Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1322: Fluke

Big Data Xiuxian Chapter 1322

Kong Ziyi saw Sun Wufeng, but she had no interest in receiving the call.

This is not her pot-just how arrogant you were just now, how passive you are now.

Sun Wufeng ... There are still some cheeks. When she did n’t say anything, she simply asked, "Sister Kong, you are so familiar with Feng Daoyou, can you give me some suggestions?"

Kong Ziyi snorted, "I'm still thinking about how to complain to Master. Several brothers were very magnificent just now."

Sun Wufeng swiftly mobilized, "Sister Kong, your illness, was Feng Jun cured?"

Kong Ziyi didn't answer, and Lu Wanfeng, the only one who knew about it, also kept silent.

"Understood," Sun Wufeng nodded. Thinking of this possibility, he really understood why Kong Ziyi was about to defend Feng Jun. This is for gratitude, "Then you tell him something about this afternoon, It was a misunderstanding. I am willing to pay for a batch of items. Do you know what he likes? "

Kong Ziyi shook his head, "I don't know this either. His vision is very high, and his revenge is also very strong. If you want to imprison him all his life, his demands should also be equal."

This answer silenced everyone again. After a while, Xie Qingyun spoke out, "It's not fair, we don't understand him, so we made a cognitive mistake, but he understands us, and if we ask so, it is intentional insult It's too clear. "

In the process of the whole thing, he was relatively rational in speaking and doing things, and even suspected of fending Feng Jun, but now it involves Taiqing honor, but he put down his heart.

Sun Wufeng couldn't help but glance at him. He said that this young brother of Kong Xingfeng was really good, but this qualification was a pity.

Kong Ziyi sneered, "Did you not understand it yourself, and no one stopped you? Have you asked Tang Shixun or An Yuhong? When you came to Bailitan, you didn't ask me for news ... must So arrogant? "

Li's mouth twitched, "Your brothers and sisters have been arguing, and we have no time to inquire about the news."

"Okay," Sun Wufeng finally spoke out. "Sister Kong, what kind of enemy is Feng Daoyou now?"

"The enemy ..." Kong Ziyi thought about it, and slowly shook his head. "It seems that there is no enemy, oh right, You Shaozi of the Yinsha faction is a little bit different from him. Senior Qu once planned to help him, he said No need to wait for time to speak. "

"You Longzi ..." Sun Wufeng groaned for a while, then looked sideways at the other masters, "I haven't heard of it, who of you know?"

He didn't know anything about the layman outside the school, but the unknown was really unworthy to pass into his ears.

A disciple who practiced gas replied in a timely manner, "You Longzi should be a middle-class student who is in the middle of the dust.

Li only said aloud, "The younger brother in the first seat of the Discipline Hall? A little trouble ... You don't want to deal with him in the first seat, Sun?"

"It's him," Sun Wufeng made the decision very succinctly. After all, he was determined. He looked at Kong Ziyi and said, "I'm sorry to help you kill You Longzi. Can you ask?"

"Don't," Lu Wanfeng was anxious, and he actually couldn't get used to swimming dragons, but at this moment, he thought he was out of conscience, "Yinsha's relationship with us is not bad. , Not easy to explain ... "

"Why should I explain to them?" Sun Wufeng replied very simply-my decision-making power is not worse than Chiluan.

"Okay," Kong Ziyi nodded, then stood up. "I'll ask."

It did n’t take long for her to come back, ”Feng Daoyou said, this is not the deduction category of 'kill one person, save one person', if you insist on doing it, Sun Shizuo, you can only wait for you to kill someone before you start to fight. Qing disciples' deduction. "

Sun Wufeng was not surprised either. In fact, he offered to kill, but also to test Feng Jun's character. If the other party really dared to agree, he would also dare to start-in fact, he did not plan to go out and go to the Chifeng School Friends can help.

The opponent made the bottom line very clear, which gave him a little admiration in his heart, "This Feng Daoyou is really a bit of a trick."

Then he asked aloud, "It seems that it is also possible to start demonstrating Taiqing disciples immediately. What requirements does he have?"

Kong Ziyi coughed lightly, "Well, he hopes to compensate him for a trip."

Feng Jun did make such a request, because he now feels that one line is not enough-two planes run back and forth, there must be two lines at all, even if he ca n’t use it, his woman and apprentice Can also be used.

When the other party came to the house to find something, he must make the other party bleed, but it would be meaningless if he was too greedy.

Sun Wufeng was stunned, and then shook his head decisively, "This is impossible. Many people know what I am doing ... I can go back and pay him one, but I can never give him this."

Once he has a decision, he is actually very courageous.

Kong Ziyi covered his mouth and chuckled, "Feng Daoyou didn't say that he wanted this, he hoped to get a new one, and the grade should not be lower than his business."

