Big Country Sports

Chapter 270: Selection difficulties

   Wu Jie did not answer after the game why he almost cried after scoring the third goal, and he did not immediately announce his decision to leave Bayern.

   But a 100,000-word autobiography "The Diary of Munich" written by people will come out in two months.

   Of course, he will not announce that this is a ghostwriter, although few autobiographies of this type are written by themselves, it is good to move their mouths.

   This championship tonight, and 17 goals in a single season Champions League goal, naturally let him gain a lot.

In addition, it also includes a new world record of scoring 85 goals in a single season. This is the first time that someone has achieved a single season 80+ goal record in the top ten leagues in Europe. The system gives him a reward than winning the Champions League. It's much higher.

This may sound strange, but you must know that Wu Jie’s previous five league goals scored the most in a single season, or 1972/73 season was created by Ged Muller, when he scored 36 goals in the Bundesliga, plus the Champions League and domestic A total of 31 goals were scored in the cup, and finally only 67 goals were scored throughout the season.

   This record has been maintained in the original plane for nearly 40 years before being broken. However, Wu Jie expanded this record to 75 goals last season and continued to expand his own record to 85 goals this season.

This is already more than Messi’s 73 goals in the original 2011/12 season. Wu Jie believes that in addition to his next body to break this record, no one should exceed the record of 80 goals in a single season. Too.

   But the biggest gain tonight is not this, but the main line task three years ago was finally completed.

  New news...

   "Main task: break that **** stick!"

   "Mission requirements: Before the start of the Los Angeles Olympics, please help the Olympic index of mainland China exceed the United Kingdom (excluding British colonies)!"

   "Success reward: 100,000 Olympic coins + five-star sports talent + five-star special talent."

   "Task Process: Success!"

   Wu Jie hastily opened the statistics of the Global Olympic Index——

  June 1, 1984:

   1. "Soviet Union: 3154361"

   2. "United States: 291769"

   3. "Federal Germany: 1540189"

   4. "Democratic Germany: 1343272"

   11. "China: 721043"

   12, "United Kingdom: 710450"

  After seeing the news that the main task was completed, Wu Jie finally let go of a big burden.

This kind of mainline task is different from other tasks. According to his observations over the past few years, it seems that only the mainline task will have a punishment after the completion of the task, and the rest of the tasks will not be rewarded if they are not completed. The system usually takes his 28 as a punishment.

  He is now using diligently. When he uses it coolly, if he can’t use it for four consecutive years, wouldn’t it be worse than killing him?

  New news...

   "Get the main task: kill the anti-rabbit pioneer!

   "Mission requirements: Before the reunification of Germany and Germany, please help the Olympic index of mainland China exceed Germany (including Federal Germany and Democratic Germany)!"

   "Success reward: 200,000 Olympic coins + five-star sports talent + five-star special talent + 2 legendary cards + Tokuchi Buff."

   "Failure punishment: double!"

  Jie Wu has not been happy for a long time, he received a new notification from the system, or a new dash.

   "Mad, fortunately, I have already prepared, and I will start to engage in Germany."

   Wu Jie knew in his heart that the country to be engaged in the next main task was not France, and Germany was the eighth achievement.

   He thought it would be France, because the strongest comprehensive national strength in Europe was France. Although the original German blowers blew the German industry, it was still a lot worse than France with a complete industrial system.

But he neglected this sports-based system. Although German industry does not rank in the top two in Europe, it has a large gap compared to Japan, and it is far worse than the United States. However, it depends on the two Germans in sports. Shameless bonuses, of course, mainly because both camps have their eyes closed and their eyes closed, so that the two can add up to the Soviet Union and the United States before the merger.

   But what is that "Blowing Buff"?

   Wu Jie reached out and puzzled in doubt, this time the system gave the answer very clearly.

   Blowing Buff-After wearing, it can increase the air transportation in the fields of automobile manufacturing, high-end machine tool manufacturing, machinery and automation manufacturing, chemical industry, and German orthopedics.

   The explanation given by the system this time is very easy to understand, but this "qi luck" feels a bit mysterious, and it is difficult to confirm how much effect it can have.

