Big Country Sports

Chapter 443: The classics will be passed on forever

"The ball flies all the way to the stands. If it doesn't explode, it must go out of bounds. Of course it must be out of bounds!"

"Have you never seen the alien elevator ball? If it doesn't explode, it will suddenly turn down. Who can block such a terrifying force?

"Yes, this ball should be counted!"

"Joke, how can you be sure that the football will fall? It's not that the alien's elevator ball has not missed!"

"That's right, the alien's so-called elevator ball only has a career goal rate of 19% on set kicks, and it barely scores five penalties. It's not that magical at all!"

"A good one is only 19%. If I remember correctly, only one player in Europe has a goal rate of more than 20% among players who have scored more than 10 direct free kicks this season. That is a Chinese goalkeeper!"


The fans on both sides began to talk and talk, no one noticed that the referee quietly picked up the whistle that fell on the ground, but there was no embarrassment under the wry smile.

This was the first time he encountered such an unprecedented thing.

But how to deal with it is not difficult. Direct "heavy punishment" is the least controversial choice!

Such a penalty may not meet the regulations, but it must be a result that both fans can reluctantly accept.

"Severe punishment is severe!"

After Wu Jie heard the severe punishment, his face was obviously reluctant, but he snickered in his heart.

Except that he didn't expect to kick the ball, he knew that he had a flaw. If the football didn't explode, it would be a proper anti-aircraft gun!

Real Madrid players are relatively calm. They don’t know that Wu Jie’s kick was flawed. From their point of view, not only is the strength of this ball terrifying, but football has also undergone a disorderly change from the beginning. Camacho is even scared. Below, there was the illusion that the football jumped side-to-side during the flight.

Wu Jie happened to see Camacho's frightened expression at this time, and he had an idea in his heart, and immediately stepped back 20 meters, apparently intending to do it again intact.

The Real Madrid players were extremely panicked upon seeing this, and Camacho almost collapsed. He didn't want to experience this kind of shot that could blow up football again!

"We can see that the faces of Real Madrid players are very ugly, they must be full of fear, which reminds me of Hitchcock's classic dialogue: explosions are not scary, wait for the explosion to be scary!"

"A smart move, this is a kind of psychological warfare. The aliens are just destroying the courage of their opponents and making them lose confidence in confrontation!"

"Now is the time when courage is most needed. Our players should know that the beauty of fear is-when you run towards it, it will run away, so you must not back down and avoid it!"


Spain’s commentary made the fans of the country unable to help but vomit. This is a terrifying force that can blow up football. It is convenient for you to use your mouth. But the players of Real Madrid on the field, especially the players of the platoon wall, are all there. Faced with the risk of being a martyr at any time, it would be the greatest courage for them to stand still.

At this time, Chen Haonan made a move that made the Spanish fans like it. He, the core who never needed to go to the wall, actually walked to Camacho and patted him on the shoulder, and then asked him to stand on the side. , Chen Haonan himself stood in Camacho's original position.

This move made Chen Haonan reap the applause of Real Madrid fans, but Camacho was not grateful after reacting, because it was tantamount to directly exposing his embarrassment to the world.

He could hide it in a low-key way. Didn't Chen Haonan expose him by doing this?

Besides, would Wu Jie let him go if he changed his position?

Of course it won't. Wu Jie's terrifying eyes moved completely following his position, making it clear that it was aimed at him.

Camacho soon understood that unless he did not line up the wall, he would not be able to avoid the nuclear bomb fired by the aliens!

"Fuck, originally there were only aliens staring at me, but now it's fine, the whole world is looking at me, this TM is going to **** me!"

The more Camacho was stared at, the more afraid he became, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became!

Chen Haonan is here to protect him, this is to put him on the stage!

At this moment, Camacho's anger towards the Chinese can be said to be endless, but after seeing Wu Jie re-enact the football to his face again, all his emotions instantly turned into survival instincts.

Fans all over the world have seen Camacho at the same moment when Wu Jie shoots, he actually made a completely opposite action to his teammates. Not only did he not bravely jump up and defend his goal with flesh and blood, but on the contrary, his knees softened and made a move The squatting escape posture!

This action is too conspicuous in comparison. The Real Madrid players who make up the wall beside him didn't actually jump much, but the overall posture was soaring upwards.

Camacho was in a diametrically opposite downward avoidance posture. Although he was only slightly bent on his knees, under the premise that the eyes of the whole world were on him, this contrast made him too conspicuous!

"Haha, I didn't make it, I didn't make it!"

"This is not the point. The point is that Camacho hid. He actually hid?"

"No, this is not hiding, this is kneeling!"

"Coward, where's your knee?"

"Spanish football was almost destroyed by you alone!"

"Hang him! Hang him!"


Real Madrid fans, or Spanish fans, are angry at this moment!

If it wasn't for Wu Jie's shot missed, maybe someone really wants to rush to the court to try Camacho, the coward.

Camacho feels wronged, how dare he block this kind of ball?

At that time, avoiding is the survival instinct of normal human beings. Is it really necessary to be a martyr?

