Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1280: reward

Due to the appearance of the second flying bear with gold pattern, Yuan Yuan was affected and it took two more hours to capture the first flying bear.

But Feng Jun and Kong Ziyi didn't intervene. After simply killing the second one, he watched him catch the first one alive.

This one was a bit hard to catch, but after all, it was a successful catch, but it was just a bit vague.

If it's about selling, it's not as good as the one that Feng Jun captured.

Feng Jun is actually a little trance in his heart. The fighting power of this wild beast ... is not only impossible, it is more than a little bit worse than the spirit beast he has experienced.

He did n’t think it was because of his own realm improvement. At that time, he was a Qi cultivator, but he was a spirit beast, and now he was a dust cultivator, but he was a wild beast. a lot of.

Maybe, a soft persimmon?

What he didn't expect was that if there was no "nothing, no bondage", the battle would not be so easy to end.

Anyway, the battle is over, and the spoils are divided. Feng Jun and Kong Ziyi agreed that we caught a gold flying bear, but we were really not interested, so you should harvest two.

But Master Yuan refused to accept it. He even said very clearly, "This is the main material for refining many antidote elixirs. If sold outside, the value may even exceed two thousand spirits."

Kong Ziyi smiled slightly, "I know that in Taiqingfang City, two thousand spirits have a price but no market, and always need three thousand spirits."

You understand everything together. Master Yuan smiled bitterly, "Then take it away."

"Can't afford to lose that person," Kong Ziyi replied very simply, "You take us around and do the duty of a tour guide, even if it rewards us."

Senior Yuan said hesitantly, "There are a few blue-leaf pearls inside, you two ..."

"Blue leaf pearls give me a plant," Feng Jun spoke casually. Before that, he didn't want to speak, but he sent the other party a gold-pattern flying bear and changed to a blue leaf pearl.

What he valued was the use of blue-leaf pearls in the secular world. This thing has a wonderful effect on joint damage. The mother of a good scenery has a bad knee joint. She has been talking about it many times.

Blue-leaf pearls are not expensive, but they are also very rare on weekdays. They are sold in the Tiantong Business League, but Feng Junjin Tiantong has only one time in total. There are many things that I want to buy. I ca n’t consider this.

In his subconscious mind, he thought Director May ’s mother would not let her divorce, and the old lady was a little unreasonable.

This time Mr. Mei came, and also specifically said that she wanted to know what genius Dibao could treat her mother's disease.

Now that the blue leaf pearls are at hand, Feng Jun didn't want to fight at first, but he also thought about it. After the matter, he went to Tiantong to buy a blue leaf pearl and tried his best.

Senior Yuan was overjoyed. Until now, he has been taking advantage of the other two lords. Taking advantage of this kind of thing is of course better than losing money, but not everyone can take advantage of it.

He was tangled in his heart. The other party actually said he wanted blue-leaf pearls, and he was overjoyed.

"How is one tree enough? Lord Feng Shan, the blue-leaf pearls are yours, and they do n’t add up to a golden flying bear, but there is a lot of trouble for you, Daoyou. I know ... I owe a lot to you this time. You must be welcome. "

In fact, this kind of thing owes is really not easy to say. It is mainly said that the strength of blue leaf pearls or golden flying bears is very rare. However, in a general sense, a living golden flying bear is at least Change a dozen blue-leaf pearls.

But Feng Jun only needs one plant, that is, "I will give you a house, I feel that your home decoration workers are not bad, help me clean up the floor and walls."

Do people have this money? It's not bad, it's just more convenient to watch some things, so I asked for it.

Senior Yuan knew very well that people have never been interested in taking advantage of it, but now ... it shows a little value orientation.

Then he can't ask for it?

"I only need one plant," Feng Jun emphasized again, "You can put away more of those."

One blue-leaf pearl is enough. Strictly speaking, one percent is enough to treat arthritis in the mother of scenery.

Blue leaf pearls are remedies for cultivators, and arthritis is just a mortal thing.

Senior Yuan looked at Kong Ziyi, "Kong Daoyou also charge some."

"Hehe," Kong Ziyi smiled softly, then shook his head, too lazy to speak.

There is no way for Master Yuan to care. This is the pride of the big disciples. It is something that goes deep into the bone marrow.

Therefore, he did not insist, but sealed and repaired the two flying bears, put them in a bag of spirit beasts, and burrowed into the cave where the flying bears lived.

Gave Feng Jun one plant, and gave Taiqing two Qi-disciplinary disciples one by one, which was a lot of hard work.

Think about it. He simply took out four more and gave them to Jing Qingyang, Chen Junwei and Kong Ziyi.

These four people all know the rules, they will not charge in a hurry, just look at the two gentlemen Feng Jun and Kong Ziyi do not need this little thing, but they still care a little.

