Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1248: One after another

It turned out that this Yin Jie, although also a member of the front of the State Fang, was not very well-known.

He is a researcher, but he is a political cadre. He has little achievements in scientific research. His main achievement is "scientific research management."

For Daniel, the management of scientific research can be justified — perhaps more precisely called “scientific research guidance”, but generally speaking, scientific research management is basically fooling, and it can play a positive role. The effect is also very good.

But this Yin Jie really requires no technology, no level.

But he came this time, the reason is very simple, he has enough qualifications.

In terms of human relations, Huaxia is really a bit of a criticism. It is obviously an academic welfare, but it has to consider the qualifications of administrative management.

Of course, if Yin Jie has outstanding achievements in management, such as obtaining project support funds, it will be fine, but he is not yet. The projects he is responsible for are more often taking the form.

The details are inconvenient to say. Anyone who knows Yin Jie in the system doesn't rate him highly.

So the ancient big phone called, and it didn't mean much to investigate, he was just curious-Yin Jie's reputation is so bad?

Where does Yang Yuxin care, what kind of person is Yin Jie, she just said that this is an emergency, the doctor is treating the disease, where is there an undead?

But after hanging up the phone, she couldn't help but think about it: Will Feng Jun already know the details of Yin Jie?

After all, the little man is famous for his calculations.

Anyway, she did not continue to ask. After 24 days, six cancer patients came out of the rehabilitation center.

It was ten people when they came, and three of them died and one died. In fact, the cure rate of 60% is already quite high.

Of the six people who came out, four had at least two more surgeries-these heroes overdrafted themselves too much.

But this does not matter, the cancer cells in the body have been eliminated, and the biggest enemy has succumbed.

This time after the treatment was completed, three days later, Yang Yuxin received another old call-the treatment effect was very good. The next batch of thirty people would arrive soon and do the reception work well.

Yang Yuxin choked, she did not ask Feng Jun at all, and said directly, "There are currently no treatment indicators. Let's talk about it half a year later."

Feng Jun can of course continue treatment, and Huahua also particularly enjoys this process-it likes to save lives and help the wounded, the more the number, the better.

However, he found that Luohua Manor may become "Zhengyang Cancer Hospital" according to this rhythm. He felt that he had to step on the brakes.

Cancer hospital or something, it sounds like a joke, after all, I want to use this name, there are a lot of qualifications to do, and Feng needs someone to apply for a medical license or something.

Of course, these obstacles may be more difficult for ordinary people, but Feng Jun believes that as long as he is willing to relax, these problems will not be problems-even if the hospital procedures are more difficult to approve, build a health center or the like It's just a day or two.

However, what happened afterwards was the problem. Once it was formalized and industrialized, all kinds of equipment and manpower would definitely be added, and then there would be too many problems. Just think about the persistent male nurse. Will be in huge trouble.

Feng Jun feels that he has a sense of social responsibility, and there is no problem with the three views, but he cannot be indulged in common affairs.

Yang Yuxin's stubbornness left those "excessive" demands, but this did not make the other party shrink back-the recovery of the six cancer patients was enough to drive the most calm people crazy.

So some people said that they should investigate Yin Jie's cause of death-he died abnormally.

Finally, Yu Lao is still in the manor, and Fu Niu is his basic dish. He discouraged this unreasonable behavior, and he found Feng Jun on this matter, "Do n’t be too selfish, if you can treat those people, , Or do it yourself. "

Feng Jun finally stated that I can treat a group of no more than 20 people each month, but in addition to those three rules, I must emphasize one more point: because frequent treatment will cause some damage to me, I hope that the cure will be fixed At sixty percent.

In other words, for twenty people, even if he cures twelve, he will be qualified, and the remaining eight will be dead or alive. He will not bear any responsibility.

In other words: he is applying for a death indicator.

In fact, Yu Lao guessed that Feng Jun was so resistant that he probably didn't want to delay his cultivation, and ... it is estimated that he would pay a great price.

And he also hopes not to over-express the young man's therapeutic potential-this potential is too precious.

Yu Lao also heard about Yin Jie's affairs. He realized that this precious resource had already begun to be abused. Then, of course, he couldn't be exhausted and saved. Once the people who really needed it appeared, there was no more here. More resources.

Grandpa Yu is more treacherous. He publicly announced that this guy is actually a magic stick and lacks a minimum of care for patients-do n’t believe it, please see Yin Jie, so do n’t take your own life when you are not exhausted Children's play.

