Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1661: Word of mouth

According to his conscience, Dou Jiahui's temper is really not bad. The Dou family's reputation is spicy, but this family really has few tempers.

The cruelty and tenacity of this family are deeply hidden in the bones. Once the stubbornness comes up, even Gazi can't bear it.

It is for this reason that Feng Jun believes that once Dou Jiahui has done manufacturing, he will definitely persist longer than Gazi.

But in fact, Dou Jiahui's EQ is not bad, especially after two years of lighting business.

He showed generosity this time, just want to completely expose this matter with the other party-Dou's family is very clear that after the murder case, it will give others a lot of shock, so even if he behaves weakly, the other party will not Dare to act rashly.

If he insists on being tough, it will not be a good thing to cause the other party to bury his hatred deeply. He cannot always guard against the outbreak of hatred every day in his remaining life.

However, the big guys in the financial circle think that Dou Jiahui is saying the opposite-anyway, there is Feng Jun ’s big thick leg, even if you do n’t care about me with your mouth, if you turn your face, it can be said that Feng Jun did it. ?

So this man said that he is willing to provide interest-free loans of 300 million for five years, and wait for your factory to run normally, and then slowly repay my money.

Dou Jiahui directly refused. He was not interested in all kinds of venture capital, financing and other things-now you borrow me 300 million, and if it is converted into shares, then it will be in trouble.

Is it uncommon for unlisted companies to convert debt into shares? It is really not uncommon. Dou Jiahui is very sure that he will not convert his debt into shares, because he has confidence in the factory and confidence in his own development.

However, debt-to-equity swaps are not necessarily transferred with his will. If the factory is not operating well, debt-to-equity swaps may be difficult, but if the factory is successful, all kinds of possibilities may arise.

To give the simplest and crudest example, when the factory is flourishing, what if Dou Jiahui ... has an accident?

Accidents do n’t have to be dead. It ’s enough that he loses his command ability. Then the agent defaults on the payment, the raw material dealer urges the payment, and the bank urges the loan ... When the capital chain is about to be interrupted, the debt-to-equity swap can at least struggle.

Dou Jiahui was supported by Feng Jun behind him. In fact, he was not very afraid of such an accident. He also knew that Feng Jun is now very different from before, but he did n’t want to be contaminated by such powerful loans.

If it is not contaminated, the other party ’s idea of ​​hitting his industry can basically be said to be unsuccessful. If it is contaminated, if someone wants to hit his idea, it is almost a determination and an accident.

After so many years in the society, Dou Jiahui is no longer a person who will only fight fiercely, nor will he test the hearts of the people with death.

That's right, he thinks that this kind of borrowing nature belongs to death, even if he is not afraid of the other party, but why bother to live more and more?

So he rejected it lightly-even with the support of his brothers, he could not be wasted on such trivial matters.

But his refusal left the financial giant on the opposite side awkward-why, a loan of 300 million yuan is not enough?

Think of a legend that someone owns a small jade building, and he feels that people may not be bad. The reason why they do n’t want to invest in factory construction, but to use loans, perhaps just because-who can use the principal if they can make money with loans what?

So, I only borrowed 300 million, my attitude ... still a little unjust?

It is really difficult to guarantee that people who are not bad for money will think so. In three years, the interest-free loan of 300 million yuan will actually lose some interest. How much can it have?

It's not that the big names in the investment community haven't thought about it. Dou Jiahui may not want to be in trouble, but does he dare to gamble? Dare not!

Feng Jun's people said, "This is not the end of the matter." If he thinks that things can be exposed in this way, then ... still think about the mountain road that has just passed by, and think about the dirt that has not been cleaned up on the mountain road.

The big coffee thought for a moment and changed the saying, "Otherwise, I booked 300 million yuan and delivered it within five years."

Dou Jiahui looked at him with a smile and smiled meaningfully, "This is on the 300 million bar? Thank you, no!"

Three hundred million is exactly the amount of money that Dou Jiahui can loan, which is the goal of Xiao Yang's shot. Dou Jiahui understands the grievances here and is not afraid to make fun of it, but it is impossible to be tempted.

Okay ... he has to admit that he still has something to do with it. This is just prepayment and has nothing to do with the loan.

The big coffee wants to be crooked again. Cooperating with you, is the 300 million yuan payment not enough? "I'll order 300 million yuan in goods first. As long as you can produce the product, there is a knot. Within five years, you can order as much as you can ... Do you think Mr. Dou?"

Are you just like that? Dou Jiahui is not a person who does not understand anything, and I felt it at this time. It is estimated that Feng Jun really terrified the other party, so he nodded, "The three hundred million working capital, within five years, have enough nine million. Goods will do. "

The corner of the big coffee twitched, "Nine hundred million, is there any saying?"

Dou Jiahui replied lightly, "I made a small shot and started with three times the compensation. I also look at you and tell you."

