Big Country Sports

Chapter 398: Game of the underworld

   "I know you will intervene in the game, but is it worth the cost of a refereeing career?"

   Wu Jie naturally wouldn't say a word this time, and immediately stepped forward to put pressure on the Swedish referee.

   At this moment, the referee is under pressure, but he is not worried that his career will go wrong.

   First, he confiscated the money at all and did not participate in the periphery.

   The most important thing is that all this behavior comes from the suggestion of FIFA senior officials.

   So even if you will be criticized after the game, I believe the matter will not be too much, because both FIFA and the Western media will definitely deal with this kind of matter as coldly as possible.

Let’s put it this way, as long as FIFA protects it and Western media do not report it uniformly, no one except the Chinese will hold on to the game. Fans will soon forget how dirty the World Cup finals are, even Happy to see the Chinese team unfortunately.

   These enthusiasm made the referee warn Wu Jie to pay attention to his words and deeds, otherwise he would be sentenced next time.

   Wu Jie was prepared in his heart, but at this time he was still very angry.

   But he knows that this **** can say it, and he can do it.

   In this final, the referee was obviously going to grab the show, and they also learned that the semi-final shot was too slow, resulting in not having time to kill the Chinese team before the French surrendered. Today, they came up to the Chinese team without concealment.

   Now it seems that they have taken a series of shots before the game and still failed to achieve real results, but who will let the right to speak not in their hands.

   Wu Jie knows that this final is no longer a pure football match, it is a contest of race, culture, politics, and ideology.

   The Chinese should be backward in everything in the eyes of Westerners. At most, you are allowed to have a sense of presence in certain areas of insufficient influence. This is because Westerners themselves do not pay attention to it.

   But football is never in this ranks, this is the world's number one sport.

   If the Chinese were to win the World Cup, wouldn’t it mean that the Chinese have athletic talent that is not inferior to that of the whites?

   Doesn’t that mean that some Chinese systems, at least in sports, can be as good as the West?

   This is of course an unacceptable result. The Chinese cannot succeed with their own methods, even football.

   So even if this final is shameless, many people will not allow the Chinese to win.

  The Chinese players didn't think so much, but they were prepared to fight with Argentina and four referees at the same time. They even wrote the script of the fight.

The scene that quickly made FIFA face-sweeping took place in front of the Chinese team. Lin Yaodong raised the sleeves of his arms. The English abbreviations for "offside" and "invalid goal" were written on it. .

   This is too slapped, and the Argentine fans in front of the TV suddenly stopped making a sound!

   "This ball is for you!"

   "Is one ball enough? Can I give another one if it is not enough!"

   "Come on, Mr. Referee, you are our opponent today, the brand and photos are ready for you!"


   But it was not only Lin Yaodong who slapped the face, but the only 20,000 yellow faces in the "Aztec Stadium" raised the pre-written banners and pictorials at this moment.

   It is also full of unpredictable prophets, such as "offside", "invalid goal", "penalty", "red card", "double mark" and other words written early on.

  Of course, the fans who raised the cards are members of the "ET House" everywhere. As for the so-called "unexplored prophet", it is not difficult to understand, because the referees have to play tricks, and there are only a few ways to count.

   Lin Yaodong wrote mocking words on different parts of his body, as long as it was revealed according to the situation on the spot.

   Doing this is to make things bigger. Even if the media handles it coldly afterwards, they have to find ways to make more noise during the game, while leaving a greater response, but also to leave a deeper impression.

   There is no other way!

  They can't engage in a "non-resistance policy", right?

  The referee will definitely be more unscrupulous!

   They must make these people aware of the consequences of tearing their faces. If FIFA really wants the World Cup to be covered with an unwashable stain, then let the black whistle come more violently.

This kind of limit is exchanged for one, Wu Jie even thinks that it is more cost-effective than winning the championship, because the "World Cup" itself will be buried with them. At that time, "Chinese football" will be forced to become the only one. From then on, the world will only There are Chinese teams and foreign teams.


   At this time, the ball on the court was converted, and the Argentina team, especially Maradona, after experiencing a real escape from the dead, inevitably became restrained.

   This is a normal state with lingering fears. On the other hand, the Chinese team turned their anger into murderous, and launched a fierce attack whenever they had the opportunity.

   This kind of performance in the eyes of neutral fans is naturally a performance of the strong and the weak, and the weak side is the Argentina team.

   The Argentines themselves accepted this setting unknowingly. Maybe they thought that everyone was evenly matched before the game, but after the start of the game, the Argentine team immediately fought back defensively.

   This is definitely not a good choice for Argentina. Their overall defense is not good, and the Chinese team is not afraid of counterattacks.

