Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1920: The boss wants to preach

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Mei Jin has also practiced harder recently. Although it is still far away from the second floor of gas refining, it is already in the period of refining gas.

The dust-making period can live for 500 years on the Kunhao plane, the earth plane ... well, even if the earth has a little more impurities, make a half-fold, and live for more than two hundred years, is it okay?

Teacher Mei didn't see the target before, so she was more salted fish, and now she can live two hundred years longer. Of course she will strive hard.

She is now in charge of the cultivation center, and the aura in it is enough for her to practice, so many times she is too lazy to return to Luohua. Sometimes after returning to the manor, it is estimated that there will be no yoga activities at night, and she will return to the cultivation center.

After all, she managed this movie, and the heart of the exercise had to be exercised, and in such a large yard, she even said it.

Good scenery is the character of salted fish, but you have to look at your stall, right?

I heard that Wang Kerr said it well, and she listened to it in the past-for these minor cultivators, it's normal for her, a gas-refining monk, to randomly check the post.

After listening to it for two days, don't say, she really heard some famous things-this Wang Keer, a little bit really learned!

Ashamed, she followed Feng Jun's cultivation path, and she didn't have a few years of prosperity. Most of the time, her cultivation practice was improved by practicing yoga.

Wang Keer's monastic practice is not long, but one or two years more than hers. The key is that people are really willing to work hard. In terms of attentiveness, it is much stronger than her three-day fishing and two-day drying nets.

Although the cultivation of good scenery is Feng Jun ’s forcible promotion through cultivation, her vision is much stronger than that of Wang Kerr, so she understands that she really is not necessarily an opponent when it comes to basic theory.

After listening to it for two days, she thought it made a lot of sense-after all, many opinions of Dan Xiatian were very helpful to Kun Xiu.

And Liang Siyu also came over, wanting to know what Teacher Mei thinks about Wang Kerr preaching.

It's also interesting to say that Liang Siyu, Zhao Xia and Liu Yuting were originally the second batch of staff recruited by Luohua. Feng Jun agreed at the time that they would not be allowed to practice within five years.

But this time, the small self-cultivation courtyard was set up, and Yang Yuxin reminded Feng Jun that outsiders can all get Luohua's light. Should we also take care of our family? If outsiders are treated better than their family members, it is easy to chill.

Feng Jun was originally very focused on the rules. He promised what he would not easily say, but he would not change easily.

But when Yang Yuxin said this, he felt that the original decision was indeed a bit inappropriate.

Feng Jun ’s basic education is Chinese, and Chinese is not about grammar and context, but about history!

If you learn Chinese without history, then you do n’t learn Chinese at all. Other countries in the world of the earth may not feel this way, because countries that have no history in the alphabet, how can they understand the pride of hieroglyphics?

Private goods will not be entrained. Feng Jun, who is familiar with history, is very clear in his heart, "There is no easy way."

If you do n’t want to fall behind, you must keep up with the times yourself, and you must be willing to keep up with the times. You must learn from the changes of the times to use the nutrients that are useful to you. .

Therefore, Feng Jun is willing to stick to the principle, but he will not refuse to change despite the general changes.

He also did not regret that he had set the principle at that time, but ... The situation changed so fast, who could have thought of it?

Anyway, what he needs to do is just to adapt to the changes in the general trend, and certainly not be able to calculate the counterproductive.

Eighty houses are still empty in Xiuzhen small courtyard. Feng Jun draws out three rooms and gives them to Liu Yuting, Liang Siyu and Zhao Xia to practice-the benefits that can be enjoyed by other Daomen. The truth can't be enjoyed.

However, the original words were still in my ears, and it was normal to give the position, but it was not good to come up with the exercises directly ... right?

In fact, he is already looking for the third batch of managers. The last time he voted for election, this time he voted well.

The design of the last vote was not very mature. This time it is necessary to learn a lesson. At least the direct abstention of Gazi and Haojing cannot happen again.

And the number of people who voted this time should be increased a bit. Gao Qiang, Gu Jiahui and Yu Qingzhu should also be eligible.

Liang Siyu is currently responsible for the outreach of the manor, which is the role of Li Shishi. She is still in charge at the moment, but it is clear that her enthusiasm has been put into practice!

You know, Liang Siyu spent more than a year in Luohua Manor, she not only did not have a salary, but also paid money to Luohua Manor. After the initial period of ignorance, she continued without complaint. Pay money to work.

No one is a fool, what she pursues is that after five years, life will have another qualitative leap!

At the beginning, Zhang Caixin said, "I got this opportunity for you." She didn't understand it at the time, but she really understood it later-this position is simply not exchangeable for money.

Now Luo Hua opened his mouth-to the three of them, she of course had to come and adapt.

