Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1915: Ecology

The three family hurried out, but someone came forward to stop it. This time, a middle-aged entrepreneur, he took over a project, but Party A of the project had a tradition of delaying the account period. I can ask for money to buy or sell.

Then this man was very entangled, the amount of engineering was huge, and the profit was not too high, but the absolute profit was considerable, and his company is currently in a state of undersufficiency. The life of private enterprises in these two years is really difficult.

So he went to the small courtyard to burn incense, wanting to get enlightenment, he was not suitable for this job, and even wanted to ask Luohua to give advice, where to find a more powerful collaborator.

Of course, Luohua can introduce collaborators, but 50 million or 60 million small projects are really meaningless. It is not shameful enough to speak out, so the warning to him is: This matter is fierce. See the turning point two months later.

With such a clear suggestion, the boss's heart was firm at first sight. When he saw the three people who were looking for children, they hurried out, and immediately came out to say hello, "Where did the child find it? I have a car and send you a ride!" "

The children of these three families are not in one place, one in Youzhou, one in Qian province, and one in Jin province.

Jin province is relatively close, just drive directly. It must be more convenient to go by plane in Guizhou province. You have to take the high-speed train in Youzhou. Anyway, everyone is racing against the clock.

The middle-aged talent said that he would ask the driver to send Jin province to the ground. A woman next to him said, "Is that Zhongyi City in Jin province? The people there are more exclusive. I know them there and tell me directly that your child is now Where, I call the police to save! "

This family is really grateful, and the woman came to pray for blessings, smiled and said, "Well, if you live for a lifetime, you should always do more good deeds ... Forget it, I will take you two together, just return Go home. "

Gazi nodded secretly, the scene was quite heart-warming, so he linked Lin Heihu with his thoughts, "Brother Hu, what does this woman ask for, it feels good."

"Pray for peace," Lin Heihu ’s consciousness passed on. "Her husband is doing foreign trade, and now the business is not good enough, let alone say, the danger has become bigger ... I have given her a dream, not enough overseas Yes. "

The woman did not rush to take the couple to leave. After stepping forward and taking a joss stick, she glanced at Ga Zi, "May I ask, sir, can I come back next time?"

"Can come," Gazi nodded, "If you can assist their couple, do the children's affairs well, I will waive your accommodation fee."

The woman's actions instantly infected others, "That child is in Youzhou ... Is it in Tangshan? If Tangshan is left to me, I will definitely not be able to play with DìDū."

There was a joke next to him, "Take the kidnapped child to DìDū ... Don't the ordinary traffickers dare to do this?"

The middle-aged man who started to speak hesitated and turned his head to look at the man who wanted to go to Qian province—the family of three households. Only he was a man. "Brother, where are you going to Qian province?"

When a man said a place, others frowned slightly when they heard it. Some people even said that it was a poor county. Not to mention it, the folk customs were also quite tough, and many children were trafficked there, but if they wanted to be rescued, The police will have a headache.

Involuntarily, everyone sat together to discuss, and finally the middle-aged man took the idea, "Now our advantage is in the dark, and the other party is relatively poor ... We can pretend to be a tour group, very rich Kind of ... "

Gazi listened to their serious consultations in the distance, and a smile appeared on the corners of his mouth. Such a society is so good. People sincerely treat each other with love and mutual assistance.

The three rescues were very successful. Among them, in Youzhou, a criminal gang that kidnapped children was killed.

And the one in Qian province was a bit thrilling. The boy had been bought by a bachelor, and he planned to let him pass on his surname.

As a result, a group of tourists found a boy during the wandering process, and hugged and ran.

When the villagers were catching up, the tourists had already ran on the CMB bus, and they ran away in a blink of an eye. There were hundreds of new ten-dollar bills scattered on the car, saying that it was the child ’s room and board!

Actually, parents do not want to pay for board and lodging, but it is really not easy to run out without spending this money.

After the villagers grabbed the money, they really couldn't catch up with the CMB, so the bachelor chose to call the police ...

The police actually stopped the bus, but at the moment, they had left the town below and came to the county. The man explained that the child he had robbed was his biological son, and all of them had reported missing.

The county is relatively more focused on the rules. The police found that there was such a child. The child recognized his dad and sent a police car directly to the city.

