Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1962: Old friend

The second Longmen Conference ended smoothly, and Li Shishi, the former general manager of Luohua Manor, won the top spot.

The final process is still so monotonous, with defensive symbols, thunderbolts and water dragon symbols.

The only difference is that Li Shishi took out the defensive symbol and held it in his hand before the battle began.

Although the Wudang disciple was a little sorry that his family only got the second place, he was also proud to show off, "While Wang Dapeng was a loser, he was the only contestant who forced Li Shishi to hold Fu Lu anyway!"

Someone asked Wang Dapeng about this sentence, he only smiled bitterly, "That is the respect of Luohua's Taoist friends for the finals, it has nothing to do with me!"

Everyone else said, Wang Daoyou took the second, still so humble, so arrogant, he will surely march into martial arts in the future!

But Wang Dapeng knew best that Li Shishi's approach really didn't matter much to him.

When he first started looking for Gao Qiang, he had an open mind-Li Shishi's operation was flawed. If you do not correct it for the sake of image, then don't blame me for being welcome, because I am also under great pressure.

You corrected it, then I recognized it, and took the second, anyway, you can't help but pay attention to me.

But after getting Gao Qiang's answer, he was a little hesitant to go back: Do you want to attack tomorrow?

However, the decision he made is indeed the same as Gao Qiang thought: I have done what I should do, but I will try it tomorrow. How powerful is Feng Shan ’s amulet!

However, it is very regrettable that there are people in Wudang who know that he is looking for Gao Qiang-Wenxu is in charge!

Wen Xudao is very concerned about the outcome of the negotiations between the two, because he really does not want to offend Luohua, but Wudang also wants to win the championship.

However, after listening to Wang Dapeng's answer, he was helpless, co-authoring the weaknesses that everyone thought was really not a weakness.

As for whether Gao Qiang ’s words are credible or unreliable, it is not within the scope of consideration of Wenxu's control-if people want to win the championship, they just need to get out of the game directly.

After thinking for a while, he finally decided that he must ask the people of Luohua to fight with the sign-in this way, everyone has a face, and it is not hurt.

Wang Dapeng is really a bit reluctant-Gao Qiang is right at all. Successful warriors don't lack the courage to challenge strong players.

In fact, Wen Xu did not let him go, but invited Elder Guo who had a good relationship with Luohua.

Gao Qiang once warned Wang Dapeng not to circulate the amulet, but Wen Xu's holding of the palm is definitely not an outsider. When he held the meeting with Elder Guo, he also smiled and asked if Luo Hua's disciples had amulet.

Elder Guo really knew the amulet. Wang Haifeng gave the amulet to his dad for filial piety. As a result, his dad gave the amulet to his grandfather. When the last two children were about to jump off the building, one was okay and the other was broken. The incident was quite sensational.

At Luohua Manor, this is also a relatively strange legend. Elder Guo has been to Luohua more often, and has heard this joke.

He told this joke, but Wang Dapeng and Wenxu could not laugh anyway.

Elder Guo didn't understand what was going on at first, and then he responded, "Dapeng, are you trying to start the attack?"

Wang Dapeng didn't say a word, obviously it was the default.

Elder Guo also did not persuade him. As a person coming over, he knew very well—useless, unable to persuade, so he simply asked, “What is the matter of holding me in charge?”

Wen Xu took control of his thoughts, and Elder Guo also believed that this choice was good, and he was willing to persuade each other.

He did not go to Gao Qiang, but directly went to Zhang Caixin, which is what Luo Hua and his team can do.

However, Zhang Caixin said that the reason for "respecting the finals and the audience" is good, but this involves the issue of Lowa's external image, and I have to ask the boss.

Fortunately, Feng Jun is better at speaking. He is typical of being soft outside and strong inside, and he can bear more than him. It is estimated that there is only a ghost. He is still willing to be relatively low-key although he can't bear it now.

It is his disciples, one is more courageous than one, which is a bit of a publicity. Feng Jun feels that this actually helps to cultivate Luohua ’s sense of honor and cohesion, but he will also choose a time and warn them appropriately. .

Li Shishi was the first. She rightfully chose the "Power Edition Qualification Test Array", and lent it to Tang Wangsun of Maoshan as soon as she changed hands. Wudang, second place, obtained the Power Edition Juling Array as she wished.

Li Shishi's choice, in fact, did not want Kunlun to get the electric version of the formation.

The people in Kunlun have no choice but to accuse each other of playing tacit agreement? Pull it down, unfair games are everywhere, after all, it is still not strong enough.

In fact, although Kunlun is very envious of the power version of the Lingling, it is really a bit tangled. Where should I put it after I get it?

It is not possible to take back the Kunlun secret realm, because Feng Jun had "borrowed" this method, he once said that this method should not only circulate in the chakras of the Daomen, but also prevent other tributaries of the Daomen from "strapping the spirit ".

Of course, there are too many Taoist friends rubbing Reiki, there must be a rule, but the specific content, Feng Jun is too lazy to inquire.

