Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1294: Big movement

Feng Jun took ten Tianxiang fruits from the black storage ring, and then walked into the room to activate a hidden array.

Immediately after that, he placed the soul-raising array in the array, and took out a middle-grade spirit stone and placed it on the array.

Then he took out the ghost stone again, and put it on the soul-raising array, looking at the left and right, he always felt that it was inappropriate.

Finally, he put away the hidden array and took out the convergence array to activate it.

Brother is a little puzzled, "What are you doing?"

Feng Jun took out a box and opened it. There were forty-nine middle-grade spirit stones in it, "I think it's better to prepare some spirit stones for you. In case I'm not there when I change the spirit stones, it doesn't affect your spirit-raising. Really? So many middle-grade spirit stones will definitely take their breath away. "

Thinking about Yinyin, it is indeed the case. If it is fully dedicated to raising the soul, it can consume a middle grade spirit stone in two days. When the spirit stone is changed, if Feng Jun is not there, it will have a bad impact on it.

It touched a little, "So what do you do? Once the seal of Tianxiang fruit is opened, the aura and aroma are difficult to hide."

"I went to Dongfu to practice," Feng Jun replied very simply, "Before leaving, carefully clean the aroma, but I don't believe that ordinary dusters can really find out that your safety is most important."

After he finished speaking, he also put the black ring and pink purse in the convergence array, "I feel relieved to practice, I am gone."

When the door closed gently, Yin Yin sighed, "Silly boy!"

It didn't tell him that he had been tempting. In fact, where would his consciousness be the refining period? At first, let Feng Jun help take things from the black storage ring, just to see if this man is honest.

Feng Jun really lived up to its expectations, and did not hide anything because it "not see" everything in the storage ring, and did not care about many good things, but when it came to the Jindan period, Again, he made the request with perseverance.

There is no doubt that what he has done so far is really worthy of the words "emphasis on people".

"You pay attention, I won't let you lose," Yin Soul muttered softly, "However, the temptation must continue ..."

Every person and person's trust is cultivated little by little. As a soul who has lived for thousands of years, there should be some caution.

Feng Jun locked the door of the room, circled around again, entered a small forest, and exited the cell phone plane.

What kind of breathing array, even the best breathing array, can be compared to crossing the plane to block the breath?

As for the breath leaking on the earth, Feng Jun said that he did not care at all-what if he was discovered? There is a way to grab it.

When he came back, it was exactly in the evening. He originally wanted to come back to practice, but after thinking about it, he felt that his condition was not particularly good, so he went back to the villa for dinner and went to the rehabilitation center.

This group of cancer patients treated has a very good effect. What makes people cry is that the two patients introduced by Taibaishan Feng have recovered particularly well.

Feng Jun can already imagine how some people will feel resentful: we use all our strength to find you for treatment, and the effect is not as good as the patients introduced by the shit.

But this is also something that can't be done. Feng Jun himself has no choice but to make individual differences exist objectively.

So quickly, he got rid of this trouble, anyway, that's how it will be when the time comes, others believe it or not.

Early the next morning, Feng Jun came to his test site again, sitting in the middle-level spiritual refining array, carefully adjusting his state-he was already at the peak of the three layers of the dust, the interval period It's also full, and you can hit the middle level of dust.

It didn't take long for him to adjust, he felt a cold face on his face, looked up, and there was light snow floating in the sky again.

He took out a huge parasol, inserted the pointed handle deeply into the ground, and then adjusted his breath to find a Tianxiang fruit.

Tian Xiang Guo is placed in a transparent box with the seal of the big brother, but it is just a seal, and it is not difficult to open.

However, Feng Jun twitched his nose even across the box, and felt an indescribable fragrance diffused in his nasal cavity, then spread to the whole body, and even into the soul.

"It really is a good thing," he sighed. At this moment, he had a feeling that Tianxiangguo sold for ten thousand spirits is not expensive.

But the next moment, he frowned, put away Tianxiangguo and stood up, looking sideways towards the villa.

At this moment he has adjusted to an excellent state, so he can feel a slight aura fluctuation in the villa.

His body flashed and appeared in the backyard. Sure enough, Red Sister, Good Scenery, Gu Jiahui and Li Shishi all stood up and looked at Zhang Caixin sitting in the pavilion.

Xiaocaixin's vitality surged unceasingly. Obviously, she was about to advance to the second level of Qi refining.

Following this, Huahua flapped her wings and ran to see the excitement.

"Me and Huahua protect the law," Feng Jun Shen Sheng said, "Other people want to watch the stay, don't want to watch it, go to the valley to practice, it snows, be careful of slippery roads."

