Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1238: Hegel's philosophy

Hegel refused to say that he was scared by Feng Jun.

Qingfengling is far away from Bailitan. Heijia only knows that Feng Jun killed the three brothers Pan and Lu, but the tribes who went to Bailitan came back together, saying that the Bai veteran of Mingshafang City was also killed. It ’s still Su Miao who shot it himself.

Immediately afterwards, the elder's family was also won by Mingshafang City.

This is a little too scary, Feng Jun has become a nemesis of the Chuchen family.

This matter was mentioned to the Heijia family. It was the Zhu family in Huoniu Town, four or five hundred miles from Qingfeng Town.

The Zhu family has three outgoing masters. They are in-laws with the Heijia family. They are not common-law children, but in-laws.

Of course, in the course of the exchange between the two, the Heijia should be low-headed, even if they have children practicing at Wuyoutai.

However, the Zhu family will not particularly bully people. There are some rituals on the surface. As for the superior speech and sect, it can't be avoided-it doesn't allow strength.

The Zhu family had a master who met the Yinsha disciples outside and contacted You Longzi again.

You Longzi heard that the Zhu family is from Huiniu Town, and said that Huiniu Town is not far from Qingfengling. There is a lot of land there, which is worth operating. If you are afraid of trouble, I can be your backing. Of course, I It is impossible to help you in vain.

The Master Zhu family ran to the Black Family and asked what was going on in Qingfengling.

The answer of the Heijia is the same as that of You Longzi, who was bought here and intends to develop the underground oily corpse.

The Zhu family, as local aborigines, also knew that there were oily insect corpses in Qingfengling. Even in the past few years, they also used some oily insect corpses, which are used to keep out the cold in winter and have enough firepower.

However, when this thing is burnt, the smell is unpleasant, far inferior to firewood, and this kind of flame is not suitable for cooking.

Therefore, the Zhu family did not come here later to engage in oily insect corpses. Except when there is an urgent fire, it is far less easy to use than firewood, and it is necessary to find special utensils to put it.

To be honest, the Zhu family does not think that oily corpse can sell spirit stones, this thing does not have aura, it is a common item.

But if You Longzi and another master think so, this business is not impossible to try.

Therefore, the Zhu family hopes that the black family can contact Feng Jun to buy the land at a price higher than 20% of the original price.

The Heijia family made it clear that they did not know Feng Jun's contact information, and they emphasized that this was a business introduced by the same people at Wuyoutai. They were not good at irritating customers.

In the eyes of the Zhu family, a Wuyoutai disciple of the Qi-refining period is ten streets worse than the middle-class of the Yinsha faction.

But the Heijia family said: No matter how strong the Yinsha faction is, he and the Zhu family also met by chance, and Wuqitai's disciples of Qi Refining Period were my blood relatives of the Heijia family.

As a result of this, the Zhus are embarrassed to force the Heijias anyway, and they are still in-laws after all, and the disciples of the four schools and five stations of Qi Refining Period have considerable imagination. But "to what extent can it grow".

However, they did not forget to tell me that after seeing the main house, they remember to ask if this land is for sale.

In addition to that, they packed a hundred of crude oil with the goods, and planned to go back and analyze it again. What's so good about this thing?

Heijia didn't stop them from taking crude oil, because in Heijia's view, the corpses of oily worms buried under the ground were almost endless. It was not a big deal for the in-laws to take some.

In fact, even if other local people get some crude oil, it's nothing — just remember to say hello.

Anyway, Qingfengling's treatment is very different from Bailitan, so the result will be different.

In fact, after this, some people came to discuss the issue of buying this land, but the Heijia directly said that the Zhu family had already asked, we did not agree, but even if the host wanted to sell, we must first contact the in-laws. .

With the Zhu family standing in the front, the Black family has less trouble.

Something happened in Mingshafang City a while ago, and the Zhu family heard about it-or they told the black family.

But one night later, the Hei Family came to tell the Zhu family: That Feng Jun is the main house of Qingfengling, and ... there seems to be oily insect corpses in Bailitan.

The Zhu family was ignorant: Holding the grass, did we ever plan to buy Qingfengling from this guy?

It is impossible to say strong buying. After all, the premium is 20%, but if the other party refuses to sell, the Zhu family may not take this off-we are locals after all, and Nao is just a foreigner.

After all, the Zhu family has three masters, which itself has a certain degree of external aggression-not to mention the lame family of the dust, the two families of the duster are only two legs balanced, three The talented people have the confidence to consider outward development.

To put it simply, the Zhu family didn't take Feng Jun's eyes into consideration. Now that I heard that this man is so fierce, he shrinks directly-the Zhu family is the San Shangren, and the Lu family is also the San Shangren. Will be stronger than the Lu family that dominates Mingsha.

But they were n’t very worried either-we just used to think a little bit carefully and did n’t do anything.