"No problem," Sun Wufeng nodded very simply, walking in this thing is actually not expensive, only four or five thousand spirit stones, but the number is relatively small, but for him, this is not a problem, "I want to do it now Go get it? "

Kong Ziyi thought about it, and finally shook his head, "Forget it, I still have a little face, I can bring it next time ..."

"Zi Yi ~" At this moment, someone called the door outside the courtyard, "Open the door quickly, why did the brother come?"

"An Yuhong," Sun Wufeng knew when he heard the voice, "Go and open the door."

An Yuhong spent more than four months practicing in the Thunder, and achieved staged results. The cultivation base began to grow, and she felt that she was not far from the advancement. She came to Kong Ziyi specifically, wanting Feng Jun to help me see it again. Look.

Originally, she came here with full of joy, but after entering the master's yard, she heard unacceptable news, "Master, you ... Lord Feng Shan is really a good person."

This is still because of the long-term accumulated coercion of her first, she dared not directly blame.

"It's just a misunderstanding," Sun Wufeng replied unsurprisingly. He didn't pay much attention to Ben Feng's first-time disciples, but he was still relatively familiar with it. "Aren't you Antai Sister?"

"My cultivation base has risen," An Yuhong replied carefully. "Come and ask Feng Shan to play a role to see if it is possible to consider promotion."

Sun Wufeng is speechless, how can I be this bad guy? "Does he charge for you, do you charge?"

Before An Yuhong spoke, Kong Ziyi said, "Of course, my friend is free of charge."

This sentence ... so that everyone couldn't take it anymore, or Xie Qingyuncha started the topic, "It's rare to gather outside once, or invite Feng Daoyou and have a drink together?"

"Look back, it's not too early," Kong Ziyi directly rejected the suggestion. She already knows Feng Jun's character better. "Wait for the first seat of Sun, and sit down together again. Tomorrow morning, you guys Go to my business, I invite him to play. "

This is to make it clear, relying on his own face, let Feng Jun deduce a few-no matter how much, then it depends on when Sun Wufeng took it.

Sun Wufeng felt particularly embarrassed and asked quietly: Is it appropriate for me to go tomorrow?

Kong Ziyi showed that you shouldn't be present-Li can watch on his own, you are not suitable to go, don't stimulate Feng Jun.

The next day, Sun's first seat could only stay obediently, watching everyone walking towards Kong Ziyi.

To say that Feng Jun really gave Kong Ziyi a face, noisy yesterday was almost hands-on, and today he still helped to deduce.

However, it is very regrettable that after more than two hours of deduction, Xie Qingyun and the four Qi Refining Peaks, only one Qi Refining disciple is Fenglei Hidden Gold. No.

This disciple paid three thousand spirit stones for this, and Feng Jun matched Lei Fa for him by the way, and other people's fees were not collected.

The four people were so frustrated and frustrated. The surviving disciple struggled to smile.

Yesterday, the Qi-refining disciple who answered the origin of You Longzi, named Liu Fuyu, only learned yesterday that the hidden gang wind gold was not completely a waste body. After careful deduction, there is still a chance to survive.

After some ecstasy, another pour of cold water poured out today, and the state of the whole person was wrong.

Especially the four peaks of refining Qi, not all waste bodies, there is one that can really be adjusted, which is the most exciting. In this case, there can be no psychological fluctuations.

Liu Fuyu is alert and has a strong upward heart. Even if he guessed that he was a hidden gangster, he never gave up the struggle, otherwise he would not pay attention to the interpersonal relationship of the Yinsha faction.

Seeing the completion of the inspection, Feng Jun stood up and wanted to leave. He shook his head and tried his best to shake off the negative emotions in the sea. He summoned the courage and stepped forward to speak with respect. "Master Feng, please stay here. There is something unknown next. Hope to get your advice. "

"Huh?" Feng Jun glanced at him sideways, and said that your kid is so brave, who gave you the courage to stop a master?

But seeing the other party respectfully, he decided to give him a chance-everyone came from the gas refining period.

So he smiled and said, "So many masters are present, you dare to stand up and speak, courage is commendable, okay, I will give you a chance, but I have to explain first ... there are some problems, I charge."

"It's okay to charge," Liu Fuyu nodded, very politely, "I also want to thank you for giving me this opportunity."

Then he reverently said, "You said that the wind and thunder hidden gold body can be quenched by the lightning method. Yesterday, you also said that you can quench the gold by the lightning method. I just want to ask, the other hidden gang wind gold can't Did you use Leifa? "

When he asked this question, even Xie Qingyun's eyes lit up.

"Huh?" Feng Jun was stunned first, and then frowned, thinking about it, "theoretically it can't, because there is no thunder property in the body, it is very difficult to harden, and it is easy to appear damage and affect the foundation ... I don't charge for this problem. Understand?"

Xie Qingyun immediately understood, but his eyes were brighter.

(Updated to summon monthly tickets.)

Big data repair

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