Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1982: Not allowed to pass

Conscience said that Yue Qing had long speculated that there are so many Chifeng Rongxun around Feng Jun, which is definitely a way to help older elders deduce Baodan-Qu Jianlei is a living example.

But Yue Qing was unwilling to say this because of Master's death and because of Broken Blade's inaction, he was a bit chilly about the Qinggang School.

In fact, he also underestimated his familymates-are his eyes blind? Can't see such an obvious clue?

Of course, the most important thing is that he wants Feng Jun to help Yin Feng Yi Shu, then the less attention Feng Jun aroused, the better.

But Guan Hongxiu was in front of many people, holding Dan in Bailitan, and Feng Jun ’s performance was amazing. The news could n’t hide anyone, so to speak, even the disciples of the Qinggang school are asking, Yue Zhenren, our youth Gang also has many honors.

Yue Qing has always been proud and not down, and will not rudely reject his disciples, but he should be reasonably and refusal-where did he come from?

Anyway, the disciples have reacted. If he hasn't moved, then he will make people suspicious, and the situation has forced him to this point-he must fight for something for the former teachers and brothers.

Feng Jun couldn't avoid this question, so he asked a question: Sun Rongxun almost died in order to save me. What did your brothers and sisters do to help me?

This question really puzzled Yue Qing. To say the spirit stone, he knew that Feng Jun was not necessarily rare, but to say something else, what else could Qing Gang come up with ... Also let Rongxun come to guard Feng Jun?

It is not difficult to operate Rongxun to protect Feng Jun. Qinggang ’s Rongxun rarely goes out, let alone guards others, but Feng Jun can solve the poison of the wind, which is worth sending Rongxun to Qinggang. Protect him.

But having said that, is Feng Jun still sending someone to protect? Apart from Chifeng Rongxun, the two factions of Taiqing and Chifeng sent five real people in Bailitan. Are the real people of the four factions too busy to put up?

Another thing is, even if there is no real person and Rongxun around Feng Jun, who can hurt him in this huge Kunhao plane? This man who can escape from Yuanying Zhenxian's hands-according to rumours, that Yuanying Zhenxian died in Feng Jun's hands.

If you step back 10,000 steps, even if someone hurts him, can you afford to hurt him?

So he can only retreat and ask second, can a Jindan primary head be exchanged for such a deduction and assistance?

Feng Jun's answer is quite interesting. He said that it is theoretically possible, but in any case, best effort and best effort are different, even in everyone's subconscious mind, help and help are not the same.

In the end, Yue Qing could only helplessly say, "Master Feng Shan is really a man of temperament."

In comparison, Guyue Zhenren is completely out of the question. He asked Feng Jun very bluntly, can you do your best to help me perform it once? I think I still have the opportunity to condense the baby.

Feng Jun is also very simple this time, saying that you have helped me a lot, especially in the two battles with Shifangtai and Dantai families. You have never mentioned any conditions. You have spoken, and I will definitely do it.

But ... there is really a "but" here, Feng Jun said that he will hold Dan soon, and the deduction effect after holding Dan will be better. Another thing is, if you want to condense the baby, you must be related. Heaven and Earth.

Therefore, he suggested that Guyuezheng should first collect all kinds of materials of heaven, earth and treasure. The more collected, the better. It is better to collect some supplementary exercises. The more prepared he is, the more choices he will have. Collocation.

To illustrate this point, Feng Jun unabashedly stated: You also know that I am practicing the "Hundred Elemental Swallowing Kung Fu Method". This method does not have a standard template for the Jindan period. I made a few templates for deduction, you know How many options did I deduce?

There are a total of 71,642 versions, no bragging, if you can come up with one hundred thousand spirits, I will show you more than 70,000 versions one by one!

Apart from being shocked or shocked, the real person of Guyue: You are too awesome. I ’m not surprised that you have performed so many versions. What surprised me the most is that you can even give yourself the exercise method. You broke!

There's nothing to say about it. Feng Jun said frankly that Chifeng's honorary Nie Chifeng helped me find a soul replacement doll, so next ... maybe she will hold Dan soon, and when the time comes Don't be surprised, real people.

Lone Moon said in a raw voice: I am not surprised ... that is impossible!

Such things as soul dolls can actually fall into the hands of a dusting period, and ... why is it Chifeng Rongxun again?

After venting for a while, he reluctantly said: I also know that I want to find Tiancaidibao, but ... that is Ningying's Tiancaidibao, the entire Kunhao plane is not much good, okay?

If you let me find it in large numbers, you can only go to other planes ... There are various auxiliary exercises, you might as well let me die.

Feng Jun said helplessly: If you want to say this, I can't help it. I need a lot of information, isn't it for you?

Lone Moon lived with a sad face and left.

