Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1676: Panic

Feng Jun has always believed that he is still a kind of pity Xiangxiyu-not horny, just for appreciation.

However, Yan Yuxi repeatedly thought that he was angry and finally angered him.

But Yan Yuxi was also very surprised. She really didn't think she had done anything wrong.

She even asked in a very puzzled way, "Isn't it just to test each other? Others often test me, and I'm not angry, why are you like this?"

Feng Jun said with a smile, "Yeah, most people's exams, most of you are still happy to answer, showing that you are profound ..."

Then he looked straight and replied, "But I'm eating by deduction, I don't need to prove to you something that doesn't matter, and you don't have the qualification to test me! Your test represents a question ... Since Trust me, do n’t leave! "

After stunned for a while, Yan Yuxi raised his hand and arched, "Then I apologize, can I?"

Feng Jun raised his hand and patted his forehead. He smiled helplessly, "I don't understand anything when I meet you ... forget me, I forgive you, these two deductions, a total of two hundred spirit stones, what else do you have? ?"

Although Yan Yuxi apologized, this feeling was too bad, and she also felt a little bit distraught in her heart. The expression was quite unnatural. Wen Yan reluctantly cheered up. "I will send my friend as soon as possible."

Feng Jun gave her a deep look, "Remember to bring the matching related herbs, I will have a drink with everyone at night, and I will be more free tomorrow."

Generally speaking, he cycled for two eight days, maybe a day off, this time also considered taking care of each other.

However, the Yan family also did things quickly. Early in the morning, the patients were sent to Mingshafang City through the teleportation array, and then the people were sent to Bailitan by moving the array.

Yan Yuxi ’s companion is also a high-level duster. It is the daughter of the Zhao family of the eight major families of Song Baifeng. He said that he is a companion. In fact, he is a more than 200-year-old monk, and is basically Yan Yuxi ’s bodyguard-absolutely not It's girlfriends.

Her injury is related to the exercises she practices, and she encounters a mutant dragon blood scorpion with a very high blood concentration. The combat strength of this thing is not too high. The key is to be good at hiding and extremely toxic.

Feng Jun deduced a bit and found that the poison is not particularly complicated. The key is that there are some problems in the initial treatment-the first time of the attack, the rescue and treatment methods are quite regular, ignoring individual differences, and the result leaves the root cause, which is quite bad deal with.

However, for Feng Jun, the deduction is quite simple. Although the types of medicines prepared by the other party for matching are not too many, Master Feng Shan himself has a database of medicines and quickly matched the treatment plan.

He even received only five thousand spirit stones, because ... it was really too easy, I am embarrassed to ask for more.

On the afternoon of the same day, Yan Yuxi launched the treatment of Shang Zhao, which can be said to be immediate-it takes about a month to completely heal, but it is not effective, and it can be seen soon.

Miss Yan Jiada was very happy, knowing that Feng Jun had nothing to do today and simply invited everyone to dinner.

She originally only wanted to invite Feng Jun, but in her position, she was very particular about who she wanted to invite and who did not invite her, especially because she did n’t want to misunderstand Feng Jun—he seemed to confess to her. , But who can guarantee that he is not trying to make ends meet?

Therefore, it is better not to have misunderstood behavior.

In Yan Yuxi's storage bag, there are actually two generators, and they are also diesel. It seems that the top resources will eventually converge to the uppermost circle. This is really true.

One generator was used by her in the walk, and the other was used outside—Yan Yuxi, please be sure not to be in the walk.

But in this way, the power of that generator was a little low, and she even went to Feng Jun specifically and took another wire.

Yan Yuxi ’s calculations are not wrong, because the name of this visit is "Thank Feng Shan for the treatment of his companion", so it is not just those who talk about the Dao, many disciples who are not qualified to talk about Dao, also come together lively.

Even Jin Dan came here several times, anyway, drinking and playing.

The banquet is based on the Eight Immortals table, which is not a meal-sharing system. Feng Jun and several of his own women sit at the same table with Yan Yuxi.

Those Jin Dans are more willing to sit with their disciples-the reason for Yan Yuxi's treat is to thank the healing, there is no need to join in the fun.

It wasn't too early for Feng Jun to come, he was stuck a little bit, and he also planned to leave early, because there were too many people on the scene and it was a bit noisy.

But today ’s scene is really lively, many monks perform spontaneously, not only male disciples are showing their skills, female disciples also perform singing and dancing-they seem to want to prove that female cultivators not only need to talk about appearance and behavior, but also Talent must be talked about.

