Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1926: Tailored

In fact, this blood exploration technique was actually asked by Feng Jun to ask Ma Sanniang.

He didn't want to discover Dan Xiatian's secret technique-you don't want to talk about it.

He was just very curious. What is going on with this mystery, how can it cost so much aura, is there room for improvement?

To be honest, he shouldn't care about Ma Sanniang's aura consumption. After all, he is not a family, but Ma Sanniang is now recovering his aura, and he probably needs to use the spiritual land where his parents are.

In addition, he is also very interested in "to be improved", after all, he is now a small expert, and learning a little is a little.

As for saying that in the process of improvement, some of his ideas will be revealed, he really does not care at all-he is a person who grew up in the information age and has no interest in actively setting up information barriers.

In fact, this is not that he has no vigilance and wants to output knowledge at will. The truth is not easy to understand. No one understands it better than him, but like a wealthy slave, it is not the same thing to hide blindly, the monk Between, there should still be some exchanges.

Like the exploration technique we talked about this time, it is actually just an application of the technique, and it will not bring any influence to the pattern of Daomen, and the most important thing is: people also have Danxiatian, but it is just almost.

So in this case, Feng Jun helped to improve it, and also counted a good result.

In fact, this kind of help is not too small between the Taoist gates. The most famous one is Zhang Tianshi preaching on Qingcheng Mountain, so that later disciples of Qingcheng saw the disciples of Longfeng Mountain very politely and warmly.

And Ma Sanniang was looking for people. Although it was for the name of Dan Xiatian, it actually helped the blessing of the small courtyard, otherwise the Luohua gate would be more congested.

Ma San Niang went to feel it spiritually, Feng Jun was sitting on the sidelines, and spent almost a whole day, he made a considerable change in Dan Xiatian's "Life and Death Qianji Yin", and then carved it on an obsidian On, handed it to Ma San Niang.

Ma Sanniang's consciousness is very keen, and she easily sees the gap, "You ... changed my Danxiatian's secret method like this?"

"At least it can reduce your 80% spiritual energy loss," Feng Jun replied lightly. "And the exploration range is farther, and the accuracy is also improved. I don't believe you can try it."

Ma San Niang didn't try it right away, she wouldn't believe Feng Jun's words, but she still couldn't accept it a little bit, "My Ma Gu Shan's heritage is like this?"

"It's not bad, it's a bit rough," Feng Jun replied in a deep voice. "In fact, it is quite comprehensive, but if it is used alone to perceive qi and blood to find people, it is not necessary to use that way. I changed it to a simplified version for you. . "

Of course, Ma Sanniang can see that this is a simplified version. To her surprise, "You can not only change the exercises, but also separate some functions in a targeted manner. The most important thing is ... this is less than a day of your use The show? "

Feng Jun did not want to be too showy, but just answered truthfully, "I have carefully considered similar methods, including the techniques I am using now, which I have personally changed. Practice makes perfect."

Ma Sanniang shook her head and spoke with self-deprecating, "Compared to you, I feel like a fake period of dust ... Is your ability to transform the skill inherent or cultivated through mystery?"

Feng Jun estimates that if there is such a secret technique, Ma Sanniang may have the idea of ​​betrayal, but he really has no such secret technique, "This is my chance."

I heard it was a chance, and Ma Sanniang knew she couldn't ask any more, but she couldn't help but whispered secretly: Is it really suitable for me?

However, her idea was actually noticed by Feng Jun, and he replied very positively, "I am not sure whether it is suitable for others, but I am sure that this change is absolutely suitable for you. This is a tailor-made model!"

It took five days for Ma Sanniang to adapt to this transformation. After all, the previous usage has formed a certain habit. Especially recently, it has been used frequently. Changing the habit is not an easy task.

But when she really mastered it, she was surprised to find, "This guy's changes are too good? Actually ... Can I still selectively track the gender?"

For a long time, she faced similar confusion with Feng Jun, and finally found a corresponding person, and found that she was only a relative. Now she can at least predict whether the other party is male or female, which brings her great convenience.

Guan Shanyue knew that Taishang Elder got a new spell, but it was something in the dusty period. Even if she was curious, she knew it would not help her.

Unexpectedly, Taishang elder specially came over, handed her a black stone, and spoke solemnly. "This is a technique given by Master Feng Shan, simplified life and death Qian Ji Yin, but it is not the effect of Qian Ji Yin, it can be called" Blood Releasing Women "..."

"This technique and Qianji Yin reflect each other, you can get the true meaning of the law, you must hide it, and you can't show it when you are idle!"

