Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1980: I do not know why

"Yes," Feng Jun nodded. He was not surprised that Xia Nishang could think of this.

In fact, if she didn't understand this, he would be disappointed, "the weaker the breath, the better."

"That's easy to say," Xia Nishang's wrist turned, and two pills showed up. "This is Kaiwu Dan ... and gave them to them."

Kaiwudan is a very amazing pill, which can help people quickly enter the world from mortals.

In fact, similar pills have a lot of side effects. If you think about it, you will know that once you get into the world, if you do n’t take this step solidly, the next practice is to build a castle on the beach.

Generally, only people with ordinary qualities who can't get into life and death can take similar pills, and in this case, high-level refining is the goal of lifelong struggle.

However, there are still big family children who are willing to take this pill. Anyway, it is no longer possible, and the gas refining period is better than mortals?

Similar pills have great side effects, not many people take it, but the price is extremely expensive.

Xia Nishang's Kaiwu Dan, in a similar pill, is considered to be of a very high grade. After she is transformed, she can be carefully reared and will not be firmly rooted.

And the better the qualifications, the more convenient it is to make up for the foundation.

If you think about it for a while, you can know that it is usually very easy for a well-qualified person to move into a decay. Relaxation means that it is not solid enough, but because the qualification is good enough, it is enough to slowly lay a solid foundation in future practice.

For example, Zhang Caixin's practice speed is very fast. If she doesn't know her qualifications, anyone will feel that her foundation may not be reliable, but after knowing her physique, everyone will feel very normal.

Therefore, this enlightened pill is actually very tasteless. After taking it, people with good qualifications do not have much hidden dangers, but there is no need to take it. Those with poor qualifications can take it, but it is very difficult to eliminate after-effects.

Xia Nishang now took out this pill with only one purpose. That is to hope that the two of them will step into the mortal world as soon as possible, because the current red sleeves really can't hold back. She broke through this hurdle as soon as possible and succeeded Baodan The rate is about to increase.

Feng Jun was also a little surprised. Xia Nishang actually had such a pill, so he handed it to the two ordinary people and explained briefly.

The two did not doubt his words, and they all agreed that-with our physique that is qualified to be a furnace, where would we care about the small side effects?

Xia Nishang does not forget to add that as long as my teacher and sister can hold the Dan successfully, you want to add the foundation, really not too easy.

This enlightenment was really amazing. After the two men took the food, they sat cross-legged and meditated, and within less than an hour, the male mortal entered the mortal period.

After seeing this on the seventh floor, the deceased hurriedly stopped the cultivation and got up.

Xia Nishang's attention was not on him, but she was perceptively perceiving the change in the momentum of the Jindan Cave House-as expected, the momentum that had been extremely stable had very slight fluctuations.

At this moment, she really admired Feng Jun in her heart and turned her head to speak, but she saw that Feng Jun had picked up another mortal and pulled back, and spoke softly, "Leave first, just leave him here. Now. "

Xia Nishang glanced at the man who was stabilizing the realm, and decided to choose to believe Feng Jun, so he also backed away.

Seriously, the three Jin Dans have been holding their breath, and it does not matter.

After retreating far away, Xia Nishang asked out, "Doesn't this need to be transformed? So a little breath is enough?"

"Introduction is introductory, one point is enough," Feng Jun replied with a smile, "I let them practice together, and I hope that some of them will be able to fall away as soon as possible ... Oh, this guy is fast, I will put him in Gather in the Spirit Array. "

When he settled the people and came back again, the momentum fluctuation of Guan Hongxiu was already quite obvious. Feng Jun hurried forward and wrapped up the one who was steadily declining and withdrew.

As if it was a signal, this talent was wrapped away, the momentum of the red sleeves burst out, and if it was normal, the surrounding trees were shaken uncontrollably.

Feng Jun put the people into the Lingling Formation, and couldn't help but secretly stunned, fortunately, he withdrew quickly, or this one might really get involved in Jindan cause and effect!

However, this one is also very good. Although he ate Kaiwu Dan quickly, he was interrupted when he stabilized the realm, but after re-entering the Lingling Formation, the breath was only disordered for ten minutes, and he continued to stabilize. realm.

Or can it be regarded as a furnace? This physique is too evil.

At the moment, Guan Hongxiu's momentum is still rising, even giving people a very fierce feeling.

Yue Qing has also rushed over. Although he has always been doing his own thing, he will never miss this kind of knowledge-growth. His brows are slightly wrinkled. "This is still ... Is he really hopeful?"

Hearing that he was not very optimistic about Guan Hongxiu and Dan at the beginning, but obviously, the development of the situation was beyond his expectations.

Xia Nishang glanced at him dissatisfiedly—because Yue Qing wanted to avoid suspicion, she still had ten miles away from here, but how could she hide her perception at this distance? "Why, can't Chifeng Rongxun hold Dan?"