Anyway, the appearance of Yan Yuxi made the female disciples of the four schools have a sense of urgency.

This is no joke. Even Nie Chifeng, Chifeng's peak, performed a sword dance, but it was very beautiful, but according to Sun Rongxun-the last time she saw Nie Chifeng sword dance, it was more than 100 years ago.

Feng Jun saw everyone having a good time, Zhang Caixin and others were also very happy, so he didn't have to leave in a hurry.

Not only was Zhang Caixin happy, but Hongjie also had a lot of fun. In the end, she directly took out the dice and dice tube, and everyone played bragging.

Kun Hao's plane has already existed on the dice, but there is no such thing as bragging.

However, this gameplay is easy to get started, and the people of Red Sister also intend to integrate into the standard as soon as possible, so drinking and drinking, Red Sister and Zhang Caixin took the dice and ran to another table to play.

Of course, there are all Jindan tables, like those that are full of gas-refining practitioners, and it is not easy to come forward to greet-after all, because of the shortage of manpower in Bailitan itself, it is definitely a priority to greet distinguished guests.

However, this family sister ... really carried a "communicative" aura, and soon afterwards, shouts of "three sixs" and "four fives" came from other tables.

Although Yan Yuxi is a little arrogant, her ability to manipulate speech is very strong-obviously, this is intentionally cultivated by the family acquired, otherwise she ca n’t care about others because of her "want to test anything" personality. Feelings.

So she dragged Feng Jun and talked for more than two hours, and it was not very annoying.

Feng Jun is still very sensitive to the passage of time, and he can't help but sigh: I am not sure if you are the first beauty, but when it comes to killing time, your ability is absolutely one of the best.

Unconsciously, he drank too much, of course, this is his intention to relax his perception-if he does not want, really few can drink him too much.

When he arrived, he felt that the voices of others were lingering-although it was happening in close proximity, he always felt ... at a considerable distance.

This is ... drinking too much? When Feng Jun did not practice in the earth world, he had drunk experience. For a while, he wanted to laugh a little. In the past, he had a moderate amount of alcohol. He wanted to be drunk hard, but now it ’s easy to not get drunk. .

The realm is different, and what we pursue ... is really different.

He didn't want to wake up from this kind of drunkenness and pursue a drunkenness. It was also a rare experience for him.

But drinking and drinking, he feels that something is wrong ... how is it getting quieter around?

Then he raised his head and glanced around with drunken eyes-wait, who is the girl in white who came from that section?

Now his cerebral cortex is a bit numb, but anyway, he feels ... this girl has a problem.

Realizing this, he frantically repels alcohol, but it takes a process to expel alcohol.

So this is ... I turned over in the gutter? He really didn't know how to describe his mood at the moment.

At this moment, he felt like he was watching a silent movie. He had become a director and was making a silent film.

That's right, the woman in white in the distance is walking in the section, and there are many people around Feng Jun, who are talking about what they are saying-unfortunately, he can't hear what they are talking about, only see Mouth moved.

The woman in white who came from a distance did not speak, but stared straight at him.

But he can feel her thoughts, the woman in white is saying-no need to think about them, for you ~ ~ that is the power that cannot be borrowed, and in the world now, they ... don't deserve to be like you I communicate like this!

Feng Jun feels that this is not his illusion, but on the contrary, his hairs are all erected--what kind of magical power is it that even so many Jindan don't feel it?

Not far from him is the table of Taiqing and Chifeng. There are solitary moons on the table of Taiqing, and Xia Nishang on the table of Chifeng. Right?

Really silly.

If it was just a real person, Feng Jun would n’t think about it either-it ’s all sorts of bullish forks, but it ’s all sparse, and you do n’t have to doubt the combat power, but many times you can only pretend to be a senior. ... not really.

Yue Qing is good at it, but he is good at defense, especially beating, whether it is the soul or the flesh.

Seriously, Xia Nishang, that is really special. He is particularly sensitive in spirit and soul, and he is the most feared one.

But even she did not find the arrival of the woman in white, so you can see ... I really drank a lot today?

Feng Jun was sighing, but he saw that the woman in white had walked a dozen feet away and arched his hand at him.

It seems very polite, but the problem is: Sister, nobody around me can see you.

Slow down ... others? Feng Jun thought at this time that there were four other women around her.

He really didn't know why today's Jiu Jin'er was so big that he didn't react. At present, the four girls are already in danger.

He wanted to sound a warning, but he felt that ... it was difficult to control his voice, so he tried his best to inform the scenery with his consciousness, "Hurry up and put the three of them!"

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