Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1267: Under the wall

Not quite appropriate? Kong Ziyi froze for a moment, turned his head to look at Feng Jun, "Chiluan Daoyou wants to buy one hundred places."

Three thousand one places, one hundred places are 300,000 spirit stones. Although it is not too much, if you don't need spirit stones, you can basically get an oversized storage bag from the Chifeng school.

"I know," Feng Jun nodded. "If the Chiluan Taoist manages carefully enough, it will not only enhance the centripetal force of the Chifeng faction, but also may not lose money in resources."

Chifeng sent disciples to get these indicators, they must complete a variety of tasks, they must turn in more task resources than they received rewards, so Chiluan bought indicators, not only helps to cultivate the master, Materially, there will also be great gains.

Kong Ziyi nodded, she agreed with what Feng Jun said, but she couldn't help reminding him, "This is not a small fee, enough to exchange for something you want."

"I understand what you mean," Feng Jun answered rightfully, "but I think that the calculation of the fire pill is only effective when it is about to advance to the ranks. I now calculate it against an eight-layer gas refining, it has no meaning ... At least it does n’t make much sense, right? "

Kong Ziyi was startled, and Chilu nodded before she could speak. "Yes, the demand of the practitioners for the Fire Pill is dynamic. It is the best choice to deduce before planning to break through. . "

"But my time will become fragmented," Feng Jun shook his head, calmly but firmly said, "This is not in line with my life plan. I yearn for a free life, and I don't want to be bound in one place."

"I can understand this," Chi Luan nodded, and his expression was a little weird. "Everyone likes to be free, and I am no exception, but our default is ... When you take your tokens and need your help, if you find Without you, the responsibility is not on you. "

"Anyway, the token will not lock the holder. I can't find you this time. I might change the holder next time. Only when I find you and refuse to fulfill the promise, that's your problem."

I have to say that many of the default rules of the mobile phone plane are quite reasonable.

But Feng Jun has his own persistence, "I understand what you mean, but I don't like debt management ... I mean, if I owe someone else's promise, I will be uncomfortable, and I always want to do my best to complete it."

Chi Luan looked at him, and there was a smile in her eyes. She nodded. "Feng Shan's character is very precious, but you have to practice, and there will be private things. We can understand these ... You don't need to care too much. , Just have the intention to complete the promise. "

Feng Jun shook it and said very simply, "I have obsessive-compulsive disorder, so one hundred indicators will be avoided."

His refusal made Chiluan a little unhappy, but the reasons he gave could not be blamed by others-some people did not like debts and only accepted cash transactions. Was it wrong?

Chiluan looked at Kong Ziyi and sighed helplessly, "His concept is really too rigid."

Kong Ziyi folded his hands helplessly, "He has always been like this, some inexplicable persistence, I know that with these 100 indicators, it will help you integrate the resources in the pie, but unfortunately, I can't do anything."

Chi Luan's words had a three-point temptation. Seeing Kong Ziyi was powerless, he had to change a line of thought. "Master Feng Shan, I presume to ask, what are you going to exchange for spirit stones?"

"Extra large storage bag," Feng Jun wouldn't mind telling her, "I still can afford a high-level gathering, and I can afford it, but I don't want to be too stretched."

Chiluan glanced at Ziyi, "What size storage bag is enough?"

"Thirty cubic abbots," Kong Ziyi replied lightly, then picked up his storage bag and shook it. "I have it here, but he insists on buying it. Other things he can't change can't be changed."

For the Chifeng faction, this kind of large storage bag is really nothing. Chiluan's eyes turned.

"Master Feng Shan, let's do this. I will lend you two of these storage bags. You use them first. As long as you have enough forty disciples in ten years, you will be given a storage bag for twenty years. There are enough ninety deductions, and the second one is yours, how?

Do you still know how to pay in installments? Feng Jun gave her a surprised look, but he finally shook his head. "I don't want to worry about it. Forget it. Deduce a few and calculate a few. At most, I can give you a guarantee. As long as I have time to deduct, Chifeng sends disciples first."

"Okay," Chi Luan clapped his hands and said very simply, "I only give you a storage bag for Feng Shan's phrase" Chifeng sent disciples first "."

It is worthy of the lack of leadership of the Chifeng School, and her handwriting is not comparable to that of ordinary people. She took a man back to the mountain, took her tokens to get the storage bag, raised her hands and recruited two disciples of Qi Qifeng, "Also invite Feng Shan to play a role."

Feng Jun brought the two back to his own place, and came back an hour later, saying that one of them needed two fiery pill and the other needed two and a half.

It is impossible to half a fiery pill. As soon as the panacea is damaged, the medicinal properties will be lost in an instant. Feng Jun's suggestion is to take two and then take one-"Fire poison will pass a little, but the problem is not big." .

