Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1272: Chiluan shot

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Half a month later, there were twenty-seven people who came to the former Red Phoenix Master of Thunder.

Registration is mainly in the first three days. In the later period, a few sporadic arrivals came. The things that did n’t come were not something that was acceptable, or the sect contribution was not very wealthy. Of course, some people did not believe Feng Jun very much.

This person may be capable of medical skills and deduction, but it may not be worth redeeming with the contribution of four thousand teachers.

In addition, the news of the success of the match of the 30 top disciples of the Qi Refining Phenomenon, Huo Dan Dan, has gone crazy during the refining period. As long as you have some ability, you will start to declare matches to the master.

These thirty people are obviously not like the forty popular ones who were selected last time, and there are even obvious injuries on some people.

But these disciples strongly requested participation, and the injured people even said that I can recuperate and recuperate for a year, and I will not participate in any battles, nor will I take drugs indiscriminately, so matching in advance is also possible.

This reason is objectively established. Although the match of Huodan Dan is dynamic, for those who reach the peak of Qi Refining, if there is no major accident, basically there will not be too much discrepancy.

However, Feng Jun singled out a disciple, saying that he was not suitable to match the Fire Pill, because his kidney was not only injured but also poisoned-the kidney belongs to water. During the treatment of the kidney, the water attribute of the cultivator will occur. Variety.

Such a serious attribute change is certainly not suitable for matching at the moment.

But Chiluan still said, "Master Feng Shan, in addition to being good at matching elixir, do you seem to be good at healing?"

Feng Jun didn't want to take the upper body, he replied in a deep voice, "I really have a slight cure for the wound, and it can be guaranteed to be cured, but there are obvious individual differences in the physical changes after the treatment, and now I can't perform it."

In fact, what he said is not completely true. Although individual differences exist objectively, after he uses his mobile phone to simulate the treatment, he can try to match Huo Dan Dan, and he can also get a big difference.

But Feng Jun doesn't want to do this-you are too capable, how can others live?

Now he will no longer deliberately go low-key, but there is no need to brag himself indefinitely-if he is not careful enough and thoughtful, he may have been carried into the Red Phoenix School by a group of female lunatics.

Chiluan has no ability to judge the truth of this remark, but since it is said in such a way, it must be able to withstand doubt.

Waited for a while and found that no one said anything. She asked the Qi Qi Pinnacle disciple, "Do you need Master Feng to calculate the treatment plan for you? It is impossible to match you today."

"Thank you, Chiluan, I don't need it," the peak of refining gas is quite excited, "I hope to keep my matching places."

He is not stupid. Even if Feng Shangren has a high level of healing, but his injury is not so complicated, ordinary treatment is enough. The seriousness is the matching of three thousand spirit stones. He will never miss it.

For this reason, he said, "I can wait after the treatment is completed. When an uncle goes to seek Master Feng Shan in the future, I can take it with me."

Chiluan glanced at him, and did not care about his disobedience, but said lightly, "You know how to seize the opportunity, it seems that in the future ... you have to get a token worth three thousand spirits."

This time for the treatment and matching, she didn't plan to use the tokens, she just traded the spirit stones. After Feng Jun left, she would have time to use the tokens to keep accounts.

But Feng Jun said: This time you just give me the token. I am not short of spirit stones. Seriously, there are some products inside your Chifeng school, which I cannot buy outside. You are willing to sell 30% off. Come to me It is also a good thing to say.

Cai Luan immediately objected, "Master Feng Shan, you don't know. Many of the internal products of my Chifeng school are meager, and they are prohibited from being sold out. It is our intention to sell some to you appropriately. It ’s inappropriate to buy. "

This is not her intention to make trouble, but to be honest, although the Chifeng faction has some goods with high value, but it is all versatile, such as large storage bags, high-level gathering arrays of dust, etc .; Resources are indeed meager.

Feng Jun glanced at Chi Luan and found that she didn't mean to speak, so she smiled and replied, "Actually, all the spirit stones are given to me, I don't mind. I just hope that these spirit stones can be used by Chifeng and also used by them Chifeng. "

One of the masters smiled and said that Feng Jun was very interesting. "The materials you changed were also from Chifeng. Are these not counted as resources? Lord Feng Shan, these materials are very difficult for you to be outside. You can buy it with spirit stones. "

She thinks he is confusing the concept-we Chifeng would rather let you earn spirit stones!

"Sister Qing Xuan, needless to say," Chi Luan whispered, "Chi Feng can use the materials in the pie to maintain a good relationship with Master Feng Shan, which is a win-win situation ... Of course, Master Feng Shan will not buy those that make us Resources that are embarrassing, right? "

"That's for sure," Feng Jun nodded. "Personally, I don't like trouble very much. If some embarrassment is because of the price, I can discuss it again ... I think it's necessary to emphasize it again. People will be a very good executive. "

This is the truth, Chi Luan is really too dominant.

