Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1313: Industrial Division

Chapter 1313 of the Big Data Xiuxian Volume Volume Industrial Division During the period of contact with Feng Jun, Tang Shixun had already reported his experience to the peak owner of Wuwei Peak. People are worried, and you have a lot of contact with them, if they have a conclusion, Wuweifeng will follow up.

In the final analysis, it is the owner of Wuwei Peak who is also new to this set, and the principal of Tianyao Peak is that the real person has a good relationship with a devotion and can perform a reasonable deduction. Let Yuanming do it.

Anyway, the disciples of the wind attribute, in addition to the empty peaks, there are countless peaks, and there are many hidden gang wind gold, then ... There are naturally many wind and thunder hidden gold bodies, which can solve this problem. Why not let Tian Yaofeng show the limelight?

Tang Shixun can only contact Yuanming real people.

Yuan Mingzheng attaches great importance to this matter, and the guy in Su Yuanjiang will not say anything about the rebuilding, but there is also a disciple An Yuhong, but he is using lightning to quench the body.

An Yuhong stayed in Thunder, but he didn't leave, but after ten or eight days, Yuanming real person would contact her and ask her about the effect of quenching.

The effect of An Yuhong's quenched body is very good. She found that she was a recessive gang wind gold for a short time, that is, five or six years. Although it caused great confusion to her, she has never given up hard work. She hoped it was an illusion.

She has been struggling hard for a short period of time due to metallic sex, so after the quenching body takes effect, her cultivation practice grows and she feels it out, so she is very happy to report to Master Feng every time, and she is more and more happy.

Yuanming Zhenren also wanted to hold back a big move, so he gave the disciples a blow early in the peak, who felt that he might be a hidden gang, and came to me in private, maybe I can think of a way .

There was no response from the outgoing Master. Tian Yaofeng only had more than thirty masters in total. With eight wind attributes, two wind thunder hidden gold bodies have appeared. Probably, it can't be worse.

However, a few years of accumulated gas refining have been found, and they have been unable to impact the dust, that is, there is obviously a metallicity in the body-the appearance of the physique of the hidden gang wind gold is not limited to the master , There are no rules at all.

Undoubtedly, they did not dare to expose it before. Tian Yaofeng had 20,000 disciples and nearly a thousand disciples at the nineth level of Qi Refining. Apart from those who had already passed off and had no hope of advancing, there were nearly three hundred prospects. Among the disciples who made the dust, nearly 80 people had wind attributes.

These are the ones who can't enter the dusting period lately, but hope that they still exist, and they have a little welfare and power in the peak. Once they are pierced, it is a hidden gang wind gold, and they will be knocked down in minutes, so they I dare not admit that I hope this is an accident.

But since Master Feng said, they are willing to gamble.

After deduction, the worship believes that two of them can basically be regarded as the wind and thunder hidden gold body. I hope that the peak master can find the Feng Shan master to identify it. By the way, it is reasonable to use the lightning method to quench the body.

As for the one who came out of the dust, it was the disciple of Rising Sun.

There are relatively few wind cultivators of the Sun Peaks, but the relationship between this peak owner and that worship is better. I learned about it in gossip, saying that I also have a disciple who has been out of the dust, and has been delayed for many years. Deduce.

Lord Xu Rifeng did not think that this disciple must be Feng Lei's hidden gold body. He felt that even if this disciple was a hidden gang wind gold, as long as it can be calculated, this disciple ... can be completely rehabilitated.

However, the result of the calculation is: 90% of the possibility is the wind and thunder hidden gold body.

Rising Sun and Feng Jun had little friendship, and of course they had to find Tang Shixun instead.

After listening to Tang Shixun's words, Feng Jun immediately said, "Tang Daoyou can trust me so much, I am very grateful and honored ..."

"Don't talk about it, Master Feng Shan," Tang Shixun said with a smile. He said happily, "In any case, I have been in the ninth floor for more than 80 years. I have seen too much. You are not an opponent of playing skills , You just say, "but" what ... "

"Are you sorry to ask me?" Feng Jun looked at him strangely, "But what about the deduction cost?"

"Last time you were exposed to An Yuhong's light. She was a friend of Kong Ziyi. I can't charge her, so I can't charge you, but this time you brought someone else, then you have to talk about it. Talking about costs. "

"What am I supposed to do," Tang Shixun smiled, "Charging is necessary, it doesn't matter if I replenish the last fee, it is what the sister Zi Yi said, you can solve the problem with the spirit stone. It ’s not a problem ... how much? "

"The last thing must not be said," Feng Jun said very simply, "This time we must set the rules."

"Yes, set it," Tang Shixun supported very much. "You can only say how many spirit stones, as long as it is within a reasonable range, I can advance it. This time I brought the spirit stone."

Feng Jun hesitated for a while, and finally said, "I can't tell you about this matter. Tang Daoyou should consult with Zi Yi Daoyou,"

He can make an offer, but it is better for Kong Ziyi to set the price.