"Triple ... Compensation," the corner of the big coffee's mouth twitched again. He didn't want to believe this, but the other party's expression told him that people are definitely not fooling people, "Nine hundred million in five years, can you achieve this output? ? "

"Nine billions in five years is nothing," Dou Jiahui replied disapprovingly, "Don't say nine billions, there is no problem with twenty-nine billions ... otherwise, modify the terms, you eat half of my capacity? Believe it or not? , I can explode 9 billion goods in five years? "

This is not bragging, how dare he step into manufacturing without this confidence?

"Don't tell me, it's just nine hundred million," the big coffee waved his hand and spoke with tears and laughter. "So that's it, let's sign an intentional agreement?"

When he arrives at his coffee place, he will not be entangled with the agency price, wholesale price, and minimum price. These are the specific personnel who will deal with it. As a big guy, he sets the framework and does not need to consider those details.

At the same time, he believes that Dou Jiahui won't say this-nothing to shame Feng Jun.

Sure enough, Dou Jiahui replied with a smile, "Where is no need for intentional agreement, where is it so troublesome? Just order a contract, you make a 300 million advance payment, let me turn around for five years."

"I'm sure I can deliver, and you certainly don't lose the money ... The old gentleman's agreement, isn't that the case?"

This was easy to say, full of self-confidence in his bones, Dou Jiahui did not say what to do with the breach of contract, but did he need to say it?

The big coffee gave him a deep look, "Gentleman agreement, right?"

"Yes," Dou Jiahui nodded with a smile. "It's such a pleasant talk, I won't give you a suit, right?"

The big coffee was silent for a long time, and he asked back and forth, "Can Feng Jun recognize it?"

Dou Jiahui looked at him and said a very meaningful sentence, "He is a man of value."

Unconsciously, Feng Jun's strength helped his brothers sell nine hundred million yuan in goods.

Of course, Feng Jun will definitely not care about this. Leaving aside jade and gold, he now only sells crude oil and earns flying, and his eyes ca n’t be swept here. The reason why he did n’t solve the 300 million funding gap is purely Do not want to hurt Dou Jiahui's self-esteem.

Jia Hui has decided not to practice with him, so as a young man, he is obliged to let his brother live a little more freely.

In fact these last few days, he really understands those local tyrants in the Middle East, why are they so arrogant, really ... crude oil dug out of the ground is not crude oil at all, but naked cash!

Of course, he digs up oil on the mobile phone plane to consume spirit stones. If he uses the exchange standard of one hundred million yuan for a piece of spirit stone, he will not make much money, and there is a high probability of losing money, but the problem is that the exchange rate is customized!

With his ability to make money on the mobile phone plane, it is really sprinkling water to earn that little salary. The salaries and meals of more than two hundred people and three hundred people mining, plus the management costs of the mine protection team and Du Wentian, even if At full capacity, five thousand spirit stones were also stopped in a month.

Feng Jun's random deduction of two people is not bad for earning this amount of money, and he deduces two or thirty people a day. Is this a matter of course?

In other words, he casually deduced the previous day, basically enough to pay for one year of crude oil production costs, and how much crude oil is produced in Bailitan in one year? Fifty-five thousand tons times three hundred and sixty-five ... almost two hundred million tons ~ ~ A ton of crude oil is at least more than two thousand Chinese dollars? In other words, the cost of Feng Jun's one-day deduction is worth four to five hundred billion yuan.

This data is not particularly accurate, but the difference is not bad, the order of magnitude is not bad.

Therefore, Feng Jun really can't take care of that little business, and he said bluntly that he could give back to the richest man in the plane of the earth for ten days on the mobile phone plane.

After the lamp factory, he devotes himself to the development of the mobile phone plane. Anyway, Master Tian ca n’t come in a moment. He has nothing to worry about besides delivering crude oil on the earth-even if it is the Longmen Conference, it will be held away. There are also two months.

While Feng Jun was digging for crude oil, he was even wondering whether he would find a place to hatch the “Jiaosuqing carp eggs”, because this thing can turn the dragon and put it at the Dragon Gate Conference, or the first one, it is definitely a good gimmick. .

But soon, he was troubled by another thing.

On this day, it was the first time Qing Gang sent disciples to form a team.

There are not many people here, and there are twenty people in total. This time, the disciples from Qinggang mainly deduced how to adjust and maintain after being eroded by the wind outside the sky.

In fact, Qing Gang's deduction of Feng Jun is still somewhat repulsive-the real person in charge of the broken blade once came with Feng Yishu, but the role ... it seems to be the case.

However, Liang Chao in the battle hall cares a lot about Bailitan, and vigorously promotes it to many disciples, and Yue Qing's disciple Dong Qianjun, who is currently raised under Feng Jun's suggestion, has also achieved good results. The strength of the example is still there.

Therefore, even if the blade is in charge, Bailitan may be the case, but there are so many disciples.

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