Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1905: Exposed stuffing

Daniel, of course, has also heard of the guardian's "whatever he wants". In Australia, this has become the legend behind the "miracle". Unfortunately, Sofia has only shown it a few times.

Of course, he did not know that there was an additional piety test formation in Taoist temple, and he was still thinking about being lucky.

He even guessed with a bit of mischief: if my wish is to be her partner, will there be any response?

Early in the morning on the third day, Taoist Temple opened the Tao Te Ching. The presenter was the Taoist priest of Luofu Mountain. He spoke a vernacular with a heavy accent. Not only did the translators struggle, many Chinese people who listened to the lecture felt like they were listening to foreign languages .

But this did not affect the enthusiasm of everyone. Before the rain fell, more than 3,000 people had gathered outside the door.

This is still a recent Sofia no manifestation. After listening to it for a few times, many people found that there is no "response" link, so they did not come. Before this, the largest number of people, almost 7,000 people gathered outside the Taoist gate.

Anyway, as long as the people who come to attend the lecture, basically stick to the end.

At the end of the session, Sofia appeared. The convention is to announce the opening of Taoist temple. Everyone can come in to queue up for incense or play. At noon, Taoist temple will take care of everyone's meal.

Danielle had also considered whether to show his "obsession", but felt the solemn atmosphere of the scene, and finally did not dare to take risks.

The incense must be queued up. As a result, after the incense was burned, the pilgrims got a table with some options, similar to Dan Xiatian ’s options, obviously there is a suspicion of reference.

But Sofia also has originality, at least a straightforward question: What kind of help do you most desire to get?

Help options are ABCDEFG, which are health, happiness, career, feelings, money, hatred.

Under these options, there is a subdivision option abcdefg, the specific corresponding, skip the unexplained, but there are spaces below-fill in the form can make a more specific description.

The form is filled in the side room, there is more than one house, each of which is seven to eighty square meters in size, with rows of long tables. After filling it, it is put into a wooden box in the corner.

There is a probe above the wooden box, and clearly told everyone, "There is a camera here, please leave if you ca n’t accept it!"

Australians pay more attention to privacy, but under normal circumstances, if you fulfill your obligation to inform, then there is no responsibility for you. If anyone is dissatisfied and wants to sue or toss-sorry, this is the place to call!

So the best way is to leave if you ca n’t accept it, but ... no one chooses to leave.

Everyone is not stupid, there is no such treatment after preaching, then ... Could it be that "whatever is necessary" is encountered?

The test array that Feng Jun did for Sofia installed three sets at once. In fact, the power is still one, which is equivalent to three branches. At the same time, it is connected to the computer, which is more advanced than Dan Xiatian ’s. Also convenient.

This is normal. A new device comes out. The early stage is a process of continuous improvement, and Feng Jun also heard that there are many people here. After all, the Taoist temple of Armstrong is preached every half a month, unlike Danxiatian which is five days. once.

So he installed three sets here, in case of insufficient use, and he also decided that after the number of people in Dan Xiatian increased greatly, he would also increase the test array.

In addition, he added several test indicators at the request of Sofia.

In Danxiatian's test formation, there are only two indicators, one is piety to Danxiatian and the other is piety to Daomen.

Sophia ’s request here is to test the recognition of China and Maiguo, as well as the top three recognitions of other countries, as well as the piety of Daomen, the piety of Taoism, and ... the favorability of the most beautiful Lord !

Feng Jun can only sigh, this woman ... really smelly!

Sofia was in the monitoring room at the moment, looking at the images from the three cameras and related indicators.

Suddenly, Danielle caught her eyes and looked at "25%" favorability with China. Sofia's brows were slightly wrinkled-how could you get in with such a low favorability? ?

Slow down, she suddenly found something, this person seems ... a little familiar?

Immediately after she remembered, this is not the Gaul who wanted to pursue me?

Sofia was not very impressed with the Gauls. He just thought he was a little ridiculous. According to others, the Gauls had a good impression of Taoism and were also involved in the Taoist Sutra.

Danielle has turned away from the camera, but his data has been collected into the computer, and Sofia turned his head to see how much this person is devoted to Taoism and Taoism.

Then she was stunned: the piety of Taoism was only 45 percent, and the piety of Daomen was 35 percent!

"This guy!" Sofia was angry, you dare to make such a wish?

Then she saw that index about herself again-the favor of the most beautiful owner: 80%!

"Asshole!" Sofia snapped the table and said angrily, "What can't do, it's just ... scum!"

