Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1629: scale

On the day of Taoist celebrations, the people who buy rice dumplings are mainly Chinese people.

Most of them are responsible for constructing Taoist temples. There are also Lin Siye's supporters, and some Chinese tourists.

There is a company owner who brings company employees to travel and also brings his own wife-this is normal.

His wife was mentally weak all the year round, and she was very exhausted when traveling. As a result, she fell asleep yesterday afternoon and slept very comfortably.

His backbone, shoulder and shoulder inflammation, came to Australia in the fall, and it was the season of illness. As a result, he ate two dumplings ... there is nothing wrong, healthy, and can play basketball.

Foreigners don't talk to the door, only as a fun thing, Huaxia people ... actually, Huaxia people don't believe very much, but in China, the general situation is still "would rather be trusted than not."

Shoulder Zhou Yan, who thinks rice dumplings are good, buys a few more, and the wife of the boss also feels good. When he asked if there were no domestic dumplings, he planned to buy a thousand and go back-nothing more than 10,000 Australian dollars, how much money?

However, it is very regrettable that Taoist Temple did not sell it. Yesterday, ten Australian dollars was the cost price. Today, 20 Australian dollars is not sold. As a result, the boss opened the price to 100 Australian dollars. This is anger, but it is really affordable.

However, A $ 100 was still rejected because Sofia apologized for the “tight supply”.

Kate and Daisy were ignorant. They bought A $ 300 from the bank in order to buy dumplings. Because Daisy said that there is no credit card here, the two also said to spend one hundred and the remaining two hundred for daily petty use. , The result ... can't buy it?

Just when there was no other way, just like Lin Si passing by, he brought some people to stay here for a while-one was to help guard the Taoist temple, and the other was to think about this magical Taoist temple.

To be honest, Sofia ’s one-handed thunderstroke alone has already made Lord Lin awe. Hongmen comes from Jianghu, and the three religions and nine masters are all very familiar, and they understand the powerful people in the Tao.

Yesterday's Qiyu array and Huayu array made him feel the magic of this Taoist temple.

As for the identity of Sofia Mai, he can't fool him-this beauty has a long history with Daomen, let alone say, just look at some people who came yesterday to know.

Master Maoshan, Taibai Mountain, Luofu Mountain, Elder Wudang, Wudang Elder ... Can these people be ordinary foreign women? Absolutely impossible.

Lord Lin Si has been abroad for a long time and knows more about people abroad. He knows that Daomen has no foundation overseas, but it is not a fan. So he thinks that Sofia is a diehard of Daomen-even white gloves.

Of course, the most important thing is that he thinks there may be a chance here-strictly speaking, it is a benefit, so after the celebration, he took an apprentice here to find a project team house, intending to stay for a few days.

Today, he got up early to practice boxing, and after eating he had breakfast and came here.

Daisy was very impressed with this person-scared away a white man, and did not look like a good person.

But at this moment, she had a good idea and stepped forward to speak out, "This gentleman, I need your help."

"Watt?" Lin Si was shocked. His eagle's language level was not very good. "Did the lady admit the wrong person?"

Sister Kate couldn't help but drag her-this man doesn't look like a good person.

But Daisy was very stubborn, she said in a straight voice, "Someone accused me yesterday, saying that I am the actor you invited, you also said that he is a racist, do not know if you remember?"

"I remember," No.4 Lin nodded and said, "I can't remember if I don't remember, girl, freckles on your face ... But since the other party is polite, he is willing to be a gentleman," he entangles you again Yet?"

"No," Daisy shook her head. "I mean, I bought two 'seeds' yesterday. It's amazing."

"It's very good," Lin Siye nodded with a smile. After eating Su Zhai yesterday, everyone said that the dumplings were good. In order to show their support, they bought 100, and originally sent 40 or so. Only, I felt very good, and immediately stopped giving away.

Especially when he got up this morning, he was calm and calm, and his condition was so good that he originally thought that he might be close to Taoism and was affected by the Qi field. Later, he heard that it might be because of eating Zongzi.

It's a pity that the dumplings he sent out can't be brought back anymore, which makes him extremely depressed. Hearing Daisy's words, he said with deep sympathy, "It's worthy of being produced by Taoist temples, pure natural food, which is good for the body."

Daisy spread her hands and said very regretfully, "But Taoist temples don't sell dumplings now, why? I like Chinese Taoist temples very much."

"I'm also helpless," said Lord Si Lin, spreading his hands in dismay, "I want to buy some more ..."

