Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1623: Active Solitary Moon

Yue Qing's character has always been arrogant and not down, but when he comforted people, not many.

Nie Chifeng felt a little flattered, "Thank you Yue Zhenren for his praise."

Yue Qing looked at Feng Jun and Shen Sheng asked, "Do you need me to do anything if you recruit me to match?"

"This is not true," Feng Jun replied with a smile. "Just verify some conjectures."

As for the fact that your match is lower than mine, let's not say it.

After Yue Qing left, Feng Jun mentioned to Nie Chifeng, "This chaotic sorrow secret method you brought is not the best mindfulness and practice method ... at least not the best for you ..."

After listening to it, Nie Chifeng said, "Our Red Phoenix's chaotic Kanli secret method is a very basic spiritual skill. It is not just any kind of skill, but it can be called" chaos ", so the very clear Kanli asked the true solution , I think it is the most supplement ... "

"Yes," Feng Jun nodded. "Fundamentally, it is not necessarily the best, so with some directivity, it will be the most suitable for individual practitioners, but the very clear Kan Li asked the truth Yes, I think you have to discuss it. "

"I'm going?" Nie Chifeng's complexion was so bitter that he could no longer suffer. "Can it be increased by several percentage points?"

"Five percentage points," Feng Jun opened his palm. "This kind of exercise can only be negotiated between your four factions."

Five percentage points ... Nie Chifeng pursed her lips silently. Such a high percentage point was something she couldn't resist, but it was very difficult in itself to negotiate with Taiqing about purchasing exercises, let alone buying a book. Read the practice method again and again.

So she hesitated and asked, "How do you know that this exercise is the most appropriate?"

"It's a push," Feng Jun replied casually, "This exercise may not be the most suitable, but it is the most suitable of the dozen or so techniques I have seen, which is superimposed on you. . "

Nie Chifeng pondered for a moment, then lowered her hair and said, "I'm not going to buy this exercise, I will go to you!"

What? Feng Jun raised his eyebrows, he could think she was shy, but he certainly couldn't agree, "Taiqing can't easily sell me this kind of exercise, and ... I just help you to practice the exercise, not responsible for helping You buy. "

Nie Chifeng still lowered her head, but she even had a red neck. She did n’t explain it. She just lifted her finger to the soul doll on the table-I gave you a good thing, and I can use it twice. What.

Feng Jun rolled his eyelids, speechless, this truth ... really powerful.

Originally he wanted to say that this was the reward for my deduction, but in fact, she gave him a break of the ban before, and gave up the fan, which cost a lot. Even he just finished deducing her just now. Afterwards, he also took a ride and deduced Hunyuan to swallow the power.

So he sighed, "I also said that a pair of Gemini will be provided, which can also help increase the probability of Baodan."

"Gemini?" Nie Chifeng was still embarrassed to look up, but he was already very skilled at asking questions, "What percentage increase?"

Feng Jun said in a deep voice, "seven percent."

Nie Chifeng is speechless again. Gemini is definitely cheaper than Taiqing's secret technique, but it can be increased by seven percentage points, and it is definitely more important than five percentage points. Feng Jun is willing to provide Gemini, which is quite difficult-this thing is valuable No market.

She hesitated and said, "You twins, I can buy it for money. I have spirit stones ... a lot."

Nie Chifeng is really not bad. How can a master who has a lot of break-up symbols and a doll for souls be able to make a difference?

Feng Jun laughed, "I only accept Zhongling now, you know ... do you have a Zhongling?"

Just kidding, how could he let Nie Chifeng pay for this? After all, it is also good for him to cultivate both minds and minds. How could he let her pay alone?

And this twin fruit is taken by each side, not all for the other side.

Sure enough, Nie Chifeng smiled bitterly, "Zhongling ... There were still some when I was young, and I basically shot all of them. Now I have a total of more than a dozen pieces of Zhongling, which are still not on my body."

Feng Jun was right about what she thought. When she was young, she was thinking of holding Dan. Of course, she had to accumulate Zhong Ling, and then she found that Bao Dan failed, and her hopes were getting slimmer.

"Don't say that," Feng Jun waved his hand and said undoubtedly, "Gemini fruit, you and I, each one, as for Tai Qing's Kan Li, asked the true solution ... I'll ask it first."

Feng Jun originally wanted to find Kong Ziyi to inquire first, because he felt that Guyue was not very good to deal with, but he thought about it and talked to Kun Xiu about Kanli's technique. Master.

"Kan Li asked the true solution ..." Yupao pondered, and said in embarrassment, "I haven't learned this secret method, but it is one of the 360 ​​basic skills of this school. I estimate ... at least You have to find Jiufeng to discuss one or two. "

The words of Lord Jiufeng ... Su Miao is also the leader of the real person, but Feng Jun thinks about it, "Is it appropriate to find Lord Zixia?"

