Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1956: repercussions

Gazi is now also a layer of Qi Refining, without knowing it at all, you know that Zhong Lijing has fallen into a pinnacle.

Then he glanced thoughtfully at Feng Jun without saying a word, opened the chair and sat down, then buried himself in a meal.

The good scenery originally wanted to make it clear in public, so as to save her blame, it would be a good way to help Zhong Lijing cross the clear road, but she also chose to shut up when she saw that Gazi did not speak.

Yang Yuxin has never eaten with everyone. After having a meal, he left without any indication.

Good scenery quickly finished the rice in the bowl and got up under the eaves outside the door.

Soon after Feng Jun came out, she sent an idea to the other party, "Boss, I want to consult something."

Feng Jun can also guess what she wants to ask, in fact, this morning, he has already sorted things out.

So he beckoned to her, "Come here, walk with me."

At the moment, there was still a light drizzle in the sky. He likes to walk in the rain. It is well-known to Luohua. Teacher Mei originally wanted to hold an umbrella, but in the end he walked quickly, but he complained, "I I don't like rain very much. "

The two people were in parallel for more than two hundred meters. Teacher Mei saw that he never spoke, and could only take the initiative to speak, "You and Zhong Lijing like this ... is it a bit of a bad rule?"

Feng Jun glanced at her sideways, and then he smiled and said, "She was introduced by you. I did this, didn't you give me face?"

"Don't make a joke," good scenery rarely speaks decently, "I'm serious, aren't you doing this a bad rule?"

She was entangled. In fact, Feng Jun was still entangled with her in the morning. There are no rules and rules, why couldn't you resist last night?

Later, he punched it carefully, and found that it was not as serious as he thought: first, this person Zhong Lijing is credible, and secondly, she is also simple and pathetic. Again, she has been in the manor for more than a month, and is also diligent ...

Anyway, he tried hard to find some reasons, because he felt a little reluctant, so he went to Yang Yuxin again, and wanted to know what she thought, only to pass the exercises-this is not a private grant, but without permission It's also wrong to leak casually.

Yang Yuxin's answer was very lightly written, "She is yours sooner or later, I just let her know in advance, so that you can't bear it one day, she hasn't seen the exercises yet ... Since I have seen it, it's a pendulum The meat by your mouth. "

"When you were with me, I wouldn't be able to practice at first."

Feng Jun thought about it, it was really the case, he was with Director Yang, and it was the practice that was given to her later.

But it is clear that Zhong Lijing is different. She must master the exercises at the beginning, otherwise it will cause great waste.

Feng Jun couldn't refute this logic, he could only sigh, "But Luohua is the place to talk about rules, but I took the lead to break the rules."

"What rules have you broken?" Director Yang disagrees with this sentence very much. "The newcomers can practice in advance, right? You are the master of Luohua, right? Xiaozhong becomes your woman, right?" "

"I can't figure it out. You want to let your woman practice ahead of time. What kind of rules are broken?"

Feng Jun was stunned for a while. At the end of the period, Ai Ai Di said, "I don't think this ... is a bit like the prospect of a potential man?"

"You have the final say here, the rules are clear!" Yang Yuxin said lightly, "I will ask you, I changed Liang Siyu last night. Will you see her if you are a potential man?"

"Of course not," Feng Jun shook his head and answered without hesitation, but ... really wouldn't it?

"That's right, it means that you are willing to accept her in your heart, not only because of her pitiful life, but also because she is beautiful enough," Yang Yuxin continued to talk eloquently, "I think that since you like her, you are still stubborn and lifelike. Do a little suffocating. "

Feng Jun has so many excuses, basically he can already convince himself, but he still can't help saying, "I'm worried that if I go on like this, it will ruin the style of the manor."

Yang Yuxin glanced at him with a little helplessness, "Boss, you are all out of the dust. If you dare to love and hate, you can't do it. Why do you think you can do things naturally?"

This reason is really enough Xianxia! Feng Jun grinned, "I'm talking about Luohua's management problems."

Yang Yuxin smiled, "Don't you think that Luo Hua's development is too satisfactory?"

"It ’s good to talk about rules. It ’s not good to talk about lifelessness. Occasionally, there are a little flaws. Live the atmosphere. Do n’t be too serious to be a person. That ’s the life. I used to be the same as before, but it happened It's different after you. "

Feng Jun was silent for a long time before he nodded and solemnly said, "Teached!"

He really understands, so when asked about good scenery, he answered frankly, "The question of right and wrong, of course, must be rules, and things that are not elegant, occasionally indulge ... is it a big problem?"