Chiluan immediately made a decision, borrowed two caves from the thunder house in Thunder, and asked two disciples to enter the rush.

Three days later, the disciple who took the two pills successfully rushed to the border. Another day later, another disciple succeeded.

After advancing to the rank, the two disciples stabilized their state in the cave, fearing that it would take another ten to eight days to come out.

But for Chiluan, when they found out that the two of them succeeded in rushing, they were already overjoyed. Although the Chifeng faction is one of the four major factions, it was only more than three hundred people, and this increased. Two.

The disciple of the Qi Refining Period actually required three thousand spirits at a time. This is the price that most people can't imagine, but now it seems that it is really cost-effective-mainly because the success rate is very amazing.

But Feng Jun did n’t think so. He was playing with a 25,000 cubic abbot—that is, a storage bag of more than 600,000 square meters, and said seriously, “These two people have very good foundations. The others Even if the deduction is right ... "

"I understand," Chiluan nodded with a smile. "Perry is currently being selected. There are currently more than 200 disciples at the peak of refining energy. He plans to select another forty people, and it will take a lot of trouble for Master Feng."

Feng Jun heard the words and looked at her in amazement. "So many peaks in gas refining?"

"Is it more? Not much," Chiluan replied disapprovingly. "The Chifeng faction adds up to 370,000 disciples during the gas refining period. There are not more than two hundred people. What I'm talking about is the inner court. "

She even had a little suspiciousness in her heart: Was Feng Jun a small school behind him?

Feng Jun didn't care about the details, realizing that he might have said something wrong, and when he saw her, he said casually, "Oh, that's not very proficient in deduction, it's right to be cautious. . "

Chi Luan heard the words, so that a spit of blood spurted out-did you say that?

However, this reason explains her suspiciously well: Mastery deduced to such a perverted position, it is true that the disciples of the other party's genre really don't need to stay at the peak for long.

So she didn't hear this sentence, but sent an invitation quietly, "Can Master Feng Shan help us select forty people out of two hundred?"

Feng Jun shook his head very simply, "I will not do this kind of offending thing. I will not do it for money. If you break through with two hundred people, I can help you deduce ... Of course, Twenty rehearsals every day, no more. "

Two hundred people broke through together ... Chilu shook his head subconsciously, which was impossible.

It is said that the Chifeng faction has more than 200 people's peak of gas refining, but the peak and the peak are also different. If you first enter the peak, it is best to accumulate a period of time, but the half-step dust of the accumulated year, basically just wait An opportunity.

So Feng Jun was right, let him screen out forty people, basically he was pulling the hatred-Chifeng faction to screen, that is the affairs within the faction, the disciples did not dare to say much, how could he jump out What's going on?

With a quota of forty people agreed, Chiluan will go back-during the few days of waiting, the banquet has also opened a few times, and there is no problem with the number of gifts.

She invited Feng Jun and Kong Ziyi to go to the Chifeng School together, but by this time, she knew the problem of the Fire Pill, even if there was no reminder from Kong Ziyi, Feng Jun would definitely not go to the Chifeng School-too dangerous Too.

Kong Ziyi's handkerchief did not leave. She had been playing with Feng Jun to Chifeng School.

Kong Ziyi was still vague at first. Afterwards, he couldn't help but can't help voicing. "We went to the Chifeng School. Can you two guarantee that we are safe?"

Handkerchief pays her to say this, it is not good to open your eyes and talk nonsense, can only say-we will definitely try to keep Master Feng Shan, and will never harm him, as for Zi Yi, of course, you can come in and out at will.

"So it's better not to go ~ ~ Kong Ziyi spoke slowly," In fact, I don't follow you, but also for your own good. I don't know how many cards Feng Feng has. It's a master who can compete with Jin Dan! "

"Dare he challenge Jin Dan?" The two handkerchiefs were obviously shocked.

Kong Ziyi replied very casually, "If you don't believe it, you can go to the Tianxin Terrace and find out a real person to find out."

She absolutely dared to take responsibility for her own words. In fact, the grandmother told him the news, and Ji Yongnian was her grandfather. She was not afraid of chewing his tongue. Real people. "

"The lunatics of Tianxintai?" The handkerchief continued to be shocked, but soon one of them asked again, "If you let Master Feng Shan choose forty people from more than two hundred people, his deductive ability can guarantee Choose the one most likely to succeed? "

Of course! Kong Ziyi definitely thought so, but in the end, she still spoke vaguely, "Anyway, his deduction is very powerful, very powerful."

The two handkerchiefs looked at each other and sighed together, "Unfortunately Lord Feng Shan refused to help."

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