   Wu Jie knows that in addition to the German orthopedics of shit, the other four areas are indeed the strongest representatives of German industry, although Britain, France and Japan are not worse than Germany in these areas, only better.

   But the most important thing is that these four fields are exactly the direction that China is catching up in the future. Of course, we must add a semiconductor field.

If you can really accelerate the development of these four fields before 1990, it is naturally a very pleasant harvest, because the development of the semiconductor field can not be separated from the development of high-end machine tool manufacturing and high-precision machinery and automated manufacturing, including the chemical industry. The foundation of the field of semiconductor raw materials.

   It is a pity that Germany is still far away from the first echelon in the field of semiconductors. This Buff does not contain semiconductors, otherwise it is really perfect.

   Wu Jie is nothing else, just for this buff, this task must also be completed.

   So starting today, he must do his best to engage in Germany!


   After returning from Rome to Munich, Wu Jie did not return to China for the first time. He would also participate in the citywide parade a few days later.

   But throughout the celebration, Wu Jie still did not disclose his intention to leave.

   This kind of thing can't seem too active, it is best to create a plot to be forced to leave.

   On the Chinese side, the three major ball programs have been training since the beginning of the year, including those sports that have the opportunity to impact the medals, and the final sprints are also conducted at each training base.

   Wu Jie feels that this system is not very good. This training is equivalent to concentrating resources on a small group of elites, and the rest of the athletes are naturally sacrificed relatively.

  Especially for the three major ball projects, this system of concentrating on major affairs will definitely affect a large number of ordinary players, at least they have lost their training platform.

   is now the first battle to return to the Olympics. Wu Jie agrees with this trade-off and sacrifice.

   But in the long run, the Olympics should not be overemphasized. The basic plate must be built first so as to form a positive hematopoietic cycle.

   This basic set is naturally a league of various sports.

   The so-called leagues in China are still very primitive. Basically encounter events such as the World Cup, World Championships, Olympic Games, and even domestic events such as the National Games will be seriously affected.

  It also makes the number of games and time of the year uncertain regardless of the sport, and it is very possible to even cancel it altogether.

   This year's three major ball leagues have all been cancelled, because the most important thing for Chinese sports right now is the Olympic Games, everything must serve the Olympic Games.

   As for domestic professional leagues, this needs to be done after the Los Angeles Olympics.

   Wu Jie is very optimistic about this. At this time, the "Olympic Organizing Committee Preparatory Office" has completed all the preparatory work and disbanded.

  After Wu Zhengsong and Ye Yuqi were dissolved in the office, they naturally went to the "Chinese Olympic Sports Delegation" to take up their post, which belongs to the continued gold-plating.

   Wu Zhengsong is one of the four deputy heads of the "Chinese Olympic Sports Delegation", and also serves as the leader of the football team.

  Ye Yuqi is one of the ten deputy secretary-generals of this "Chinese Olympic Sports Delegation" and also serves as the leader of the basketball team.

  After the two of them were gold-plated in the “Preparation Office of the Olympic Organizing Committee”, one of them had already served as the deputy driver of the personnel department of the Ministry of Sport, and the other had been transferred to the competition department of the sports department as the director.

  If there is no accident, both of them will go further after the Olympics.

  Of course, Wu Jie knows that the Department of Personnel is definitely the most powerful department of the Ministry of Body. Basically, the first brother of the Department of Body must first take the position of the driver of the Department of Personnel.

  As long as Wu Zhengsong can sit in this position, it can basically determine the personnel transfer of most departments of the body departments.

   The heads of small associations such as the Football Association and the Blue Association, of course, can not be said to be so arrogant in one sentence, but who can go and who can not, it is indeed the driver who has the final interpretation.

But Wu Jie is more concerned about Ye Yuqi’s department, because the competitive sports department is responsible for the domestic, intercontinental and international events held in China. To put it bluntly, it is how to build the A-A and CBA leagues in the future, and how to manage and modify them after they are built. These These are all areas of responsibility of the Department of Competitive Sports.

If Ye Yuqi can work as a driver in this department, then in the future, the domestic sports events will be organized and managed, and the rules and regulations of each event will be revised, including referee management and training for each event, and even the team building and youth development of each sport. The management of training echelons, etc., all of which are within the jurisdiction of the Department of Competitive Sports.