However, she also knows what song to sing in what mountain. Zhang Caixin is currently Luo Huatuo's second child, but the small cultivator does not belong to Zhang Caixin, which is also true-it is said that because Zhang Caixin does not want to control, Feng Jun is not very good happy!

These are not the most important factors. The most important factor is: Luo Hua gave them the position to practice, but did not give the corresponding exercises!

Liang Siyu has made it very clear that the word practice is actually very sacred, and it is completely different from it.

Is Luo Hua reluctant not to give merit? You may think so, but Liang Siyu thinks that her IQ is beyond ordinary people. She will never think so. As the manager of Luohua, she is very sure that Luohua does not lack merit!

There is no shortage of exercises, but there is no giving. That is because of what, it is estimated that those four words: Fa is not to be passed lightly!

The three rookies got together to discuss, and felt that Boss Feng gave his own practice site, but did not give the practice. It should be that the three of them first understand the Taoism concept, lay a solid foundation, and then start to practice, presumably can do more with less The role.

Regarding this speculation, the three also asked the relevant people. Wang Haifeng and Xu Leigang said that it is good to understand the concept first, but Zhang Caixin believes that Feng may be doing what experiments, anyway, the theoretical basis is also very good.

Liang Siyu's mind is not bad, but the time of contact with Daomen is too short, and after she arrived at Luohua, the transactional work is not only much and cumbersome, basically there is not much time to study.

This time she saw that the good scenery was interested in Wang Keer's preaching, so she came together to find out: Is she more authoritative?

Teacher Mei said, "I can't talk about authority, she has her own ideas, but she can listen to it ... To say authority, who can compare with our boss Feng?"

Liang Siyu sighed and said leisurely, "Unfortunately, I can't hear the boss preaching."

She just sighed with emotion, but the good scenery was in her mind-the small self-cultivation courtyard was her site, and if it didn't develop well, her face was dull.

Because he was in charge of this, Director Mei, who had been salted fish before, disappeared, and he began to take the initiative to consider performance and face. It can be seen that Feng Jun had a positive and positive role in letting his disciples take charge of each.

In the evening, after good scenery and Feng Jun practiced yoga, he mentioned asking him to go to the small courtyard to preach.

Feng Jun heard it with a smile. He was really not afraid of preaching. He dabbled in school. After going to the Kunhao plane, he was groping for practice alone, and now he reached the point where he was about to hold the Dan. I really don't believe anyone can preach over themselves.

But when preaching to a group of young disciples, he was a little bit unimpressed. "Things that are too obvious don't need to be spoken. They are spoken a little deeper. I guess they won't understand."

Director Mei can understand his mentality, but she still wants to work hard, "Then talk about some simple ..."

"The Xiuzhen small courtyard is a platform provided by Zan Luohua. Letting them communicate with each other will lead to a poor sense of our existence. Such a large place has already been provided. Let ’s talk a little bit more, and the relationship will be human. Be solid! "

Feng Jun was a little moved, "Also, others can take the initiative to say, we can't make people think that Luohua is a self-preserving generation of the broom ... strange, why are you so active today?"

Good scenery replied leisurely, "I was just not in the position and I didn't pursue his politics. I have a habit of either not doing things or doing things beautifully."

With the promise of Feng Jun, the next day she announced in the cultivation center, saying that Master Feng Shan will preach at three o'clock next Monday, two hours of preaching, and two hours to answer questions. Please also prepare in advance. Pay attention to order when the time comes.

After the news came out, the frypot was direct, and everyone found Director Mei and applied for a mobile phone.

Xiuzhen Xiaoyuan does not advocate the use of mobile phones ~ ~ Ms. Mei made it very clear about this, because everyone is talking about Daoism, it may be overheard by foreign forces and learn the true meaning of the aisle, so most of the time, The mobile phone is put away.

Only one hour after lunch and one hour before going to bed, you can apply for your own mobile phone, use it to make phone calls, swipe a circle of friends, and post on Weibo.

Many Taoists do not resist this measure, and monks should have a clear heart.

In fact, everyone has heard that Master Feng Shan seldom uses his mobile phone. Sometimes he uses his mobile phone to deduce some things, but who wants to find Master Feng Shan by phone call is basically impossible.

But now there is a matter of urgency, everyone urgently applies for the use of mobile phones, and good scenery will naturally give them.

Some people have started to call, but some people are asking about Mei, "Master Mei, can my teachers come to listen?"

Good scenery has already asked Feng Jun. She said that Master Feng Shan will talk about some basic things. Your elders do not have to come, and the people who come to enter the small courtyard can only listen in the reception area. You cannot enter the living area and the cultivation area, nor can you ask questions.

However, she has her own requirements. Whoever wants to come to listen must report in advance, and the small courtyard can make arrangements.

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