Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1930: Play

Compared with the lively night of the first night, there is nothing particularly worth mentioning on the positive day of the next day.

Early in the morning, after everyone got up, they first had their morning classes and breakfast, and then they gathered together in twos and threes in the manor to discuss the truth. Among them, Yang in the Chicheng cave was very active and even said some unique views of Chicheng.

It was near noon, and it started to rain, and Qing Xiaozi got together and asked the four new gas refining practitioners to demonstrate their ability to control water.

There is a suspicion of disrespect for people. Although the four Qi-cultivators are new, they can still be called monks anyway. ?

Yu Qingzhu and Ga Zi felt this vaguely, but Qing Xiaozi was an old man, and he always loved to joke, so it was not very serious.

When they hesitated, Sofia didn't care so much. She raised her hand, and the fine raindrops around her floated towards her hand, rolling continuously in the air, and soon a small dragon composed of water vapor accumulated.

The color of the dragon is white, it has Mi Xu, the thickness of its arms, and its shape is a little fuzzy. It cannot be said to be alive, but it twists and twists in the air, at least it can be said to be a flexible streamer.

Sofia was able to get this set, and specifically asked Feng Jun. She said that she would only play a slogan in Amsdam, which really damaged the image of Luohua. Now that the gas refining period is over, you must at least teach a technique. Law, so that I "raise the strange land"!

That's right, the four words "Yangwei Exotic", she said in person, which shows that she is already thinking of China.

Feng Jun felt that her request was quite reasonable. Luohua's disciples were promoted. He had to give some gifts, and Sofia was no exception.

First of all, he wants to send a storage bag. All disciples who are promoted will get a reward for the storage bag. The experience of using the object is really poor, and the number of uses is limited.

Before Sofia, she didn't even have a charm. She complained to Feng Jun more than once, saying he was discriminating, but Feng Jun ignored her. She didn't take out a storage bag until she advanced to refining Qi.

Of course, the storage bag is stronger than the charm, the key is that this thing has a threshold for use-you ca n’t use it before the gas refining period!

So even if Sofia had an accident and the storage bag was taken away by others, no one could use it.

Is there anyone abroad who is a gas refiner? Not at all? ... Well, be humble. There may be people who do this kind of cultivation abroad, but there will definitely not be many people. So, will someone happen to get the storage bag and know the correct way to open it?

Feng Jun feels that this possibility is infinitely close to zero.

Moreover, the storage bag can be used frequently, and Feng Jun can put the Lovat logo on it. If there is an accident, he can also get it back in time, and if it is used in this way, the cost of use is too high.

Anyway, when he handed the storage bag to Sofia, she was overjoyed, and after several experiments, she gnawed at Feng Jun, "Boss, I will give you a monkey ..."

Anyway, she was very excited. Once a member of the "Country on Wheels", she also often drove. She was very used to carrying large and small bags of materials with her. Now that is all right, she has a huge space.

She had been expecting such a day already. In fact, she once wondered if she would never get this thing. Now that the thing is in hand, it is much larger than the charm.

In addition, she is eligible to choose two instruments, of which the flying instrument is standard.

Feng Jun prepared a broom for her. This was specially made by him. You should know that in the history of the Kunhao plane, there was no one flying on a broom. Riding that one is better than riding a wine gourd-at least It can prove that you love drinking.

Unfortunately, Sofia refused to use the broom. She said that she did not want to be a witch, but wanted to get a wing-shaped flying implement, so that she could appear in front of everyone in the shape of an angel.

Feng Jun still has flying instruments in the shape of wings, but that is a magic weapon for the dust.

That's right, although the master can fly, he can also have flying magic weapons-mainly this magic weapon is made from the wings of the bat pterosaur. It is very fast, and it is very convenient for escape and driving.

Feng Jun said that this thing is for you, you can't use it either. Give you a handkerchief with Phoenix printed on it.

Sofia thinks this handkerchief is good, the key is that Phoenix also has a wide audience in the West.

Another magic weapon, Sofia chose a short whip, which is a little longer than the steel whip, but it is not called a long whip. It is basically of the nature of a horse whip. The function is two in one, which can both pump and tie people.

Feng Jun was a little curious about Sofia ’s choice: Are you planning to fly to the Queen ’s throne, and you never look back?

Sophia gave an explanation: she admired Attila, the "whip of God", and felt that she had a trembling image, which was in line with her identity as an "apostate."

She even thought that Attila might be a Huns who were driven away by the Chinese. This view is currently somewhat questioned by historians, but it is clear that the object of her intention to deter is not the historian.