  Ye Yuqi's promotion in this department will not be a surprise, because it was the organization and management of the four major sports leagues that she went to the United States to investigate and study.

   This shows that the organization has decided to promote her long ago, otherwise it will not learn to match.

   When Wu Jie's football school cut the ribbon at the beginning, why there are so many body colons to win the show, it is not because he is no longer the ordinary second generation in the sports field.

   But only in this way can he exert influence on the three major leagues in the second half of the year, otherwise the identity of an athlete is still useless.

   If there are parents of the Director of Personal Affairs and the Director of Competitive Sports, then it will be completely different.


   When Wu Jie returned to China, it was already June 7. When he got off the plane, many official media received news to interview him. Among them, the most frequently asked question was "the attribution of the flag bearer."

  This is also a matter of great concern to the people in China. Who will be the Olympic flag bearer this time is confidential and will only be announced a few days before the opening ceremony.

  Ruda served as the flag bearer of the 1982 New Deria Games, but whether the flag bearer of this Olympic Games is Wu Jie or Ruda, there are many suspense in it.

   "I recommend Ruda as a flag bearer, because basketball players have a natural advantage as a flag bearer, and his improper stature is a waste!"

   Wu Jie didn't know if it was sincere, but he and Ruda are the loudest voices at present, and no one else has this weight.

  His advantage lies in global influence and the nickname of "Asia's first handsome guy".

   This is a name recognized throughout Asia, and it is by no means self-styled by the Chinese media.

   But Ruda also has an advantage, he is known as "Asia's first sportsman".

  Ruda's figure is needless to say, basketball players are inherently superior in the selection of flag bearers.

Although he is a little rough in appearance, but he has a daunting momentum, coupled with the advantages of height and body shape, just going to that station, many young people will have liver fibrillation, and it is really suitable for being Flag bearer.

  The competition between Wu Jie and Ruda is not just a flag bearer. At the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, the Chinese delegation played music, and the two also secretly competed.

In the original plane, when the Chinese sports delegation entered the stadium, the melody of the PLA military song "Three Disciplines and Eight Attentions" sounded, but this plane has two great composers, he and Ruda, so naturally it is necessary to engage in something. New tricks will do.

Wu Jie took out his work during the winter break, it was a magnificent, military-style Soviet-style music "sovietmarch", which is the theme song of the original "Red Police 3", the Chinese name is called As "Soviet March".

   Of course, he had to change his name on this plane, so he played the name of "Chinese March" in a perfunctory manner.

After the "Olympic Organizing Committee Preparatory Office", which was not disbanded at that time, received the music, almost all of them gave a five-star praise, thinking that this magnificent military music will definitely become the most shining cub at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. child.

   But there is a saying called "If you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, you are afraid of comparing goods with goods", Wang Baegu Ruda also ran to submit the manuscript shortly afterwards. This article copied the magnificent "Steel Torrent March".

   From the adjectives of the two songs, we can see that they are One is "the magnificent" and the other is "the magnificent mountains and rivers". That must be the latter one more powerful!

  The music later even alarmed the "National Day Parade Preparation Office", and several military gangsters named the "Steel Torrent March" that was numb and numb as a parade.

   Then, that "Chinese March" is also okay, that is, the style is too Soviet, but you can also use it in the military parade.

   This reluctant tone can make Wu Jie angry. When did he suffer such grievances?

   "Wang bastard, even if I **** my flag bearer, you must **** the title of the first composer in sports!"

   Wu Jie wanted to take out "victory" at the time, but it was a bit of a cannibalism to think about it.

  In fact, there is a problem with the two of them submitting articles together. The best solution for this kind of thing is that everyone takes turns to plagiarize.

   This season's Olympics uses "Steel March March", and the next Olympics uses "China March", it is fair for two people to do it one at a time.

   Next time, you can also choose from a lot of epic music such as "victory", "Undead Overture", "HerosTheme", "Sheismysin", "HesPirate", "EIDorado". .

   In short, there is no need to take out two of them at once. It’s a waste. Toothpaste must be squeezed slowly.

   Then the question is back to the original point. Which one of "China March" and "Steel Torrent March" is more suitable as the entrance music for the Chinese delegation at the Olympic opening ceremony?

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