hugged her into his arms vigorously, held her close to her ear, suppressed the volume, and asked, "Isn't it because I don't come to you, so you don't plan to go back?"

When Qin Shu heard the man's tone, she knew that she was right. The man couldn't wait, so he ran to her.

She squeezed the man's thin waist and shook her head: "No, I haven't got what I want, so I didn't go back to the village to find you."

Inverse, it is still in the early stage, and blood is still lacking. According to Long Muyan, the inverse can only be formed after injecting blood into the vessel, so it is not much different from not getting it.

The man lowered his head and looked at the woman. The complexion was still very dark, darker than the wheaten color, and the facial features were modified. Such an appearance would be inconspicuous when thrown into the guests.

But when I walked, nothing changed, neither fat nor thin.

"You came in because of that thing, right?"

"Yeah." Qin Shu nodded, watching the man appear here, then asked: "How did you get in?"

After asking, she suddenly thought of Long Xiao in her mind.

Fu Tingyu and Long Xiao fell together. If they rushed into the sea, they would be rescued by Yang Jin and his son together...

"Long Xiao let me live in. When I first came here, I am not familiar with it, so let her help me find you." When the man said this, he looked at the stage and said to her: "She is on the stage and will be introduced to you later. you know."

Qin Shu heard the words, and the doubt in her eyes became deeper. She suddenly asked: "You fell from Jiuwan, what did she say to you?"

"I fell off Jiuwan and she rescued me. I was in a coma for a long time, and she took care of me for a long time. It doesn't matter if I don't remember the past, I will remember it later."

After the man finished speaking, looking at the woman asking so seriously, he asked her: "What's wrong, are you jealous?"

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