Big Country Sports

Chapter 279: Olympic journey (2)

Wu Jie secretly watched the women's basketball game and was planning to go to dinner with his teammates. On his incomprehensible holographic panel, a bright red color matching message suddenly popped up to remind: Chinese players Xu Haifeng and Wang Yifu in the men's 50-meter pistol slow-shot game Winning the championship and runner-up respectively.

When he received this news, his reaction was not big, because this was what happened in the original plane. Even if he did not use the cards for these two people, the two carefully set double insurances of the Chinese team should not Missed.

The honor of the first gold of the Chinese Olympic Games was not received by him and the tool people, and Wu Jie did not have any negative emotions, because he and the tool people are difficult to withdraw gold on the first day. This honor cannot be obtained.

Besides, they do not have to take this honor, as long as the honor won by Chinese athletes, all can become his gain.

Of course, those teams and players who perform crotch will naturally also be deducted some points according to their performance.

This may sound painful, but this kind of punishment is not difficult to accept, because no matter what project can win the medal, there will definitely be gains. As long as the performance of the three big **** is not particularly bad, basically the group will not be deducted.

But the embarrassment is that the Americans were not prepared for the five-star red flag, so that the first gold medal in this Olympic Games was almost the second in the awards ceremony.

This naturally made the Chinese audience speechless, and Wu Jie also felt that although this is a rare event in China that has not been troubled, the contempt in the hearts of Americans still happened.

In the end, it has been tossing for nearly an hour, and American talents transferred a five-star red flag from the venue of the weightlifting project.

But no matter how awkward the process was, the majestic national anthem of the People's Republic of China finally sounded on the shooting range of the Olympic Games for the first time!

China’s record of ‘zero’ on the Olympic gold medal list has finally been broken, which is also the first gold medal decided in this Olympic Games.

Wu Jie was having dinner with his teammates at this time. By the way, he discussed the game with the Italian team two hours later. A yellow message popped up on the holographic information board in front of him!

This color means that the news is not particularly important. Wu Jie turned his attention away. It turned out to be the result of the forgotten first match of the Chinese men’s volleyball group match. They actually beat the Brazil team with a score of 3:2 and successfully won the Olympic Games. Win.

The women's volleyball match is an hour later than the men's volleyball, but it ends half an hour earlier than the men's volleyball. This also shows that the men's volleyball match should be very anxious, and it must be very hard.

"Five rounds? No wonder it's played from 3 pm to now!"

Wu Jie saw that the men’s volleyball team defeated the weak Brazilian team in five games. There was naturally a little embarrassment in his heart, because he did accidentally forget the men’s volleyball team and did not even use any cards for them. But I didn't expect the men's volleyball team to be quite contentious.

But even if this game is won, he will not use cards for the men's volleyball team in the next game against West Germany.

If the second game still wins, then the men's volleyball team will qualify early, and the last game of the group stage will not require him to help the United States.

Wu Jie knows that this is too dogmatic, but he is not prejudiced against the men's volleyball team, but this type of multiplayer game, each game consumes too many cards.

Therefore, not only the men’s volleyball team will not be favored by him. He will not use cards for weak teams such as hockey, handball, and water polo.

There are only four men's football, men's basketball, women's basketball, and women's volleyball teams that can be blessed by him at this Olympic Games.

The sound of "ding"!

Wu Jie has just finished his meal with his teammates, and the Chinese weightlifting team also has a good news!

The star player of the Chinese weightlifting team Zeng Guoqiang helped China win the gold medal in the 52 kg weightlifting competition, but the most interesting thing is that the silver medal is actually also a Chinese. Zhou Peishun stood beside Zeng Guoqiang at the time of the award, and the expression on his face was obvious. Sense of loss.

This time there was no more embarrassment of not finding the five-star red flag. Zeng Guoqiang and Zhou Peishun were hot favorites to win the championship. They also lived up to the expectations to help the Chinese delegation win the second gold and silver medals of the Olympic Games.

Wu Jie is very concerned about the weightlifting team, because such a challenge to the limit of the human body is greatly affected by the state and performance, especially the weightlifting project basically only needs to explode once in the small and medium universe in the test, then it is likely to be directly from the top three, directly Promote to the championship position.