Ma Sanniang ’s dusting period is a little weaker, but it ’s not parallel. At least some knowledge is available. Feng Jun ’s modified technique is not the same as the original technique, and even two techniques can be Simultaneously practice.

What she valued most was that Feng Jun would reveal some ideas in the process of making changes, and understand the truth, which would be of great benefit to the monks-even if only a small amount of conjectures would benefit.

I have to say that she is really discerning, but her knowledge is still not enough. Resting on the Kunhao plane, Feng Jun ’s modified exercises are generally too lazy to ponder—because pondering is useless, and nothing can be realized.

Almost got the realm of Yi Ju true fairy before he could figure out his changing thoughts.

But Ma Sanniang was right in this arrangement. She knew that she couldn't figure it out, but was the Zongmen background, so it was made up so little by little? What if Danxia Tianxing is in the future?

"Okay," Guan Shanyue is also very happy, but it is inevitable to regret when you think about it again.

Dan Xiatian appears in the next dust-out period, and I don't know yet to wait until the year of the monkey.

"This is not a spell during the dusting period," Ma San Niang said in a straight voice. "The high-level gas refining can be used, but it is very expensive."

This is also what she admires Feng Jun. Not only can she change the spell, but also lower the threshold of use. Even if she stays in the era where she lives, very few people can do it.

"The advanced gas refining can be used ... you can say this," Guan Shanyue laughed again.

"Your idea is wrong," Ma Sanniang began to instruct the door to take charge. "Now is the era of the Daomen revival. You don't see how many periods of gas refining are in Luohua. Even the old monsters of the Jindan period have appeared. Why can't Dan Xiatian produce high-level gas refining? "

Guan Shanyue nodded, "The elder Taishang is right, but I am a little ambitious."

"You must mention the spirit of spirit, the disciples will have their heads, the world of great struggle, Dan Xiatian should do something," Ma San Niang said to her again, and then shifted her attention, "In the future, You can pick up a few prayers to find women who are trafficked. "

Ma Sanniang had gains, and Feng Jun was not without gains. The true meaning of the Dao-Dharma exchange is here. There is always only one party with gains, certainly not for a long time, but this time he wanted to simply support it, and actually got some gains. It's a surprise.

The gains are two points. The first point is that by referring to Qian Ji Yin, he actually found a way to remotely control the men and women of the air machine. This is very practical. When he looks for the lost children, his workload will be reduced by half. Give back to Dan Xiatian.

The second item is also reflected in the feedback, that is, he found a way to make this skill during the gas refining campaign.

This is also very important to him. Zhang Caixin is now five layers of gas refining, and seven layers of gas refining are just around the corner. At that time, it ’s time for Xiao Caixin to be busy. Although this kind of busyness has no direct benefit for her cultivation, Can temper her heart.

The practice of monasticism has never been so simple.

Anyway, Feng Jun thinks that he is very kind, at least he does not bully the dark room, all the benefits can be returned, all are returned to Dan Xiatian, otherwise, he wants to hide, who found it?

As long as he didn't make a sound, even Yijue Zhenxian couldn't know what he felt.

After dealing with the matter here, he went to Armsdam to help Sofia "whatever he wanted" again.

The couple benefited from the advice received at the Blessing for the Small, and finally passed the Taoist piety test.

Strictly speaking, the comprehensive indicator of their piety is still a little bit short of Sofia ’s standard, but she is familiar with the couple and knows that this kind of thing can collect faith, so she opens the net-she is not Only understand the iron.

The missing child was quickly found. The little guy was taken away by Du Bei to cover up their criminal activities. When he finally found him, he turned out to be in Hong Kong — adopted by a Chinese person.

This time I searched, UU read, he took a little aura, think about it, it will take a long time to run from Australia to Hongkong, but the result is still worth considering, he is This temper is not willing to help those who have nothing to do with China.

Time is like water, and it will be New Year in a blink of an eye. Feng Jun considers that everyone has worked hard this year, and simply took a big holiday. In addition to the small repair courtyard, there are people staying behind, and all others go home.

In addition to Huahua and Lin Heihu in Luohua Manor, there is only a good view. She is more filial to her mother and usually visits more, and she can't let go of the small repair courtyard here.

On the sixth day of the first month, everyone began to return one after another. On the eighth day, Yang Yuxin, Gu Jiahui and her daughter returned.

The two of them came back a little late this year, mainly because Director Yang took his daughter back to his hometown in Jincheng.

On this trip to his hometown, Gu Jiahui seemed to have some insights. On the third night of his return to Luohua Manor, he succeeded in breaking through the world and becoming a practitioner of gas refining!

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