If Kong Ziyi tried his best to maintain his integrity, he would n’t mind any more effort, and then the human debt would be less heavy.

Kong Ziyi came out from the line next door, and said in a straight voice, "The cost of deduction, three thousand spirits on the nineth floor of gas refining, and four thousand spirits on the dust-off period.

Tang Shixun was shocked, "This price ... how did you calculate it?"

He is not fake, and he is more than 80 years old, but he has never been a wealthy master. He can spend money on his own or lend it to others, so that he has to buy a set of exercises. , Have to borrow money first and then find someone to recover the loan.

So he thinks that Kong Ziyi's offer is a bit pitful-although I can pay in advance, but you help outsiders pit the same door, this ... is it not suitable?

However, at this moment, Kong Ziyi also complained to him a bit-maybe this price was calculated by me? This is how the Chifeng School of other people counts, and it is particularly enjoyable to spend money!

However, her classmates still have to maintain their image in front of outsiders, so she said, "This is how I estimate. Brother Tang, if you feel unreasonable, you can consider your own estimate."

In fact, she is not like Tang Shixun. Tang Shixun is somewhere between her and Su Miao, a generation later than Su Miao, and a generation older than her. But he has n’t always held the Dan. She is the same as her.

Tang Shixun didn't care about it--and he didn't care about it, he thought about it, and felt that this thing was a bit wrong, but in the presence of so many people, it was not easy to continue to ask, so he nodded, "Well, then I think about it."

When it was night, he went to visit Kong Ziyi again and asked what happened in private.

Kong Ziyi didn't answer directly, but took out a red sign and looked at him with deep meaning, "Guess what."

Tang Shixun looked at the sign and the four Phnom Penh above, thought about it, and tentatively asked, "Chifeng's token?"

The four factions are too familiar, especially for his kind of man who has been in the dust for more than 100 years. The style of the brand and the breath above all indicate that this thing comes from Chifeng. .

He just didn't know what this thing was used for, so he guessed it as a token.

"Yes," Kong Ziyi nodded. "Four golden lines become four thousand spirit stones, and the Red Phoenix disciple who holds the token can only ask Master Feng Shan to take action, otherwise he can't recognize ..."

She recounted the situation roughly. Topics such as Huodan were a bit sensational, and it was not convenient to mention the details, but she did n’t mind talking about other things-the news could not be completely blocked, and would be passed sooner or later. Go out.

But in the end, she still gave the appropriate warning, "Brother also knows how important this matter is, don't let it leak."

Of course, both of them determined that reporting to Zongmen Zhenren was not a news leak.

Tang Shixun nodded, "No problem, just tell the truth, this is not a lot of spirit stones, and I can afford it, but for most disciples, three thousand spirit stones are simply impossible to bear. Lord Feng Shan is friendly, why not let him fall? "

Kong Ziyi sighed helplessly, "Brother Tang, the debt is the most difficult to repay. Occasionally, it doesn't matter ~ ~ But if it is used all the time, is it appropriate? And compared to Chifeng Of the five thousand spirit stones, we only produced four thousand spirit stones, which is already taking advantage. "

Tang Shixun thought about it and asked, "How can Chi Feng promise to provide the condition of three thousand spirits for the disciples during the refining period? Did they find a new spirit stone mine?"

"It's not a Lingshi mine," Kong Ziyi shook his head. "Chiluan redeemed it with a martial mission."

Tang Shixun understands, he just likes inaction, but not ignorance. "It turned out to strengthen the cohesion of the school, but people are less in charge ... You and I can't compare with her."

"Then use another way," Kong Ziyi didn't want to embarrass her colleagues, and finally opened the net. "Master Feng Shan actually prefers pricing after the deduction. I let him quote himself ... By the way, only for Four people this time. "

Tang Shixun nodded, "My brother and I at Rising Sun Peak can follow the four thousand, but it doesn't make you embarrassed. It's just that the two disciples during the gas refining period, just let go a little, and we all came over during the gas refining period."

Kong Ziyi agreed, and Feng Jun would naturally agree. He collected two eight thousand spirit stones from the dust master, first calculated for the master of Xurifeng, and confirmed that this person was a wind and thunder hidden gold body, and matched A copy of Leifa.

This method of thunder is not available to the Taiqing School and Tiantong, but originated from the Thunder Plains, a relatively niche secret method.

The man said that he is willing to buy Lei Fa from Feng Jun-if you can match, there should be related exercises.

Feng Jun did copy this Lei Fa secretly, but he categorically rejected the other party's request, saying that he didn't have this practice.

He is very clear in his heart that monopoly trading can be done, but for the industrial chain, it is enough to make a good link. If you want to eat the entire upstream and downstream of the entire industrial chain, then it is too much, and it is undoubtedly a dead end.

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