Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1324: Cooperation Trend

Xie Qingyun felt that it was time for him to say a word, "Xiao Liu, take a rest, Master Feng's realm is not something you can understand."

Then he smiled slightly at Feng Jun, "Am I right?"

"Yes," Feng Jun nodded calmly. "I only do deductions, not terminals. Who do you like to find?"

Xie Qingyun was a little confused about the words "not to be a terminal", but he quickly responded, "That is to say, you don't want to intervene in the Gongfa market and don't want to earn this spirit stone?"

"Yes," Feng Jun nodded with a smile. You are right. I just don't want to earn this amount of money. "I only like to play."

From the point of view of the indigenous people in the mobile plane, since I have won a project, it must be from the head of the fish to the tail of the fish-my cow's fork, won this piece, it is all mine.

Xie Qingyun's vision, of course, is to be higher, he immediately grabbed the point, "The deduction is very good, that is his own strength, not what I said ... The market of practice is very chaotic."

Feng Jun nodded with a smile, "Xie Daoyou made a reasonable point. I'm not afraid of the chaos in the market, but I dare to go in for a fight, but ... If it's not worth the money, why should I fight?"

This is a very eloquent statement, and it is both soft and hard. Xie Qingyun feels that he can do it by himself, and it is impossible to do better—many potential markets do not rely on everyone ’s will. Is not worth it.

Xie Qingyun said with heartfelt emotion, "With Daoyou's age, you can understand this, and the future is limitless."

It's a bit of an exaggeration to say this, but it's normal for a person who has been stuck in the dust for eight decades.

Immediately afterwards, he asked aloud, "Can Daoyou help me to perform again? Well, there are two other disciples."

Feng Jun does not exclude it, but it is still the principle-to sign an exemption contract first.

Facts have proved that his matching ability is not a comprehensive coverage type. He helped Xie Qingyun to figure out the direction of promotion. However, Xie Qingyun and another disciple in the refining period have a high probability of damaging themselves.

The remaining disciple in the refining period is even more tragic-he has a very small probability that he can not damage himself.

After thinking about it for a long time, he simply refused to listen to Feng Jun's suggestion-so that he could avoid paying the fee.

This is a bit of a suspicion, but he also said: this probability is too low, and he did not save many spirit stones.

If he listened to Feng Jun ’s suggestion, he would not only pay the spirit stone to the other party, but also spend the spirit stone to buy exercises, medicine, etc. There are too many things that cost money, he does not have this ability-this time Before Bailitan, I didn't know what to do.

Feng Jun did not care. Although the deduction took some cost, the other party did not listen to the result, and it was not malicious deception. However, he also said that if he could not do this in the future, he would have to pay the approximate handling fee.

Another disciple during the refining period dared to gamble and paid a "three deduction fee."

Xie Qingyun is in the dusty period, so the deduction fee is the same as Liu Fuyu, it is five thousand spirit stones.

But under the influence of Liu Fuyu, before paying the spirit stone, his thoughts also expanded abruptly, "Feng Daoyou, you are so difficult to deduce me, is it because ... there are fewer exercises available for deduction?"

Feng Jun nodded his approval, "Yes, if you have enough exercises for me to deduce, you will have more choices."

Xie Qingyun hesitated for a while and finally asked, "If it involves you to modify the exercises, will it work better?"

"I can't guarantee this," Feng Jun answered with a straight hand. "Kong Daoyou can testify. I'm not very good at modifying the exercises. Tang Shixun Daoyou is lucky, the key is ... he is Fenglei Hidden gold, this is the essential difference. "

Xie Qingyun was startled, and finally sighed, "I really want to help Feng Daoyou to kill someone,"

He said so, but the next moment, he handed over five thousand spirit stones, "Daoyou is right, there has been a turning point, I really shouldn't have the mind to pursue perfection ... If everything goes well, then Is it called cultivation? "

Feng Jun saw that he wanted to be open, and he had to laugh a little, "Since this is the case, then I allow you a month, if you can bring other exercises, I can help you deduce it again for free."

Xie Qingyun was stunned for a while, and then he smiled bitterly, "The few exercises in my house should be nothing, but I still want to thank Feng Daoyou for his generosity."

He said that he shouldn't do anything, but he didn't say anything. From this, he was still a little unwilling.

In the morning, Feng Jun declined Kong Ziyi's dinner and returned to his own business.

Then Sun Wufeng hurried over and wanted to know what everyone has gained.

After listening, he couldn't help but sigh, "It would be nice if you could perform in the vicinity of the Gongfa Building. The exercises in the building are as vast as the sea, and they can be matched more."

