Big Country Sports

Chapter 524: Dad is back!

When the audience in front of the TV was complaining, Gong Xiaoya's first jump result was finally long overdue. I saw a "18.02m" marked with a prominent big red letter, which directly made the audience who knew the scene and in front of the TV fried!

"Audience friends, a new world record is born! This is a jump in the 21st century!"

Song Shixiong didn't know much about the "triple jump", but at least he knew some basic common sense.

Not to mention that this achievement has created a new world record, just by looking at the sign that the ruler is only 18 meters farthest, you can see how great Gong Xiaoya's jump is!

"Fuck, is this an antelope becoming a sperm? Or a kangaroo becoming a sperm?"

"I think he's a fine spring. Don't you just go up with a spring?"

"No, what's the situation with this ruler? Why is it only 18 meters? Are you looking down on us?"


Although Chinese audiences don't quite know how amazing this jump is, it must have been awesome to break the world record.

The Western media at the scene were a little blue, and a group of people looked at each other in dismay. In the end, they could only sigh and think about how to report after the game, so as to minimize the influence of this jump.

But no matter how you use words to weaken the greatness of this jump, Gong Xiaoya is already the first male triple jumper in history to cross the "18-meter mark".

If the American media can report it like Bob Beamon at the beginning, then this jump can definitely be regarded as a "jump across the century", but unfortunately this is impossible.

"Don't make a fuss, this is my first jump. The long jump and high jump are all more difficult!"

Gong Xiaoya was naturally bragging in public again at this time, but now as long as he is not bragging while drinking Ganges water, the scene can almost be controlled.

Half an hour later, these reporters who watched Gong Xiaoya complete all three test jumps with trepidation finally breathed a sigh of relief, because his last two test jumps were 17.95 meters and 17.77 meters respectively, which was not as good as he said. A jump is stronger than a jump, but a jump is weaker than a jump.

But the embarrassing thing is that such a result cannot be used to belittle, because Gong Xiaoya's three-jump full TM is a result that surpasses the previous world record. The key is that the rest of the athletes did not even jump over 17.50 meters.

"Is the gap too big?"

Everyone was stunned by Gong Xiaoya's dominant performance, and when he thought of his so-called best event is the "110-meter hurdles", many people are already a little afraid to see the 110-meter hurdles competition the day after tomorrow.

After the live broadcast of the "triple jump" of the preliminaries and finals, it will be a semifinal of the "women's 200-meter backstroke".

Chinese audiences have been waiting for this live broadcast for a long time. Now when everyone sees the word "swimming", they have a feeling that the gold medal has been secured.

European and American audiences are a little afraid to watch swimming competitions, because it is the opposite of Chinese audiences. Now when they see the word "swimming", they have a strong premonition of "pill".

But everyone doesn't know that Zhang Tianxin is in a very bad state now. Even if she has rested for two days after the overdraft, her state at this time is a little better than yesterday.

However, this loss also had an effect. Although Zhang Tianxin knew that with her current state, even if she entered the final, she would not be able to win the championship, but she still managed to swim to the best level at the moment, and finally finished eighth in the semi-final. Thrilling to enter the finals.

At this time, even the Chinese audience felt that Zhang Tianxin's state was not right, but they were not allowed to think about it. On the other side, the semi-final of "women's eight-person oars with helmsman" was about to start.

This is the third key event for the Chinese rowing team to rush to gold. At present, the Chinese rowing team has won 1 gold and 1 silver in this Olympic Games.

If they can win this gold medal, then the Chinese rowing team will be eligible to sit in the front row when the foundation will hold the next conference to divide the spoils, and they will not be able to be put in the back row when the body department next allocates funds.

"Why do I think this rowing competition is not as good as dragon boat racing?"

"Yeah, Goryeo Bangzi's flower boxing and embroidered legs can enter the Olympic Games, why can't our dragon boat enter?"


This time the eight-person rowing is more exciting than the four-person and the two-person, but in the eyes of the Chinese audience, it is difficult not to remind them of the dragon boat race that the more the number of people, the higher the similarity.

This eight-member women's team is actually the elite soldiers selected from the dragon boat teams all over the country.

The "Dragon Boat" in the last National Games was included in the official project, and it will become a display project in the next Asian Games held in BJ.

Of course, don't ask why men's teams and women's teams have the same selection method, but why are women's teams who have the strength to make money?

"Because foreign women's groups are too good to bear hardships!"

In fact, Lin Yaodong did not dare to say something, that is, China was doing too well in terms of equality between men and women at this time. Even if it was driven by the West forty years later, China would still lead the world in this regard. It's so good to get the bottom out.

After the eight-member women's team successfully entered the final with the first place in the semifinals, the gold medal in the second rowing event is getting closer and closer to China.

This is also the last game in the morning. After the Chinese audience finished their lunch, most of them chose to give up their nap, because the semi-final of the "Women's 100m" event will start at 1:30 in the afternoon.

Players from all over the world have a lot of criticism about the competition at this time, but Zhang Nianzhen, who has the best skin and the best looks, doesn't think there is any problem. A professional athlete can't even overcome the difficulties of competition time. Besides, she is today The difficulties encountered are more troublesome than in the afternoon game.

"What... I want to ask... If female athletes happen to have a period during the competition, will it affect their state?"

It’s hard to ask who asked this question. Anyway, no one can answer it, because what else can be done, except perseverance, there is only perseverance.

But since someone asked, it is naturally a reason.

Today's Zhang Nianzhen happened to encounter the most embarrassing trouble for this female athlete. Before the start of the game, she could be seen covering her stomach on the field and squatting on the ground from time to time to adjust. Such a warm-up style is out of tune with the players next to her.