Chiluan smiled, he praised so much in front of so many Chifeng disciples, she felt very face-saving, "Well, my fellow students have been waiting for a long time, can I start?"

Everyone has made corresponding preparations for this deduction and matching, especially everyone has heard that Feng Jun ’s deduction is based on physical objects, so many practitioners have brought extra materials for Feng Jun. filter.

This directly led to Feng Jun ’s increased workload. Although he matched in the mobile phone and did not walk outside, but the workload was so large, he was also depressed, even if there was a small program to help him run.

Therefore, twenty-seven outgoing masters and twenty-nine disciples made him spend ten days.

And his gains are 27,000 spirits, as well as 27 red symbols of four Phnom Penh, and twenty-nine symbols of three Phnom Penh.

As for the result, for the 29 disciples of Qi cultivation, he gave the corresponding number of matches for the Fire Fiend Pills, and for the 27 out-of-dust masters, he can guarantee to help 21 masters heal and three suppress And to alleviate the injury, the other two ... are more sorry.

But there is no way. "No medicine can be cured" is not just talking about it. The treatment of these two people can only be cured by using the legendary genius and treasure, and the Red Phoenix faction can't get the real thing, Feng Jun also Without the relevant data, even the results of the calculations are not available.

All he can do is choose some medicine and try to help delay it.

Of course, it is not bad to have such an effect. At least few people think that Feng Jun is ridiculous.

Is particularly surprising, is the twenty-seventh master.

This is a man who is a man, Feng Jun said very simply-I refused to calculate this person, the money should be accepted, he is from Youshan.

When the words "Yu Ming Shan" came out of his mouth, Chiluan, who had been reminded by Feng Jun's consciousness, directly sacrificed a red ring, and then three successive different rays of light fell, "forbidden", "deprived" ","disperse"!

This is the heavy weapon of the Red Phoenix School of Law Enforcement. The white light imprisonment can imprison the flesh. The deprivation of the yellow light is to deprive the opponent of the ability to operate the aura in the body.

Chi Luan was born in the Law Enforcement Hall. After serving in a lesser position, it ’s supposed to give up this weapon, but the elders of law enforcement want to be lazy, saying that you should also be the host. .

Chiluan does not exclude this requirement. She says that she can control everything, but she may not control anything. If she is in charge, she can show some existence through the law enforcement hall.

Like now, she can shoot directly to suppress possible criminals.

The man was stunned, and then cried lifelessly, "I'm wrong, I'm wrong!"

The women at the scene heard the noise too, and the faction was actually mixed with people from the Nether Mountain-that is the headquarters of the Yinsha faction!

The relationship between the Yinsha faction and the Chifeng faction really doesn't need to be mentioned. You Longzi can break the gate of the Chifeng disciple's courtyard without saying anything, and he still fought twice.

Actually, these are daily disputes. Just look at Yan Beifeng's injury to know that-but both sides were seriously injured.

Not to mention that the Red Phoenix faction also sheltered Lei Xiu from the Thunder Plains.

Once these two factions have a substantial contradiction, it is possible to hit the dog's brain.

Therefore, the Yinsha faction stipulates that the residents within 50,000 miles around the Chifeng faction will not accept them as disciples.

The Chifeng faction immediately returned their teeth, and the residents within 100,000 miles around the Ghost Mountain were not eligible to visit the Chifeng faction.

In fact, Chifeng's ban prohibits more people than the other, because the side of Nether Mountain is a long-standing iceberg that stretches tens of thousands of miles.

All in all, Feng Jun's sentence is considered to poke Ma Honeycomb.

Angry female practitioners gathered around the imprisoned man, whining and yelling.

But this man is a little handsome, and his popularity in the pie is not bad.

So a female cultivator asked him, what did you wrong-did Master Feng calculate it wrong?

Feng Jun didn't speak ~ ~ Just looked at the other party with a sneer in the corner of his mouth.

Male Xiu originally wanted to quibble, but when he looked at his smile, it was a bit fictitious-this person's ability to calculate was really terrible.

So he can only say that I was indeed born in Ghost Mountain, but when I was born, my father had already died in battle, and all the benefits in the pie were also recovered. The remaining pensions were also robbed by other women of my father. .

Therefore, when his mother was three years old, his mother took him away from the Nether Mountain, because the Yinsha faction was so desperate, the mother and son simply went away.

Later, his mother died under the mouth of the poisonous snake. He became an orphan, and it was unexpected that he could finally enter the eyes of the Chifeng School.

(Updated to summon the monthly ticket.)

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