Therefore, even if Kunlun got the Lingling Formation, it had to be placed outside the mountain gate, so that everyone could borrow it. They really dare to move into the secret realm. If they refuse to use it, Feng Jun can definitely break the big formation for the second time.

Therefore, Kunlun didn't get the formation, but was just angry, but it just happened to save trouble.

However, Wudang had already made room for the gathering of spirits, which was as large as ten acres of land, which attracted a large current. Not to mention, the pavilions and pavilions were everything, and pine and cypress were planted in a patchwork-they even I want to stay here for a long time.

But the biggest obstacle to this matter is not Feng Jun, but the next company that rotates every two years. As long as the people who serve the next family are well served, they feel that there is no need to move the Juling Array away, even if it is more than half successful.

Anyway, the Daomen are beginning to flourish, and the roads are long and long. Every family is racking their brains to fight for their own development space.

Wang Dapeng won the second time this time, but he was a little bit disgusted because he knew very well what Li Shishi was in Luohua, but other Wudang disciples were already very happy. The first was Luohua, so this second ... followed by first It makes no difference.

After Wenxu took charge of Juling Array, he had the intention to leave Wang Dapeng and change another Wudang disciple to repair the small courtyard. The second one with a long face, and secondly, also helped to guard the juling array ... Cultivation, is there no difference?

He thinks that Wang Dapeng will not refuse such an arrangement-this guy has a good face and loses to Luohua, will he go?

However, Wang Dapeng's reaction was beyond the expectation of his control. He resolutely returned to repair the small courtyard.

What he thought was not to fall from where he had to get up, to get back to the scene, but the small courtyard really benefited a lot.

The place is clean and closed. Not only is there no pilgrim, but even the mobile phone can only be used for two hours a day, which is the most suitable for practicing. If he stays in Wudang, even if he can guarantee sufficient practice time, the disturbance of outsiders is absolutely essential. .

Secondly, there are all elites from all disciplines, and the exchanges during the weekdays are basically dominated by martial arts and Taoism. Having such a group of partners who practice monks together can not only increase the speed of cultivating, but also increase knowledge, and cultivating can only become Real fun.

He explained the reason to Wen Xu's stubbornness. Instead, he wanted him to stay in Wudang-there are so many disciples in Wudang, so good places, everyone should feel it?

Wang Dapeng could n’t agree to this, saying that this time the Lingling Formation could be given priority to Wudang, I did my best. Although this is the responsibility of Wudang disciples, but looking for Gaoqiang to borrow objects, it was my personal friendship. ——You have to admit this?

At this time, he did not say that Lo Wu was forced by Luo Hua, but instead emphasized friendship.

But in the end, he still agreed with the director. After one year, he came back, stayed in Wudang for one year, and then went to another year ... Anyway, in the third year, Wudang ’s Juling Array will be rotated to other people, he must go back. of.

In the middle of the year, his high-level martial arts has been stable, it is not impossible to experience in the red dust, and he can still use the gathering array from time to time.

After the agreement, he went to Gao Qiang and wanted to follow Luo Hua's people.

But when he found Luohua and his party, he discovered that there was a stranger inside.

The stranger is Di Aixin. He has participated in the Dragon Gate Conference again this time. Although it is only the first stage of the martial arts, he is born with divine power, and his combat power can already shake the high order of the martial arts, but it is very unfortunate. ~ ~ was beaten to death.

The one who won him was against Li Shishi, but he voluntarily abstained. Li Shishi won without a fight and advanced to the semifinals.

After hearing the whole story, Li Shishi was very grateful to him. If he didn't fight so hard, she still had a fight in eight in four.

So after she won the championship, she went to him for the first time—aside from the rest, the two were still in the same village.

However, when Di Ai Xin saw her winning the championship, she had to stay away with a strong support-he really had no face to see her.

As a result, he was hit by Li Shishi.

Li Shishi is not very good at investigating the injury, but Gao Qiang is good at it. He checked it and couldn't help but yell, "Your kid is tired and crooked? With so many injuries on his body, will he still come to the Longmen Conference?"

Di Aixin replied disapprovingly, "Whoever gets a punch can get fewer injuries? While he can fight, he can earn more money for a few years."

Gao Qiang sighed indignantly, "If my son grows like you in the future, I will kill him!"

Li Shishi was a little anxious. "Brother Qiang ... can he be cured?"

Gao Qiang thought about it and reluctantly replied, "I can't cure him. I guess I still have to find the boss, but I asked the boss to treat him last time. It's impossible to ask for a second time."

"There is no need to cure," Di Ai Xin replied indifferently, "It's enough to raise for two months ... I'm still young, this injury is nothing."

Gao Qiang glanced at him angrily, "If you were young when you were young, you would be bitter when you are old!"

Li Shishi was thinking about what she should ask the boss after winning the championship. She had a little inconsistency, but she couldn't encourage the courage. After hearing this, she said decisively, "Then I will go to the boss to treat him!" "

In the final analysis, she lay in four wins, and Di Aixin was a member of her same village.

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