Wu Jie didn't use the elevator ball for his shot this time, nor did he use the banana ball and deciduous ball. It was the simplest way to make a miracle vigorously. The strength alone was one point stronger than the previous shot.

Such a horrifying murderous artillery shot against Camacho's scalp and went straight to the left side of the goal. The most terrifying thing was that there was almost no arc in the whole process, but the speed was so fast that even the camera could not capture the trajectory.

The Spanish fans felt that Camacho just had to jump a little bit, even if he didn't bend his knees, the ball would be stopped by his forehead.

Or, Camacho didn't stand here at all, they handed the left area of ​​the goal to the goalkeeper guard in advance, then this kind of shot with only strength and speed may be stopped by the goalkeeper with his body.

But before Sanchez stood closer to the right side of the goal, let alone blocking the shells with his body, he didn't even have a reaction to moving his footsteps. When Sanchez turned around, he could only see the billboard behind the goal that was whistling. The heavy shells are knocked down!

At this time, even he thought that this kick made his unresponsive shot missed!

Camacho also has a fluke of not dying, regardless of how embarrassing the fans' ideas are for him, but the goal is really to be scored because of his bow. In the future, he will be completely nailed to the stigma of Spanish football. , Maybe it's really going to be burned to death by extreme fans.

At this time, the live broadcast first gave the audience a shot, and saw Arsenal fans hugged their heads and sighed, but what was embarrassing was that Real Madrid fans also hugged their heads and exclaimed. It can be seen that the ball is really scary!

"Look, what are the aliens doing?"

"He... is he celebrating?"

"Although this "Alien Somersault" is domineering, is he lunatic?"

"Wait, why did Sanchez kneel?"

"Damn, Sabido and Jindo are also kneeling down!"

"Asshole, do you want to be burned to death?"


The weirdness of Wu Jie's ball is not only these. Soon fans will see Real Madrid players holding their heads one by one with a ghostly expression, or simply kneel down with an expression of aliens.

The Arsenal players also had an incredible look on their faces, and then showed religious fanaticism one by one, and rushed towards Wu Jie, who had just made two of the most dangerous action "alien somersaults" in football.

The fans on the scene and in front of the TV were a little dazed, until they saw the slow-motion replay that was late, they turned into a dull expression.

Wu Jie's real "tiger shooting", most of the mobile cameras did not catch up at that time, but finally a few fixed cameras completed the shooting task.

So everyone can see that the poor football is still like a hazy white light in the lens that has been slowed down several times. It can be seen how powerful this ball is.

In the next scene, everyone finally knows why Real Madrid players can’t help but kneel down. They saw the comic-style shot on TV that didn’t look like a human kick. First, it flew in directly from the left side of the goal at the speed of light, and it happened with the net. After a short reaction like nuclear fusion, he couldn't bear such an astonishing force, and it was as if a big hole was melted by a high temperature of ten thousand degrees in an instant.

The fans on the scene and in front of the TV initially thought that this was the reason why the goal was not scored. After the goal net was penetrated by the football, the trend remained unabated, and the billboard behind the goal was knocked down before it fell to the ground.

If this process is not replayed in slow motion, it is really like hitting a billboard behind the goal after being shot crookedly.

"This... is this a real shot?"

"Football can be kicked and the net can be penetrated! It turns out that "Captain Tsubasa" really didn't lie to me!"

"I don't believe it, how can a football be kicked? How can a net be penetrated? These are all hallucinations!"

"How could this happen? First played football and then penetrated the net. Is this making a movie or am I watching anime?"

"It must be a quality problem. The Swiss stadium is too tofu!?"



At this moment, fans all over Europe, and even the whole world, gave birth to "Captain Tsubasa" for the first time without deceptive thoughts.

Wu Jie's "tiger shot" is a bit exaggerated even if it is put in the comics, but the venue that appears today is the real UEFA Champions League final, so "Captain Tsubasa" is really not a lie?

"Maybe it's really a quality problem!"

This time Wu Jie did not show any unexpected expressions. Although he did not know that he had shot a football more than once in a football match in his previous life, he still knew that Ronaldo shot through the net. , So in his eyes "shooting through the net" is much simpler than "playing football."

This time, Wu Jie rushed to shoot through the net for the purpose, because he felt that since he could shoot football, it should be no problem to shoot through the net!

Camacho's avoidance is also within his calculations, because he doesn't believe that anyone would dare to use a physical body to intercept his power-only shot, or even he himself would not dare.

Now his goal has been achieved, but Wu Jie also knows in his heart that if it is really a quality goal net, he will probably not be able to shoot it through.

Fortunately, the new turf quality of the "Fan Köndorf Stadium" today is good, but the lack of maintenance of the goal has not been replaced and maintained. This has enabled him to create a "classic of the century".

Now Wu Jie is very clear that his two-foot shot will inevitably become the greatest performance in football history, and his goal will also become a new label for aliens to pass on forever.

After all, such a great shot has given the "European swan song" great significance. I am afraid that after a hundred years, European fans will not forget such an eternal classic!

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