"Impossible," Li shook his head alone. "The Gongfa Building is a central place. Even if Feng Jun becomes a guest secretary, he may not be eligible to perform there, let alone this person's origin is unknown. What bad influence do you have, how do you manage yourself? "

"Oh," Lu Wanfeng, as a million-year-old sunspot, couldn't help but start spraying Feng Jun. "In my opinion, his motivation for deduction is impure, saying that he is helping us solve the problem. In fact, he is earning spirit stones. Yu ... Collecting exercises! "

Xie Qingyun hates him a little bit-obviously someone who is helpful to us, and he is also bold in doing things. You must push Feng Jun away, have you considered our feelings?

So he coughed, "Is it wrong to collect the exercises? I also collected a lot of exercises. Feng Daoyou used the collected exercises to help others. This is good. He doesn't make money by selling the exercises ... ... I ’m surprised, where did he offend you? "

Lu Wanfeng's mouth moved, and he found that the eyes of others were not very friendly, and finally closed his mouth.

According to Sun Wufeng's plan, after the calculation, everyone hurried back to the faction and reported the corresponding harvest. As for whether or not to practice, how to practice is determined by the real people of each peak-An Yuhong must also go back .

And for himself, it is necessary to consider paying for one thing.

However, Xie Qingyun opposed such a schedule. He studied the exercises all the year round, and he also had some accomplishments in this respect. Therefore, he believed that it was necessary to stay here for a day or two.

This is not because he does not believe in Feng Jun, but there is clearly a deduction wizard here, why should he go back and ask the teacher to decide? Even if you casually ask two questions, it is quite convenient. It is better to go back and find some questions and forget to ask.

So everyone decided to stay for two days and then leave together.

However, because of the temporary delay of the schedule, Taiqing and his disciples encountered a new situation.

Near the evening of the next day, Huangfu arrived flawlessly.

The first meeting of the mortal communication meeting was really long enough, but basically the regulations were set. The president of Huangfu came here to discuss with Feng Jun how to work next.

However, as soon as she came, she was surprised to find, "Hey, why is there one more building?"

At this time, Kong Ziyi, Xie Qingyun, An Yuhong and Liu Fuyu walked out of Feng Jun's walk, and everyone was still discussing the issue enthusiastically-Feng Jun's answer is actually a bit similar to sermons. Everyone feels very rewarding.

However, others did not have the opportunity to enter because of various reasons.

Huangfu Wuxue stepped forward to say hello and easily learned what was going on.

Of course, Kong Ziyi and others will not say those embarrassing embarrassments-it doesn't matter if their family quarrels, let outsiders know what happened?

But the subtle atmosphere, Huangfu Wuxue also saw something. She was a delicate person, and she sighed and said with a smile, "Then I happened to be in a hurry, I will be the host tonight, everyone drink together."

For her, maintaining good personal relations with Taiqing disciples is of great benefit to her career and practice.

So that night, a fourth building appeared in Bailitan, and Du Wentian and others were dumbfounded.

Huangfu's flawless invitation to come forward, Feng Jun of course must give her face ~ ~ He also brought Chen Junsheng and Jing Qingyang, and the three girls stayed in the house.

At the wine table, Huangfu asked curiously. What do you Taiqing School think about Master Feng Shan's deduction method?

Sun Wufeng and Li Zhuang became boring gourds at this time. After praised Xie Qingyun, he regretted that he didn't bring much practice, which limited Feng Daoyou's performance-it wasn't that Feng Daoyou was incapable, yes We are not well prepared.

An Yuhong suddenly thought about the starting point. "Huangfu Daoyou, I took care of you last time and borrowed a lot of exercises from Tiantong. Is this time ... can I beg for you again?"

Huangfu glanced at her, and then at Kong Ziyi. Finally, he looked at Feng Jun and said with a smile, "An Daoyou is in a hurry. Master Tian Yaofeng is still here. He is looking for me to do a small business. It's the wrong person. "

Kong Ziyi knew that this was because An Yuhong did not do very well, and was a bit of a talker. Although Huangfu Wuxia was not a disciple, he was also from the Jindan family. Sister An, you were taken care of last time. People look at me and Feng Jun's face, now you are so embarrassed to ask so?

Before she could speak, Feng Jun replied, "An Daoyou, President Huangfu borrowed those exercises, but also to be human. If you can solve the problem with the spirit stone, it is best not to be human."

An Yuhong was quite convinced by Feng Jun. She said that she was not angry, but immediately apologized, "Oh, sorry President Huangfu, I forgot, you are not a person in Mingsha Tiantong."

Huangfu smiled and waved his hand, "An Daoyou is polite, and this matter may not be impossible to cooperate, but it is estimated that it is not free. Now what I want to know is, how many people will Taiqing possibly come to Feng Daoyou's disciples? "

She is a truly qualified businessman.

(Updated to summon monthly tickets.)

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