Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1297: Refuse to monopolize

Feng Junyue said more and more angry, "Tens of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of patients can get one million, which one you treat, which one you don't cure ... Where is your hospital, where is the ward, just rely on that small building Lou? "

Huahua was taken aback by his aggressive manner, "I ... I don't need a hospital, I don't have a medical license yet."

Then it reacted, "We are rehabilitation care, not a hospital, and many people may not believe it."

Feng Jun shook his head in tears and laughed, "Every cured patient is a live advertisement, don't deceive yourself, OK?"

After a pause, he said again, "I also want to help them cure cancer, so if the conditions permit in the future, a person can pay 100,000 yuan for the treatment cost, as long as you can get busy ... but now, Only 10 million per person. "

Huahua pondered for a long time and said abruptly, "Otherwise ... or 20 million."

Feng Jun rolled his eyes in tears, "Do you know that you are afraid when you co-operate?"

"I want to practice too," Huahua answered reasonably. "I'm not as busy as you. I want to do something to make myself happy. I also like to see the joy of the patient's recovery, but it affects me. ... Am I a bit selfish? "

"What is this called selfishness?" Feng Jun smiled. "As a cultivator, I am already selfless without having to put my hands on the red dust thing."

As if to verify his claim, he received a call from Yu Zhiyuan that night.

Lao Yu first congratulated him on his promotion. In fact, Yu Zhiyuan really didn't understand what it means to be a middle-level player, but Yu Lao, who had been aware of such a big thing happening at Luohua Manor.

Then he asked if he could provide a batch of crude oil quickly, "... the more the better, the 10 million tons can be eaten."

"It can't be provided," Feng Jun answered very simply. "We said yes, and we can postpone the supply for half a year."

In fact, in another plane, he was staying in Bailitan. All ten oil depots were full and the workers were stopped.

However, he had just successfully eaten Tianxiang Guo and succeeded in promotion. At this time, he went to Bailitan. In case that Yin Yin found out that he had the smell of Tianxiang Guo, and his promotion was so fast, many more things would happen.

He intends to spend a month on the plane of the earth-even after the New Year and then go back, be sure to let the taste of Tianxiang fruit dissipate.

Yu Zhiyuan was a little helpless, "I know I said that at first, but now the international situation is a bit tense ... I believe you have heard that we must show the ability to quickly obtain bulk oil. Please understand."

"Why do I always understand?" Feng Jun asked angrily. "When I hold my balance, let me understand it; when I press my price, let me understand it; now you let me go back and let me understand ..." ... sorry, I do n’t understand! "

When he finished speaking, he pressed the phone, and there was a little bit of indignation in my heart: I just wanted to do something good, how could it be like this?

Yu Zhiyuan was a bit crying and laughing when he was holding the hung up cell phone. He originally thought he could do it. Where can he think of it, he just happened to encounter such a thing?

He had to explain this clearly and had to complete the operation, so he could only make a call with his daring blame, and it was impossible to think that Feng Jun ’s mobile phone was no longer in the service area.

Then he drove to Luohua, ignoring Xuetian Lu sliding.

Unfortunately, however, the guards prohibited him from entering, regardless of his surname, or regardless of how many times he had entered Lowe.

Not far away, a group of people who provide special patients with vigilance. Seeing this scene, they also felt unbelievable-Yu Lao's third son, who was turned away in Zhengyang's 3 acres, was turned away?

Everyone finally realized how maddening Luohua Manor was.

Probably the same disease, and the Yu family is a ground snake after all, so someone here came together, "Mr. Yu, look for Mr. Feng?"

Yu Zhiyuan also knew that there were such a group of people outside the mountain gate. In order to avoid suspicion, he had no intention of meeting each other. However, since people greeted him, he also nodded with a smile, "Is the treatment still smooth?"

"It's not bad this time," someone replied with a smile. "It is said that the effect is better than the previous two. They will be discharged tomorrow."

Yu Zhiyuan's eyes rolled, "Will Feng Jun come when he is discharged tomorrow?"

"I heard that I will come," someone provided a definite message. "In the past, people may not come, but this time, I heard that Luohua Manor will announce important news."

Yu Zhiyuan breathed a sigh of relief, "Then I will come back tomorrow, I don't believe I can't see him ... When will he come?"

"Where do we know," here is also full of complaints, "I don't say 100 million to treat a person, and the attitude is also erring ... I am wondering when is it so easy to make money?

Yu Zhiyuan didn't get a specific time, but it didn't matter. In Luohua Manor, there were still two of them.

At ten o'clock the next morning, Feng Jun came to the rehabilitation center and arranged for those people to be discharged.

