Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1644: Storms and rains are congenital

The Daomen people secretly commented on Maoshan's recklessness, but this does not prevent them from actively watching it, but it is an innate impact!

Therefore, all Dadaomen sent personnel out, and even the tribes in the martial arts, after hearing this news, they all sent a request to Maoshan: I hope to see Xiao Tianshi to prove the innate nature.

There are tangyi, octagonal, five-element, and Xinyi schools that have issued this request. There are also Tai Chi, and more than one is applying.

Martial arts and Daomen are very deep-rooted, but after all, it ’s just a warrior. This time I asked to observe the ceremony, but also wanted to see how Wu Xiu ’s pinnacle innate master came into being.

Even Shaolin, Putuo and other Buddhism gates also sent out requests. After all, Buddhism gates have martial arts.

In China, the two Buddhism and Taoism are not mutually exclusive, completely incompatible, and can even be said to be harmonious.

Tang Tianshi agreed to these requests, but these people could not enjoy the treatment of Taoism, and could only look at it from a distance.

This answer aroused the dissatisfaction of some people, thinking that Maoshan is now a bit floating, but Tang Wangsun said very simply: If you want to come, you must abide by this agreement, feel wronged, you can not come!

Even the martial arts people learned the news, and it was basically impossible to hide the beauty of Lin.

There are even three satellites, and the focus of recent attention is Maoshan.

In addition, there are two high-altitude drones, which are already on standby at a military airport around Zhengyang and can take off at any time.

Feng Jun also worked hard for Tang Wenji this time. Not only did he take out his business to help him cultivate, but he also brought the three girls back from the mobile phone plane to protect Tang Wenji together.

In addition, Ga Zi and Gao Qiang also rushed from Luohua, and the whole Luohua only left Xu Leigang, Wang Haifeng and Li Shishi to guard the gate. Gu Jiahui and Yu Qingzhu were not included here, because the two rarely appeared , A very poor presence.

But in fact, in addition to the five of them, Luohua also has Huahua, Lin Heihu and Shen Qingyi. With their three gas refining periods, most people want to play Luohua's mind, and it is really impossible to succeed.

Which day Xiao Tianshi will prove congenital, no one knows, some people want Mao Shan to give an exact time, Tang Wangsun said helplessly, "I also want to know, the problem is that she does not even I know, what should I do? "

How is it going? Then I only have to wait, but the problem is that where Feng Jun is placed, there are no houses around. Everyone wants to live, and can only live in the guest house in Maoshan.

That is, Maoshan has developed in the past two years, and many small guest houses have been built around, otherwise everyone can only live in Shifangtai to entertain guests.

Others tried to communicate with Tang Wenji and lived in the building, but they couldn't get close to it.

At a distance of three to five hundred meters, there were Maoshan disciples wandering, forbidding others to approach, and there were individual Taomen seniors who wanted to suppress people by their identities. As a result, Maoshan disciples pointed back, "There are also Luohua people guarding, do you think Can you get in? "

Luohua Manor is now a popular fried chicken, of course, this is not just because they are hot.

The key is that Lorraine is really strong. Not only can it fight, but it basically does not take action against the inside, and even supports everyone everywhere, and actively expands the influence of Daomen overseas.

Who does n’t know that at least half of Maoshan ’s contribution to ZTE should be attributed to Luohua; who does n’t know that Daomen ’s largest Taoism overseas was established with the support of Luohua?

I heard that Luo Hua ’s people were protecting Tang Wenji, and no one dared to get closer. Luo Hua really did not bully people, but he was not bullied by anyone. If he does n’t believe, he can think about Kunlun ’s sinking Tsing Yi is still selling coolies in Luohua.

In fact, everyone is more concerned about what kind of person Luohua sent to protect the Fa, and whether Feng Jun has come.

Everyone did n’t dare to inquire about Feng Jun ’s whereabouts, but it ’s okay to inquire about others, so everyone soon learned that the four people who came to protect the law were Zhang Caixin, Hong Jie, Ga Zi, and Gao Qiang. Tycoon.

Comparatively speaking, good scenery is not well-known, but can you stay with those four?

Another day later, a pilgrim found Tang Wangsun and complained, "Lao Tianshi, now someone has sealed the road, it is not easy to come in, thanks to me being a local."

How dare I seal the road of Maoshan? Tang Tianshi was furious when he heard the words. He also pointed out that Tang Wenji proved to be a gimmick and vigorously promoted Maoshan.

The disciples of the investigation quickly cleared up the situation. The person who came with the Chinese prefix said that he was arresting a group of criminals wanted by Interpol and had already greeted the local police station.

It is said that the local police station still wanted to provide assistance, but was refused. The other party said that the wanted person was extremely fierce and cruel, so he did not accept the help of the local police.

When Master Tian heard it, he knew what was going on, so he personally told those who closed the road that you were doing this, and it had a great impact on the incense of Maoshan.

