Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1299: Someone skewered

Feng Jun said that, but in the end, he still agreed to Yu Zhiyuan's request and got two million cubic meters of crude oil.

Of course, it is inevitable to make the full payment in advance, and he adheres to this principle very well.

In fact, it is not as complicated as he thought to carry the two million cubic meters of oil. When he exited the mobile phone plane, he was still some distance away, and then evacuated the two oil depots while he was at night.

As for the possibility of worrying about the discovery of Yin Soul, he controlled himself, just don't run over there.

And the big brother is currently in the soul-cultivating, a middle-grade spirit stone can be used for two days, it is estimated that in the course of these two days, it has no intention to observe the outside world.

In short, the danger is a bit, but not great.

But even so, Feng Jun spent four days in the earth.

During this period, Yang Yuxin also heard Feng Jun say that she wanted to build a cancer care center. Because she knew Feng Jun's strength, she was also very interested in this project and was willing to work on it.

She even said disdainfully, "My construction speed will never be far worse than that of Yu Zhi. Compared with him, I am professional."

In addition, she also asked with great interest, "I heard that you promised to release 30 cancer treatment indicators for the society, one indicator is 20 million ... Can I introduce patients to come?"

At present, the 30 units in the plan are being selected urgently by the relevant units. After all, the index has increased and the cost has been reduced, which has resulted in considerable variables. The 30 targets for society have also spread.

However, this kind of spread is not known to ordinary people, and Feng Jun did not promote it to others.

He just told a few close friends in Taomen: Feng Zhizhi, Guan Guan, Master Tang Tian and his daughter, Dong Zenghong and others.

The most interesting thing is that Xuande Dongtian Feng is in charge. He is busy contacting the local believers and saying that there are already two cured cases. You do n’t believe me or ask for it, but you ca n’t say that I ’m cheating.

You have to know that the treatment threshold for those two people is 100 million per person. Now it has dropped a lot. If you do n’t believe it, you can call to verify.

The believers are also in contact with each other. After a phone call, they were confirmed, but these two choked and took turns calling Feng to take charge-old Feng, you are not kind, why are others 20 million, we are 100 million ?

It ’s easy for Feng to take charge of this kind of scene. "You two are treated first? After a delay of ten to twenty days, do you know what will happen to your condition? There is no guarantee that everyone can be cured by Luohua, some of them have been cured. No, people refuse to be admitted ... "

"And when I led you both, you also saw the scene, and some people would not allow you both to enter, but it was my family who gave me face and withstood the pressure. If you think I am pitting people, I am Will be chilling. "

How dare they chill him? After all, Feng has the ability to deliver messages to Master Feng, and the two of them dare not be too troublesome-who can guarantee that the family will not have three disasters and six diseases? The money has already been spent, and the disease has been cured.

This is the case in Taibai Mountain. After receiving news from Maoshan, Magushan and Qingchengshan, they immediately began to propagate the believers. Among them, Xiaoshan Master Maoshan had the exact news, and the other families recognized the brand of Luohua Manor. .

Master Feng dared to make such a promise, then he would definitely be able to do it.

Of course, 20 million is still too far away for the average person, and ordinary people cannot afford the cost of this treatment.

There is such a man in Fuzhou. He found a wife of Jincheng, and the person is also developing in Jincheng. The couple opened a barbecue stall. The stall is not big but the reputation is good. In the past ten years, four chains have been made. The shop is worth 50 to 60 million.

The couple felt that they could develop this way with their hands, so it was quite lucky that they often burned incense and thanked them—going to Qingcheng Mountain and going to Jiuhua Mountain.

A while ago, the man found lung cancer-the one who made barbecue. The probability of getting this disease is higher than that of ordinary people.

The couple went to burn incense again, did a ritual at Jiuhua Mountain, spent 50,000 to 60,000 yuan, and then went to Qingcheng Mountain to practice.

Qingcheng originally wanted to take this ritual, but as soon as he heard that it was a cancer blessing, Zhang Dongyuan came directly and said that this blessing is not good, which is really not very good to say, but I have a clear way to you, 20 million, help You cure cancer.

The couple is a believer. It ’s okay to spend 20,000 to 30,000 practices. 20 million to treat cancer ... Do you dare to blow it even bigger?

Ai Di said during the manhood: I am ... late, and I am afraid that the treatment will not work, so I hope for a miracle.

Zhang Dong said disdainfully that what I introduce to you is a miracle. Without my guidance from Qingcheng Mountain, you can't even enter the door.

The couple said vaguely: Then let's consider it again.

The two turned around and went to Jiuhuashan for consultation-we heard that this happened.

Jiuhuashan said disdainfully: Qingchengshan is a bunch of scammers, and mana is not enough-if there is mana or two, don't believe them.