Even she said with regret, unfortunately, boss, you don't have a sickle magic weapon, otherwise I would prefer to use a sickle representing death.

sickle? Feng Jun secretly wrote down-for such people who yearn for light, I should meet their needs as much as possible.

After choosing the storage bag and the two artifacts, Feng Jun should also provide two spells.

However, Sofia's first two choices have greatly exceeded his expectations, and he was a little bothered.

So he threw a copy of the "Water Dragon Technique" directly-this technique is suitable for you, and Amsdam has another rain array.

Water dragon during gas refining ... how to say? Power is definitely there, but the bonus to Sofia is limited.

Zhang Caixin can also use water dragon technique, which is really a great lethal force, and can also be displayed at will-she has a congenital pure water constitution.

But after Sofia got this spell, she was really overjoyed, because for her, this was the first spell she could practice in her life—whether it was "I Announced" or the thunderbolt before, it was all outside. Thing!

So she practiced very hard, from the invitation she sent to the celebration, but just one month later, she actually mastered the water dragon technique to this point.

She didn't insist on how long, the water dragon took only three or five seconds, and then shook her hand. After a muffled sound, a door-sized rock was hit by the water dragon into four or five pieces, and slowly collapsed to the ground.

That is, it is currently raining, otherwise, there must be a lot of smoke.

Sofia succeeded in a blow and slowly put away her posture. Then she glanced at Qing Xiaozi, "Beginners are not familiar with it at first glance. Please ask Haihan ... If Sister Cai Xin is willing to take action, the power is more than a hundred times greater than mine.

This statement is obviously a bit exaggerated, but is it not normal for the Chinese to say that the language is exaggerated?

But Zhang Caixin couldn't bear it anymore, she smiled slightly, "Sister Sophia has won the prize, I only have a bonus in the five elements, which is slightly higher than your cultivation. You can have such power with a single blow, and it is already very powerful. "

Qing Xiaozi heard the words and asked in amazement, "Is it easy to hit?"

"It's really a hit," Zhang Caixin nodded and explained seriously, "Sophia can condense the water dragon, definitely more than one meter, she condenses two or three meters, I will not be surprised at all, but it is enough, it's pretty good . "

This is a real expert comment, and she is also telling the truth. Sophia obviously has a lot of spare power.

At this moment, Gu Jiahui chuckled, "When the good rain knows the season, when Chun Nai happens ... it is suitable for all things to grow."

Then she patted the bamboo around her, flashing her body shape, patted seven or eight bamboos in a row, and then turned around.

After two or three minutes, more than ten bamboo branches and leaves shook and immediately grew crazy, just like eating Jinjila.

It didn't take long for this bamboo to grow four to five meters longer than ordinary bamboo, and its breast diameter also increased a lot, from the thick calf to the thick thigh, and it was full of vitality.

She is a wood-based physique, and it is a handy thing to urge plants, especially the rainy and rainy weather is her home.

Originally she didn't really want to show off, but Sofia went viral, so she followed her corner: Although I can't control water, it's not worse than Sofia.

As soon as they are showing off, Ga Zi and Yu Qingzhu are a bit hesitant-co-authored is that you both can bear, we are rice buckets?

Yu Qingzhu was more stretched. He said that you only want to toss. Anyway, I will not show you this kind of thing in public-I am here to practice the monastery, not to make a show for you to watch.

But Ga Zi couldn't help it. "Senior Qing Xiaozi, would you comment first?"

"It really is extraordinary!" Qing Xiaozi raised his hands and applauded, and then laughed loudly, "I knew that my request was a little presumptuous ... But Luohua is ultimately Luohua, and the means is really eye-opening!"

He smiled happily, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com life is all about life, you have to live heartily, but Zhang Caixin is a little dissatisfied, you want to hearty and hearty, but ... do you ask me what I mean?

So she smiled, "I wonder if Senior Xiaoxiaozi is interested in experiencing it for himself, and controlling the taste of the water dragon?"

"Am I ... did I do something wrong?" Qing Xiaozi was amazed when he heard the words. He naturally heard that this was not good intentions.

Then he thought of the key, and could n’t help but laughed aloud, “You ’re thinking too much, Dao Dao, I ’m interested in it. The rainy day practice of the magic method just shows Luohua ’s meteorology ... I do n’t believe you look back , Are they all shocked? "

Zhang Caixin looked back at Wen Yan, and as expected, many Daoists were stunned. As for the crowd further away, it was even worse. Many people glared and screamed with their mouths covered.

In fact, the Huaxia people are a little better. Several relatives in Sofia looked dumbfounded. "Okay Karma, is this the guardian ability that Sufi learned from Huaxia?"

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