Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1258: Peerless Thunder

In order to guard against this ghost, Feng Jun really hurt his brain, but even so, he is not sure how many secrets the other party knows, so once he frees his hand, he will solve the other party as soon as possible.

The other party knew Kong Ziyi's "chaos yin and yang curse", he was not surprised, knowing that he still has a Yin Soul Stone, which is normal-when everyone talks on weekdays, there will always be one or two.

He could only apologize for his complaint, "I am really sorry, and I have no intention of being an enemy of my predecessors."

"That's it," the female voice said quietly. "Don't you need a storage bag? I know that somewhere, there is a Wanhua gourd, which is about ten thousand times the size of your big storage bag. A ghost stone, is that okay? "

Feng Jun ’s large storage bag is 360,000 square meters in size. This ghost has to give him 10,000 times the size of storage equipment, that is to say ... 3.6 billion square meters in size?

One square kilometer is one million square meters, and 3.6 billion square meters is a lake of 100 square kilometers. The lake is 36 meters deep, and the volume of all the total water.

Hongze Lake, the fourth largest freshwater lake in China, has a water surface of more than 1,000 square kilometers and an average depth of 1.9 meters. All the lake water is not enough for this Wanhua gourd.

How much is such a large storage bag worth? At least hundreds of millions of spirit stones.

Feng Jun shook his head, "Sorry, this is not a peer-to-peer transaction, and I have no intention of taking advantage of you so much ..."

"I do n’t know how much the Soul Stone means to you ... so, my big storage bag, if you exchange two such large storage bags, I wo n’t Then drive you away from the Soulstone. "

"Huh?" The female whispered, paused, and then burst into tears. "Thinking of me ... It's worth only two storage bags. This joke will make me laugh for a hundred years."

"Senior don't laugh," Feng Jun coughed lightly. "In a few minutes, Peerless Thunder is coming ... It's not easy to wait for such a thunder. Do you leave by yourself or trade with me?"

"I ... I can't find such a small storage bag for the time being," the female voice replied helplessly, "but I'm sure, if you want to trade with you, if it doesn't work, you can take the Wanhua gourd first, and then find it and then change it. Come back ... Are you still going? "

Feng Jun heard the words, photographed the Soul Stone, and ran away with his feet pulled out-there are still five minutes or so, there is no need to use the flash.

But the ghost could not bear it, "Quickly use body method, although your body method is unsightly, it is better than you crawling like this!"

Crawling ... Feng Jun is almost going to scold people. I am resting at the speed of the earth. Not to mention breaking the Olympic record, at least I dare to say that it is the king of the land. You actually say that I crawl?

However, since the big man had spoken, he still wanted to earn two storage bags, and he could only gritt his teeth.

I flashed, I flashed, I continued to flash ... Then at the next moment, a thunderbolt struck his head.

Fortunately, this thunderbolt is not very strong, that is, he fully devoted himself to the level of lightning strike, and his forehead was tied with a lightning protection tent. Although it is not a high-level thing, it is finally the original lightning protection for Thunder. Magic weapon.

Coupled with his left arm blocking his forehead, this gadget does absorb a certain amount of lightning, so he just stiffens a little, then pulls his feet away and runs—he does n’t want to keep flashing.

Yin Soul spoke again, "Huh, such a small thunder, it scares you ... can it be a little bit awesome?"

Feng Jun refuted the sentence unhappily, "It seems that you are not afraid of thunder."

Yin soul replied with disapproval, "I'm really not afraid of this kind of small thunder. You have used lightning to temper me for five days. What have I said? I'm not afraid of such thunder for another fifty days!"

"Admire," Feng Jun couldn't help but he admired from the heart, but he couldn't help but have a little question, "Then I changed a place for you, you dare not carry it?"

Yinling replied disapprovingly, "You are still far away from the realm. When you change the place, I will know that there is a big trouble. The next thunder can hit me hard. If the Yinshi Stone breaks, I have no place to run. ... Thunderbolt is the natural enemy of the ghost. "

It ’s telling the truth, and it ’s not afraid that Feng Jun will threaten himself with the Soulstone after he knows it. This little guy valued the Soulstone, and seriously, he did n’t value his high-level Soul-everyone intends to refine it with lightning Myself.

As expected, Feng Jun grinned again, "Thunderbolt will destroy the Soulstone, I never thought about this."

The ghost no longer speaks—what can it say?

However, it has probably not been spoken for a long time, and after a while, it uttered again in Feng Jun ’s brain, "Your deduction level is much higher than your cultivation level. You can actually know that there will be strong lightning there. . "

Before she was alive, she could do this, but with her cultivation practice, it was impossible to deduce it.

Feng Junxin said nonsense, "I am not very good at this deduction, sometimes it is not accurate sometimes."

