Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1300: Demand

Feng Jun's "expansion" of cancer patients this time really gave birth to many accidents.

The thirty people in the system are quite good to say, because none of them paid their own money — or it ’s normal to obey the organization and transfer, but the thirty places for the society are really a bit magical. the taste of.

Among them, the number of places introduced by Yang Yuxin accounted for more than five, because she was too aware of Feng Jun's level of cancer treatment.

The people she knew were either rich or expensive. Before that, someone wanted to find Feng Jun for treatment, but she didn't want to make him embarrassed, so those who needed it, she took all the steps of others and took the indicators in the system.

These indicators are certainly not very good, but it will be much easier to take the bench-among the "replenishment personnel" Feng Jun saw, there are ancient families stuffed in, but everyone does not say it.

Now that Feng Jun has indicators for society, Yang Yuxin must of course take them over and use them. Anyway, these indicators are not open to the society-knowing that Luohua Manor treats cancer, you have to find a place to sign up.

Even in these five places, Yang Yuxin's own relationship is only two, and the other three are overwhelmed by the ancient big and the ancient two-it is too troublesome to find a way from the system, and there are still a lot of human relations. .

Yang Yuxin was an accident, and there were many other accidents. Some people came under the banner of Wangwu-it was a builder in Chaoge, and Feng Jun did not directly admit it: I did not have that relationship with Wangwu, and the cancer care center had to It took three months to open the door.

The builder of Chaoge had heard about Feng Jun. Boss Feng had once done the business of pan-camel machine in Chaoge and was banned by the city. The hatred on both sides was quite big.

Therefore, he thought that Feng Jun was someone who really couldn't look down on Chaoge, and had nothing to do with Wangwu, but he had just needed himself, so he went to the health system of Funiu Province to ask for help.

However, it turned out that this road map was wrong. In the end, he still had to turn to Wu Limin, the Shaodong family of the Tang Dynasty architecture, to enter this list.

Wu Limin also recommended two people. If you connect to this person, you are three people. The treatment cost of 20 million is not small. But whoever plays real estate, who does n’t have many rich friends?

In fact, even a country girl like Li Shishi recommended a cancer patient, not the outsider, but the head of a village in their suburb.

Another big recommendation is Gao Qiang, who recommended four people.

You know, he used to work in the fight against fake Chinese medicine. He had many doctors and many patients. Many people were ill and found that Western medicine could not be treated before turning to traditional Chinese medicine. Very topical.

Now he hasn't cracked down on counterfeit for many years, but his word of mouth is still there. Many people are willing to try the magic therapy he recommends.

Actually speaking in human language, he is in the circle of the capital and there are a lot of rich people. Since he has credibility, other people do n’t mind trying other treatments-anyway, it ’s already cancer, no more money.

Twenty million ... is that money? There are only two houses in Sanhuan.

These relationships occupy a considerable share of the 30 places.

That ’s right, Feng Jun ’s so-called social-oriented indicators are not only provided to Daomen. Although most people ca n’t meet this threshold, if their families ca n’t take advantage of it-then open another channel to let their own People take advantage.

In any case, the 30 places facing the society exploded and exceeded the standard in a short period of time.

Five cancer patients were introduced by Maoshan, and thirteen were introduced by Wudang ... Each of them was worth 20 million.

Otherwise, Wudang is still booming. Once their list is handed over, they will be oversubscribed. This is still Wudang receiving this news relatively late, and Elder Guo is just an elder, not an instructor.

Feng Jun couldn't help but sigh: how strong the social demand is without the monopoly.

To sigh, sigh, the rules still have to be said. Set 30 people in the society, that is, 30 people. On this point, it can be said that he is quite rigid and not very human, but how is it managed by human relations?

In order to screen out nine of the thirty-nine people, Feng Jun screened again on the spot and personally selected nine people-you rushed to the next group, because your physical condition can still support.

This act of refusing patients has caused dissatisfaction among those who lost the election. It is important to know that these are the children who can get 20 million treatment fees, and they have a status and status in the society.

But generally speaking, the more this kind of person, the more aware of Luohua's troubles, most people know that their body is okay, they will not say anything, and some people want to pass other channels to talk about it, and fail to achieve their goals Can only give up in sorrow.

One of the guys was very unhappy, saying that if I take 20 million for medical treatment, I still have to look at the eyes of others? I'm going to Nima. I won't be here again!

Feng Jun didn't even care about these reactions until another guy pulled a car and blocked the gate of the rehabilitation center.

