Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1263: 3 monks have no water to eat

Regarding the other party's offer, Feng Jun ignored it, but just glanced at Kong Ziyi: I gave it to you.

Then he entered the room, and Yan Beifeng took out more than ten boxes and placed them on the stone table in the middle of the small courtyard.

Before long, he twitched his nose and looked around. "Is this ... where did it catch fire?"

"Master Feng Shan smokes indoors," Kong Ziyi replied quietly. "When he encounters more difficult problems, he likes to smoke a few cigarettes."

"I have heard of this," Yanbei Feng nodded and spoke casually. "It seems to be the atmosphere from the common world, but I forbid the disciples from smoking. The pie is all playing with fire, everyone should know ... Smoking is bad for the lungs. "

Feng Jun grinned in the room-I just don't want to go out so early, would the cultivator be afraid of lung cancer?

This is really what he thinks wrong. The Chifeng faction is really playing with fire, and it has more say on fire than most people.

He stayed in the house for an hour. Originally, he only wanted to stay for half an hour.

As soon as he came out, Yan Beifeng stood up and asked with a smile, "Isn't that a problem?"

On the face of it, the attitude of this middle class is quite good, without the arrogance of the masters.

"Not big?" Feng Jun glanced at him angrily. "I haven't had a good wound in five years. You told me it's not a problem?"

Yan Beifeng was not surprised that he could see his injury. If he couldn't even see it, he was really ashamed of the word "derive".

So he smiled awkwardly, "only three years, less than five years."

Feng Junbai gave him a glance and arrogantly retorted, "Five years ago, Geng Jin started to get out of balance. If you didn't even find out about this, then I really have to wonder ... How did you advance to rank?"

Yanbei laughed dryly, but there was no embarrassment, "I know this kind of thing about this matter, but ... doubt it, doubt it."

Feng Jun sneered unconsciously, did not argue with him, but continued to speak, "Geng Jinzhuang, afterwards, the fire is too strong, in the dark, the collapse of the five elements cannot be reshaped. The rare thing is that the attributes of the earth are still left. Some are tangled ... "

What he is talking about now is the situation encountered by the other party, and also the analysis of symptoms.

Regarding Shang Leixiu, he generally doesn't analyze it this way, and he directly offers the price. He will talk about it only after the other party agrees. But for the people who belong to the Chifeng School, he said in advance that this is not to fear the Chifeng School, but to There is no need to keep.

The other party is one of the four major factions, the background is not worse than him, and the relevant analysis must also be there, he does not make this money.

Yanbei froze for a moment, then nodded silently and said softly, "Admire!"

Kong Ziyi listened on the side and couldn't help asking aloud, "Sounds complicated, but Chifeng Lipai has been for tens of thousands of years ... This symptom, shouldn't it be an isolated case?"

Yan Beifeng replied with a wry smile, "Kong Daoyou said yes, but there are not many examples, and each time the solution is different, it is a specific analysis of the specific situation ..."

Kong Ziyi nodded and said that he understood, "Same thing, Lord Feng Shan once said that although the Immortal World is large, there are no two identical leaves."

Feng Jun coughed a little, felt a cigarette, and lit it. After vomiting two smoke rings, he said, "Ten thousand spirits."

Yan Beifeng first stunned, then slowly looked up at him, pursed his lips, and then asked softly, "Why? I have prepared all the medicinal materials. I just want to know the order of taking.

Feng Jun frowned and thought for a moment, then asked, "For you, is there a lot of Ten Thousand Spirits?"

"Not many," Yan Beifeng shook his head, and answered naturally, "But ... I have prepared the herbs."

Feng Jun's mouth opened and closed twice, and then he laughed dumbly, "Yan Daoyou forgive me, can I say something offensive?"

Yan Beifeng thought about it sideways, then nodded and said in a straight voice, "If you make sense, I don't mind if you offend."

Feng Jun laughed, "Unfortunately, Dao Yan is not a daughter, otherwise ... you are not used to find me."

Upon hearing the previous sentence, Yan Beifeng's eyebrows rose, and he was angry-there were four Chifeng masters on the scene. Even if his strength was greatly reduced, in front of the three Chifeng masters, how dare you insult me?

But when he heard the latter sentence, he froze abruptly, and his anger disappeared instantly. It took a long time to say, "Admire!"

The same is the word "admiration". This time the admiration is much more solemn than the last one.

Feng Jun didn't give in, but he seemed to laugh directly, and then he said, "So, ten thousand spirits?"

Yan Beifeng sighed and slowly spit out two words, "Not much."

The nun who came with him was also a mid-level senior, and she only spoke out at this moment, "Did you bring enough spirit stones?"

"I have the Lingshi," Yan Beifeng nodded and replied in a low voice, "Thank you."

"It's okay," Nun Xiu smiled softly, and said softly, "As long as you can recover, I don't think Ten Thousand Spirits are enough."