Then Yan Yuxi came over and asked: Can those furnaces and seedlings in your manor be transferred to me?

This is another effect that Feng Jun has helped Guan Hongxiu to form a pill. Many people are surprised to find out, ah, the original furnace can still be used like this?

According to my conscience, the practitioners who reject the use of the furnace in the Xiuxian world still account for the majority. Everyone thinks that there is a yin and yang reconciliation partner who is also very good. Not even thinking about repairing.

In the final analysis, there is no hidden disease or a difficult life, no one wants to use the furnace tripod-it hurts Tianhe!

But using Fengding Miaozi like Feng Jun does not have any problem at all.

Song Baifeng ’s actions have always been his own, and his own children have made mistakes, and they can only be punished by their own family, so their attitude towards the use of the furnace is naturally indispensable. Otherwise, how could Yan Yuxi know Xin Real people sell furnace tripods?

However, Song Baifeng did not reserve any furnace trips on weekdays. After hearing that it was still possible to operate in this way, Yan Yuxi made a claim and wanted to buy some furnace tripods from Feng Jun first.

Of course, she also knows that Feng Jun hates selling Luding, saying that I will treat it well after I buy it back. I mainly think about who can hold the Dan, can I borrow a breath-if you don't believe me, you can swear.

Feng Jun refused with a smile. He is not a person who opposes to oppose. Others use the furnace to make supplements. Of course he does not support it, but others use a single physique to guide breath. He will not object.

So the reason for his refusal is that since those people have turned to me, I ca n’t transfer them out, and they ’ve been working with me for a short period of time, and I can basically start practicing. I ca n’t go against it.

Yan Yuxi didn't express surprise at his refusal, only that I was almost time to hold Dan, so I wanted to reserve a few seedlings-I think some of the people you rescued are younger, you can wait Practice again in a few years.

Feng Jun is a black question mark: Are you kidding me? Do you still need this?

A real genius, with arrogance from his heart, Feng Jun felt that with Yan Yuxi's temper and character, Baodan would hug him directly, and would not care about such trivial matters at all.

He said that Yan Yuxi was very happy, but she still said: I will definitely not do it, but the family disagrees, I must give me an insurance, can I object?

Feng Jun believes this time, because the family concept of the Kunhao plane is too strong, and the rules of the Song Baifeng Yan family are very large. Yan Yuxi is regarded by the family as a condensed infant and seedling, and careful care is inevitable.

Because his relationship with Yan Yuxi is also good, there is a fighting friendship with Zhenxian together, and cooperation on jointly managing Shiji Island, so he said: If you really plan to do some thorough preparation, my seedling here, Neither is suitable for you.

Yan Yuxi blinked his eyes and expressed with doubt: I think your seedlings are quite complete, and there are five elements in Yin and Yang. You do n’t think they are complete yet. You need some partial seedlings-ice attribute, thunder attribute or wind attribute. some type of?

Feng Jun handed her an obsidian, saying that there were specific suggestions in it, but ... I do n’t want you to spread it, so you have to solicit it yourself, and I do n’t want you to use force.

He said "don't want", but that was just a polite wording-all friends, the wording should not be too harsh.

Of course, Yan Yuxi did not misunderstand, she nodded with a smile, saying that she would definitely follow the rules, and then she could n’t hold back her curiosity, she swept the obsidian, and suddenly froze, "Double, double, double ..." Dual attributes? "

Breath Guide ~ ~ Shouldn't it be single attribute? In the case of dual attributes ... Most of the furnaces are not qualified.

Feng Jun glanced at her lightly, "I already said, let you keep it secret ... who said that only a single attribute can guide the breath?"

Yan Yuxi felt a little collapsed, "The breath guide, of course, the more pure and better, you don't think I don't even understand this?"

Feng Jun looked at her with a smile, "I am also very strange about your words, why the more pure the better?"

"Because only the essence can trigger better ..." Yan Yuxi replied without hesitation, but halfway through, he stopped abruptly, "Uh, trigger, trigger ..."

"It seems that you also understand," Feng Jun nodded with a smile, "You don't need to trigger, with your genius, you don't need any trigger ... If your success rate is 95%, then you need more It is to correct deviations and correct some biases. "

"What you are pursuing should be the question of Dan Cheng Ji Pin, and do you think that Dan Cheng Ji Pin can guide the completion of a single attribute?"

Hearing his reprimands, Yan Yuxi was not only angry, but rather rejoiced. She giggled a little, and then uttered again, "So, prepare a few more single-attribute cultivators, isn't it over?"

"You still want to listen to me praise you," Feng Jun raised her finger at her, and said reluctantly, "You are only picking up the vacancies, the kind of comprehensive guidance, so ... my words are not allowed to pass out, I heard no ? "


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