Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1270: Not stupid to get home

In short, there are two, three, or even four fiery pill in this group of rushing cultivators, and none of them exploded together, and none of them exploded, but at most it was an occasional overdose of fire poison. Within the controllable range.

Seriously, some people are out of conservatism, and they have less nibbling, which leads to the failure of the order.

The twenty people have proved to Chifeng disciples that Feng Jun ’s deduction is reasonable and credible.

Although most of the disciples did not succeed in the rush, Master Feng Shan was responsible for deducing the number of Fire Fiend Pills. Those who suffered from a self-injury that led to failures could not be counted on Master Feng Shan?

Therefore, this rehearsal promoted by Chiluan Xiaorui was completely successful.

And those who failed in the rush have a reference to the remaining test disciples who have not closed their doors, that is-they have already figured out how to swallow a few fiery pill, the most critical elements have been mastered, and they must not lose On other minor links.

Three of the disciples who had planned to retreat decisively postponed the date of retreat-to see what needs to be improved.

One of the most exaggerated disciples set the retreat date for half a year. During this half year, she did n’t plan to practice, just concentrate on raising her spirit and keeping herself in the best condition-she can already rush into the situation, but she I feel that there is a lack of a call from the avenue.

The news even alarmed the elders of the Chifeng faction, the master of the black luan.

Chifeng Nine Luan, the disciple of the Great Elders accounted for the second, namely black Luan and Cai Luan.

Seeing apprentice knows Master, the black luan has a fierce temperament and the elder's temper is not much better.

She is not only arrogant and unreasonable, but also quite short-sighted.

Elder Elder once tried to push Cai Luan to the position of Chi Luan, but failed, so she was quite unfriendly to Xiao Ruan.

Now there is such a good thing in the pie, even if she wants to whip her mouth again, she must consider the anger, so she sent someone to inform Chi Luan: Then Feng Jun came to see me!

At the moment, Chi Luan's information contains some more content, so she said very simply: Hei Luan is not friendly enough with Feng Jun. Thanks to Bai Luan and Lei Xiu, the elders want to invite people to go by themselves Please be fine!

The elder was annoyed, and directly ordered Cai Luan: Let me get that Feng Jun.

Cai Luan is not as stunned as her master and sister-after all, it is qualified to compete for the position of young master, and she still has a mind.

To say a little too much, she hasn't completely lost the chance to take charge of the Chifeng school now-for example, what misfortune may happen to Chi Luan, and for example, what serious mistakes may be made by the young leader ...

All in all, before she went to invite Feng Jun, she must say hello to Chi Luan-she could not make any serious mistakes when she was in charge, and she was even more so.

Chiluan is really a courage to control, so she does not regard Cailuan as an enemy, but only regards it as a "potentially threatening competitor", and she believes that having such a careful peer is not a bad thing.

——In fact, for Jin Dan real people, it is not necessarily better to be an elder than to be an elder. Steering is indeed majestic, but the elders have few things, so they should take the time to practice.

So she seriously suggested, "Sister Cai Luan, I don't recommend you to go, because you don't know what kind of person Feng Jun is ..."

Cai Luan smiled shallowly, "I don't want to go either, but Master recognized the death reason, you know her temper ... I still have to trouble you to tell me what is going on with this person."

Chiluan randomly released a dozen obsidian fine cards, all of which were about Feng Jun.

She did n’t hide anything from Cai Luan, and even she said Kong Ziyi ’s identity, the kind that worked very well-if Cai Luan knew this and had to force Feng Jun, then she could only silently Send two words, "Take care"!

Cai Luan also knows Chi Luan's behavior style. Although the two have competition, they are even stronger than ordinary friends in terms of trust. She does not doubt the information given by Chi Luan.

After reading and listening, she could n’t help but say, “This person, I ’m really not easy to force it, but if it ’s Chiluan, it ’s much more likely that you can use more resources.”

She paused. When she saw that the other party was silent, she asked again, "I'm curious, why don't you invite him?"

Chiluan smiled, Shen Sheng said, "You don't think that I haven't used this brain, right?"

"Of course I don't think so," Cai Luan replied seriously, "I just want to know, what stopped you?"

"There must be some reason," Chiluan sighed faintly. She didn't want to say more, but the other party insisted on asking, and she would not refuse to answer-this is the mind of the future, "I have had it with him. Such a conversation ... "

After listening to Cai Luan, he also fell into contemplation, and sighed for a long time, "This person's thinking and cognition is quite terrible, and I don't want to be an enemy with him ... The key is, even if he can get him back Come here, he will still only match the Fire Pill. "

Chiluan frowned, and finally decided to click on her, "The conversation between the sisters and Kong Ziyi ... Did you not see what to order?"

Cai Luan bowed his head very honestly, picked up the obsidian fine card, and looked carefully-she was persuasive to persuade.