"Then you can buy it, right?" Daisy interrupted him anxiously. "You have a good relationship with Taoist people, I can tell."

"I can't buy it myself," Lin Si said in a deep voice. He didn't like others interrupting him. The other party is a child, which can be forgiven, but he also doesn't want to make any cover up, "And we must keep enough to the master of Taoist. Respect. "

He is very clear that although Sofia is only a white glove, the actual controller of Taoist Temple is more likely to be Porsche, or even the Luohua Manor of Huaxia, but she is the nominal owner of Taoist Temple, and she must respect her decision and must not rely on old and old.

"No, I think she should be fair," Daisy was a girl in flower season, and she really did not care.

She said very honestly, "Looking at the lively people can buy dumplings, and sincerely believe in it, of course, they should be treated differently ... I was even scolded for it, you should suggest to Sofia, be kind to believers, you have this right, Isn't it? "

Lin Si wanted to refute her, but when he heard it, he was so excited-he also wanted to buy dumplings.

So he hesitated and nodded. "Okay, you are not easy. I will ask her."

Ruth gave him a helpless look, shrugged her shoulders regretfully, and said nothing.

Sofia was watching the newly-arranged incense cultivation practice. After a long time after the disappearance of this formation, she was finally able to see the sun again.

Strictly speaking, this time is not a day to see. The formation method is arranged in the house, and all the formation materials are also covered. The average person enters her "gym" and does not watch carefully. I can't find the mystery.

However, the formation is activated, and if you want to have enough faith to practice, you have to wait for a while.

She was thinking about it, and received a call from Avril Lavigne. When she heard that something was wrong with Lord Lin, she went out immediately.

She has a good impression of Lin Siye. Although the old man is a little gangster, he helped him find this land, and he has made a lot of effort. Even if he is a bad person, he also supports his own bad person.

After listening to him, Sofia looked at the freckled girl who couldn't see far away, and hesitated a little, "Zongzi is a good thing. Yesterday was a happy event, a rare opportunity. Today ... I can't give it anymore, it's not money. The problem."

She remembered Feng Jun's advice to rely on core competitiveness and not to impose small favors.

In fact, Sofia knew very well that the dumplings were really good things. Boss Feng once said that this thing was not very helpful to her cultivation, but it was very helpful to her health.

To illustrate Bai's efficacy, he used a apt analogy: If Keen the apostate can get these dumplings, the flawed body will be greatly nourished, and even complete recovery is no problem.

That is to say, even if Keen took the evil path, his body can recover, and it does not affect his magic.

Of course, reiki and incense become gods are not absolutely will not interfere with each other, but that kind of distress ... You are not polite to say, in the realm of Keane, there is no need to consider so much.

So Sofia also has her own small abacus. She can use part of the dumplings for her family and part of the family, and the rest can also give favors or sell high prices. She also understands the meaning of the four Chinese characters "People before the Manifestation".

This is an extremely scarce resource. Sophia knows that Feng Jun gave her a lot of resource support this time, but how long this support can last, she is not sure.

She was hesitating. Avril went over and asked Daisy a few words in a whisper. Then she came back to Sofia and whispered, "That girl hurts Jing, feeling that this thing has special effects."

Sofia's expression became weird. She was also a girl, knowing the pain of Tong Jing, but ... that's not a big deal, should she buy this rare and good thing?

Avril saw her not speaking and knew she was embarrassed, so she asked in a low voice, "How long is the shelf life of this food?"

Suoweiya reacted violently ~ ~ Co-author ignored the very important thing, so picked up the intercom and called, "Master Chen, excuse me, how long is the shelf life of the dumplings?"

Chen Shengwang is not practicing, he is also very clear that the rice dumplings are mixed with Lingmi, and the aura in Lingmi will be lost.

After thinking for a while, Shen Sheng replied, "If it is stored frozen, half a year is more appropriate. If it exceeds half a year, it will be less than one year. You can still eat it, but it doesn't mean much."

Sofia heard the words and finally let go of the entanglement, calling Ruth, "The two girls, each selling two dumplings, told them to speak quietly, and each dumpling was twenty Australian dollars."

It's a little bit higher than yesterday. This is necessary, but it didn't go up too much. It's completely within the girl's tolerance, and the sisters are even a little bit worried about the purchase limit.

Sofia saw that they were still begging Ruth, so she walked over and said, "It's useless to buy too much, it will expire, and you can eat one every month. It's a waste to eat frequently."

She still has some experience with foods containing Reiki. She has also suffered in Beijing before. After knowing Feng Jun, her symptoms slowly disappeared.

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