But there is no way. Every female athlete has encountered this kind of trouble. It's just a bit unlucky to be in time for the Olympic Games, but there are really few people who will give up the competition because of this.

In addition to China's great attention to this game, the Americans are also very concerned, because their "Butterfly" Joiner and Zhang Nianzhen are in the same group this time.

"The Chinese People's Broadcasting Station, China Central Television, is broadcasting for you the semi-finals of the women's 100-meter trapeze competition. The Chinese player Zhang Nian is really standing in the third round, and the one to her right is the United States nicknamed 'Flower Butterfly'. Joiner, the player who has been ranked No. 1 in the world for the past two years!"

"Okay, the race is about to start, let's cheer for Zhang Nianzhen together... Oh, someone stole the run, this is also an accident that often occurs in track and field competitions, the runners are returning to the starting point, Zhang Nianzhen's face today seems to be confused Great... The gunshots sounded again, and the race started again. This time, the eight runners were very conservative at the start because they were worried that they would be disqualified from the race again... East German star Drexler after the start The speed is very fast, but Joyner is faster, she has already caught up, the American star is amazingly fast, and the advantage is getting bigger and bigger after the lead, there is no doubt that the first place, her score is 10 Seconds 74... Zhang Nianzhen also performed very well, she ran faster and faster in the last 30 meters, and it seemed that she crossed the finish line at the same time as the famous East German player Drexler..."

Song Shixiong explained that he was a little out of breath in the back, who made Joyner's speed so unexplainable, she threw off Zhang Nianzhen and Drexler about five or six positions when she crossed the finish line.

The last 10.74 seconds is also very terrifying. If China can enter the men's sprint national team, even the men's team in this Olympics is enough to run into the semi-finals.

At this time, the live TV footage showed Zhang Nianzhen, who was squatting on the ground after finishing the game, with a very painful expression on her face. Her abnormality seemed to be seen by the director.

This is of course not pretending. No matter how good an athlete's body is, it can't counteract the natural response of menstruation, even a five-star monster can't do it.

At this time, Zhang Nianzhen not only had severe cramps after forcibly finishing the race, but also had a lot of severe abdominal pain, and basically collapsed on the track.

The coaches and team doctors of the Chinese team knew about Zhang Nianzhen's situation before the game.

At this time, the results of all the players were also revealed. Joyner's performance was the best. However, the competition for the second and third places was also fierce. Zhang Nianzhen almost rushed past the East German star Drexler. At the finish line, the audience in front of the TV watched the two replays and couldn't tell the difference.

Fortunately, in this era, there are already electronic scanning equipment to make judgments. Although the accuracy under water is not high enough, the accuracy on ground projects can already reach 0.01 seconds.

In the end, after repeated judgments, Zhang Nianzhen finally crossed the line first with a 0.01 second advantage with a more perfect pressing technique, and her score was 10.98 seconds!

"10.98 seconds! Let's congratulate Zhang Nianzhen, she became the first Chinese female sprinter to break 11 seconds, which is also a new Asian record!"

Seeing this result, Song Shixiong's voice finally became excited, but he didn't use too many words to praise it. After all, this was only the second place in a semi-final, and the first place was really invincible.

Zhang Nianzhen also admitted that Joyner was about to eat herself into a man, and she really couldn't run with her current strength.

Today's game is actually her best result, but this aunt helped her break through the limit.

Of course, this kind of breakthrough is different from Zhang Tianxin, because it has not yet reached the level of overdraft. It is a normal outbreak of a five-star monster. In the future, she is likely to make the level within 11 seconds normal.

It's a pity that Zhang Nianzhen's goal can only be placed on a "medal" even if he can run again in 10 seconds and 9 seconds.

After the unsuspenseful "Women's 100m" semi-final, the Chinese audience turned their attention to the archery field with regret. The 1/16 final of the "Women's Archery Individual Competition" over there has already begun.

The suspense of this game is actually not big. After winning two team championships in a row, the Chinese archery team is in a state of collective explosion!

Now even if you don't count Zhao Ritian, who is generally open, and Li Lingjuan, who is a favorite to win the championship, the state of those teenagers is already hot.

In the morning men's individual Zhao Ritian and another teenager both advanced.

In the women's individual competition in the afternoon, in addition to Li Lingjuan's easy promotion, the other two teenagers also reached the quarterfinals. One of the girls from Sichuan even eliminated South Korea's star player Yin Yingshu by one ring.

This made the entire Nanbang feel like a funeral, because there were three Chinese players in the women's archery top eight at this time, but only two players from South Korea were left.

But the most infuriating blow came from Zhao Ritian, the star of the Chinese men's archery team, who appeared in the women's team in the afternoon to cheer for his teammates.

This is a normal situation, but after the game, a Japanese reporter asked Zhao Ritian in front of the stick: "This Olympics, the Chinese archery team has the opportunity to complete the archery project, but this project has always been dominated by South Korea is regarded as the image of the country and nation, and they do have a good dominance in this project, how did you drive them off the throne?"

When Zhao Ritian heard this, he immediately became spirited, and directly in front of the host, he replied in Chinese: "There are no heroes, so Shuzi became famous!"

Of course, what he said did not mean that "there are no heroes in the era, and the unknown people become heroes." Although this is not a problem, but combined with the new China, it did not return to the Olympic Games until 1984, so the meaning of this sentence is obviously the same as " There are no tigers in the mountains, the monkey is called the king" is closer.

As for whether the Japanese can translate, Zhao Ritian doesn't really worry about it. If it really doesn't work, he can directly say to the footpen chicken: "If you can't translate, I can teach you!"

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