It seems to be a Taoist companion, Feng Jun nodded slightly, took out an obsidian essence, engraved a few lines of words directly with his consciousness, and then handed it to Yan Beifeng, "The spirit stone can be given to Kong Daoyou."

Yan Beifeng's consciousness swept away, and he already had a count in his heart. He took out an object symbol and handed it to Kong Ziyi, "Ten Thousand Spirit Stones."

Kong Ziyi was stunned and accepted it calmly, ignoring the two handkerchiefs and squeezing his eyebrows.

At the moment, she was a little curious and couldn't help asking aloud, "The order ... are you still satisfied?"

"Satisfied," Yan Beifeng nodded, and then arched his hands at the crowd. "Thank you Feng Daoyou and Kong Daoyou, as well as everyone else. I'm in a hurry to go back to the treatment and leave, please bear with me for the rudeness."

As soon as he turned around, he went out, and the nun followed, and after releasing a flying boat, the two flew away.

Soon after being on the flying boat, the nun asked aloud, "Beifeng, can you trust him?"

"Yes," Yan Beifeng replied lightly, with no excited expression on his face, but if he looked closely, he seemed to have some hope in his eyes, "Look at the order he suggested."

The nun picked up the obsidian and swept it, "There are really two things, four herbs, he added two more ..."

Not all of the more than ten kinds of medicinal materials produced by Yan Beifeng can be used together. There are many medicinal materials with similar medicinal properties, but the directions of emphasis are different and the degree of rush is different.

Strictly speaking, the "order of taking medicine" that he said is to find out which kinds of medicines to take, and the order is second.

The reason for this is that the Chifeng School has different views on his treatment.

Three years ago, he made a fight with the masters of the Yinsha faction to protect the disciples of the Qi Relief period. After hitting his opponent, he also neglected the hidden dangers of cultivation, and he directly attacked during the healing, and the five elements in the body collapsed. .

Suffice it to say, those disciples who are fighting for energy are just a spirit beast, but the two sides actually hit a mid-level master, which is really a "blood case caused by a steamed bun".

But for this, the Chifeng faction did not regret it. To the Yinsha faction, it was to be unwilling, even if Yan Beifeng's final injury was much heavier than the opponent.

The Chifeng faction must of course reward him for this behavior—especially at the time it seemed to have won, so the doctors in the faction all came to analyze his injury and discuss the solution, which is equivalent to an expert consultation from the earth.

However, the results of the consultation were not optimistic. The doctors were quarreling, and no one could persuade anyone.

The Chifeng faction saw that this was wrong, so he invited a few doctors from outside, wanted to learn from the strengths of the house, and then summarized.

The strengths of the families have been collected, summing up a dozen kinds of medicinal materials that may be used, but the views of each family are also clear barriers-the mainstream is five treatment options.

The five schemes do not matter. The key is that they are incompatible with each other, or even mutually acceptable, that is, choose one of them. Among the other four schemes, you will think that this is very likely to ruin people.

No way, no one can convince anyone, but they are very respectable.

In many cases, the dispute between physicians is also close to the dispute of Orthodoxy, which must be treated with tolerance.

Then ... Yan Beifeng was miserable. Whenever he decided to choose a treatment plan, there were always other doctors jumping out-hey, hey, if you did that, you would die.

This dilemma is almost unsolvable, he does not know who to believe.

Well, in fact, he has another option, that is, to find an expert who is good at speculation, and figure out which treatment method is "ji" and which is "fierce".

However, it is very sad to remind that the Chifeng faction is not good at calculating in this regard. If you calculate the marriage or chance, the Chifeng faction also has an expert, but it is not good, and it is not possible to go to Taiqing to ask someone to shoot. a little.

But this kind of thing ... It ’s not appropriate to tell Taiqing, how many years Chifeng and Yinsha have been fighting each other, this time finally stepped on each other ~ ~ and then told Taiqing-actually we The man here ... collapsed after returning home, asking for help?

The relationship between the four major factions is that there is competition in cooperation and cooperation in competition, so beware of each other.

If you want to ask Taiqing to take action, not only will you have to pay the price, but if you want to know more, you will have to answer-if you do n’t answer, people will have a reason to refuse to take action.

Therefore, it is impossible to find someone, and Yan Beifeng himself is extremely repellent-he would rather die than let people know that he actually collapsed after winning the master of the Yinsha faction.

So it dragged on and off for three years. During these three years, he was also struggling to restore his five-element system, and he had some gains and occasionally shot.

But there is no doubt that the root problem can not be dealt with, he can't go far.

The female practitioner knew this too, and as his prospective companion, she even knew what the five treatment methods were.

"This method is somewhat similar to Guanquangu's He family, with slight changes ... you don't need to think about it again, or ask someone to ask?"

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