Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1688: Good means

It's a bit inexplicable that the dream of a real man throwing a pot to Ji is invincible.

But at this moment, he must find himself a target for venting his anger and he can never admit that he is underestimated?

Well, Invincible is a very good target. They are all Wutai cultivators, and are subject to the Wutai confession. You have discovered the potential danger, and you will run away on your own without telling your allies. ?

Maybe that guy is now snickering in the distance.

As for the fact that Big Dreams used to use the Sky Thunder Pan without permission before, ignoring Ji's invincible safety, and later biting Ji's invincible flying boat, and grabbing the venue with others, in his opinion, it was all small things.

When Da Meng took charge and found the target for venting his anger, his emotions became more stable, and he released a weak defensive boat for the rest of the disciples to recuperate.

After recuperating for two hours, another man who came out of the dust returned and took two Qi-disciplinary disciples.

"Time to rest for another joss stick," Dameng said with a cold face, "and then began to explore the nether island."

After the space is broken, the Nether Island below has already emerged. As the disturbance gradually decreases, everyone can vaguely see its outline, which is probably a small island more than thirty miles long and more than ten miles wide.

With a close look, you can see that there is a large round pit in the middle of the island, and there are sparse trees around, but the space disturbance has also caused great damage to the island. There are branches of flying sand and stones everywhere, there are several The house, only the dilapidated walls remain.

But it doesn't matter. According to the map, the cave house should be on the side of the round pit, and it doesn't seem to have much damage.

A wounded Jin Dan asked in a loud voice, "Are we paying such a big price, should we keep our promise to Song Baifeng?"

The price paid by Shifangtai was too great. The two days were not enough to heal the wounds. Just thinking that Ji Shengsheng did not have early warning, and Damen real people also hated their teeth. This Jin Dan believes that he must modify the rules.

It's just that their previous agreement was negotiated with Yan Yuxi, so he said Song Baifeng, but everyone knows that he refers to Feng Jun and Ji Wusheng.

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone moved a little and looked at the real person in charge.

Dameng ’s face is not very nice, but he ’s not very nice all the time. He hummed his face for a long time before humming, “Did you make a mistake, and now we have Feng Jun for our strength? Do you think you can? win?"

At the end of this remark, everyone was silent. It took a long time for a Jin Dan to speak out, but there was no harm to this person. "In charge, there may be other real people in that flying boat?"

Without other real people, you can win? Big dreams are a bit helpless in our hearts, can we still fight in this state?

But at this time, he must not be able to extinguish his own prestige, so he can only answer weakly, "Only the three people who appear, their combat power is not bad, and they still have flying boats, and our battle boats are destroyed ... Things can only be let go temporarily. "

Everyone heard that there was no other thought. Although the flying boat on the Tianxintai was not as good as the battle boat, it was much stronger than the ordinary flying boat.

The time passed and the practitioners of Shifangtai hadn't taken a break, but they had to start investigating.

They first sent three disciples to form a three-man formation and slowly landed around the pit.

There are no major problems with the three outgoing masters, but the spirit is really poor, and now it is also a strong spirit to explore.

They checked carefully for a while, and soon found some restrictions and tried to attack.

The prohibition is quite solid and immobile, even giving people the feeling that "real fairy shots may not be shaken".

When they attacked the ban, the five Jindans watched on the flying boat, watching the ban while alerting them not only for Feng Jun and Ji Wusheng, but also for potential threats that might appear next to the ban.

The three masters attacked for a while, and Dameng real hands waved, "Try another seven-man team."

He hadn't been so cautious before, but he ate a big loss, but now he suffered a huge loss of manpower.

Gradually, the manpower was increased little by little, and the time for a scent of incense was tried.

The cultivators of Shifangtai also deduced that if they wanted to break the ban, they really got five Jindans to choose the right position and attack the corresponding rocks together.

"Unfortunately, Wei enshrined is missing, no one protects the Fa," Dameng hummed in a sorrow, and then waved his hand, very simply, "We are going down ... The disciples of the dust stopped for the time and protect the Fa for us."

The prohibition of Dongfu was on the side of the round pit. Five real persons selected their positions and began to slowly exert force.

Damenjin is indeed a relatively qualified instructor. Although he prefers to make decisions, he does n’t hesitate once he shoots. Now that he has shot, he still has a little effort and said, "Everyone is careful, we still need to try one. Fan. "

I don't know why, this place gave him a very depressed feeling, even vaguely felt that life could be threatened.