No one wants to observe Zhang Caixin's advancement.

Gu Jiahui was the first to leave, Hong Jie and Haojing looked at each other, and walked back and forth—the two had just advanced to the seventh floor, and they did n’t need to hurry to practice, but Xiaocaixin was putting too much pressure on everyone. Too.

Before they felt that they couldn't catch up, they were salted fish, but since they found that they can practice there, the two felt that even if they lost to Zhang Caixin, they wouldn't lose to others?

Li Shishi hesitated for a moment, and also said hello to Feng Jun to leave-for foreign business, she planned to entrust Xu Leigang temporarily.

Zhang Caixin's promotion lasted for two days, during which Chen Shengwang came over, but when he was approaching the Moon Gate in the backyard, Feng Jun directly told him with his consciousness that the backyard is all female dependents, which is not convenient.

Of course, he doesn't need to explain why he lives in the backyard.

It was Shen Qingyi who was more disciplined. At most, after eating in the front yard, he looked at the direction of the back yard with a strange expression.

On this day, she wanted to leave after lunch, but there was a voice in her consciousness, "Come to the backyard."

She hesitated and walked to the Moon Gate, but she had already made a decision in her heart. If you want to be lighter than me, don't blame me for revenge.

Of course, she certainly has nothing to do with Feng Jun, but she can still kill a few Feng Jun ’s women by sneak attack on her three-tier cultivation practice. If she is judged to be jealous of the wind, it will not lead him to Kunlun. Dangerous.

She wouldn't do the things that the fish died, because it didn't make sense, but the disciple of Kunlun was definitely not to be insulted, he had to pay the price.

However, it turned out that what she imagined was only brain supplements. After seeing her, Feng Jun just said, "The promotion of Cai Xin has been completed, and the next stage is consolidation. You help protect the law."

After he finished speaking, he left-can't he just watch others advance?

Half an hour later, Feng Jun took out Tianxiang Guo again. This time he did not hesitate any more and opened the transparent box directly.

A strange scent came across the face, different from the light fragrance across the box, but the scent of fruit, a bit similar to cantaloupe, like a melon ... but with some spicy pineapple.

This scent is difficult to describe, but there is no doubt that when you smell it, you can't help but want to take a bite.

Ten Xiangguo, the size of a tennis ball, Feng Jun thought about it and took a small bite, about one-twentieth in size-so little, shouldn't it be fried?

In the next moment, he couldn't help but blew his teeth.

Tianxiang Guo has some sweetness, but mainly sourness, and some special fragrances that are difficult to express, but for Feng Jun, this level of sourness is really difficult for him to appreciate.

When he went to Jin province, he had picked some sea buckthorn in the ravine-that kind of acid.

But at this time, obviously it shouldn't be counted as good or bad, and what unique taste Yin Yin possessed, Feng Jun's mouth twitched, and he chewed —— the flesh was very crisp and hard.

He chewed three turns to the left, chewed three turns to the right, and chewed three times in the middle—this is the way of the ancient aura to practice food and drink, which can help people digest food to the greatest extent.

Immediately afterwards, he felt that his body began to become hot, and his blood was continually surging. The aura in his body was growing rapidly, and he began to run the Hunyuan Swallowing Technique.

Don't say, this Hundred Yuan Swallowing Heavenly Deed is really worthy of the ancient one. After less than a week of operation, all those auras were absorbed, let alone feeling a little hungry.

Feng Jun took another bite of Tianxiangguo, this time it was one-tenth the size and chewed.

Is really a miraculous fruit. He even remembered the days when he took out some food for cultivation in the early days of cultivation.

Those days have not passed in a few years, but to him, it seems as if it happened in the last century.

He only remembered that he had eaten so many things in one day, there are probably ... so little as half a van?

Later, because of no effect through food supplement cultivation ~ ~ So he gave up, but at this moment he couldn't help thinking about it.

It turns out that the Hunyuan Swallowing Heaven ... can really be practiced by eating. In the past, he just didn't find the right food.

In less than fifteen minutes, Feng Jun finished eating Tianxiang fruit, leaving only a core with a diameter of two centimeters.

And he basically tested how many days he could eat a bit of fragrant fruit-one quarter.

No matter how many things, he may not die, but he dare not try again-with such a result, it is already very good, at least let him exceed most of the dust.

He swallowed the last bite of Tianxiangguo, and while running the Hunyuan Swallowing Tiangong, thinking about whether to eat another one, the body's aura suddenly rolled up.

Feng Jun felt it instantly: He had reached the stage of the promotion!

(Three shifts arrive, summon the guaranteed monthly pass.)

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