Twenty-one people were discharged from the hospital this time, and the entrance was very busy. Although Li Shishi had already announced various precautions after discharge, some patients' families still kept asking questions.

This led to waiting for Yu Zhiyuan to arrive, Feng Jun began to announce related matters to the other party.

This time the person in charge of the other party was a woman in her early thirties, with an ordinary appearance and a stout body. At first glance she looked like a middle-aged woman, but when you take a closer look she can feel that there is a huge body in her body energy.

The woman is a trainer, but she is not the kind of person with simple mind and developed limbs. After listening to Feng Jun's words, she asked in surprise, "Why did this change happen?"

Feng Jun looked at her with a strange expression, "The number of places increases and the cost decreases. Is this change bad?"

"Of course it's a good thing," the woman nodded, but she had too many questions. "I wanted to ask ... why adjust?"

Feng Jun coughed a little, "Because I want to adjust, don't you want to accept it?"

"I'm definitely willing to accept it," the woman answered tremblingly, "but this sudden change, I can't be the master, and I need to react to the leader."

"I'm telling you that I don't need your permission," Feng Jun's attitude is really not good, but the person on the opposite side used to treat him like this before. He said disdainfully, "You can't be the master, just find Talk to me if you can. "

Not long after, the woman came over with a phone, and there was a familiar voice in it, "Mr. Feng, I am very grateful that you can increase the quota and reduce the cost, otherwise we will soon be unable to afford you ... these two changes are both Permanent? "

Sure enough, it is the leader, know how to focus on the key points! Feng Jun replied in a deep voice, "The probability is permanent, but I can't pack tickets for you. No one can guarantee that this thing will never happen."

"Thanks again," the phone smiled heartily. "The cost is reduced to 20 million, which really solves our da trouble ... Can we only increase ten places?"

"Yes," Feng Jun answered very simply. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he even made it clear that "the small building can only live for 60 people, so I will give you 30 places and 30 in society. Quota. "

There hesitated and asked, "Does society also charge the same?"

They pay for medical expenses systematically, even if they live in regular hospitals, they spend more than the public.

"Yes," Feng Jun replied exceptionally succinctly, "This time, I also received 100 million yuan for these two, and I have always been treated the same ... well, with the exception of foreigners."

It was surprisingly heard over there, "Are you still willing to treat foreigners?"

He knew quite a bit about Feng Jun, so he asked this question.

"I will give priority to Chinese people," Feng Jun said honestly. "If there is excess treatment capacity, and foreigners can pay the price that makes me want to go, it is not impossible to consider."

"Excessive healing power ..." The thoughtful man said, "It would be better to give us 60 places, so you don't have to worry about this matter."

"Is it important to face?" Feng Jun choked directly, "Do not give ... What good resources do you all want to monopolize?"

This one froze for a moment before explaining with tears and laughs, "You misunderstood, I am not thinking ... help you earn more money?"

"You don't talk nonsense," Feng Jun replied unkindly. "If I want to run for money, I won't cut the price. I'll give you 30 places. This is a ten increase ... the remaining 30 places. It ’s social, you ca n’t take up all the good things. ”

There was a silence on the phone for a while before he spoke again. "But the 30 places in the society are likely to be dissatisfied. This is a waste of resources ... President Feng, right?"

"No," Feng Jun replied unkindly. "Even if it's a waste, I have to find a place to make up, that is, I won't give you a monopoly!"

There was a wry smile over there, "Mr. Feng misunderstood us a lot."

Feng Jun chuckled, "Recommend you to read a Jane Austen's book," Pride and Prejudice. "You have arrogance first, so I have prejudice. Isn't this normal?"

The language skills over the phone are also very strong, "Mr. Feng admitted this ... biased?"

"Oh ~ ~ Feng Jun smiled indifferently." No matter whether I have prejudice or not, I will ask you, do you want to accept or reject the changes on my side? "

Does this problem still work? "Of course it was accepted."

"Then that's the way to go," Feng Jun hung up the phone directly-it won't be interesting to talk about it anymore. There are already results. Is he still waiting for the other party to play new tricks?

When he called, Yu Zhiyuan was standing next to him. He listened closely to the specific situation. After seeing him hang up, he asked aloud, "Have you made a breakthrough in your ability to treat cancer?"

"A little breakthrough," Feng Jun replied casually. His impression of Yu's third son is actually quite good. "The main thing is that I have more responsibility if I have the ability, and if the conditions permit, I am willing to treat more Patients. "

(First, He Meng, ldlyld, the title can only type 20 words, so I have to fill it out here, and summon the monthly ticket loudly.)

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