Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1657: Industry shuffle

In recent years, as China's national strength has grown stronger, embassies abroad have become more and more effective.

The evacuation of Chinese tourists in places of volcanoes and earthquakes and the evacuation of overseas Chinese in places where wars are raging are all linked by the embassy in the middle.

Chinese people will be more and more able to feel the benefits of having a strong motherland. This is not only a profound experience for Chinese people, but also for those overseas Chinese who live abroad.

So when they encounter problems, they are also willing to go to the embassy to inquire about the news and ask the motherland for help.

The staff of the embassy really did not have such clues, but then they contacted the country, hoping to ask a medical expert to analyze what the "bihalovirus" is.

After receiving help, Huaxia's medical experts were a little bit crying and laughing. First, the WHO did not issue a warning; second, there were no virus samples; and again, there was not even an infected patient.

Therefore, this is nothing but a farce that is a false story.

But people in panic cannot accept this explanation, they still ask the embassy to help as soon as possible, and for example, this virus can induce cancer-there are many muddy people can give examples.

The embassy has no choice but to seek help from the country again.

In fact, China also pays much attention to the news of Bilu. After all, if this rumor is true, it is necessary to consider issuing related travel warnings.

Viruses that can cause cancer sound terrifying, and they are actively seeking medical experts to implement them.

Many people think this is incredible, but to say that there is absolutely no reason, then no one has the courage, so some people suggested that Zheng Yang has a cancer care center, has a deep research on cancer, why not ask them?

Medical organizations are insulated from Lovat. It is not that they are unwilling to contact, but Lovat refuses to be close to the relevant people. Whether it is intimidation or temptation, soft words, they refuse to have any intersection with the medical community .

However, although Luohua was so uncooperative, the medical profession was also very angry, but they could not embarrass them-there were too many violent men standing behind this force, and no one dared to touch it easily.

Therefore, it can only entrust the relevant departments to understand Lowe's views.

So Lin Mei contacted Liu Yuting, the person in charge of the nursing center, and asked her what she thought about the mysterious virus that appeared in Bilu, and whether it would induce cancer.

Where does Mrs. Wang understand this? Must consult Feng Jun through her husband again.

Feng Jun gave the most succinct reply, "The gunman who tried to assassinate Tang Wenji came from Bi Lu's Overseas Wanderers' Association."

Lin Meili felt that she seemed to be close to the truth, so she immediately looked at the information provided by Bi Luhua and found a few examples of cancer caused by muddy people. Two of them were members of the Overseas Wanderers ’Club and a few. It is also a "suspicious member".

Yes, there ’s no need to say anything. Lin Mei even suggested to her superiors that she did n’t need to contact the medical institution anymore to directly inform Bi Lu ’s Chinese, saying that Luohua ’s cancer care center determined after research that the virus did not affect Chinese. There is no lethality.

However, at the Chinese embassy in Bilu, it was difficult again: how should this be explained to the Chinese?

After repeatedly confirming with the country, the embassy publicly announced that, according to the genetic analysis of the authoritative organization, this virus cannot affect the Chinese, so do n’t panic.

What this said ... seems a bit casual, some people think that the embassy dares to respond in this way, it should be no problem, after all, it is equivalent to endorsement with national credibility, and Chinese people do not like being beaten by people-especially Internationally.

But some people are more honest and say that China's authoritative organization ... how authoritative can it be? Can China's medical level catch up with the mud?

The embassy had to spoil again, "The agency that made the decision is a cancer care center in Zhengyang, China. If you are unclear, you can ask. Many Chinese people go there for treatment."

In fact, there are quite a few people who know about Luohua ’s cancer care center overseas. First of all, everyone knows that this center basically does not accept patient registration, and secondly, it is expensive to treat.

The treatment cost is expensive, but it is quite normal. Those famous big hospitals all over the world, especially the famous private hospitals in the western world, cannot be afforded by ordinary people. Well, a hospital with a very high cure rate of cancer has a higher fee. normal.

The point is ... this place doesn't accept ordinary people's registration at all-it doesn't work if you have money.

Many cancer patients in Western countries-of course, are the kind who have money, hoping to go to Luohua to treat cancer, but others simply ignore it, which has caused many people to be criticized.

But Luo Hua has always been very stable, saying that we will not cure the disease, but only to help care. As for discrimination, it is needless to say, just that you cannot meet our conditions.

What ... do you have money? Sorry, that's really not a question of money. Just like your old European Galileo plan, don't you only accept Huaxia's funds, and don't let Chinese people share the results?

