Big Country Sports

Chapter 514: 1 hated, 1 popular

In the afternoon, the 1/8 finals of the "Men's Table Tennis Singles" and the finals of the "Men's Archery Team Competition", which was delayed by a day, all started one after another.

"Good guy, why do you have a blue nose and a swollen face?"

When the Chinese audience jumped on and off the stage, they were surprised to find that no matter the little devil or the little stick, why did they all have the virtues of giant pandas?

Of course, they didn't know what happened in the restaurant at noon. Those who would go to the restaurant to eat were basically players who had games in the afternoon.

These people can't just watch their leaders and coaches do it, so this moment has become a virtue.

"If you want to achieve great things, you must be low-key, restrained, and restrained!"

What Zhao Ritian said in the pre-match interview goes against the content, but what he wants is to provoke and disgust the opponent, so there is no problem.

At this time, the stick was very restrained, and even the media chose to put up with it. Quan Dang didn't hear it.

They can't do anything either. There have been a lot of fights in the past two days. If there is a conflict with the Chinese players, isn't that the possession of Mr. Card?

If you look carefully, you can even find some bloodstains that are not completely cleaned up on the lawn at the edge of the archery range. If you lie down, you might even be able to find the brains. Jacqueline must come and give a like!

In fact, a British reporter found a shell left at the scene, which was the iconic 0.45acp shell used by the m1911.

So let's think boldly, what happened here that must be hidden during the total blockade time from yesterday afternoon to midnight?

At this time, a cold trail across the sky interrupted the thoughts of many people present, and then there were bursts of exclamations representing different meanings!

"10 rings!"

"Two 10 rings!"

"He is really... a hundred paces through Yang!"


Zhao Ritian made his first appearance in the first two rounds of the first set of arrows. As a result, he used the fastest speed among the four participating teams to shoot two full circle points.

The pressure brought by these two arrows was really too much for the players of the other three teams.

In addition, the stick players don't know why, as soon as they came to the scene today, they felt that there were countless grievances floating around them, crying and complaining. It was obviously a sunny afternoon in the summer, but they felt cold all over.

At this time, coupled with the big fight at noon, although no one of them was injured, it was difficult for them to calm down.

In addition, the pressure from the real masters almost became the last straw that broke them.

The end result of these kinds of negative influences is that after the U.S. team was hacked, the men's stick archery team, which had no opponents, only achieved 50 rings with the six arrows in the first group.

Inspired by Zhao Ritian's first two arrows, the Chinese team led the two teenagers to perform at a super-level, and then the four arrows scored 9th, 10th, 8th, and 10th respectively.

After the four teams completed the first set of arrows, the Chinese team, which could only be regarded as the third seed, actually ranked first with 57 rings.

The British team and Spain ranked second and third with 54 and 53, respectively. Instead, they used dirty means to hack the American team, and they ranked last after the first group.

This situation made the audience at the scene unable to sit still. A group of people stretched out their hands to take something out of their pockets, but after trying in vain, nothing came out.

When Wu Jie and others saw this scene in the live broadcast of the system, they naturally burst into laughter.

Of course, they know why these people can't take out anything. Today's entry inspection is more stringent than before. It is much stronger than the airport security inspection, especially for things like laser pointers. There is absolutely zero tolerance. As long as you find someone with a pen, you will be blasted out, and you will not even be allowed to enter the venue.

Therefore, there are thousands of empty seats at the competition site today. It can be seen that the moral education of the stick has really failed to keep up with the strength supported by the United States. At this time, the Blue House can't wait to pull this group of people out to shoot!

Zhao Ritian was not afraid of harassment. He shot the first two rounds of the second set of arrows. As a result, the two arrows hit the bullseye again, instantly releasing endless pressure on the players from the other three countries.

The sticks don't need this kind of method in the archery project, but the problem is that they can't afford to lose from top to bottom. That kind of mentality is much more serious than the future Chinese people can't bear the failure of table tennis.

This huge pressure also made the Bangzi men's team a little overwhelmed. The key point is that they were still wearing several debuffs. At this time, even the audience began to curse "Axi".

So many negative factors made them unable to bear it any longer, and the three players still performed abnormally in the following games.

After the second group of arrows was shot, the stick was not only in the last position, but they also only achieved the amateur score of 99 rings.

However, under the leadership of Zhao Ritian, the Chinese team secured the victory with a score of 115 in the first half.

At this time, everyone knows that under the leadership of Zhao Ritian, the Chinese team has such a big advantage, and the probability of overturning in the second half is only a theoretical possibility.

Chinese viewers have turned their channels to the table tennis arena one after another, and then found that Ma Wenge, who was not in very good condition, was beating the Japanese player with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

"No, why do the players from Japan and Bangzi all have blue noses and swollen faces?"

"Is this intentional? New fashion abroad?"

"I think they just finished a boxing match!"


At this time, a joke made by many Chinese audiences actually guessed the truth.

The two sides really just had a boxing fight, and it was a big scuffle with no limit to the number of people.