"Of course it is a big question," Good Scenery answered seriously. "The cultivation qualifications of the staff in the manor are similar to the selection and promotion. As a boss, you have to be a bowl of water, and others will want to be opportunistic. Road ... "

"I am not targeting anyone, Zhong Lijing was introduced by me, you are so happy to her, I am only happy, and now I am talking about things."

Feng Jun laughed, "Zhong Lijing's cultivation in advance will not affect anyone's cultivation qualifications. There is no essential conflict. It is still not very accurate to describe it with promotion. We are monks, not officials!"

Who knows that the good scenery really calls him true, "Cultivation and officialdom are indeed different, but if you treat them so differently, people's hearts will float, which is not a good thing."

Feng Jun smiled, "So it is true to say that cultivating oneself and doing oneself well is true. You can't let go of quick negative effects or jealousy and suspicion. These negative emotions can't go too far ... Zhong Lijing actually lives very real!

If someone has a purpose and approaches him secretly, he will be more disgusted, but Zhong Lijing showed his attitude from the beginning, he could not feel disgusted, and even a little smug-my charm is indeed not small.

Good Scenery finally did not speak, because she also vaguely understood his thoughts-monasticism is really not an official, the rules are to be talked about, and you can do it in an appropriate manner. Personal emotions and sorrows are gone, but also What kind of cultivation?

After a long time, she snorted, "Actually, it's just an excuse to find myself ... it's flowery!"

"Oh," Feng Jun smiled. "You can say whatever you want, but my ninth floor is a bit more complete."

Good scenery nodded, but she neglected. Feng Jun was also at the point of imminent embracing Dan, so in fact ... this is also his cultivation requirement?

Thinking about this in her mind, Feng Jun had already gone far, and when she recovered, she hurriedly shouted, "Wait!"

Then she quickly stepped forward and asked in a low voice, "Why ... why did Yang Yuxin do this?"

Feng Jun stayed for a while, then laughed-this question, he also asked Yang Yuxin this morning.

Director Yang said "I don't tell you", but after thinking about it again, he understood the reason-she really couldn't say it.

He smiled for a while, so that the good scenery was a little unhappy, "Are you saying nothing?"

"Cough," Feng Jun coughed twice, and answered directly, "I gave Xiao Zhong a Yan Dan ... she has all of you."

After he finished speaking, he was no longer verbose and his body disappeared.

In Yan Dan? The scenery was stunned for a moment before he whispered, "I'm going, Yang Yuxin, you too ..."

She finally reacted. She followed Zhang Caixin and Zhang Weihong to Yang Yuxin, wondering why she became younger.

In fact, the good scenery did not feel that they did something wrong-they are all people of Luohua, and you should not hide it if you have resources.

Later they found Feng Jun, and after knowing that it was Yan Shoudan, they did not unreasonably insist on it, but one person got a resident Yan Yan, even Xiao Tianshi had a share.

Is everyone jealous of Yang Yuxin? No, knowing that she is relatively old and resource-constrained, her priority is normal.

Then ... this makes Director Yang hate it?

Review the good scenery carefully. That day ... it seemed to mean a bit of encroachment--it was Director Yang who was above all.

"It's really boring," she shook her head, turned around and walked back, holding up an umbrella, her mind was still thinking: Then she privately taught the practice to Zhong Lijing, is it going to pull in, or alienate?

Apart from us ... Do you think a bit too much? Teacher Mei really doesn't believe this evil: I am a referrer!

Then she drove away from the manor and went to the small courtyard guard, where there are few people now, but because of the small number of people, she needs to be more careful not to pay attention to what is mixed in.

That night, UU reading said that she should also stay in the small training center, but she did n’t know why, so she always wanted to go back, so she drove back.

When came back, the dinner time had passed, and the scenery did not bother to eat. He made a cup of tea and sat in the pavilion in the backyard, drinking slowly.

Looking at the rain silk outside the pavilion, listening to the rustling of drizzle falling on the leaves, she suddenly understood a little bit, why Feng Jun likes to rain-not to watch the rain, but to listen.

People with uncertain moods can only see muddy, feel wet, and those who listen to the rain can feel that rustling sound in the silence can let people empty their hearts, cultivate temperament, and feel sublimation.

At that moment, someone walked into the backyard, and it was not Ga Zi who was the other. He said hello first, and then asked a little curiously, "Mr. Mei, what's the matter with Zhong Lijing? This is just over a month ... you can practice Alright? "

Good Scenery deliberately explained, but this process was too tiring, and she was not sure. With Gazi ’s mind and IQ, she could understand that feeling, so she replied lightly, “That ’s the boss ’s decision, follow me Irrelevant. "

"That's right," Gazi frowned frowningly. "Of course, the boss is the largest, but my family Yuhuan also wants to practice."

(Three shifts arrive, the wind laughs very hard. During the double period, and friends who have monthly tickets, pay close attention.)

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