The police in the villages and towns below are also aware of the incident, but some villages are far away from the emperor, and the clan power is large. It is really troublesome to manage. Now that the father of the child has found the person himself, the police must protect of.

The strange thing is that the bachelor still found the police station, saying that the offspring I bought for it was robbed by others. What did you eat?

"Buying someone else's child to do this kind of ethical deed, do you still have reason?" The police did not give her a good face, "No matter how endless, believe it or not, grab you and sentence!"

This is not complete together, but where is there such a complete thing under the sky? Some customs cannot be reversed in a short while, in fact, the situation in Zhongyi City of Jin Province is similar to here.

It ’s just that the lady who took care of the matter was really powerful, took dozens of local men behind the police, robbed the child outright, and shot a few black eyes on the other party, but Even so, the buyer was not punished.

Solved the problem quite quickly, so that the next time the small courtyard opened, two of the three families came to resign, and this time there were as many as twelve who came to seek help!

In the third hospital opening, there were only more than 140 people who came to pray for blessings, and there were twelve of them looking for children. After Feng Jun heard that, he went straight to hair. hospital?"

He didn't want to help these poor people. He really used his blood to find people, which consumed his energy too much.

That night, he had to use Lin Heihu to dream and tell these people who are looking for children-Qifu Xiaoyuan helps you find children through bloodline sensing. This time is fine. Those who come for help next time must concentrate their family members. stand up!

The bloodlines are far and near, but the bloodlines of siblings, parents and children are not much different. In case of "nephew like uncle", Feng Jun needs too many people to investigate.

To this end, he asked Lin Heihu to emphasize that considering that all relatives are not easy to gather together, so in general, blood will only be taken from the mother. The blood of one side of the matriarch, the collection point cannot exceed two cities, otherwise it is small The hospital will not help!

His refusal was not ruthless, but he could not be busy at all. This was the third time. Twelve begs were begging, and those looking for children skyrocketed three to four times, that is to say the fifth At the time, there will be more than a hundred people properly.

The seventh time over 1,000 people, there is absolutely no doubt!

At that time, Feng Jun can't be busy at all, so he can only give priority to those who are willing to obey the order-you have followed the order, not only for your own children, but also for those families who have lost their children. Quick rescue.

Is ruthless in a small place, Fang Xian shows great love on earth.

As for why women's blood is collected instead of men's, this is not sexism.

There is an example in the twelve homes today. It is still that the woman did not come, and the father came-not long after the child was lost, the two divorced. The father who knew this clue can only be one person. Come.

Feng Jun was depressed, however, he did not find a man's child!

After checking again, after still not getting anything, Feng Jun was a bit skeptical that the child had let the traffickers die-the traffickers were really inhumane. For security reasons, he let Lin Heihu dream again, asking Woman's current situation.

Then he found the woman, and after the blood was taken, he also found the child. The age and appearance and characteristics are evenly matched, so all the truth is revealed-co-founding the man's hard-fought daughter, UU reading His kind!

This result made Feng Jun a little cry and laugh, it is really a variety of things!

Does this child care? Of course he doesn't care anymore. The blessing small courtyard has all its demands. If it doesn't ask me, I'm too lazy to care about you!

The key is that the girl has not been wronged. She was adopted as a daughter, not begging on the street. The family conditions of the adoption are not bad. What else does Feng Jun do?

Thinking about the trouble that man came, he asked Lin Heihu to dream again to the other party: Sorry, your daughter is not your own!

I don't care about your taste of wearing a green hat, the key is that you make me very uncomfortable-is it your kind, I don't have a beep in my heart?

And the man's reaction was also very old-fashioned: Oh, it turned out not to be my kind, then forget it, I said to her mother.

Lin Heihu didn't want to let this wonderful family come to disturb himself again, so he scared him: If you break this matter and your daughter can't find it, would they think you killed someone?

The man thought again and again, but gave up the idea of ​​revenge. Of course, he also knew that if the woman was told the mystery of the blessing courtyard, she would be able to find her daughter-but why did he tell her?

Men have great resentment against their ex-wife. After the daughter is missing, the mother will only complain, and finally divorced, and never had a daughter-this kind of woman is really not worth cherishing.

However, after saying "so far", the man asked, how is the girl's life now?

Knew that he was no longer entangled, and Lin Heihu no longer scared him: she lived well and her adoptive parents treated her well.

(Another three shifts, ask for monthly pass.)

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