Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1304: Show up

Feng Jun has been secretly reminding himself that he has greater ability and greater responsibility. He cannot act on his own preference.

When your bluntness has caused "injustice" to others and produced serious consequences, it is not a "misunderstanding" that can be explained.

Of course, he has other plans for the handling of this complaint, but now there is no need to say.

But Chen Shengwang was completely shocked. "Don't mind Feng Shan, I speak straight ... Are you a bit of a Madonna?"

There is indeed a suspicion of the Virgin Mary. Feng Jun smiled helplessly before speaking, "If I said, I have the confidence to smooth this corpse at any time. I don't know if you believe Chen Daoyou?"

"Of course I believe this," Chen Shengwang certainly cannot say that he doesn't believe it, even if he is a genuine five-story monk of gas refining, but he knows all about the Taoist society. Gossiping.

But then, he said right, "But I am not afraid to say something offensive. The drought is very strong. If this prosperous world can last for a hundred years, then after 100 years ... who will make it?"

Speaking of the last four words, he turned out to be a sorrowful face, only to write a sentence on his face-can't be willful.

To be honest, the combat effectiveness of the drought is really terrible, and its influence is even more terrible.

But Feng Jun still didn't care. "After a hundred years ... hehe, now I'm not afraid of it. Will I be afraid after a hundred years?"

A hundred years later, he may no longer be on the plane of the earth. Maybe it ’s all in the infancy and outage period, but at the same time, his disciples and grandchildren should also grow up. How can he care that a golden age will not come The drought?

But Chen Shengwang could n’t understand where his confidence came from. Although he was very reluctant to say something offensive, but now he had to speak out, "But by that time, you are still alive ... no, you are still alive in this On earth? "

"I thought about this," Feng Jun was not angry, but answered with a smile, "I will not leave any trouble, I will take it away before I leave."

This is his real thought. One day he intends to leave the earth completely. As long as he has time, he will definitely take this corpse away-no matter how many moths you have, go to other planes, do n’t Play in the earth.

Waiting for other planes, it's really not that the corpse can hide, let alone say, only the ghost brother, it is estimated that the corpse can be seen at a glance, even if the corpse is true With the strength of the Jindan period, when he reached the Xiuxian plane, he was also suppressed.

But Chen Shengwang was obviously wrong. "You want to die with it ... is it worth it?"

"Chen Daoyou ... you have a big brain hole," Feng Jun is so hung up, "I'll just say that, it doesn't do any bad things right now, but it has strong kindness. I can't handle it according to my personal preference. It is unfair to it. "

He really doesn't think he's a heart attack, he just doesn't want to simply judge whether the other party is evil or just.

When he was weak, he was tried many times by those who had the right to speak,

Now that he has the right to speak, he definitely doesn't want to be the kind of person he hates.

Chen Sheng stunned for a while, and finally nodded, "Master Feng Shan has compassion, how can I object?"

"Wait, I try to communicate with it," Feng Jun smiled, and suddenly exuded the mid-level momentum.

However, it is very regrettable that there was no response from the complaining corpse below.

Feng Jun shook his head, "Forget it, this guy may not be able to feel it, let's go."

I don't know why, he has a feeling that the following corpse should be able to feel himself, but the other party didn't respond, so he just gave up, but when leaving, he put a spirit stone next to Yinquan.

After walking out of the cave, he stretched out his hand, and a palm of a certain size appeared in the air. He even grabbed two pieces of soil and blocked the mouth of the cave. "The new soil will have a trace. The phantom array will be left first. Let ’s turn around. In two days, your skills have been given to me. "

It ’s a pity that the spirit stone is still in Chen Shengwang ’s heart, but Feng Jun ’s behavior is not something he can influence, and he has no courage to **** it. Now he suddenly heard that the practice has fallen, and he could n’t help laughing. “It ’s true Ashamed, I haven't done anything yet. "

Feng Jun glanced at him sideways and said in a straight voice, "You can consider putting the spirits on the charcoal, and you will not hesitate to destroy a yin spring for this. I will appreciate this mindset, and it will open my eyes and give you a set of exercises. Something? "

After leaving, the two found a place to rest. The next day and the third day, they wandered around within a hundred miles.

However, it is very regrettable that Feng Jun never found the second place with such a strong yin qi. There are still some scattered yin qi, but there are only some. If you look closely, there is no root.

On the third night, Feng Jun and Chen Shengwang came to Yinquan again, opened the cave, and found that the spirit stone was still there, with only a slight loss.

However, Feng Jun used the spirit stone too much. If he knew that the aura naturally leaked, the loss would never be so great, so he raised his hand to take the spirit stone and smiled indifferently. , Then let's go. "

Chen Shengwang can't feel the subtle changes of the spirit stone, and he doesn't know why Feng Jun said this-can you really communicate with the body?