   On the contrary, they want their opponents to fight like this, because the offense under the defensive counterattack will certainly not invest much force, just to show the ability of strangling under the chain defense.

The situation in Argentina is even worse. The Chinese team was originally defending against Maradona, but now they don’t have enough offenses, so it is not just the threat of halving, and it is almost impossible to form a defense against the Chinese team. Threatened.

   Ten minutes before the first half, it was basically the Chinese team's fierce attack and Argentina's defending situation. Even the referee's frequent shots could not stop the Argentine's decline.

   In the 11th minute, the Chinese team once again found a chance to break through the continuous pass in front of the penalty area.

   This time Wu Jie received a pass in the penalty area. The Argentine player could only take the risk of shoveling, and he naturally kicked Wu Jie in the leg.

   If you ask Wu Jie that he didn’t perform when he fell, of course there are some. You can’t get a shovel for a penalty kick, right?

   Wu Jie thinks that he can score a full mark when he fell to the ground this time, because he not only relieved his strength in time when he was shoveled, but also revealed an angle that was easy for the referee and the camera to observe.

   But unfortunately, the Swedish referee said that he had just been invaded and he was just in the state of restarting the prosthetic eye.

   Such an obvious foul, he·end·full·look·no·see!

   This is considered to be a face to the aliens, otherwise you will be sentenced to a flop and a yellow card, what can you do?

  Neutral fans from all over the world couldn't help covering their faces at this time. It's a bit shameless to look so dirty!

   The Argentine fans were excited because their best opportunity so far finally appeared.

   Although the Chinese players are prepared for this kind of underworld penalty, they still didn't expect the referee to have such a thick skin, and the Argentines finally found a chance with a stunned effort.

   After ten minutes of silence, Maradona finally showed the top breakthrough level.

   Chen Haonan did not lose his position. He always paid attention to Maradona when the team attacked.

   This time Argentina launched a counterattack, and he immediately clung to Maradona's side.

However, Maradona's breakthrough strength lies in his super balance ability. Even under Chen Haonan's close defense, he still uses his sturdy lower limbs to perform extreme movements that are different from ordinary people, and even demonstrates a strong attack. Sex.

   Chen Haonan squeezed against Maradona continuously, and was about to lose his defensive position, so he could only choose to shovel him to the ground.

   But he did not expect that after Maradona was knocked down, not only would he still keep the football under his feet, he could even climb up in seconds and continue to break through.

   Chen Haonan got up but was a beat slower, and Maradona got rid of this moment of jet lag.

   The Chinese fans in front of TV did not feel scared. They had seen Zhen Aiguo's defense in time, and through physical confrontation, the Argentine dwarf who had just gotten up again hit him on his back.

The Swedish referee was about to blow his whistle at this time, but he did not expect that Maradona, who was overturned to the ground again, actually picked the ball out in the midst of a flip, and quickly climbed up again like an unbeatable Xiaoqiang and continued. Towards the Chinese team's halftime charge.

   The Chinese fans became scared. Although the delay caused their back line to return to the defensive position, the Argentine offensive players also rushed up. This wave is really dangerous.

The most important thing is that this Xiaoqiang No. 10 is unexpectedly difficult. After being overturned twice, he still stubbornly climbed up and took the ball to break through, and then he was still stumbling back and shoveling. Gu Guangming suddenly stopped and turned and flashed clean.

   Jia Xiuquan had to come up to make up at this time. He knew Maradona's ability very well. When making up defense, he specially reserved a large buffer for himself to prevent being accelerated by the opponent.

   But such sufficient preparation still failed to prevent the opponent from forming a threat.

   After Maradona drove the ball into the hinterland of the Chinese team, he accelerated again to break through the penalty area, as if he was going to beat Jia Xiuquan.

   Jia Xiuquan couldn't retreat before retreating to the restricted area, and could only come up to intercept.

Maradona did not really dribble the ball into the penalty area. He has already seen that the Chinese team's defense line has shrunk into the penalty area, leaving him with a very small gap to break through. It is unwise to get in this way, and he may not be able to shoot long shots. Break through Lin Yaodong's ten fingers.

   So he chose to pass the ball wisely. The Chinese team's defense also thought of this possibility, but no one could intercept this extremely tricky master pass.

"Diego's amazing breakthrough in a long-distance rush of 50 meters, we can see that he is like a tumbler. Even if he falls on the ground, he can quickly restore his balance and continue to maintain high-speed dribbling. It is almost like performing acrobatics. No wonder he dared to attack after the opening. The entire line of defense of the Chinese team, this time he really penetrated the entire line of defense of the Chinese team."

"Look, Diego passed the ball. This is a wonderful pass that God wants to make. The 31-year-old Real Madrid center Valdano received this pass that made the Chinese pee his pants before the small penalty area. He now has A chance to shoot from close range, we all know that such a shot from Baldano is impossible..."