There will be two gold medals in today's weightlifting project. This 52-kg gold medal is also an honor that China has won on the original plane, so Wu Jie only used one gold-level low-end card for Zeng Guoqiang and Zhou Peishun. As insurance.

But I didn't expect such a card to have extraordinary effects. In addition to letting Zeng Guoqiang's champion not fail, this card also allowed him to successfully raise 110 kg in the **** competition, and then successfully grabbed 113 in the last test. Kg (the world record at this time is 112.5 kg), successfully broke the 52 kg Olympic and world **** records.

In the end, Zeng Guoqiang successfully lifted 130 kilograms in the **** competition and won the championship with a total score of 243 kilograms, and this result also broke the 52-kg world and Olympic double records.

The emergence of this gold medal naturally made the Chinese delegation stand out, because the achievements of two gold medals and two silver medals made the Chinese team not only ranked first in the gold medal list on the first day, but also ranked first in the total medal list.

But the surprise that the Chinese team brought to the world is more than that. Just before the men's basketball game against Australia, Wu Shude also helped China win the gold medal in the 56 kg weightlifting project, and the 130.5 kg and 140.5 kg The results broke the world record for **** and **** in the 56 kg class, and the total score was also 271 kg for breaking the world record and the Olympic record.

At this time, the most painful thing for the Western media was that the 56 kg silver medal was still won by Chinese player Lai Runming. His overall score was only 3.5 kg worse than Wu Shude. In the end, the **** only lifted 130 kg and the **** was 137.5 kg.

These two medals made the Western media an uproar. A total of 7 gold medals were born on the first match day today. The Chinese team took three of them and took three silver medals. Is this too exaggerated?

But Wu Jie is still not surprised, because the original Chinese team is the gold medal winner of these three projects.

After participating in the Olympic Games, China has always exerted its strength in the first half of the schedule, because most of the gold medals born at this stage are indoor single-player projects, and most of China's strong projects are also at this stage.

What he has changed now is just one more silver medal, and the performance of Chinese players is also better.

Zeng Guoqiang and Wu Shude, who were originally in the plane, did not break the world record. The media of the Soviet camp also mocked the Chinese team for such a good start afterwards, which is entirely the reason why a large number of top players did not participate.

But now this kind of voice doesn't make sense, because Zeng Guoqiang and Wu Shude both broke the world record and the Olympics record to win the championship, this gold content is very sufficient.

An hour and a half later, the American media, and a large number of American fans who are concerned about the Chinese men's basketball team, are all watching the basketball game that entered garbage time early with a complicated mood.

There is no suspense in the game between the Chinese team and the Australian men's basketball team. In the second half, there are still 8 minutes, the score on the field is already an exaggerated 96:54, and the leader is of course China that makes the audience almost speechless team.

This is not the opening ceremony. The audience in the US and the West will not support the Chinese team because of political correctness.

At this moment, I saw the Australian men's basketball team was rubbed on the ground by the Chinese team from the first minute of the game. They all felt the sense of sadness for the Australian team, which is also white-skinned.

The American media naturally knew that the strength of the Chinese men’s basketball team was above Australia, but they did not expect that the gap was so great. What was even more unexpected was how to crack the Chinese team’s unreasonable fast break and how to deal with Luda who did what he wanted.

If the Chinese women's basketball team is good by relying on the inside, in addition to being good at using fast breaks, they are also willing to play in position battles.

Then the Chinese men's basketball team is simply fast, purely quasi, and simply unreasonable.

This Chinese team has almost created a new world in the field of basketball in fast break, counterattack and shooting, but in fact they are not incapable of playing positions.

If the opponent is forced to change into a small lineup to defend, just like the Australian men's basketball team does in the second half, the Chinese team is very good at pulling the space away, and then scores through quick transfers and accurate shots, or uses the inside. Dinghai Shenzhen still can play a pleasing attack.

In this game, the Australian defense had little effect. The Chinese team scored more than 30 points in the first half through fast breaks and counterattacks.

