Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1972: Feng Tufu

If Yu Qingzhu's feet are deep, the other party might think twice-at least not dare to blatantly start.

But her problems have shown that she has a shallow foot, so it is inevitable that the other party will look for faults directly.

In fact, Feng Jun believes that if the real person of Xin Feng does not know that there is a Xuanyin physique, it is estimated that it is impossible for him to come in person.

But this kind of thing, he knew it in his heart, there is no need to promote it.

In the evening, Feng Jun killed the two outgoing masters, and Xin Feng was also killed by him with the power of the plane ... No way, he didn't want people to know about Xuanyin's physique, so he simply died. ,

The next day, Guyue real person found that Xinfeng real person was dead, and could not help but stupefy, "Master Feng Shan you shot ... It's also fierce enough, Jin Dan's first stage, put him in a ban, let him be a beater Is it not good?"

Feng Jun replied disapprovingly, "The exile of the captives acts as a furnace tripod, so betrayal of such conscience!"

For these words, Guyue Zhenren doesn't feel much, but since it is correct, he will not refute.

However, Yun Buyao was very angry. She killed so badly yesterday, not only because Kun Hao natives looked at life and death lightly, but also because she was threatened by such evil deeds, and it was really painful. .

Therefore, she very seriously suggested, "Shan Shan, I think there is no need to talk about honesty about the villains like Xinfeng, it is better to cram his family."

Feng Jun nodded, "I think so too, but first ask the people in Fangshi to ask how they manage it!"

Fang City is responsible for receiving Feng Jun, is a middle-class, he is very sorry to say that this is caused by our improper management, the management is willing to make compensation to your people.

"This is not an improper problem," Feng Jun shook his head, and said in a straight voice, "A small wooden sign, left unattended on the table, turned over is the word" inquiry must buy "... your supervisory staff will think it is reasonable Without any objections! "

He put the little wooden sign on the table and asked sharply, "I don't say anything about being embarrassed, I won't talk nonsense without evidence ... I only ask you, is this sentence on the wooden sign reasonable? ? "

"Unreasonable," replied Chu Chen, who was right in the middle. In fact, he was very clear. This is the way to kill the foreigners. On normal days, the management side also opened one eye and closed one eye-in the Kunhao plane, this is not big. Wrong, not biased towards locals, would it be biased towards foreigners?

However, since the other party is qualified to question, he does n’t mind dumping the pot, "Deacon Liu is not in your hands? You can ask him to speak."

Feng Jun hadn't had time to speak yet, Kong Ziyi walked in. "Someone came to report that Deacon Liu also passed the furnace!"

Came to report that she was a high-ranking woman in Qi-refining. She was also from Donghua, with a physique of Guishui. She was valued by the people of Xiuxianjie and brought back, and she settled in Qiuchenfang.

Later, she wanted to know if her younger brother had cultivated his physique, got a test symbol, and specially tested it, and found that his brother was Renshui physique, so she wanted to lead him to Xiuxian Realm.

To this end, she specially asked someone to say hello to Deacon Liu. However, just at the time of customs clearance, someone came to check and took her younger brother as a stowaway, and there was no news since.

It was a long time before she heard that Deacon Liu had privately retained Luding and sold it, so she asked him to help, which completely ruined her brother's future.

A woman hates her heart, but she ca n’t do anything else, and even her husband ’s family advises her that there is no need to offend a deacon in Fang City-they were originally out of control, and they held power in their hands. what?

This time, she heard that someone was making a noise in the city, in order to plunder the furnace, not only captured the famous Xin Feng real person, but also took the surname Liu Na.

She did not know Master Feng Shan ’s deeds well, but she knew that the war repairers admired this person very much, and he personally won the real person of Xin Feng, and the real person with the Taiqing School arrived, so she decided to come Complaint.

Feng Jun was very dissatisfied with Mr. Liu, but he felt that the fellow did not attack the defensive formation with others in the end, and it was not so bad that he had heard such news?

However, he was not particularly surprised, because when he first entered the customs, he heard from others that the people on the level were not very disciplined, and also told him not to pass Yunbuyao's qualifications out.

The person who received Feng Jun's middle class heard the words, and his face suddenly changed, "This is impossible!"

"This is very likely," Feng Jun looked at him with a smile, "I came in from Dong Huaguo, and it's so greasy, I believe you know better than me, and now I'm going to catch Deacon Liu's house ... I hope you have never done such a thing. "

The middle-level face of Chuchen became white. The news of the scene yesterday reached his ears. He knew very well that Feng Jun was the one who said it, "I really haven't done it ... just didn't stop others, Is n’t that what it is? "

"I will not pursue the previous matter," Feng Jun said seriously. "But after that, if you still say so, I must ask you a charge of 'sitting together.'"