   "Lin Yaodong!!! An incredible save! He was like a swift cheetah on the goal line, turning into a flash of lightning to save Valdano's close shot!"

  The Argentine commentator on the scene hadn’t finished shouting, and I heard the Chinese commentator next door shouting out the scene that Argentines least want to see.

   Lin Yaodong used an extreme fall to save in front of the goal, and successfully threw the ball out in front of the goal line.

   Jiang Wei got the football that was saved by Lin Yaodong in his penalty area and hurriedly turned around to kick the ball off the sideline.

   "Can't let him take the ball more, let alone let him rush up, this guy's balance ability is too terrifying, can't give him a chance to play."

   Wu Jie was also taken aback. They were scored by Maradona in the mock match, but they were almost beaten today.

   Chen Haonan was now indicating to his teammates that it was his problem, but Wu Jie knew that the ball was not his problem.

   This kind of ball is not easy to defend against anyone, even two people may not be able to defend it, Maradona can be like a tumbler in a high-speed breakthrough, even if it falls, it can quickly get up.

   So the best defensive method against Maradona is to prevent him from having the opportunity to easily take the ball and break through, that is, he must start blocking without the ball.

   Maradona’s wonderful performance soon became a topic of interest for commentators in various countries.

   The Chinese fans are not happy, because Maradona can get the opportunity to perform this time, it is entirely because the referee is dead.

  Wu Jie was supposed to get a penalty just now, but the referee turned a blind eye, otherwise, how could Maradona follow?

   But with Maradona’s personal performance this time, the morale of the Argentine team has finally begun to recover, and the overall performance has begun to pick up. Finally, they can see their continuous passing cooperation in the frontcourt.

   The Chinese team has not been affected much. They still have the advantage through targeted defense. It will be difficult for Maradona to get this kind of opportunity afterwards.

   In the 18th minute, the Chinese team once again played skilled cooperation. This time they used the frontcourt to cooperate many times and not only sent the ball into the penalty area again, but also Yang Shuhua, who was not under high defensive pressure, completed the shot.

This time, Argentine goalkeeper Pompido made a wonderful save, but the Chinese team used this continuous pass and cooperated to score the ball into the penalty area and form a shot, which still made people see their advantage on the field. The Argentine Haven't played a similar offense yet.

   It is indeed difficult for Argentina to stage the offense that they were good at. After the last surprise, Maradona fell silent under the care of the Chinese team.

   This makes Argentina's offense always stalled in the middle, because they can't find a way to pass the ball to the arrow figure.

This situation can be seen in the eyes of the fans, that is, Argentina tends to hesitate after passing the ball to the frontcourt when attacking, and the more they attack, the more they are at a loss, and they are finally forced to cross or pass back in confusion. It is difficult to truly threaten the goal of the Chinese team.

At this time, many neutral fans saw that the Argentine players wanted to pass the ball to Maradona, but this Argentine core was surrounded by layers of Chinese players, and there was no chance of catching the ball easily within 40 meters of the goal. .

  In this case, we should think of something other than Maradona. Since the Chinese team's defensive focus is on him, can't others come forward?

   When the Chinese team attacked just now, the Argentines also sent three people to besieged the aliens. The Chinese team wisely transferred the ball to Yang Shuhua, who was let go, and the young forward finished the shot.

   Now Argentina’s defense dare not let go of this young forward too much, because Yang Shuhua’s shot almost broke the Argentine goal just now. Doesn’t this mean that it indirectly helped Wu Jie attract defensive pressure?

   But this is not the tactical style of the Argentines. The tactical system that Vilardo created for Argentina must pass through the core connection to operate normally.

   These Argentine players are also accustomed to finding opportunities through Maradona's omnipotent personal ability. The key is that no team can block Maradona like the Chinese team.

   Now Maradona is actually sealed, let them use offense to reduce Maradona's pressure, which is a little wondering how to play.

   Maradona himself is also very anxious, but the Chinese team has attacked him from the ball without the ball, especially that Chen Haonan is too difficult, which makes it difficult for him to play.

   The most depressing thing is that the Chinese team did not pay too much for this. They used a wide range of runs to make up for the defensive gaps in the defense of Maradona.

   This is the benefit of physical fitness. The running distance of the Chinese players on the court today, especially the running enthusiasm, is obviously higher than that of the Argentines.

   The Chinese players stabilized the defense by running at all costs, and then naturally waited for Wu Jie's personal performance.

   In this regard, they have the same tunes as Argentina. They also need to have the head star as an arrow figure for the whole team to successfully launch the offensive.