"Why is it inappropriate?" Yupao gave him a strange look, then nodded suddenly, "You mean there is a part that has been repaired? It's just a small part, don't you care about it?"

"Huh?" Feng Jun was really weird this time. "It's only a small part to repair again?"

"Yeah," the bathrobe nodded. "This secret technique is mainly for divine cultivation ... Oh, I haven't seen it, maybe you are right, then go find a real person."

Feng Jun really does n’t want to go to Guyue, but it ’s not very suitable to find Su Miao-unless Ji Jisheng is still there, it may be possible to ask him to help, but with the kind of joy that the real person and Su Miao like. I feel that it may not be appropriate to find him.

Therefore, Feng Jun still insisted on looking for Guyue.

Gu Yuezhen is also a bit of a muster for Feng Jun-still because of the 20,000 Zhongling's bargaining, he always feels that he is not giving face, and when he asks for it, he simply shakes his head, "This exercise is a basic exercise. One, buying is impossible. "

Feng Jun was a little helpless, but he continued to ask, "How can I get it?"

"Taiqing disciples are doing martial missions or promotion awards to get it," Guyue Zhenren replied seriously, "As for you, I have to ask ... But declare in advance, even if you get it, They can only practice by themselves, and it is strictly forbidden to spread. "

This requirement is not too harsh, just like the master's method of refining monsters and beasts.

But Feng Jun felt that it would be boring not to let it spread. His brow furrowed. "How can spread be allowed?"

Guyue Wenyan laughed, "This request is really difficult to do ... what do you buy this for? If you really want a good method of spiritual cultivation, Chifeng's chaotic chasm secret method, than It ’s okay for Taiqing. "

This is true, but he also has no good intentions. Kan Li asked the true solution is only the basic spell of Taiqing, but the Chaos Kanli secret method is the core secret technique of Chifeng. Feng Jun wants to get it, needs Pay more.

Feng Jun was too lazy to hide from him, and said very directly, "I bought this set of exercises, mainly to improve Chifeng's chaotic Kanli secret method. I can get that set of secret methods ... but I still need your set. . "

This is not bragging, Nie Chifeng said, if he is willing to help improve the secret method, as long as she proves, this set of secret methods ponders him, that is no problem at all-after all, his purpose is to help Chifeng spawn Jindan .

As for the secret law, Feng Jun is not allowed to use it for himself? Certainly it can be used for self-use-after all, it is another practice, and he is also one of the users. As for whether to allow him to spread, this can be discussed again.

Of course, after the improvement of the mystery, Nie Chifeng may not necessarily succeed in holding the Dan, but after all, I have tried it. In the future, other disciples of Chifeng can also use the improved secret, so Chifeng will not mind Feng Jun learning this set of exercises.

What is certain is that if Nie Chifeng failed to hold the Dan, the Chifeng faction would have Feng Jun banned the spread of this secret law.

Guyue real person heard his eyes bright, "You have to help Chifeng improve the exercises ... why?"

The shadow of the person's name tree, if someone says, help Chifeng improve the core secret method ~ ~ he is estimated to be able to lick it in the face of the other person, but if Feng Jun said so, he would not consider failure Possibility, just want to know the reason.

"Because Chifeng's secret method is fundamental," Feng Jun is not afraid that the other party knows the details-it is estimated that the other party knows this better than him. "I want to create a set of directional secret methods for a single practitioner. "

"Eh, this can be considered," Gu Yue's eyes lighted up, "Then you can do it, and the improved secret method you have come up with will give me a set."

"Where can I be the master?" Feng Jun rolled his eyelids and said angrily, "You also said that the real person, you are just the basic secret law, and Chifeng is the core secret law, can these two have the same weight? "

However, at this time, Guyue's pride burst out again-or the chain of discrimination, "What about the basic secret law? We are the Taiqing faction, and the other party is only the Chifeng faction, can it be the same?"

"Yes, when I didn't ask," Feng Jun was going to leave, no way, how could this context continue?

"Don't," Guyue Zhenren took the initiative to keep guests, with a very enthusiastic attitude, "You can improve the exercises ... You should say this earlier, I am too clear and there are also exercises that need improvement. Otherwise, you help Taiqing Also change the exercises? "

"If you can do it, the Kanli you ask for the true solution, you can sell it to your martial arts, you can use whatever you want, don't pass it on to other irrelevant martial arts ... I have to take control of this matter. Say hello, but it should be fine. "

"Don't introduce," Feng Jun shook his head. He had already been reluctant to come, but in addition to helping Chifeng and Taiqing, what did he do? "I asked Chifeng to communicate with you. What is the matter between you two?"

(Updated to summon the guaranteed monthly pass.)

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