Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1235: I pinched my nose and recognized

Feng Jun spent two days in Dan Xiatian, and then set off for Luohua. He attended only one opening ceremony and did not wait until the end of the conference.

At the opening ceremony, Dan Xiatian wanted to arrange a prominent position for Feng Jun, but he refused.

Since there are people from the Min Zong Committee and the Taoist Association, he feels that there is no need for him to join in the excitement.

Now Daomen's veins are desperately improving their influence, but Luohua doesn't need this-Feng Jun feels that influence is enough. If there is more, he will have no time to practice.

The reason why he came here was that he wanted to meet his old friend in Daomen, and support Magu Mountain by the way. After all, Luohua and Dan Xiatian have long-term cooperation-Trial of the Secret Realm, Sanshengjiu, etc ...

As for the charity, Luo Hua each donated 100,000 yuan, not the most but definitely a lot.

Then he took Hongjie away, and Ga Zi and Chen Shengwang would stay for another two days.

Feng Jun's car drove to the gate of the mountain and found three cars there. He glanced at it and ignored it, letting the doorman open the door.

The telescopic door just started to move, and a person ran next to him, "Is this Mr. Feng?"

Feng Jun could see at a glance that the other party was a errand, but the other party spoke politely, and he didn't care about his identity. He just nodded slightly. "It's me. Your car is parked farther. This is the doorway. "

He didn't even have interest in asking the other person.

As soon as the door was opened, the man could not help but nodded and said, "Mr Feng, our boss wants to see you."

Feng Jun glanced at him again and said something intentionally, and finally felt that there was no need to embarrass these errands, so he replied casually, "I do n’t have time to see him, what ’s the matter, let him come to me . "

"Yeah," someone next to me did not agree, a middle-aged man in his early thirties came over, and looking at his temperament and style, he knew that it was the kind of unambiguous, and he spoke with a smile, "Boss Feng Big heart ... you do n’t even ask who is looking for you? "

Feng Jun looked at him indifferently, "It's because he found me something, but it's not me looking for him."

After he finished speaking, he drove into the mountain gate and took a look at the rearview mirror to see if the other party dared to cross the mountain gate.

The middle-aged man was anxious and could not help shouting, "Boss Feng, I am here to take care of your crude oil business."

Feng Jun didn't answer at all and drove away slowly.

When he came to the door of the villa and had just stopped the car, Yu Zhiyuan called.

After the last time he hung up the phone of the guy who bought crude oil, he simply asked the secretary to take the private number and use another number. As long as it was a call from the other party, his secretary would refuse.

There is a little bit of claws there, because the crude oil supplied by Yujia is really good, with good oil quality and good price.

In the past twenty days, they have been operating the process of crude oil entry and unloading. They did not take the initiative to contact Yu Zhiyuan, just want to take the Yu family by the way-even if you don't have to rush to sell crude oil, do you have to pay the final payment?

Ever thought that the Yu family did not take the initiative to contact them, and looked at the crude oil after they had been unloaded, they could not help it a little bit-why not give Yu Zhiyuan a call?

Fortunately, Feng Jun wanted to go to the mobile phone plane at this time and let Yu Zhiyuan make a phone call.

There was a trembling immediately, and he was saying that Yu Zhiyuan should be pinched. When he didn't think about it, he talked about it. Yu always hung up the phone.

When I called again, the secretary picked it up, and the leader gave me the phone. Please do not call this number again.

Isn't this nonsense? How could Yu Zhiyuan's private number be given to others?

I called again, and then I scolded the secretary. The secretary hung up the phone without saying anything, and then refused to answer the call.

They understood that the secretary dared to do this, and that was sure that President Yu was angry.

So they contacted Yu Zhiyuan through other channels, but Yu Zhiyuan couldn't take this topic at all.

There is even a project that targets Yujia ’s affiliated companies. They took the initiative to surrender the market, only to see Yu Zhiyuan, but Yu Zhiyuan refused to agree-to participate or not to participate in the bidding, has a penny relationship with me?

They knew that this time Yu Zhiyuan was offended, so they went to Luohua Manor to meet the old man.

Without this background, it is impossible for them to park their cars at the entrance of Luohua Mountain-a large construction site outside the mountain gate is under construction. Yang Yuxin's construction team may let people in casually?

But the gate at Shanmen is different: no one can enter without General Feng ’s permission.

In fact, Yu Lao was contacted here. Yu Lao would not dismantle his son ’s desk, but he was bored and hoped to be respected by others. He did n’t refuse, but he scolded the other party for a long time, saying that he can talk to his son Communicate.

Anyway, the most passive thing in this matter is not Feng Jun, but Yu Zhiyuan.

Yu Zhiyuan hid for a few days, but I didn't expect it was the old man who came out to intercede. He had the urge to drop the phone.

But he can't do this yet, so first call Feng Jun: are you still convenient to sell crude oil?