She is a very beautiful girl. Since playing Feng Junan on this test method, she has quietly tested many people. One is to check whether there is a traitor, the other is to see ... who has a good impression on me!

The most beautiful thing is that it is cold and proud, and the guardian must be dignified, but this does not prevent her from hiding in the monitoring room and taking a quiet look: how much others like me.

Everyone has vanity, and many beautiful women usually behave coldly and arrogantly. But if there is such a device and it can be found without anyone, who would give up that curiosity?

Sofia found that most men have a good opinion of themselves above 80, there are some more than 70, and few are below 70!

Even Lord Si has a good impression of 92% on her.

Boss Feng ... It's almost, sometimes 85 percent, sometimes 86 percent.

Sofia summed up a rule, one day he did a good job, Feng boss is eighty-six, otherwise it is eighty-five, although the value changes, it is relatively stable.

As for why she pays so much attention to Feng Jun's favorability with her ... Does this need to ask? With this device, she observes the favorability of Boss Feng at least seven or eight times a day.

Until the day before yesterday, Boss Feng ’s favorability instantly rose to 99%. She could n’t help but glance at the camera, only to find that the boss was smiling at the camera, terrifying her that she turned off the monitor as soon as she raised her hand. Bouncing non-stop,

Actually, Feng Jun is also a little helpless, and it is not good for him to have a strong sense of mind-you brush me several times a day, is it really a Daguai?

Sophia analyzed this Gaul, and was a little puzzled. Let's take a look at his favor with Mai Guo: Eighty Ten!

While he was born in Gaul, he only had 72 points for Gaul.

"There is a problem with this person," Sophia remembered this person. Some people have low values ​​for one or two items, which are normal, but most of the people have ridiculously low values. Very indifferent person.

Very indifferent person ... Well, he may be interested in studying the Tao Te Ching, but he will never take the initiative to reveal his emotions, let alone claim to pursue a mysterious, powerful and beautiful woman!

So she released her consciousness-it is said that it is impossible to detach all nine layers of consciousness away from the body, but those who practice incense into gods or believe in gods, their application of consciousness is different from that of ordinary cultivators.

Kean, the apostate, was also a mortal period, which once made Feng Jun feel tricky.

Sophia also fell into the ninth floor, and could not enter the period of refining gas before she began to think about the application of consciousness. Especially after seeing Lin Heihu using her consciousness, she really envied her and entangled him for a while. .

The land **** always believed that the non-my family must have different hearts, so she refused her mercilessly, but after seeing her application of consciousness, she was also intolerable, "Forget it, I will teach you two hands ... Luo Hua can't afford to lose this man! "

Therefore, Sofia ’s present consciousness is actually out of the body, in fact, she releases some thoughts and thinks for herself, "Boss is coming, something!"

And this kind of consciousness fluctuation can really quickly attract Feng Jun's attention.

During his time in Australia, he was actually not idle. He was thinking about the universal electric drive, as well as the more energy-saving and more powerful congregation and devotion test array. At the same time, he was still studying ... Legalization!

After receiving Sofia ’s idea ~ ~ his consciousness was directly put into the past, "What is it?"

"Look at this person's profile," Sofia called up Daniel's test results.

"Favoriteness to China: 25%; Favourable to Maiguo: 80%; Favourable to Taomen: 35%; Favourable to Taoism: 45%; Three countries with the highest degree of favor: Siam 77%, Denmark 74%; 72% Gaul; 80% favorability for the most beautiful

"What else does this guy look at," Feng Jun glanced at it and knew it was wrong, "Just eliminate it ... not right!"

He thought about it again before asking, "Did he do anything?"

"He wanted to tease me," Sofia gritted her teeth. "It's only 80%. How dare you declare to pursue me?"

"Pursue you?" Feng Jun repeated it in surprise, and then said very simply, "This person has a plot ... enlarge his head, and then you don't have to worry about it."

Danielle did not know that he had been exposed in the test-not even Feng Jun shot. After lunch, Taoist announced the list of thirty lucky people.

Then someone was unbalanced again-this is for sure, but Sofia ’s ability to control the field in Amsdam is not generally strong, and it is enough to frown and sneer.

Danielle was not named, which made him a little sorry, but he was not discouraged, if he didn't even have this patience, how could he have the confidence to take this job?

He did not leave that night, but lived in the container hotel. When night fell, he also played a guitar and sang songs, showing the romance of Gauls to the fullest.

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