After watching it for a while, her eyes flickered suddenly, "He helped An Yuhong and other Taiqing masters, it was calculated ..."

Was n’t stupid enough to get home, Chiluan looked at her and nodded slightly, "Now do you still want to force him?"

"No," Cai Luan shook his head and said very simply, "I was a little hesitant at the beginning, thinking that you wouldn't get him back, there must be a reason, but ... Master must ask me to do it, and I also Can't refuse directly. "

Chiluan looked at her and sighed, "Everyone knows that you are filial elder."

She was very clear that Cai Luan was launched to compete for the next generation. It was the perseverance of the big elders, but it was the big elders who caused Cai Luan to lose points seriously. Few people were willing to accept her disciples as the little ones.

Cai Luan actually knows this in her heart, but she is still filial piety, often because she wants to protect the unreliable master, offended some brothers and sisters.

Cai Luan didn't mind her words. After thinking about it, she asked again, "So, we can actually find him and ask him to analyze the problem of Crystal Flame?"

The crystal flame is a kind of spirit flame commonly used by Chifeng to send dust-cultivators, but like the fire pill, there are some drawbacks in the use of crystal flame because of the practice. This requires the dust-cultivator to find out. To verify.

There are thousands of records about the use and research of the crystal flame in the Chifeng School, but this kind of thing has a lot to do with individual differences. Some of the Chifeng School practitioners even take the initiative to destroy their own relations after holding the Dan recording.

Because they think that their own examples are too unique to be appropriate to leave relevant records-that will mislead subsequent disciples

It can be seen that the application of Crystal Flame really troubled the dust-riding master of the Red Phoenix School.

Of course, in addition to the crystal flame, there are other problems with the master of the Red Phoenix School, but the crystal flame is more common.

Chi Luan nodded and replied in a deep voice, "Not" I want him ", but" Please him "... I had such a plan long ago, but I had to do a test that convinced everyone to take it by mouth, otherwise it would be too bad Responsible. "

Cai Luan stood up, "This is a good thing, I support you, now I will let go of the wind."

The elder of the elder has a bad relationship. Cailuan and Heiluan still have some good friends in the school-in fact, the temperament of the black Luan is not much better, but she is less selfish, and she is more enthusiastic when helping her classmates, so some people Miss her well.

Among the three of their apprentices and apprentices, Cai Luan ’s popularity is the best. If there is not such a bad master, her popularity is estimated to be stronger than Chi Luan-after all, Chi Luan likes to control the overall situation, and sometimes it looks impersonal. child.

"Wait a minute," Chiluan stopped her. "I haven't communicated with Feng Jun yet. This guy is going to leave."

Cai Luan glanced at her, "Then you hurry up to communicate, many of our Chifeng's servants have sickness."

Chiluan patted his forehead and said angrily, "I don't know how much deduction fee this guy can charge."

Cai Luan looked at her with amazement, "It's okay to make three thousand qi, and six thousand to spit the dust ...... Isn't it enough for the master to come out with his own spirit stone?"

Chiluan pondered for a moment and shook his head slightly, "It is always necessary to cut down some expenses."

Cai Luan didn't think so much, but just nodded slightly, "Then you go talk."

So Chiluan flew to Thunder Plains again-some things must be explained clearly in person.

There are many problems faced by the masters of the Chifeng School. Crystal Flame is only one of the more common problems. Chi Luan hopes that Feng Jun can help all the masters of the Chifeng School to ask him how much the individual cost is.

Feng Jun's attitude is very clear ~ ~ I don't tell you so much, it pays to see the hurt.

This is that he has confidence in himself, and he doesn't want to make himself so magical-he must charge three thousand spirit stones during the gas refining period. This price is a bit angry.

Of course, these three thousand are the flushing stage of the gas refining period. It is not entirely unreasonable to be more expensive. After all, it is the dusting period.

However, although there are many spiritual stones in the dust period, if there are minor injuries and pain, three thousand is enough.

Feng Jun said very seriously, I am not a profit-seeking person, "Yanbei wind hurt so badly, I only received 10,000, why do you think, I would lion open his mouth?"

Chiluan did not discuss with him, but turned to his spokesperson, "Ziyi Daoyou, I think it is completely in line with the law of value to derive a master of five thousand spirits."

Kong Ziyi heard the words, and was also a little trance, "This price ... a little bit more than the middle value, right?"

Chiluan said quietly, "Finally, the spirit stone that needs to be paid, I will convert it into a storage bag and a high-order poly spirit array ......... 30% off the market price.

The Chifeng faction has its own refiner, they do n’t lose 50% of the market price, so this is nothing more than earning less-of course, this strategic resource, when trading in the outside market, 10% off Great face.

(Updated to summon the monthly ticket.)

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