Yue Qing gave her a white glance and ignored it-what can I say to Kun Xiu?

Guyuezheng and Sumiaozheng are also paying attention here. Guyuewen Yanyan smiled and said, "Of course, Chifeng Rongxun can hold the pill. As expected. "

Xia Nishang nodded slightly, "Red sleeves can come to this step, still thanks to Master Feng Shan ... His exquisite deduction ability is simply unheard of!"

"Yes," Guyue Zhenren nodded thoughtfully, "I haven't thought about it, Luding can still use it like this."

Feng Jun ’s use of the furnace traction gas machine is not a difficult operation. Not to mention Jin Dan, even those who are in the dust period can understand it at a glance, but understanding it does not mean that they can learn. .

Yan Yuxi's sigh is enough to explain all this. At the moment, she is chatting with Chiluan, "I believe this solution has been discussed by the predecessors, but no one can do it, which is whimsical, so later there is no such statement Now. "

"I think this is also the case," Chi Luan nodded. "The plan is good, but unrealistic ... Except for Master Feng Shan, I don't think anyone can actually operate it, let alone say, I don't understand now, why choose the soil Attributes rather than wood attributes. "

The soil property is the other shore theory, and the wood property is the coexistence theory. She can understand these, but why she chose the other shore instead of the coexistence is not something she can understand.

After she finished this sentence, Yue Qing replied mutely, "If you can understand, you are Lord Feng Shan!"

Guyue looked at him coldly, "It seems that you can understand."

"I didn't say I understand," Yue Qing replied casually, "You don't understand Jindan's 9th floor, I'm only 8th floor."

Gu Yuezhen's eyebrows raised, "You surnamed Yue, are you looking for something, or should we have a life-and-death battle?"

Yue Qing took a deep look at him and replied with disapproval, "Why not, you can't beat me again."

"It's nothing more than trying to let Su Miao kill me after the battle of life and death, but can she kill me? I still say that there are Tiantong, Tianxintai and Songbaifeng present, do you think this news can be concealed? ? "

The reason for Gu Yue's speech is very simple-he really wanted to kill Yue Qing, and his purpose was really to kill his mouth.

This time, the red-sleeved Baodan passed through-although it has not been successful, it has shown a new idea that the outside can exert a weak influence on those who strike Jindan.

Strictly speaking, this is not an influence, but a weak guidance-the external environment will affect Baodan, as we have known for a long time, otherwise no law protection will be arranged, but guidance in a positive sense is really unheard of.

There are rumors that the power of the awakening period can affect the practitioners who impact Jindan, but that kind of influence is not a subtle guide, but it is like drinking like a stick and interfering with the practitioners' process of forming a pill.

Able to interfere is definitely stronger than no interference, but compared to the forced interference, the silent guidance of moist objects is king.

Guyue Zhenren had wondered before, why did Chifeng come with so many honors and honors, could Feng Jun help deduce the pill?

Now it seems that Feng Jun can not only infer the means of forming a pill, but also lead people to form a pill, this ability is really against the sky. Guyue, like the original Red Phoenix, subconsciously wanted to block the news.

In the final analysis, he was a bit stunned. He felt that it was enough for Taiqing and Chifeng to know the news. The cultivators of other families ... it would be better to kill them directly, especially the people of the Qinggang school.

It wasn't until Yue Qing made this point that he realized that he was a little late to prevent himself, so he snorted again, "This news, no one is allowed to pass it out, does anyone have an opinion?"

Can anyone have an opinion? Even if I didn't take it seriously, no one jumped out and opposed it-after going back anyway, it would be a quiet pass, would Taiqing still stop everyone from being successful?

Yue Qing wanted to say something to him, but thought it was meaningless, but just sneered, "Oh."

This voice "hehe ~ ~ is more than Yue Qing's voice? Disciples such as Tiantong Business League, Yan Yuxi and Tianxintai all think so. This time, Chifeng Rongxun sent a knot outside. It's so rare, how many people are watching.

The people of the Chifeng faction also know that the various forces in Baigutan are complex, and it is supposed that they should be cleared, but here is Feng Jun ’s territory.

Of course, the key point is that it is not easy to wipe out those major forces. Qinggang and Taiqing are not weaker than Chifeng. Tiantong Business League, Songbaifeng and Tianxintai are not soft persimmons.

It has to be said that in this case, Chi Feng can also agree that Guan Hongxiu can hold the Dan in Bailitan, which is quite courageous. For this reason, they even arranged four Jin Dan to protect the law.

And Feng Jun's role in the process of Guan Hongxiu's embrace of the Dan is naturally seen by everyone.

The people of Tiantong Business League, Tianxintai and Songbaifeng have relatively low cultivation levels, but there is no problem in seeing Feng Jun ’s operation ideas.

As for their knowledge, they don't know why? Ha ha, the real person of Guyue is still "not sure why"!

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