But he still nodded, "People are afraid of ancient corpses, in fact, corpses are also afraid of cultivators. Some cultivators practice the technique of controlling corpses. Those who complain about corpses are being refined every day and doing things that are against their hearts, but they can't even enter the cycle , Also subject to heaven ’s punishment, is it really ... eh? ”

At the next moment, he looked at Wang Qingquan in amazement.

This spring eye was washed by him, there is no mud, only some fine sand.

Now the sandstone was twisted for a while, and the word "Apprentice" appeared.

Feng Jun frowned slightly, "You actually want to worship me as a teacher?"

He is a middle class, no matter how stupid the other party is, it is impossible to accept him as an apprentice?

The fine sand was twisted again, and the word "yes" appeared, but the last two strokes were a little vague.

"Huh, this is interesting," Feng Jun smiled, and took out the spirit stone again, this time in the spring water.

The aura of the spirit stone began to decline rapidly, but the word "rapid" is only relatively intermediate.

Five or six minutes later, a cloud of white mist appeared on the Yinquan, gradually turning into a human figure with a half-foot height.

The humanoid figure arched his hand at Feng Jungong, and came a thought, "The little **** is helpless, he is in the ancient corpse, he can't come, and he hopes to forgive sins."

"Little God?" Feng Jun heard, suddenly stunned, "You said you are a god?"

"The land **** only," the figure didn't think that his identity was remarkable, he answered indifferently, "After being killed in the battlefield, the land **** was sealed, and he would enjoy the incense and protect the peaceful side."

The **** of the land was also sad enough to be reminded. Later, the temple was ruined by someone, and he was almost distracted. Later, someone died and turned into a corpse. He tried his best to fight the dead ghost, and the body of the corpse was buried deep by the villagers. Soul enters to warm up.

Feng Jun heard it a bit unbelievably, "So you are in the system?"

"Remaining soul," the emotion of the figure is not fluctuating. "It is nothing more than trying to accumulate merit, and later found that there is no **** position, accumulating merit is too difficult, but accidentally discovered that condensing the Yinquan can cover the heavens. . "

In this case, there is a reasonable explanation for the behavior of the other party. Complaints like corpses are not tolerated by heaven and earth. The God of Land borrowed from others. Of course, he must bear the corresponding cause and effect. He originally wanted to earn merit, but merit cannot be earned. I don't want to be struck by thunder.

So he hid under the ground and made a yin spring. If Tiandao paid attention to it, he also paid attention to the yin spring first. This was a good cover, but he also lost his direction of development.

In the past thousand years, this Yinquan was discovered by nine people and destroyed twice, but it did not alarm the local villagers. The land **** found that many Taoist monks had prejudice against corpses, and he did not dare. Show up.

Thanks to this time, Feng Jun first showed his good intentions. Although the cultivation of the land **** is not very good, but the Yinquan was condensed by him, and he is also familiar with the local flowers, trees and various terrains ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ So you can perceive the goodwill of the other party.

Of course, these words are not enough for him to take risks, the key is that Feng Jun has left a spirit stone.

The land **** had seen the spirit stone in the hands of the Taoist, but it was only a glimpse of the glory. He never thought that one day, he could also use the spirit stone to practice in luxury.

From frugality to extravagance, from extravagance to thrift, he carefully used the spirit stone for two days in order not to be discovered by the other party, but he did not want it. Feng Jun wanted to take away the spirit stone, at this time he could not pretend to die .

In fact, he knew in his heart that the other party had discovered him long ago.

After Feng Jun heard him, he frowned and asked, "If I can build a land temple for you, wouldn't it be more appropriate for you to practice?"

"That's not okay," the mood of the figure finally fluctuated a little. "The land temple can only be a court seal. That is the right way. Even if you take the route of the Yinciye Temple, you have to believe it in the local Li Shu. Now this world ... how can that be possible?"

Feng Jun took out the smoke and gave it to Chen Shengwang. After taking a breath, he said, "So you want to worship me as a teacher?"

The figure replied very happily this time, "Time is changing, it is very difficult to enjoy incense offerings now. The heavens collapsed in the end of the Dharma season. Even if I set up the land temple again, if it was destroyed by someone again, then I would suffer ... … "

"Before I practiced through borrowing, I also learned a lot during my cultivation. I would rather worship under the door of the master and seek the way of longevity."

It seems that the Temple of Earth was destroyed, leaving you with a deep psychological shadow. After thinking about it, Feng Jun still shook his head, "I can't accept you as a disciple, and I don't have ghost cultivation methods."

"Why is that good?" The figure was dumbfounded, and he said that he was so powerful in the dusty period that he didn't even have a ghost cultivation method?

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