"Okay," this one nodded, but pondering, he couldn't help struggling to say, "But ... that's a person of ordinary world, you can't cultivate, if you want to study in the fairy world, you have to take risks. "

"I also come from the ordinary world," Feng Jun glanced at him angrily, "The ordinary world comes to cultivate the immortal world, there should be a charter, but it is a big deal. If you return the person, who made you sell the furnace?"

"Yes, yes, Master Feng Shan learned the lesson," this nodded his head, but he was sullen in his heart: you also come from the common world? Don't be funny ... Cultivation Immortal Realm hasn't improved cultivation behavior as fast as you.

Then Feng Jun launched a vigorous rectification of Qiuchenfang City.

Imitated the complaint conference and carried out Deacon Liu, let everyone have the courage to report, not to mention, there are really a few people standing up-Deacon Liu certainly does not do this once or twice.

In addition to Deacon Liu, a deacon was also pulled out, and several level guards were found.

On the next day, many guards fled, and they worried that they would eventually find themselves.

But there are also guards who stick to their posts. Feng Jun asked him only to know that co-authoring this black money is not something anyone can earn, but who can make money is capable.

The guards who stayed were already dissatisfied with this kind of thing. When they asked Feng Jun, they immediately gave out the details, and even poke out another Jindan Zhenyu Qiyu, saying that he also did this. business.

Feng Jun was rectified in Qiuchenfang City for three days. Many people were involved in the veteran meeting in Lianfang City. Finally, he had to send a new person in charge to let Feng Jun start a **** storm. Gradually calmed down.

Feng Jun was really fierce, Deacon Liu and another deacon were all chopped off, and the majority of the participants were also chopped off. Although in the immortal world, the clan is not a rare thing, but he is as crazy as he is There are very few.

So Lord Feng Shan got another nickname-Feng Butcher!

However, although he started fiercely, he was correct.

Many people do n’t take him seriously to protect ordinary people, but they ca n’t say that he did something wrong, so the people who came here took the case from him and said that we would strictly investigate. Guyue Zhenren has urged you to return to Bailitan, Don't let him wait long.

Feng Jun said that I can leave, but if I let anyone know that if someone else does this kind of thing in Qiuchenfang City, then I will definitely expand the area of ​​attack.

People who come here want to cry a little bit: You are all chopped up. Is n’t this called expanding the strike area?

Of course not counted, Feng Junli replied bluntly: They are all beneficiaries of selling furnaces, since you have benefited, naturally, when investigating the responsibility, there is naturally a part.

However, this is not the end. When Feng Jun left, he said that those who escaped from Bailitan were still “killing one and saving one”. You can go to Bailitan to receive the reward.

And instead of leaving from the teleportation array, he drove the flying boat and went straight to Xin Feng ’s old nest.

Xin Feng's real life became a mystery. After being severely hit by Zhu Jianfeng, even the family moved, and no one knew where the family moved.

However, Feng Jun couldn't help but he drove a flying boat to a small village 600,000 miles away.

There are seven or eight hundred people in the small village, and it is known as Murong, but in fact, Xin Feng's real name is Mu.

The people in the village already knew that Xin Feng was dead, and although he was crying to express his revenge, no one knew that with three people in the family, revenge was basically impossible. Is the right reason.

Of course ~ ~ They didn't prevent Feng Jun from coming over. First of all, if they could find it, they would say it first. Secondly, Feng Jun said in front of everyone that he would let family members live.

Facts have proved that they are still too credulous. Feng Jun rushed with the people quietly. When the night was quiet, he forcibly broke the village's defense, rushed in and killed.

Guyue Zhenren did n’t practise his identity, but just defended outside, so that no one could escape. Kong Ziyi and Qu Jianlei followed Feng Jun to kill them. They killed three of them at the first time, and then cooperated with the cloud. Bu Yao and others killed.

That's right, Yunbuyao also followed this time, because Feng Jun killed in Qiuchenfang City. Once he left, it was difficult to say whether she would be retaliated against, and everyone knew that she was innately pure. Gold physique.

Separate revenge may not be cost-effective. It is more tempting to get a furnace with pure gold constitution.

Therefore, Feng Jun decided to take her away, and the small courtyard in Qiuchenfang City could only wait for the two brothers of the Chen family in Yuntai to return to watch.

Yunbuyao shot was really cruel, without blinking his eyes, even Kong Ziyi, who was in the middle, couldn't help but say, "You disciple ... a very murderous!"

"Metallic physique, a bit more murderous is not a bad thing," Feng Jun replied casually, "But this child, I have to put it by my side to educate, only knowing the killing, it is easy to affect the heart."

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