The Japanese table tennis is far inferior to the middle club. At noon, because of the excessive secretion of hormones, dopamine, adrenaline and other things in advance, the state has entered a low zone, and of course there is no way to fight back against the Chinese players. The first game was already abused by 21:3, and the second game seemed to be another hanging fight.

There is really no suspense in this kind of competition. After half an hour, the two competitions have entered the post-match interview session, and at this time, it can be seen whether a player is a real genius.

Ma Wenge's post-match interview was basically a routine, but it was stumbling and stumbling, and even the translation was interrupted. In short, it was very embarrassing to watch.

But as soon as the picture turned to Zhao Ritian's side, it immediately changed to another style of painting.

"Today, the players from the Republic of Korea failed because of an accident. Do you feel that you have been favored by the goddess of luck?"

Naturally, this was an interview with Bangzi Media. They thought that the Bangzi men's team would lose the game today. It was completely affected by the Japanese pirates at noon. Damn it!

"I don't think so. There is no such thing as a failure on the field. How can you fail when you are ready? The final result is your true level. Those who can't afford to lose are not worthy of winning from the beginning!"

Zhao Ritian is the type who doesn't leave any steps for others at all, so after receiving the malicious intent of the other party, it's either you or me.

This kind of character makes him not liked in the eyes of the leaders, because this guy dares to even swear by a colon, it really fits his name perfectly.

The stick at the scene was attacked on the spot to break the defense, but before they could counterattack, it was shot into pieces by Zhao Ritian's next answer.

This question was asked by a Japanese reporter. In fact, it was to ask why he performed so well today, and did he think of something happy?

As soon as Zhao Ritian heard this question, his heart naturally blossomed, and he immediately took a deep breath, showing an expression of incomparable enjoyment, and said, "The air here is far inferior to that of the prairie, but there is a thick **** smell. Flavor, I love the euphoric flavor because it's either suffocating or powerful!"

These bang media only know a little about what happened last night, but they can guess that there must have been a large-scale bloodshed, and most of the blood that shed was the blood of their bangs, otherwise how could Dad be willing to triumph Woolen cloth.

So when they heard Zhao Ritian's words, they didn't know if they meant something else. Or that this **** from the prairie can really smell the blood in the air?

But no matter what kind of possibility it was, they looked at Zhao Ritian with a bit of trepidation, especially when they thought about the incident of "fighting wolves alone" that this guy always mentioned, they didn't have the courage to face each other.

The Chinese delegation won another precious gold medal in the archery event, but the gap with the Soviet Union is still one, but the final of the "Men's 50m Freestyle" is about to begin.

This was the last competition Shen Lang participated in this Olympic Games. At this time, not only did the Western media reiterate that "the Chinese delegation's gold medals were all won by swimming", in fact, the Chinese media also believed that they could be on an equal footing with the Soviet Union in the first half. Lang and Zhang Tianyun take half of the credit here.

In the future, if Shen Lang chooses to work in the body department instead of doing business after retiring, even if Wu Jie wants to compete for the first brother, in the end, he might not be as important as the gold medal in that room.

"The Chinese People's Broadcasting Station, CCTV, is now broadcasting the final of the men's 50-meter freestyle for you."

"If the 100m is the most competitive flying competition in track and field, then the men's 50m freestyle is the most competitive flying fish competition in swimming."

"The fifth track today is Shen Lang, who has won nine gold medals in this Olympic Games. We all know that nothing in this world is perfect, but today's Shen Lang is to challenge a flawless Olympic journey. ."

"He also said in an interview before the game that there are no perfect people in this world, but there are always people who will work hard to be This is very philosophical, then let us do it for him Applaud for his persistence in pursuit of perfection, today he is not alone fighting for his dream in Seoul, behind him there are a billion beating hearts."

Song Shixiong did a good job of foreplay, and he did arouse the emotions of the audience who were watching or listening to the game.

"Okay, the game has started, Shen Lang's starting reaction and entering the water are the same as always... Well, this time he is the last to enter the water, because he jumped too far, this is the first time I have seen him jump like this Far away... Shen Lang's underwater dolphin legs are still flawless. After all the runners have swam up, he has no doubt been ahead by half a position... Shen Lang started to accelerate, and the 50-meter race had no return. There is no need to keep physical strength, unless someone wants to save the strength to break their own record next time... Okay, only the last 15 meters are left. Unfortunately, there is no suspense. At this time, Shen Lang is already ahead of the second place. Two positions... The last five meters, another unsuspenseful event, he is rushing towards the finish line with a distance that exceeds his world record line by half a position... 21.85 seconds! This is not so perfect New world records and new Olympic records!"

Song Shixiong didn't say anything at the end, that is: "He slowed down again! I can see it clearly! He has stopped acting at all!"

Shen Lang really stopped acting. His new record this time was like pinching a timer. It was just 0.2 seconds faster, and it happened to be within 22 seconds.

Now many people can predict his next time at the World Championships. It will definitely be around 21.60 seconds, but he will never swim to 21.50 seconds, because this milestone will not be broken until the next competition.

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