At this time, the other four real people will absolutely execute the command in charge meticulously.

Everyone tried it out and found that after the injection of Reiki, the prohibition did fluctuate slightly.

The real man of Dameng did not hesitate to say, "Go all out!"

Five Jindans worked together, and a large amount of aura came out!

The invisible prohibition shook a few times, and a light curtain slowly appeared, and a stone door also appeared in it, and the light curtain was draped over it.

"Useful!" The group was overjoyed, and the trip to the endless sea suffered heavy losses. If Jindan Cave House cannot be found, Shifangtai will lose money this time.

An injured Jin Dan couldn't help but say, "Brother Dameng, can some of the disciples come over to help? I feel I can't wait for so many people."

"No," Dameng real person shook his head and resolutely replied, "I'm not invincible during the alert season, but I have to beware of possible bad things ... If you work harder, I feel almost the same."

The other four real people heard the words, strengthened the spirit, and continued to inject aura.

The live-action shot effect is really extraordinary. After about ten minutes, the light curtain jittered and became more and more intense.

"It's really a good way to ask lovers," a disciple who was not far away lamented. His side job was to design a formation. "This incredible formation, it is estimated that few real cents can do it."

The light curtain shook more and more violently, and it looked like it was about to collapse, but after another ten minutes, it did not collapse.

Damen real person intuitively felt that there was something wrong. He was wondering where this kind of wrong feeling came from. He heard a screaming disciple yell, "It's better than real people!"

Everyone heard the news and looked up, as expected, there was a small black spot in the sky, about four or five hundred miles away from everyone. Thanks to this Qi disciple, he had a special pupil technique. It may not be possible to find him.

Damen real looked up at him and ignored it, but told other disciples to "Come on guard!"

"Warning me, does it make sense?" Ji Busheng laughed with his hands behind his back. "I'm not as disgusting as your Shifangtai, and trying to take advantage of others ... But it seems that you are in trouble?"

A wounded Jin Dan has a grumpy temper, “You do n’t have to be gloating, if you do n’t want to follow the agreement, we do n’t mind if we get rid of you first, and then solve the ban.”

Ji endlessly rolled his eyelids, "Your Jindan of Ten Squares, it's okay to do business. If you fight, it's really almost."

The Jin Dan still wanted to scold, but saw that the incumbent shook his head at himself.

Damen real person stopped him from speaking, and then looked at Ji Weisheng, and spoke lightly, "What do you think of us?"

Ji Busheng shook his head and said with a smile, "I can't figure out what you are doing, but it looks a bit stupid."

When they talked, there was a faint flash of green light in a sparse grove more than ten miles away.

Real Dream doesn't care about his sarcasm, but asks in a panic, "Oh, where is stupid?"

"Why should I tell you?" Ji Busheng sneered. "You want to find death, can I stop it?"

After speaking, his body flashed and disappeared directly into the air.

Really seeing him leave, Dameng looked at the shaking light curtain again, frowning slightly, "Take out some rejuvenating pills and break the ban as soon as possible!"

An injured Jin Dan was a little bit out of support. Originally, his hands were photographed on a rock. Now when he hears the words from the palm of his hand, he wants to free up one hand to take the pills. However, immediately, his face snapped. Change, "Broken! Can't stop!"

His response was the fastest, but when he heard what he was saying, someone tried to close his hand, but his face also changed. "The hand is attracted to the rock and the hand cannot be closed!"

Da Meng lived with a blank expression, "I shouted one, two, three, everyone withdraw their spiritual power together, with both hands together!"

In fact ~ ~ Anyone who knows Shifangtai's command knows that the more expressionless he is, the more serious the situation.

"One, two, three, close!"

"One, two, three, together!"

"Come again ... one, two, three, close!"

However, it is very regrettable that he even shouted three times, and the ten hands of the five Jin Dans could not be recovered.

Jin Dan, who first discovered the abnormality, was injured because of his body and lacked his aura. It was the first time that he found something wrong. He shouted loudly, "No, the blood is passing!"

The other four real people also found something wrong, and a real person said loudly, "You broke your two hands!"

This man was so cruel, he was already wounded, and even breaking his two hands was just a wound. As long as he went back to take the pill medicine for regenerating his limbs, he would not damage much of the foundation. Seriously, it helped everyone find a way.

He clenched his teeth and shook his arms, and his spirit exploded violently. He had to say that he was very frightened when he started.

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