Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1245: torment

That night, the genius wiped the black, and the excited flowers could not hold back, urging Feng Jun to see the patient.

"I haven't eaten yet," Feng Jun muttered, but considering it was "anxious patient's urgent", he still felt like to be encouraged, then, he quietly came to the small building where the patient was, but found ... patient eating.

These are all episodes, and Feng Jun did not plan to intervene in the treatment of flowers, he came quietly, just to check, this person is still saved-if there is no doubt about death, it is better to push this list away, save the blow Blooming confidence.

A grub has a great love for healing and saving people, and he doesn't want to crack down on its enthusiasm at all.

After digging into the cell phone space and calculating it, he was surprised to find that in addition to the use of the gray fog needle gout, three peiyuandan were needed to treat this patient-otherwise the patient could not sustain it.

Feng Jun has a bit of pain, knowing that Lang Zhen has been a warrior for half his life, and has only eaten a Pei Yuan Dan.

For the treatment of Yuan Lao, he only used one Pei Yuan Dan, but only two for Yu Lao.

But think about it, this is to grab life from the cancer demon, and it is quite a sense of accomplishment.

So he secretly notified Huahua: It ’s okay to operate, this guy will be alive, but during the period, he will use three Pei Yuan Dan.

Huahua really likes to treat people and save people. In addition to being responsible for the guts and guidance, it also took the task of feeding Pei Yuandan-it even took the little white hat with the red cross on it.

As for how to prevent the other party from discovering themselves, Butterfly Nurse said that there is no problem at all, let alone that it is already a middle-level practitioner of gas refining, only that the scale powder on its wings has a hallucinogenic effect.

Three days later, the patient's father reached the visiting period. He had half an hour to communicate with his son.

His son ... complained a little about the food because the food was slightly greasy, which was a heavy burden for his liver-generally, the food for the construction team was not much better, but he ate Party A's small stove.

After being dazed for a while, he whispered, "You look much better."

"Well, don't mention it," my son shook his head crying. "They didn't give me any treatment at all. I often die from the pain and feel better than dying ... I need lighter food."

The father was stunned for a moment, and then whispered, "It looks better ... at least you have an appetite."

"That's why I can stay here," the son smiled bitterly. He didn't feel very intuitive about what he looked like. The man was originally relatively careless, and he was not like his father. Look in the mirror.

"I think it might be a little effective," Father said not much. "It's where Xiao Gu introduced it to you."

"I know," the son nodded, and he was not an ignorant person. "I also want to change some healthy food to cooperate with the treatment ... although I don't feel what they did."

The father went out to discuss with the person of Party A, and Party A said that-I don't know what you are talking about, and we have not received a notice. The person who lives in it should be treated differently in terms of diet.

So he retired and asked next, saying that I will give the children three meals a day, and I do n’t need you to control the meals.

He sent it to Party A, and then Party A passed it on, but even then, the personnel of Party A still dared not make the decision, because they sympathized with the old man and they reported the situation to Ren Zhiyuan.

After hearing this, Mr. Ren made a phone call to Li Shishi and asked her if she could let her family deliver meals.

Li Shishi is also a soft-hearted girl, she asked Feng Jun for a moment, and then replied-no need.

The news passed down layer by layer, but the old man's request was rejected.

Feng Jun's answer is a bit unreasonable, but his main purpose is not to let the old man touch his son frequently, so as not to find something unreasonable in it.

But what he didn't expect was that the old man guarded the calf, no worse than a woman.

The old man said-if it doesn't work, I'll help you cook for free. The original chef also used it. I gave him a hand. It's nothing more than buying a la carte, at his own expense. After the fry is out, you also eat, and my son eat.

Facts have proved that most people are sympathetic. The people in Party A's office feel that the old man is very pitiful. He said that we don't care about you. It's your business if you want to fight, and it's your business if you want to cook more. The meal must not be you.

When they made this decision, they did not even ask Ren Zhiyuan for instructions.

Mr. Ren did not expect that the firewall that Feng Jun had painstakingly built up was actually cracked.

The old man did free labor on the side of Party A, and it really revealed a lot of things.

In addition to not saying the expenses of his own home, he really said a lot.