The husband and wife are a little bit undecided, the family is a little bit of money, all of it is cash-grilled skewers do not need any fixed assets, but these 20 million are spent ... meat hurts.

In any case, life is in the countdown, the wife said, go back home and take a look, the father-in-law and the mother-in-law are still alive, one more glance.

As a result, after returning to Fuzhou, the old couple were also believers, saying that Magushan had done a good job in the past two years, and it was a bit strange.

The couple went to Magu Mountain again and planned to do a 5,000-dollar ritual. No way, Dan Xiatian was so cheap. Although Taoism is reviving, it still needs a process to get everyone to recognize it.

As a result, when I heard that cancer was a blessing, Guan Shanyue arrived: there is no need to do the rituals. I have a good place to introduce to you. It is not a problem to cure cancer, just 20 million.

Why didn't Dan Xiatian and Qingchengshan do things when they were introduced? Because if there is a good place to introduce it, if you still do things, it is to fool the believers, doing more than that, and there is a suspicion of cheating.

Both of them are countless orthodox, with the mission of inheriting and carrying forward the great roots. If you want to expand your influence, you ca n’t earn a small amount of money.

Seriously, believers have recovered, are they afraid that they will not come and wish?

The husband and wife are also a little ignorant. Why is there another 20 million, really this place?

Dan Xiatian is different from Qingcheng Mountain and Taibai Mountain. The latter two have a lot of trust. Zhang Zhizhang and Feng Zhizhang face the believers and dare to hold the shelf-do you believe it or not.

But the courage to hold the palm is not dare to hold it. The reconstruction of Dan Xiatian definitely requires some amazing things to propagate.

So she guarantees that the place is quite magical, and, "Do n’t think more than 20 million, if you ca n’t cure your disease, even if you want to give money, no one will accept you ... the last batch of patients It ’s still 100 million, but now it ’s down to 20 million. It ’s not that I introduced you, you ca n’t even find the door. ”

The wife's words immediately said, "Master Zhang of Qingcheng Mountain also said so. Are you really ... talking about the same place?"

"Qingcheng Zhang Dongyuan?" Guan Shanyue was stunned for a while, then said disdainfully, "What about the same place? Zhang Dongyuan's relationship with that place is not good, far worse than me. If Dong Zenghong said so, I would let him Two points, you can call if you do n’t believe it. "

The couple didn't make a call, but the two of them quarreled on the way down the mountain.

The wife thought that the 20 million was pure fraud, but the husband was annoyed, he shouted, "No matter what you think, I don't want to die! My parents are still alive, I don't want white hair people to send black hair people!" "

"Our family earned less than 60 million yuan, and I have a share! Do you even allow me to give it a try?"

"Okay, you try it," the wife was also annoyed. "Don't I just want to leave something for the child?"

My husband softened when he heard the word "child". "Then I will call Master Zhang to see what he says."

When Zhang Dongyuan received his phone call, he was a little bit crying and laughing-a small boss with a net worth of 50 to 60 million was also a big donor in Qingcheng Mountain, "You still went to Magu Mountain? That's really true ... But Guan host in some In terms of aspects, the human face is indeed stronger. "

The man was shocked, "This place really cures my lung cancer?"

"Can it be cured, these are really two words," Zhang Dongyuan replied, leaving the man in cold air.

But at the next moment, he chuckled, "But if you can spend 20 million, it's no problem ... It's mainly up to people to accept it."

The man couldn't help but ask again, "Is it really possible that he will not accept it?"

"How rare," Zhang Dongyuan smiled contemptuously, "Do you think the details of Daomen are comparable to those bald donkeys?"

"Then I will go to the host now, thank you," the man hung up the phone.

At the next moment, Dong Zenghong's call reached Feng Jun's hand, "Boss Feng, I have a situation to report to you. This, this, this Danxia day's Guan Shanyue ... she maliciously cross-linked!"

Everyone knows what tandem goods mean-the designated area, my family's business, let others do it.

I have also designated agents in various regions? Feng Jun felt a little ignorant.

After he asked about the situation, he said with a smirk, "This matter, Dan Xiatian has done something a little unpretentious, I know, but the situation over the host Guan has not been opened, we are all in the same vein, Be considerate. "

Dong Zenghong is also a person who understands things ~ ~ It's easy to understand that Dan Xiatian is really not very prosperous, but you have to tell her that the believer is not asking for it. , She can't spoil everyone's job. "

"I won't say it," Feng Jun said very simply, "I give you some indicators, considering the difficulty of Daomen's survival, let everyone find mistakes, how to deal with the specifics, your internal consultations, I did not think Leading the way, what head is blind? "

After a pause, he spoke out again, "Dong Daoyou came here recently, and I got a bit of spirit stone again."

He ruined the opponent's celestial machine plate-although it was not intentional, but it is also necessary to find some spirit stones, pay attention to people.

(The third shift arrives, summon the monthly ticket.)

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