One of the Australian attacks was unsuccessful. Ruda grabbed a rebound at the rim and hardly paused. He directly passed the field chief to Li Yaguang who rushed to the court.

After receiving a pass from Ruda on the left, Li Yaguang directly shot Song Tao who was inserted on the right side. The latter took the ball and dunked with both hands to score.

The US media has roughly estimated that the fast break launched by the Chinese team this time took up to 3 seconds and only used 2 passes, which is really a destructive speed.

This kind of "three-line fast break" and "three second attack" invented by the Chinese team have also become the hallmarks of the Chinese men's basketball team. Of course, even the best tactics need to be executed by people. The original Chinese men's basketball team cannot use this Fast break to defeat the real strong team.

But now this Chinese men’s basketball team is terrible. In terms of personal ability, the Chinese team’s fast break scoring rate reached an astonishing 60%. The most painful thing is that even if some of the Chinese team’s fast break failed, Ruda Leading insiders also have a high chance of grabbing offensive rebounds.

This is where the Australian men’s basketball team collapses. The most mind-blowing thing in basketball games is that you finally prevented the opponent’s shot, but the rebound was taken back by someone backhand, and then watched the opponent to relax in the basket. Made a layup.

This Chinese men's basketball is such a mind-blowing mentality. Ruda uses height and arm length and monster version of physical fitness, so that every time the Chinese team misses a shot, Australian players and fans will enter the most worried stage, because they are too Fearing that Ruda will get the rebound, he will always get it in the end.

In this game, Ruda played only 25 minutes, and his rebounding data reached 20, including 9 offensive rebounds.

In addition, under the leadership of Ruda, Huang Yunlong, Wang Libin, Song Tao can always grab frontcourt rebounds from time to time, who let the Australian insider run to deal with Ruda, several of them face very little defensive pressure , So you can always pick up leaks.

In the end, the Australian team with a burst of mentality was hit by a disgraceful 111:65 by the Chinese men's basketball team. The fiasco of 46 points made the Australian audience experience a nightmare that they couldn't wake up. The American and European audiences also had a chill of death.

Although the big villain Ruda only played 25 minutes, he was still the monster who ran rampant on the court and did whatever he wanted. Finally, he gave a 28 points, 20 rebounds, 6 assists, 5 blocks and 3 steals to the Chinese fans. Than his girlfriend.

Of course, what made the men's basketball team some uncomfortable afterwards was China's live broadcast. After the first half, it was transferred to another venue, because the national football team will start the first match with the old World Cup opponent Italy in another venue.

By the way, there are a total of 12 teams participating in the men’s basketball match of the Olympic Games. The group stage is divided into two groups of contests, and the top four teams each form the top eight to play out the knockout.

The fact that the US team and the Chinese team are in a group is not only a starter to improve ratings, but also to prevent the two teams from meeting before the final.

Everyone knows that there is no suspense for the two teams to qualify for the group, but if they are divided into two different groups, it is likely to meet in advance in the semifinals. This is not the result that most people want to see.

Now that the two teams are in the same group, according to the format of the first and second teams in the same group that will not meet before the final, they actually want to create a final between China and the United States.

There are 16 teams on the football side, so naturally it is divided into four groups to play the group and then each group will play the knockout stage in the first two qualifying matches. If you want to win the championship, you have to play 6 in 16 days. Game, this schedule is as unfriendly as basketball.

Group C, where the Chinese men’s football team is, is naturally another death team. In addition to the bitter main team in the World Cup, Italy, there are two strong teams in Uruguay and Scotland.

Such a nasty grouping, this terrible schedule.

The Chinese team's tactics should logically be based on defensive counterattacks. They would rather not draw points in Italy, but they obviously did not choose this seemingly reasonable arrangement.

The Italian team is determined to fight defensively, but not only the old traditions, but also because they do not have the confidence to play against this Chinese team. The most undesirable thing for all teams in this Olympics is the **** Chinese team. .

Two years ago, the Italian elite did their best and almost ended up overturning the Chinese team.

Almost all of Italy's top defenders are now unable to compete. The proud defense line can only use a large number of spare tires to play.

But can this configuration equivalent to the second team rival the Chinese team, which is significantly stronger than two years ago?

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