Seeing that the contemporary Master of Maoshan was coming, the other party did not hide it. He directly answered that we have let in the people of Buddhism and Daomen, and we also let go of the martial arts and local people. The key is the foreign tourists , Temporarily unable to release.

The reason is very simple. It is not only the Chinese people who are concerned about Tang Wenji ’s innate conviction. Many foreign love agencies are eager to move their mouths and say they do n’t believe in Chinese martial arts and Taoism. But such a big thing is also rather credible. Its nothing.

The main purpose of setting up cards is to keep these people out of Maoshan, even if they can't block them all, they must show an attitude.

When Tang Tianshi heard this, he was no different. He was different from Feng Jun. He personally taught the government ’s ability to suppress Zongjiao. Therefore, he can only honestly leave the behavior of others, which is friendly to Maoshan.

After Feng Jun heard about the incident, he made a detailed investigation and found out unexpectedly that there was a drone above the sky.

"It's a little too much," he frowned unsatisfiedly. Isn't this a prying eye?

Five or six days in a row, Tang Wenji was hiding in the walk, there was no response. The people waiting outside were a little anxious. Those who practiced Taoism did not lack patience, but since they chose to preach in the red dust, naturally all sorts of common duties were indispensable.

But ... it's useless to be anxious. No one can contact Xiao Tianshi. If you don't make fun of it, then Luohua's people are protecting the law.

It is not Feng Jun who understands the situation of Master Tian. It is not only because he is repairing with Tang Wenji again. The key is that he can deduce and know when she is most suitable for flushing.

Tang Wenji is also very hard. It is very difficult to suppress and repair. She is not unable to pass the customs, but Feng Jun suggested that she wait, she can only wait silently with her teeth.

On the fifteenth day when Feng Jun sent her back, he finally spoke out, "When the rain falls, you can flush the border."

"It's raining?" Tang Wenji looked up at the sky, and there were no clouds.

"There are satellites and drones staring at you," Feng Jun said lazily, "I think it would be better to have a cloud blocking these snoops."

Tang Wenji froze for a moment, then tentatively asked, "Pray for rain?"

"Well," Feng Jun thought for a while, then nodded, "Almost."

In fact, it is not a praying rain array, but a wind calling rain array. Compared with praying rain array, there is more gusty wind.

After more than ten minutes, the wind began to rise. At first, the wind was not small. There were four or five levels. Then, a large cloud appeared over the small courtyard, covering an area of ​​about ten square kilometers.

After another ten minutes, the big bean rain began to fall.

"What kind of weather is this," a local who came to Hong Xiang murmured, "Is such a strong wind a typhoon?"

There is not a lot of rain in Maoshan in summer, but it is usually over, and the rain will not be very long or long. If it is heavy, it may be thunderstorms, but there will never be such a small and large wind.

Some people who are concerned about the small courtyard also have a headache. "This kind of weather is too hard to observe."

As long as the clouds appear, satellites, high-altitude drones and the like are not good enough, and we can only count on the low-altitude aerial photography drones used by some photography enthusiasts.

However, if there is wind, this kind of drone is too affected. Even if the drone can carry the wind and not be blown down, it is absolutely impossible to shoot stably.

For this situation ~ ~ these people have no good way, can only count on the violent wind and showers to pass as soon as possible, "This battle, I hope it is not made by the Luohua group?"

However, I was really afraid of what came. This wind and rain kept going. After five hours, the wind and rain gradually decreased. That is because Feng Jun discovered that if he did not reduce his power, Maoshan would have floods.

The people who watched also reacted, "An ordinary wind and rain cannot last so long, it must have been done by the people of Lowe!"

"Ah, even if the wind and rain are reduced, nothing can be observed in this weather. Don't Tang Wenji be about to advance?"

Compared with these people, the Daomen people think much less. It is not that they do not know that Luohua has this ability, but they think that since Maoshan invites people to watch the ceremony, they will definitely not set up some obstacles. Otherwise, no Notify us not to be over?

They also felt that the storm was a little too long-lasting, but they really did not expect that because of the intervention of certain forces, Feng Jun decided to start the formation.

What they are more concerned about is, "It is impossible for Tang Wenji to continue to practice in such a storm."

As everyone knows, Feng Jun's actions are defensive. Although the lowest level of defense is turned on, this wind and rain really does not affect Tang Wenji meditating in the small courtyard.

At present, only the ghost valley Dong Zenghong and Qingcheng Zhang Dongyuan are still staring at the small courtyard. The two are standing at a distance of one mile away. This is the closest distance they allow to observe the ceremony.

The ghost valley successor concluded that this storm was very strange, and may eventually become an innate opportunity for Tang Wenji to prove it.

At this moment, only to hear a muffled mum, and then a figure rose into the air.

(Updated to summon monthly tickets.)

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