Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1984: Give you a way

The ram's house let Qiyu live, but some people also chased down the Luding dealer, but refused to let Qiyu go.

What was chased was the Dantai family of the Secret Realm family. The Dantai family once besieged Bailitan. Later, the principal was very ambitious and directly lost tens of thousands of spirits. He very simply settled his grievances with Feng Jun.

This time, the Dantai family is also very simple, directly come to the door to express their position, honestly, hand over the furnace and the seedlings, and spare you!

Qi Yu said that I got permission from Lord Feng Shan to do this furnace business. I do n’t believe you asked Lord Feng Shan.

The Dantais also have speculations about this, but they are used to being overbearing, and they are simply too lazy to verify. Hearing this just means that we do n’t give money to your furnace, you are really expanding the business of furnaces. Want to smear Feng Shan's face?

This is a bit unreasonable, but it is really the most feared by Qi Yu, the real person. After thinking about it, he said: There have been several agreements with me. When I need to use the furnace to guide the breath, I need to provide priority service here. Why doesn't family do this?

The people of the Dantai family laughed when they heard it: Cooperating with you and occupying resources without saying it, and wanting to make money for my family, who gave you the courage?

This is a bit overbearing, but it is really the typical mentality of the strong in this plane: do n’t tell me what resources to share, I do n’t have that interest, there are important resources, it ’s better to pin it in my own hands.

Otherwise, in case of conflicts in resource requirements, who should be taken care of and who should not be taken care of? Or if the real-time requirements of resources are relatively high, what should we do if we can't guarantee it?

Generally speaking, people who are willing to accept resource sharing are not particularly strong.

The Dantai family said this, but Qi Yu immediately gave an example, saying that Tianxintai, Songbaifeng Yan family and Mijing family ram family have all made an appointment with us. If you do n’t believe it, you can ask.

The Dantai family does not take the ram family in their eyes, but they are both mysterious families, and the relationship between the two is acceptable. In fact, even the Yan family, the Dantai family is not afraid.

But Tianxintai ... shouldn't the big forces like the Five Taiwans and the Four factions reserve their own resources?

Four factions and five stations are the top forces in Kunhao's plane, and there is support from the upper realm behind them. For them, "resource security" must be considered. Just like in the world of earth, the top mature powers are also very Emphasize the security of strategic resources.

As for the small country, it is better and better-your body is not enough to support your own demands for safety.

In response, Qi Yu replied, "The other people from the four schools and four stations did not contact me, but the people from Tianxin Terrace really said that I was very strange, they said hello to me ... and they were not afraid to pass It ’s not good to go out. "

"What are they afraid of?" Tantai real man replied disapprovingly, "Why don't you dare to do those lunatics?"

So Qiyu real person spread his hands, "It seems that you also understand that they did say hello. It is said that after a while, the invincible person will come ..."

Speaking of Ji Jisheng, Dantai real people have a headache. The last time the Dantai family attacked Baili Beach at night, many of the most real people were the most heady. In addition to Yue Qing, it was a few seasons. The key is Ji Jisheng ’s private The payment is good.

Speaking of this, the real people of Dantai do n’t want to be more real, but it is not appropriate to leave like this, "So, as long as you promise that there are conflicts between the supply and demand of many furnaces, the Dantai family will give priority to and let go. You might as well. "

How can a real person Qiyu agree to such a request? His eyes rolled, and he smiled and said, "Well, I really dare not promise you the first priority, but I have a way to make money. I don't know if Daoyou are interested in listening?"

The real person in Dantai shook his head disapprovingly. He thought that the other party was slicking his head, so he disdainfully said, "The money you make is different from the money I said ... the order of magnitude should be different. Well, you can talk about it first listen."

Qi Yu, a real person, is also a little contemptuous. He said that your mouth is pretty good. Do you want to vote for me?

But what he said about making money is really not about winning by creativity, so I do n’t mind explaining to the other party-have you found that there are already two pieces of land sold around Baili Beach?

The real person of Dantai said he knew clearly: you bought a piece of land, and the Rams bought a piece of land. Would n’t you suggest that the Dantais buy land?

Qi Yu's suggestion is really this. He believes that with Feng Jun deducing the word of mouth, the land around Bailitan has great potential for appreciation.

First of all, he pointed out that Feng Jun is not accustomed to come to the door to perform. Taiqing, Chifeng and Qinggang have enough faces-or because of the part-time bodyguards, they can get land in Feng Jun ’s site to build another courtyard, but Others don't have this face.

The second is: Feng Jun will not perform every day. When he is okay, he will perform once every ten days or so, but once something is wrong, it is very likely that he will not perform it for two or three months.