   The Chinese team used two people to limit Maradona, and Argentina actually used two people to defend Wu Jie for a long time.

   But the effects on the two sides are not the same. Wu Jie obviously poses a lot more threats than Maradona, even under the care of the referee.

   In the 25th minute of the first half, Wu Jie showed an ability far beyond Maradona.

   In this offense, he only touched the ball before the shot. He used erratic moves throughout the entire process to obtain offensive opportunities. In the end, he used his superb running ability to find the opportunity to catch the ball.

   But it's a pity that this time the shot was a little far away, and the ball flew out of bounds against the beam.

   But this offense has shown everyone that Wu Jie is better than Maradona. He is obviously more threatening in running without the ball.

   Soon after, Wu Jie also staged a tumbler-like breakthrough.

   But unlike Maradona who relies on lower limb strength, monster-level acceleration and balance, and historical-level dodge and quick rise, Wu Jie's natural tonnage advantage allows him to forcibly carry two defensive players on the court.

   This time he almost broke the Argentine's defense with a "running back" method, completely using his speed and strong body to open a way for himself.

   But when he was about to shoot before rushing to the penalty area, the referee directly destroyed the violent aesthetic attack with a whistle.

   At this moment, the referee naturally became the focus on the court again, and saw him make a vivid "push" action, which means that Wu Jie made a push when he broke through.

   This is not complete nonsense, Wu Jie does have a "pull" movement when breaking through. This is also his habitual movement in confrontation.

The problem is that this is not his habit alone. This action is too common on the football field. Even if the penalty is judged on the scale of thirty years later, as long as the offensive player does not deliberately elbow, the push action is not too excessive. A foul may be fined.

   Now the fans who are not blind can see that, today these referees from Sweden are clearly trying to blow the Chinese team to the runner-up position. They are still the kind of undisguised.

   But at this moment, in addition to the Chinese fans, there are also those gamblers who have spent money swearing, and the rest of the fans are silent.

   The Argentine players have long discovered that today's scale cannot be more beneficial to them. Garley and Batista's push action when defending Wu Jie just now was actually more obvious, but in the end it was the offensive who should be punished.

   So what should I do next, should I still use someone else to teach it?

   The actions of the Argentine players began to rapidly develop in the direction of brutalization.

   But what makes the Chinese fans angry is that the Argentine players can shovel from behind, they can shovel their shoes when they tackle the ball, they can unceremoniously push people and pull their shirts...

   But as long as the Chinese players make a similar counterattack, it must be the Chinese players who fouled the rules. There is no reason at all. This is a naked double standard.

   This inferior penalty standard in 2002 naturally allowed the Argentines to slowly gain the upper hand, at least they began to take the initiative on the offensive end.

   The Chinese team’s defense is naturally in big trouble, but it is proud that they still separate Maradona from the rest of Argentina.

   Today's core defensive task, even in this environment, they are still completing their plan.

   This also made the Chinese team inevitably deflated under Korean penalties. Chen Haonan even got a yellow card on Maradona. They still managed to maintain the score at 0:0 at the end of the first half.

   The Chinese players all suffocated in the first half, but still maintained enough focus and calm on the defensive end, and did not give Maradona a chance to continue to excel again.

  Although Argentina's offense is getting bigger and bigger, it still fails to create an excellent opportunity.

  Wu Jie is also very difficult to get shot opportunities under this kind of penalty, because he can't foul at all, and the set kick is even more difficult to think about. The Chinese team only won a free kick within 40 meters in front of the goal in the first half.

   The Argentine team is another treatment. They won five free kicks within forty meters in the first half.

   The last time Maradona scored a goal today was from a free kick before the penalty area.

   But obviously, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Maradona's attainments in free kicks were not enough, and these opportunities still failed to return a goal.

   After the first half, both sides were dissatisfied with the 0:0 score, but the Chinese team was not satisfied with the score.

   "I know that fair referees are always in the underworld/hell, but I still didn't expect that today's sentence would be so underworld!"

   Lin Yaodong faced an interview on the sidelines when he was off the court. Unexpectedly, he made a mockery of being suspended. Anyway, he is not itchy.

   "The injustice under racial discrimination has a more serious impact on football than political interference, because political oppression is nothing more than dirtying the water, and racial damage actually corrupts the water."

   Wu Jie didn't show any mercy this time. Since these people dare to be so naked, he naturally dares to say more, but it depends on how thick these people are.

   But tongue-in-cheek is only one of them. The top priority now is to find a way to break the game.

   He doesn't want to just win off the court. He wins in a history that may be treated coldly.

   Today, whether it is a winner on or off the court, he will get his hands.

   If you really want to lose, it will also make you unable to deal with it coldly, forcing you to stinks for thousands of years, and even letting the World Cup be buried.


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