Seeing that they were not moving, Master Yuan put on the posture of the superior, "Why am I also a master, this kind of heart, are you suitable to refuse?"

Feng Jun saw them restrained and waved his hand, "You have to thank Master Yuan."

As a result, he waved his hands. Not only did Jing Qingyang and Chen Junwei accept the blue-leaf pearls, but the two female disciples beside Kong Ziyi were also polite. They spent a longer time with Master Kong, knowing that these two are more popular with each other. face.

But in this scene, it was strange to see other people's eyes. Master Yuan even looked at Feng Jun. This Daoist really had extraordinary means. They were all masters of casual training. How are you so outstanding?

But this little envy is a matter of a moment, and then he looked at Kong Ziyi, "My affairs have been dealt with, and the next thing is the business ... where does Kong Daoyou want to go?"

Where does Kong Ziyi know where to go, one must have a look at Feng Jun, "Lord Feng Shan, please tell me."

Master Yuan had to look at him again: Daoyou, you are not so outstanding.

After thinking about it, Feng Jun asked, "Is there any interesting place nearby? We are here to travel."

There are many interesting places in the forest of. In the next few days, everyone saw some scenery and played against some wild beasts. Even Kong Ziyi harvested two eggs from the ground walking beast.

Although she is arrogant, she really knows what is good. The ground beast can dig the ground and escape. The value of an egg is more than 5,000 spirits. If it can be successfully hatched, the cub is worth at least 50,000. spirit.

In the city of Qiuchenfang, the purple gold carving of the old man's house is very extraordinary, worth three or four thousand spirits, that is the air combat power that can grow to the wild beast, so it is very expensive.

But the terrestrial beasts are born wild beasts. If they are grown into adults, they can take humans and escape them. Not only are they the weapon of attack, but also a magic weapon for escape, how much is it worth?

It's just that the ground beasts are rare in the first place, it is not easy to catch, it is not easy to cultivate, and most people can't move those brains.

Senior Yuan knew that there was a ground beast hidden in a forest, which led everyone to the past.

Feng Jun and Kong Ziyi didn't think much about it. The purpose of Kong Ziyi was that if the blood of the ground-walking beast had enough blood of the ground-beast, he could take it back to the pie and ask someone to refine the earth escape.

But this land-beast just happened to lay eggs, and the combat power was not much lost, and he was reluctant to escape and was killed by them.

Senior Yuan divided half of his flesh, and the rest were taken away by Kong Ziyi.

She also wanted Feng Jun to take some, and if the blood of the earth beast was refined into earth escape, it would be an extra life-saving card.

Feng Jun smiled and shook his head and refused. I can escape this at any time.

Of course, Zhang Caixin they definitely need these things, but Feng Jun feels that they are temporarily unavailable, and it is rare to see Kong Ziyi interested in something. First satisfy her.

Kong Ziyi was a little hesitant when collecting the two ground-traveling animal eggs, hoping to split half with Feng Jun.

But Feng Jun said that our teachers have no experience in domesticating this thing, so you should take it away.

The incubation, cultivation and domestication of the ground-traveling beast are very difficult, and they have abandoned their merits with a few mistakes, so in the eyes of loose repair, this thing is indeed very valuable, but no one will hit it in their own hands, because there is no other reason , The risk is too great.

But for Kong Ziyi, she was backed by the Taiqing School, and she did n’t need to consider the risks. It was true to take the Earth Beast eggs back.

She even said with regret, "Unfortunately, this is the forest, otherwise, if you know the news of the beast of this place, you must invite Master to come to ~ ~ to try to serve the adult beast of the ground."

It is not easy to breed ground animals. Compared to it, it is more reliable to surrender to adult ground animals. However, this kind of thing will escape. The master basically can't catch live ground animals, at least Jindan Shot.

However, this forest is forbidden to enter Jindan.

In any case, they were very happy to practice in Lin Li, and Master Yuan also made a lot of good things for his family. He was quite happy, "walking with the master of the big school is much better than blindly tossing."

This is a sincere statement. This place is really very exclusive, but apart from it, there is also a lot of internal competition. Like he found a place with a gold flying bear, he did n’t dare to take it hastily. Problem.

Has enough combat power to surrender the golden bear, and at least he can run away and harvest some blue-leaf pearls, but he has to abandon the plan because he is worried about others taking advantage of the fire.

And he is now following Taiqing's master to fight around, there is no need to consider whether there will be someone behind him, this feeling, really don't feel too cool.

Kong Ziyi also feels a little unstoppable, "Is there any place where wild beasts gather around?"

"Enough is enough," Feng Jun said with a deep voice. "We have a lot of fun, but if we keep killing wild beasts like this, sooner or later, we will provoke monster beasts. Isn't such a reason?

(Updated to summon the monthly ticket.)

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