Feng Jun heard it and wanted to laugh a little, because he did n’t know what happened to the other company, so he could only ridicule a total of two sentences: You are changing very fast ... Ninety days of delivery, no Question?

"It's okay!" Yu Zhiyuan agreed very simply. "Whatever was said at that time, whatever it was, but they all ran to the door of Luohua, and the old man couldn't hide his face, otherwise I wouldn't care."

Feng Jun is not hypocritical with him. "If you talk about it two days later, I will get busy. Now let them quickly count how much crude oil they can receive in ten days, only ten days."

He didn't want to spend all the time on Baili Beach. In the next step, he planned to visit Xiuxian Realm and then return to Zhige Mountain. After all, the emperor was far away from Zhige Mountain, and he could develop freely.

"In ten days ..." Yu Zhiyuan asked with deep thought, "Do you have as many as you want?"

"There are many," Feng Jun replied very positively. "As long as you can get the money, yes, the prepayment needs to be hit ... And, what about the last payment?"

"I will arrange it for you immediately," Yu Zhiyuan answered without hesitation.

This time, the other party's order is really not small. The three tankers have been emptied and can continue to be loaded. There is a crude oil reserve base in Haizhou City that has just emptied its inventory and can receive 1.2 million cubic meters. Crude oil.

The relative density of crude oil in Bailitan is about 7, 1.2 million cubic meters is about 800,000 tons, which is a little higher than the total volume of the three tankers, adding up to more than 1.6 million tons. Feng Jun has to move at least six times.

Feng Jun does not care how many trips he carries. What he cares about is that it is more than 10 billion yuan, so he said very simply, "No problem, but I want the full amount."

Yu Zhiyuan was so angry that he didn't feel angry, and then he dealt with that side. What happened here? "Master Feng Shan, in my impression, you are a man of words, what is going on?"

Feng Jun snorted disdainfully, "Is it my own way? I said that the last payment I paid for the remaining balance was not paid for more than 20 days."

Yu Zhiyuan was a little bit crying and laughing, "You can't inspect the goods when you arrive, and you can't unload them. Do you think such a large tanker is a dump truck, do you think it will be over once the bucket is overturned?"

"It took so long to inspect the goods? It's his business to unload the goods," Feng Jun retorted loudly.

He felt that this was too bullying, "His boat, reduce its own weight, measure its water line, and don't know how much oil? You have to wait for him to unload the goods before settlement ... What if he can't unload the goods for half a year? Is n’t it the end of the customs? "

Yu Zhiyuan said something. He had agreed with Feng Jun before, but even if he put the oil on the tanker, the customs declaration and the like were handled by the other party, and they had nothing to do with the two.

Not even the customs declaration, the unloading is not considered, this logic is no problem.

But in the end, he still sighed, "Oh, my boss Feng, if you buy the goods in US dollars, there may be a possibility of arrears. Use Huaxia coins ... Do you need to care? The currency value is still waiting for you Currency support. "

He knew, however, that Feng Jun had thousands of tons of gold in his hand, and he said that your vision is not necessarily so small, right?

Feng Jun smiled indifferently, "If I don't mention crude oil with you, who knows when they will pay the final payment? If you don't argue, others will think you don't care ... bad mouths, I won't open it, this I did n’t raise the price this time, it was already restrained. "

After Yu Zhiyuan hung up the phone, he nodded stunnedly and mumbled, "Also."

He could feel that Feng Jun did not get into the eyes of money, at least graphene was a mess, and crude oil was cheap, so in the end, he did not want to be controlled by others.

He responded to Feng Jun's request, and there was no temper at all. He said that he wanted to meet Feng Jun to talk about it. As a result, the man was at the door of the manor, and he was not put in.

Lord Feng Shan said that you should talk to Yu Jia about crude oil ~ ~ I am not familiar with this matter.

What do you want to see Yu Lao? Yes, then you can find a way to invite Yu Lao out of the mountain gate-anyway, I will not let in here!

You said you can't go out to be old? That's because you are not used to the old man ... not used to it, what are you doing in my manor?

Anyway, Feng Jun ’s head was too difficult to shave, and he was so angry that he jumped, but he really did n’t dare to break into Luohua—even if the gatekeeper could n’t stop them, Yu Lao ’s security would not agree.

In the end, they still pinched their noses and recognized. They paid the full amount of crude oil for the Haizhou oil storage base in advance and said that they had finished processing before filling the tanker with crude oil.

This time, Feng Jun took Zhang Caixin away. There is no way. Xiaocaixin can use flying instruments, Mirage Bracers and storage bags, but with such a large capacity, it has to be carried four times from the eccentric plane to fill it. She can't do this with the oil tank.

This time there was no problem with the party. Two days later, the other party finished the inspection and called a second payment to let them continue to pour crude oil into the three tankers.

However, this time something went wrong.

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