This man is a boss who produces spare parts. When he grows up, he drives the whole family. The whole village is doing this industry or supporting it.

The village is a village of the same surname. Although they are from other provinces, they brought a cart of old and weak women and children directly, so they left at the entrance of the rehabilitation center and pulled banners.

The rehabilitation center is guarded by people. In addition to Ren Zhiyuan's people, there are also people from related departments.

It is said that the relevant departments are quite powerful, but in the face of a group of old, weak women and children, there is no way to strike hard.

Feng Jun laughed angrily when he heard the news, "Is it really coming to me?"

At the beginning, he didn't control it. He wanted to see if there were any tricks to deal with. There were still people from powerful departments. There were no restrictions on personnel access and material purchases.

As a result, the next day, the group actually found a barricade to block the door, and the construction team was not allowed to work.

To say that this is a cold day, the other party is uncomfortable tossing it down. However, the man admitted that he was dead, and he got another car. The two cars were at the door and people lived in the car.

At this time, Feng Jun brought people to say, "This person, Luohua will not be ruled in the future, including people in your village, will be on Luohua's blacklist."

However, this is still useless. It is not that the other party feels that it is impossible for people in a village to get cancer. The key is that the cost of treatment is too high. Even if the people in this village are relatively wealthy, there are few companies that can take two thousand at a time. Million.

The next night, Chen Shengwang shot, he actually used illusion, made the scene gloomy, and there were ghosts and whimpers floating around.

Feng Jun discovered the anomaly for the first time, and he was a bit crying to see that he actually did this-in the lineage inherited from all the lines of Taoism, this method of pretending to be a ghost is relatively common.

But after all, this kind of thing is really scary. This winter night was already cold and biting. With this gloomy thing, the two bikers couldn't stand it anymore and started to attack the gate of the rehabilitation center.

This time, the person in charge of the defense did not agree. They had endured for two days and finally could not bear it anymore, so they decisively shot and smashed one piece.

The beaten old and weak women and children called the police, but it didn't help. After the police came, they hadn't dealt with it yet. The call from the leader above came over, saying that it would be enough to take the beaten away.

Later, the family wanted to report that Luohua Manor illegally practiced medicine, but it was still useless.

The health system really wants to deal with it, but there is no courage-the key is that people have not publicly announced the practice of medicine.

When this happened, Feng Jun was returning to the Spirit Array to use the spirit stone for a solid cultivation. It costs more than thirty pieces of spirit stone in a day. This is just to polish the aura. It can be seen that the cultivation in the dust period is of great importance to resources. The requirements are really high.

After he had stabilized for more than ten days, he felt that there was no problem, so he came out and looked for Chen Shengwang, who was still interested in the spooky illusions he used.

As a result, Chen Shengwang actually embarrassedly told him that this was not just illusion, but refined yin.

He did not refine Yin Qi specifically for Yin people ~ ~ but his practice is too strong. Although he is looking for a few women, he occasionally has a bias and needs Yin Qi conditioning. .

The Daomen need Yin Qi conditioning practitioners, not just him. Some famous Yin Qi locations are often occupied by certain branches of Dao Men.

It is now in the heyday, the population is multiplying, the yang is strong, and the yin is declining. The famous Beimang and the like, the yin is almost digested, but Chen Shengwang tried his best to walk through the famous mountains and rivers, and finally in the high official Found a Yinquan.

"Yinquan?" Feng Jun was more interested in the news. In fact, he hadn't seen this kind of landscape. "Can it be practiced by practitioners in the dusty period?"

"During the refining period, you can't practice, where is the dust-out period?" Chen Shengwang shook his head bitterly. "These few qis are still formed by my painstaking efforts, and I dare not collect too much. Go once. "

Feng Jun is more and more interested, because he wants to kill time in the earth world and find something interesting to do, it is very necessary, "How did this Yinquan form?"

Chen Shengwang shook his head and said embarrassedly, "I went to the battle of Changping. I always feel that there are more grievances ... maybe this is the case?"

Feng Jun touched his chin, "According to you, does Jinling have a lot of grievances? I haven't heard of Yinquan there."

"Although there is no Yinquan there, it was indeed very heavy," Chen Shengwang said, "The luck of the ancient capitals of the Six Dynasties was inseparable. I have been there forty years ago, but unfortunately the anger is weak and can't be used. . "

"You take me on a trip," Feng Jun said in a positive voice. In order to prevent the other side from being unwilling, he made a promise, "If there is any gain, I will help you find the exercises."

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