His words in the eyes of insiders are simply a joke: If Feng Jun is just a **** stick, why do you also live in Luohua?

However, such insiders are ultimately a minority, and Yu Lao's whereabouts are extremely high, and no one dares to disclose them casually.

When most people hear Yin Jie's experience, they will inevitably have a cold heart. The death of a cancer patient is not an accident. The accident is the death of a blood vessel rupture and internal bleeding.

Then the matter of the death indicator was brought up. Think about the other party as a **** stick, and many people retreated.

They asked the cured six people to inquire, and finally determined that there was really no medical staff there, only a person like a nanny, who served them regularly-whether it was timed or not.

So in the second batch of more than 30 people, only 16 of them were willing to come. In order not to waste indicators, some people cramed in four related households to come in-it must be the kind with money.

Organizing these 20 people, fully learned the last lesson, those patients who were too serious did not send them here at all.

However, this time Feng Jun eliminated two of them, both of whom were added later.

But this time, he did not refund the deposit, he just said, "I will not refund the deposit in a similar situation in the future, and I will recover the wasted places."

When he said this, there was a sneer on his mouth, could he hide those sensitive things under the skin?

The **** said they didn't understand, "General Feng, I'm sorry, I don't really understand what you said. What kind of situation is similar?"

Feng Jun glanced at him and shook his head lightly, "I don't care whether you really understand it or not, the important thing is ... I have told you that the next time you have such a problem, deducting money is a small matter I also want to reduce the quota, irreversible reduction. "

This one, of course, didn't really understand, so he called as soon as he turned around.

A master who was removed from the list started to attack, "Swallow me a billion ... Lord Feng Shan, this is not my intention. I will give you another 100 million. Do you give a chance to do it?"

Feng Jun didn't even bother to look at him ... wanting to buy me up for 100 million?

His arrogance finally aroused this man's dissatisfaction. Anyway, time is running out, and now the last hope is shattered.

He sneered, "Mr. Feng, I always think you are a person and deserves my respect, but now it seems that it is really a villain who is bullying and afraid. You all know that I am forced to help ... you can't afford them, just Want to deduct my money? "

Feng Jun heard the words, and finally turned his head to look at him, and then said with a weird expression, "What kind of person am I? I just know it myself. As for what you think of me ... Do I need to care?"

This was almost crazy, and with his expression, he just regarded the other party as a ant.

The anger that could no longer suppress his heart, "Since you refuse to communicate, you can only see the court."

Feng Jun is also angry, you have an instrument on your body and want to explore my secret. If it is not impossible to accept it locally, I will definitely sue you for the crime of infringing on business secrets. ?

However, he is still too lazy to argue with the other party-it is not a person at a level, he just said lightly, "You really insist on receiving treatment, I don't care ... Remember, I have death indicators here."

Lawsuit? Cut, I will let you enter the room now to see if you have the courage to enter!

The man was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, he muttered to the people around him, took a knife, rolled up his trousers directly, and made a knife on his belly.

There was a wound that had just been stitched, and the thread had not been removed. He cut the wound again, opened the **** mouth, took out a green bean-sized plastic bead, and then asked Shen Sheng, "Mr Feng ... is it enough? "

Feng Jun was also a little surprised. He had contacted a lot of rich people, but he was able to make such a heavy hand when he was rich, and it was indeed rare. He smiled recklessly, "The desire to survive is very strong."

This man didn't respond positively to him ~ ~ said busyly, "That one hundred million is not counted, I will give another two hundred million."

Feng Jun gave him a deep look, "It's not a matter of money."

This guy wanted to say something. After seeing Feng Jun's eyes, he moved abruptly, then took a step back, bent over, and put the beads on the ground. "Anyway, this is my apology, I'm sorry."

Feng Jun walked two steps forward, under the eyes of everyone, lifted his feet to crush the bead into powder, and then coughed, "Okay, the one who gave away can leave, Xiao Li, you announce the relevant discipline ..."

As soon as there are more people in treatment, the relevant methods can be changed. At 7 pm, Feng Jun came to the rehabilitation center with Li Shishi, and gave sleeping pills directly to 18 patients.

That's right, he made it clear that this is a sleeping pill, only to say one thing-"I will do it when you fall asleep."

But these sicknesses must not be taken. They came here to have been treated.

(Updated to summon monthly tickets.)

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