He even said that his old wife was a teacher of Guban, and he coordinated and asked his son to treat advanced liver cancer. He even said that he even broke some parameters.

Three days later, he went to see his son again. He was wondering this time when he came back. "I didn't see anyone to go to treatment. How do I feel that he looks better, and people are getting fat ... Is it really Feng Shui here?"

Three days later, he filed an application with Luohua Manor and wanted to take his son for a personal examination-he thought that his son's recovery speed was a bit abnormal.

Li Shishi actually sympathizes with him, and is very curious. Can the manor cure even cancer?

But after contacting Feng Jun, she had to ruthlessly refuse the other party. "I can't go out to check on the bones that are being treated now. I still want to go out, don't come back."

This attitude is really very unfriendly, and she doesn't want to be like this, but Boss Feng asked so.

The old man was very unhappy to get such an answer, but after all, he was in his 70s. He had seen too many ups and downs. He knew that his son was getting better and better now, and ... this time the treatment was How to spend money.

So the other party's unfriendly, he will endure, also said "Sorry to disturb" ...

Three days later, after seeing his son again, he was really curious, how could he be better?

He really wanted his son to do a test, so he called his wife's phone and told about his son's changes in the last twelve days. He thought ... should let "Xiaogu" speak and do it for his son A full test.

He felt the need to understand the changes that happened to his son-whether it was good or bad.

But quickly, his wife called, "Xiao Gu said, heed the other's opinion, if we don't want to believe the other ... We have the power to leave, but we don't have the power to return, and he can't do anything. "

Feng Jun didn't intend to make trouble for the other party and swallow the cancer cells with grubs. Once this kind of thing unfolded, it would be hard to stop-even now, the cancer cells have not been completely eliminated.

Of course, the current cancer cells are already at an absolute disadvantage, and it does not matter if they temporarily stop for a while, but the crux of the problem is-he is letting people go now, what if the Gu Gu is found?

The grubs cannot be detected by modern instruments. Even if the flowers can kill the grubs, there are still problems with the gworm eggs-during this period, a large number of grub eggs have been produced and are being flowered in the disease. Direct activation.

With Huahua's love for the earth, before sending the patient out, it must definitely remove the grub eggs, which is obviously not something that can be done in a while.

Even if Feng Jun agreed to let this person out, at least a two-day "clearing period" would have to pass.

After a thorough removal, you can go to the hospital for a full range of testing, but the key to the problem is-after the inspection?

It takes a lot of effort to use the flower to make the worms, and to halt in the middle of the battle, and then eliminate all the traces of the worms, it also takes a lot of energy.

Well, these are nothing, even if there is no current thing, after the other party recovers in the future, it will definitely be completely cleaned up.

But the most unacceptable is this. It takes a lot of energy and material resources. Once the examination is completed, they still want to return to continue to receive treatment, which is really too much.

Feng Jun can make an appropriate concession, but ... leaving is leaving, never expect to come back.

His resources should not be wasted like this-they are all scrupulously won from the cell phone plane.

This time he is willing to take the treatment of patients, mainly to confirm whether there are problems in his planning, whether it can really treat certain aspects of cancer-if it can benefit all mankind, this is not a small breakthrough.

But he also realized that such a breakthrough would bring him a lot of transactional work ~ ~ So at the beginning, he did not think about what money he had to make. Compared with the previous treatment, He has got rid of low-level fun, yes, he does not care about the actual results, only his own tests-he really does not lack money now.

Because he didn't care, he didn't intend to grieve himself.

He has decided long ago-if you come to me to treat cancer, you have to listen to me. What experts, doctors, and nurses are not good for me here. If you want to come in to treat the disease, you are alone.

His luck is not too bad, the patient is a master who can accept mysticism, the patient's escort, and an old man who has weathered the road and sees the road under his feet. Words of Zhang Pozui.

In fact, if this patient cannot accept these terms and insists on leaving, Feng Jun will not feel much loss-he has obtained relevant first-hand data, enough to enrich his database, and make some judgments on the prospect .

Fortunately, the other party did not choose to leave, but there were also bad things, that is, the old big accident discovered that someone who was regarded as a liar by him could actually ... treat cancer?

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