"Cut," Yin Soul snorted contemptuously. It didn't look at him once or twice, knowing that this guy was quite powerful in the deduction, but it didn't want to fight with him.

After a while, it couldn't help but spoke again, "Why don't you want the gourd? I am willing to give it to you."

"Cheap is not greedy," Feng Jun replied casually, "I'm barely able to find a reason to push your former head of household out of the house, but I still want to blackmail you ... Conscience can't pass."

In fact, it's not just a conscience that can't get through. His previous life experience tells him-blackmail gangster, is a very dangerous thing.

Feng Jun himself is such a person. If a small person touches his things and has a reason for him to accept, he is too lazy to care, but if the other party wants to be intimate, don't blame him for being ruthless.

"It's cheap, don't be greedy," Yin Soul repeated in a low voice, and then changed the subject. "After you return to the hut, don't tell the little girl doll that I have communicated with you."

"This is no problem," Feng Jun is not a broken-mouthed person, but he is curious, "Why?"

Yin Yin snorted unhappily, "Why not ... Need a reason?"

Feng Jun shut up suddenly. This kind of gangster who can let Yinyin Stone fly by himself is still less provoking.

Unconsciously, several thunderstorms fell, but Feng Jun finally rushed into the iron hut before the peerless thunder fell.

Kong Ziyi didn't know what he had done. He only saw him running around, and when he entered the house, he said aloud, "Today's thunder is a bit heavy. Looking at the weather, it is estimated that there will be heavy rain."

Before the words fell, a strong light rushed in from the window, illuminating the entire iron house translucently. In the black room, the light was dazzling, and Kong Ziyi narrowed his eyes subconsciously.

After three or four seconds, another strong flash of light flashed, more than the previous one.

Immediately after, it is the third and fourth ...

Kong Ziyi subconsciously looked out of the window, even though the window was only twenty centimeters square, "Is this ... lightning too?"

The answer to her was a blast of thunder, a huge thunder that shook the whole house.

"So powerful thunder?" Kong Ziyi stunned. Then she used the knowledge she had just learned from Lei Xiu to calculate the distance of thunder and lightning based on the time interval between thunder and lightning.

Then she was shocked, "A dozen miles away from us ... This thunderbolt should be the kind of thunder that can kill Jindan?"

Feng Jun replied with a smile, "I don't know if a thunder can kill Jin Dan, four successive thunders, it should be almost."

Kong Ziyi's sanity was a little trance, "The original Thunderbolt, is there such a big thunder?"

A soft hum rang in Feng Jun's mind, but the ghost was uttering again, "This is also a big thunder, the little girl really has no knowledge ... including you, and what other terrifying thunders, which is too much difference . "

"Where can we compare with your old man," Feng Jun answered her with consciousness, "This thunder can almost kill Jin Dan, which is already very big for us."

Yin Yin was silent for three or four seconds before another consciousness came out. "It's really the same. If Yuanying doesn't have a good lightning protection device, he must be cut to death. Your kid is really black. This kind of thunder is also in Thunder. Rarely. "

Feng Jun heard something in his heart, "Senior, are you familiar with Thunder?"

Yinling replied casually, "I have followed you twice ... Do you think only you can figure it out?"

Feng Jun decided not to ask any more. The big man talked chokingly, and it was estimated that he was a bit prejudiced against himself, so don't stimulate it.

It didn't take long for it to start pouring downpour. Thunderbolt could hardly see drizzle here. As long as it rained, it was a torrential rain. The only difference was how bad it was.

Today's rain is really heavy, much larger than the torrential rain that Feng Jun encountered last time, but also mixed with lightning and thunder, free of a doomsday scene.

Kong Ziyi couldn't help but frown and said, "This kind of heavy rain is really the only thing in my life. Zixia Peak is also a place where there is a lot of rain in Taiqing, and there are many heavy rains, but I have never seen such a heavy rain."

Yin Soul said disdainfully in Feng Jun's mind, "Cut, what a life as a little fart boy who is under 100 years old?"

In Feng Jun's heart, he couldn't help vomiting: Brother, I like the kind of coldness when you don't speak.

But this big guy may have been lonely for too long ~ ~ said something in his mind from time to time, it didn't matter if he didn't respond.

Feng Jun looked at the rainstorm, listened to the thunder, and occasionally said a few words to Kong Ziyi, and then he had to accept the stubborn thoughts of the big brother. This kind of sourness ... really who knows who uses it.

The rainstorm did not last long, and within an hour, the clouds cleared away.

Feng Jun stood up, "While Lei Shao, go to the settlement, just chase the cloud."

Thunder was originally a very weird place, but the weather conditions are not completely irregular-for example, just after a thunderstorm, there will be no second thunderstorm in a short time.

Similarly, just after a thunderstorm, there will be no clear sky thundering phenomenon, because the air is humid at this time.

(Updated to summon monthly tickets.)

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