That's right, Lowe's refusal has nothing to do with money-people don't care about money.

For cancer patients, such refusal is equivalent to being strangled to survive, so these rich people are looking for ways to find out how they can meet the conditions.

For Chinese affairs, it is of course more convenient to ask the Chinese for inquiries, so many Chinese people first heard of the cancer care center from the mouth of a foreigner, and everyone is willing to help and ask. The result is that the more you ask, the less your mind. .

But this does not undermine everyone's trust in Zheng Yang's nursing center-it is worthy of being a top cancer treatment hospital, and many details can not be inquired if you want to inquire.

So, knowing that the judgment given by this hospital, the picky people are at ease.

Of course, there are still some people who still express doubts, but this is all about making waves, basically the motivation is not simple-for such people, the embassy will not be polite, just ignore it.

Then, soon, there was a rumor spread among Bi Luhua people, saying that the mud bombardment caused the cancer care center in Zhengyang, so the center intentionally released some viruses, and it was aimed at mud bombardment. Human genes.

The news sounds a bit out of place. When did China have such a powerful genetic weapon? But it is because it is more outrageous, but it spreads fast.

In fact, the spread of this rumor has something to do with the overseas departments of the relevant departments. This is not that they want to pit Luohua. It is really that the relationship between Luohua and the Overseas Wanderers Club is not generally bad. Can't guess?

Therefore, the release of such rumors is just to stabilize the confidence of the local Chinese in Bilu, so that they will not have a big commotion. As for whether Luohua will be angry because of this-is Feng Jun so afraid of things?

In fact, there are some other ideas for doing this at home and abroad. Although there are only 60,000 people in Bilu in Bilu, in certain industries, they have a strong voice and obvious advantages.

Obviously, now that the people are panicking and leaving Bilu in a big way, the Chinese can of course take the opportunity to take the position. This kind of time to shake the other party is really rare.

There are such considerations at home and abroad, but they cannot be publicized. They can only create opportunities for everyone through practical actions-if they can't grasp it, then it is also impossible.

However, I really can't underestimate the vision of my compatriots who have developed in foreign countries. In the next three days, at least ten waves of people came to the embassy quietly, wanting to know how the embassy views the evacuation wave ".

The embassy will definitely not say "we support you to take their foundation", but they show a very optimistic tendency towards Bilu's future development, thinking that temporary difficulties will not affect Bilu's economic fundamentals.

This kind of test will test the IQ of the listener, but fortunately, most Chinese people are qualified for IQ, and they hear the meaning in the words-the embassy not only encourages them to fight, but also shows that this is a slight indulgence Ephemeral opportunities.

"Temporary difficulties"-this means that the difficulties will pass quickly, you can't hesitate anymore!

Feng Jun did not expect that, out of righteous indignation, he would start with the entire Bilu ’s wanderer, which actually caused the entire Bilu ’s economy to be turbulent, and many Chinese people broke into the muddy traditional industry, triggering the industry. Big shuffle.

These are just words ~ ~ Now Feng Jun returns to Luohua, the first thing to do is to settle down Tang Wenji-Xiao Tianshi is to stay in Luohua completely this time, Maoshan can only count Mother's house.

He arranged a room for her—just in the backyard, and arranged the night errands, as well as two shifting plates for her—not to enjoy the right to move, but the power to open independently.

Bai Yujing's Daomen collection of books is also open to her-except for a few basic books, most collections can be borrowed from Zhang Caixin as long as she wants to read it.

In addition, Feng Jun sent her two treasure soldiers, one with a sword and one with a sword, plus the daily supply of cultivation pills, it can be said that she is no different from other Luohua disciples.

Master Tian practiced happily for two days. Because she was born innately, she didn't need to hurry to practice, so she still had a lot of time to walk around the manor.

Originally she wanted to take a stroll outside the manor, but after a trip, she discovered that she had entered the congenital news, which caused a lot of sensation in the society. Although everyone had tried their best to suppress it, they did not conceal their intentions.

In particular, there are many martial arts wanderers outside Luohua ’s mountain gate, hoping to get her guidance, and some people want to challenge her to see how innate masters are three heads and six arms.

These people were ousted by Lin Meili and they couldn't get too close, but when Master Tian took the initiative to go out, it would be different.

Tang Wenji was surrounded by people once, and he didn't want to be shocked by the world. He had to rush back to the manor and decided not to go out.

But another day later, she found something that was not very pleasant for her. She looked around and saw Feng Jun walking quickly, so she stepped forward and asked, "Where are the three of them, Feng Bo, Zhang Caixin?" Alright? "

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