The last time he went to the endless sea, he walked for several months. He went to Zhige Mountain a while ago and stayed for a short time.

Most people's deductions do not have very high requirements for timeliness, but since they come here, they don't want to take the wrong path, so many people choose to wait, and this waiting process is not very difficult.

If you are from the three major schools, Tianxintai or Tiantong, you do n’t need to worry about living, but those who have nothing to do with these families ca n’t even stay at Bailitan. You have to live outside Bailitan.

After all, there are a few people who can do it. Most people can only live in tents and use simple gatherings.

Qi Yuzhen believes that buying a piece of land around Baili Beach, building some buildings, and cultivating facilities is very convenient for his family to wait, and can also provide considerable help to some friends who have a cooperative relationship.

Of course, if you want to make money, it is also possible, but he believes that the Dantai family may not be worth it.

Tantai Zhenren said that we will not consider anything about making money or not, and it is not that bad, so your suggestion to make money is not very appropriate.

Qi Yu sighed and said, I did not say that if you let you open an inn or a restaurant to make money, you can hoard a considerable amount of land and sell it in small pieces to other people in need, right?

This suggestion made the people of the Dantai family completely heartened. The real person of the Dantai family did not take this small heady profit in their eyes, but hoarding a large piece of it in his hands, not only is convenient to use at home, but also provides some friends Is n’t it good?

In the future after a long time, if Feng Jun has not encountered any accidents and has been performing well, this land may have a greater value-added. The Dantai family may not see the value-added in their eyes, but resell a small piece to friends. While making money and falling in love, why not do it?

Because of this, the people of the Dantai family are very satisfied with this suggestion, but they still casually ask, "If you want to get it, why don't you do it yourself ... This kind of income, I don't look down on the Dantai family, Should you care? "

Qi Yu smiled bitterly and answered, "Of course I care, but ... I can't do it, I can't afford so much power."

He also wanted to buy a lot of land around Bailitan, but in that case, Feng Jun's anger alone could not bear it.

The Dantai family got this suggestion and immediately went to find someone to operate it. They used not their own family, but the relationship in Xiuxian Realm. If the Dantai family personally operated it, they could not afford to lose that person.

But because I was looking for someone, I was delayed for two days, and then when they came to buy land, I was stunned to find that the surrounding land was bought in sevens and eights!

The total area of ​​Bailitan that Feng Jun bought was only 8,000 li squares, and the boundary line was just over 600 li. The land bought by Qi Yu and the Rams had more than 10,000 li squares, accounting for nearly 200 li. borderline.

In the process of finding people at the Dantai family, three others bought land and occupied more than three hundred miles of the boundary line. As a result, Bailitan ’s passage to the outside has only a boundary of less than sixty miles. The line is available.

Who is buying land? Tiantong Business League, Song Baifeng and Zhanxiu, the boundary line occupied by Zhanxiu is not long, less than forty miles. I bought 60,000 square meters for land.

The Dantai family first asked Tiantong, what do you buy so much for? Tiantong said that we are cooperating with Bailitan to fully promote the equipment of mortal communications. The relevant learning and training are indispensable. Buying such a piece of land can easily contact Bailitan.

When the Dantai family heard it, they just had a need, and there was no way to worry about it. As for the spot where the war repairs were bought, the boundary was only forty miles, and it was not worth fighting for--the war repairs were all bitter haha ​​~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ This land is also fund-raising, and fighting with them is really not shameful enough.

What's more, Master Feng Shan's strong support for war repairs is not a secret in the Kunhao plane.

The Dantai family can only find the Songbai Peak-a Yan family in a district, what do they do in such a big place? Even me!

The attitude of the Yan family is still such that the Dantai family can be imagined.

However, Yan Yuxi gave each other a soft nail, saying that we only held 30% of the land, and another 70% was held on behalf of others.

The Dantai family is a little surprised: Then, you talk about it, who will you hold it for?

Yan Yuxi said very simply: It was held on behalf of Bailitan-yes, it was the person of Feng Shan who asked us to come forward and buy it.

In fact, after Qi Yu and the Rams bought two plots of land, Feng Jun's people felt a bit wrong. When Tiantong Business Union also bought a plot of land, Yang Yuxin said very simply: We should also buy the plot.

Feng Jun originally bought the eight thousand miles of land, mainly for the purpose of developing crude oil, so he didn't buy too much.

But now some people are buying land, Gao Qiang, Gazi, and good scenery, etc., have sensitively discovered the changes in land prices-thanks to the rapid rise in housing prices in Huaxia, everyone is too sensitive to land prices.

As of now, the disciples of Feng Jun's men have basically achieved financial freedom in the world of the earth, but the finance in the Kunhao plane can't even talk about the start, let alone freedom.


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