To this end, Zhu Jia specially greeted the Hei Jia: Must, never take the initiative to mention my Zhu family.

When Feng Jun asked, who actually understood the situation on behalf of You Longzi, the Heijia had to say: That is the local folks, please let them go.

They can only choose to plead for the Zhu family, even without ambiguous qualifications-the Black family used the Zhu family as a shield, even if they didn't say it, it was impossible to hide Feng Jun's.

After hearing Hegel's explanation, Feng Jun was also a little bit crying and laughing-the notoriety of co-authoring me has reached here?

However, he will not easily agree to the request of the Black Family, "I don't know if I don't know, I won't kill his family, but I want to talk to him about anything else."

Hegel still wanted to plead again, but he really didn't dare. Lord Feng Shan said that at this point, he had already counted on him.

I haven't seen half of the place, it's already dark, and everyone didn't go back to Qingfeng Town and camped directly in the local area.

Continue to check the place the next day-Feng Jun wants to know if the Heijia is mining crude oil on its own.

The crude oil is used a little by the locals, and he will definitely not care, but when it is mined and sold, the nature is different.

The results of the inspection proved that there were no signs of large-scale mining.

As for whether there is a small scale, it is really only God knows-after all, a stone can block the plane of the oil well.

In the afternoon, everybody returned to Qingfeng Town by flying machine. Feng Jun and Huangfu did not enter the town as usual. They chose a no-man's place to land on the side of the town, and then released them.

For the Blacks, walking is even more legendary.

In less than ten minutes after the release, a group of people hurried out of the town, but it was a man from the Zhu family who came with a few children and brought up the spiritual wine of the ten altars for three hundred years to see Zhige Mountain Lord Feng Jun.

After all, they are the in-laws of the Black family. Yesterday, Feng Jun ’s words have been passed to the Zhu family. The Zhu family thought, okay, no need to say anything.

What do you say about this? The daughter of the Black family married the son of Zhu's family, and it is tentatively said that "there is a good wife in the family, but the husband will not be in trouble."

Feng Jun didn't care too much, he accepted the other party's gift, and gave the other party "Acacia three points" backhand.

He didn't say what was right or wrong in this matter, but just said lightly, "It's still time to come, this is the case ... I hope that without next time, I'm sure there will never be a third time."

This means that the next time something similar happens, the Zhu family will suffer the disaster of extinction, and of course there will be no third time.

It was a bit arrogant to say this to a junior elementary, but ... it's kind of gentle.

The master of the Zhu family did not dare to say anything, but just explained, "Actually we, just ask the price."

Anyway, he didn't come to this trip in vain, even if the matter was revealed.

But Feng Jun doesn't care, Huangfu's flawless heart is not comfortable-she cares most about the communication system, the power of the generator may be controlled by others if she lets the Yinsha faction play.

So after someone left, she came to Feng Jun, "I think there is a lack of supervision here. If you are too busy, I can provide manpower ... If you think the profit of crude oil is thin and labor is a burden, I can buy yours. Shares. "

The profit of crude oil is thin ... It ’s ridiculous to put it on the earth, but in the current Xiuxian Realm, it ca n’t be wrong. Even if Feng Jun ’s conversion method, his interest in crude oil is not in line with it. He set two plane exchange rates.

Fortunately, the amount is large. He spent thousands of spirit stones on the side, and the Chinese currency that earned tens of billions of dollars there-not to mention the loss or the profit. Anyway, there is no shortage of money on both sides, and the effect is also good.

What, did not spend thousands of spirit stones? Don't tease ... It took four thousand spirit stones to buy these two lands.

Feng Jun thought about it and glanced at her again, "The problem is the benefit ... You are not good at monitoring, are you?"

He is actually willing to sell a part of Huangfu's flawless shares, but ... she can't collect Huaxia coins, right?

Huangfu Wubai gave him a glance, "I control how much you earn, the key is that I have bought shares, whoever wants to make trouble, then it is not just against you, my Huangfu family is not easy to bully ... and my people can help You monitor these sticks. "

Feng Jun heard this ~ ~ could not help but nodded secretly. The Huangfu family could develop to this step, and it was really not a blessing. Huangfu's flawless look was in the eyes of money, but he did not do anything at all. stingy.

A while ago, she spent a thousand spirit stones in Mingsha to buy the land of the Duan family, and now she has to spend money to buy shares. These investments can not see the return of the spirit stone, but the harvest ... but the flower spirit stone can not be bought. Arrived.

And he is not stingy, he made a lot of oil, how could he not let her enjoy the benefits?

At worst, he had to send her several communication systems, so everyone would gain.

So he nodded, "Then you take a thousand, and I won't take it from you anymore. I'll count your family's wages. If you look here well within ten years, you will definitely not be disadvantaged."

"No problem," Huangfu nodded with a flawless smile, and was also a little proud in his heart-did you escape?

(Updated to summon monthly tickets.)

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